From 9ddefde4ebea0d3d14202874d5dda0ce7e3cd9ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Viktor Szakats Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 02:05:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] replace robot with the original, detailed one I reduced the size by deleting a handful of very large paths inside the eyes and LEDs. They barely change the output when viewd side-by-side and possibly unnoticable otherwise. The original robot SVG was 1MB as-is. 500KB after compression. After deleting the paths, it went down to 34KB. The full logo is about the same size now as the JPG. --- trurl/trurl-logo.svg | 3129 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- 1 file changed, 2638 insertions(+), 491 deletions(-) diff --git a/trurl/trurl-logo.svg b/trurl/trurl-logo.svg index 945cfde52c..26de272d32 100644 --- a/trurl/trurl-logo.svg +++ b/trurl/trurl-logo.svg @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ sodipodi:docname="trurl-logo.svg" xmlns:inkscape="" xmlns:sodipodi="" + xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" xmlns:svg=""> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - - - + transform="matrix(0.26458333,0,0,0.26458333,-52.20238,-0.47252663)" + id="g172"> - - + d="m 374.649,55.777 c 0,0.586 -0.352,1.088 -0.858,1.303 l 0.083,-0.002 a 1.76,1.76 0 0 1 1.763,1.763 c 0,0.817 -0.55,1.5 -1.302,1.704 h 0.257 a 2.14,2.14 0 0 1 2.144,2.144 2.14,2.14 0 0 1 -1.615,2.08 l 0.08,0.004 a 2.46,2.46 0 0 1 2.467,2.466 c 0,1.06 -0.663,1.96 -1.612,2.316 a 2.796,2.796 0 0 1 2.783,2.802 c 0,1.31 -0.89,2.403 -2.05,2.714 1.834,0.003 3.27,1.438 3.27,3.222 a 3.22,3.22 0 0 1 -1.985,2.979 3.534,3.534 0 0 1 2.917,3.487 c 0,1.249 -0.64,2.343 -1.61,2.957 L 434.915,87.7 c 19.338,0 35.522,13.02 40.328,30.944 1.682,-1.57 4.002,-2.627 6.579,-2.627 h 4.513 a 9.1,9.1 0 0 1 9.121,9.12 v 26.235 a 9.1,9.1 0 0 1 -9.12,9.121 h -4.514 c -2.297,0 -4.39,-0.84 -5.955,-2.346 a 40.8,40.8 0 0 1 -9.087,18.907 c -0.59,14.106 -7.766,13.88 -12.145,13.76 l -9.976,-0.106 a 43.5,43.5 0 0 1 -9.744,1.113 l -32.954,-0.015 c 1.028,0.484 1.782,1.583 1.783,2.865 l 0.005,5.246 a 3.56,3.56 0 0 1 3.152,3.555 l -0.024,3.848 16.6,-0.026 c 4.406,-5.137 10.833,-8.365 18.014,-8.365 12.948,0 23.444,10.496 23.444,23.443 0,2.393 -0.359,4.703 -1.03,6.863 a 2.93,2.93 0 0 1 2.561,1.452 l 15.191,25.663 a 3.006,3.006 0 0 1 -0.97,4.061 l 10.094,17.055 c 0.203,0.344 0.334,0.71 0.428,1.075 9.026,0.68 16.122,8.156 16.22,17.32 l 13.512,1.91 a 2.974,2.974 0 0 1 4.197,0.418 l 12.557,15.34 c 7.893,9.567 8.534,19.088 2.077,29.017 a 1.58,1.58 0 0 1 -0.546,1.55 1.564,1.564 0 0 1 -2.207,-0.22 l -17.67,-21.61 a 1.57,1.57 0 0 1 0.22,-2.211 1.58,1.58 0 0 1 1.099,-0.357 2.9,2.9 0 0 0 -0.934,-0.251 2.96,2.96 0 0 0 -2.185,0.655 l -7.296,5.972 a 2.96,2.96 0 0 0 -1.073,2.012 c -0.03,0.3 -0.016,0.603 0.045,0.892 a 1.57,1.57 0 0 1 2.772,-0.812 l 17.67,21.61 