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Crunchbase Database


Crearás una aplicación para realizar consultas a la base de datos crunchbase

Crunchbase es el lugar de referencia para descubrir tendencias en la industria, inversiones y noticias sobre cientos de miles de compañías de todo el mundo. Está reconocido como la fuente principal de inteligencia empresarial por millones de usuarios, desde start-ups hasta Fortune 500s.

Consultas a Crunchbase

Utiliza el fichero crunchdatabase.


  1. Importa la colección de companies en la bd crunchbase.
  2. Crea un nuevo proyecto node e instala los package: clear y mongodb
  3. Crea un módulo connect.js con la conexión a la bd.
  4. Importa el módulo connect.js en un fichero main.js y realiza las siguientes funciones:
    • crea un interface readLine sobre los streams stdin y stdout
    • copia la función:
  function printMenu(){
  0.- Exit
  1.- List by name all companies.
  2.- How many companies are there?
  3.- How many companies were founded in 2004?
  4.- List by name all companies founded in february of 2004.
  5.- List by name all companies founded in the summer of 2004 (april to june) sorted by date.
  6.- What companies have offices in "Barcelona".
  7.- List the 10 companies with more employees sorted ascending (show name and employees).
  8.- Find the company with the name "Facebook"
  9.- How many employees has Facebook?
  10.- List the name of all the products of Facebook
  11.- List the people that are working at Facebook right now (check relationships field)
  12.- How many people are not working anymore at Facebook
  13.- List all the companies where "david-ebersman" has worked.
  14.- List by name the competitors of Facebook
  15.- Names of the companies that has "social-networking" in tag-list (be aware that the value of field is a string check regex operators)
  16.- How many companies that has "social-network" in tag-list and founded between 2002 and 2016 inclusive
  17.- Names and locations of companies that have offices in London
  18.- How many companies that has "social-network" in tag-list and founded between 2002 and 2016 inclusive and has offices in New York
  • Crea la función mainMenu() que será un bucle infinito que se ejecutará hasta que se presione el 0 y termine el programa:
      function mainMenu(){
        rl.question('Type an option: ', (option) => {
            case "1":
              console.log('you typed 1');
              rl.question(`\nType enter to continue: `, (answer) => {mainMenu()});
            case "2":
              console.log('you typed 2');
              rl.question(`\nType enter to continue: `, (answer) => {mainMenu()});
            case "0":
              console.log(`👋👋👋👋 😞 \n`);
              db.close((error) => { process.exit(0) });



  function printMenu(){
  1. Ahora construye las queries:

La primera query quedaría dentro del case "1": del switch, entre las líneas console.log('you typed 1'); y rl.question('\nType enter to continue: ', (answer) => {mainMenu()});** 💣

db.collection('companies').find({}, {name: 1, _id: 0}).toArray((error, result) => {
  if (error) {
    rl.question(`\nType enter to continue: `, (answer) => { mainMenu() });
  } else {
    rl.question(`\nType enter to continue: `, (answer) => { mainMenu() });

Realiza las 17 consultas restantes

Bonus track

Si estás extra motivad@ aquí tienes tres consultas más:

  • Find all the distinct categories

  • How many companies mention Google in their overview.

  • Find companies founded in 2004 and having 5 or more rounds of funding, calculate the average amount raised.