a 1.57,1.57 0 0 1 -0.22,2.211 1.54,1.54 0 0 1 -1.699,0.18 c -10.106,3.712 -20.23,0.937 -27.315,-8.135 l -12.556,-15.34 a 2.974,2.974 0 0 1 0.418,-4.196 l 1.027,-10.95 c -9.404,-0.324 -16.95,-8.052 -16.95,-17.542 0,-2.616 0.573,-5.098 1.64,-7.326 a 3.8,3.8 0 0 1 -0.712,-0.864 l -10.104,-17.066 -0.118,0.068 c -1.433,0.826 -3.247,0.375 -4.089,-1.048 l -14.273,-24.199 a 20,20 0 0 1 -3.225,0.247 c -0.86,0 -1.709,-0.047 -2.643,-0.29 l -0.06,68.798 c 0,5.072 -4.083,9.156 -9.247,9.142 2.811,1.459 4.793,4.469 4.793,7.959 a 8.8,8.8 0 0 1 -4.998,7.975 c 2.942,1.413 4.998,4.47 4.998,8.025 0,4.424 -3.184,8.076 -7.287,8.805 4.211,0.813 7.287,4.416 7.287,8.765 0,3.667 -2.188,6.804 -5.349,8.146 3.148,1.335 5.35,4.48 5.35,8.158 0,0.947 -0.151,1.817 -0.449,2.582 15.108,2.117 27.618,9.803 33.604,20.104 7.577,13.318 2.53,14.576 -9.354,14.662 -18.378,0.421 -51.381,0.167 -68.692,-0.13 -9.23,0.133 -11.03,-1.412 -10.862,-14.59 0.27,-8.936 -0.711,-13.402 7.516,-16.107 -2.05,-1.568 -3.367,-3.718 -3.367,-6.521 a 8.8,8.8 0 0 1 5.323,-8.119 c -3.105,-1.339 -5.323,-4.494 -5.323,-8.185 0,-4.407 3.16,-8.05 7.24,-8.805 -4.186,-0.84 -7.24,-4.433 -7.24,-8.765 a 8.87,8.87 0 0 1 4.962,-7.988 8.91,8.91 0 0 1 -4.962,-8.012 8.86,8.86 0 0 1 4.931,-7.973 l -23.624,0.008 a 8.89,8.89 0 0 1 4.878,7.965 8.94,8.94 0 0 1 -4.952,8.02 8.87,8.87 0 0 1 4.952,7.98 c 0,4.42 -3.178,8.07 -7.36,8.789 a 8.89,8.89 0 0 1 7.36,8.78 8.75,8.75 0 0 1 -5.356,8.114 c 3.117,1.314 5.356,4.481 5.356,8.19 0,2.821 -1.332,4.98 -3.43,6.522 8.298,2.673 7.31,7.138 7.58,16.106 0.167,13.178 -1.632,14.723 -10.862,14.591 -17.311,0.297 -50.315,0.551 -68.692,0.13 -11.884,-0.086 -16.931,-1.344 -9.355,-14.662 5.972,-10.276 18.435,-17.95 33.54,-20.123 a 8.915,8.915 0 0 1 4.903,-10.732 8.86,8.86 0 0 1 -5.287,-8.135 8.88,8.88 0 0 1 7.395,-8.779 c -4.191,-0.693 -7.395,-4.354 -7.395,-8.791 a 9.05,9.05 0 0 1 4.88,-8.026 c -2.924,-1.514 -4.88,-4.507 -4.88,-7.974 a 8.93,8.93 0 0 1 4.835,-7.96 l -3.281,0.014 a 9.137,9.137 0 0 1 -9.155,-9.155 l -0.038,-68.788 c -0.874,0.234 -1.723,0.28 -2.583,0.28 -1.116,0 -2.213,-0.078 -3.225,-0.246 l -14.273,24.199 c -0.842,1.423 -2.656,1.873 -4.089,1.048 l -0.118,-0.069 -10.104,17.066 c -0.202,0.343 -0.46,0.632 -0.713,0.864 a 16.9,16.9 0 0 1 1.641,7.327 c 0,9.49 -7.546,17.218 -16.95,17.541 l 1.027,10.95 a 2.974,2.974 0 0 1 0.418,4.197 l -12.556,15.34 c -7.085,9.071 -17.21,11.846 -27.315,8.135 a 1.54,1.54 0 0 1 -1.698,-0.18 1.57,1.57 0 0 1 -0.22,-2.211 l 17.669,-21.61 a 1.57,1.57 0 0 1 2.773,0.811 c 0.06,-0.289 0.074,-0.592 0.044,-0.891 a 2.96,2.96 0 0 0 -1.073,-2.012 l -7.296,-5.973 a 2.96,2.96 0 0 0 -2.185,-0.655 2.9,2.9 0 0 0 -0.934,0.252 c 0.385,-0.022 0.777,0.093 1.098,0.356 a 1.57,1.57 0 0 1 0.22,2.211 l -17.669,21.61 a 1.564,1.564 0 0 1 -2.207,0.22 1.58,1.58 0 0 1 -0.546,-1.55 c -6.457,-9.928 -5.816,-19.45 2.077,-29.017 l 12.557,-15.34 a 2.974,2.974 0 0 1 4.197,-0.418 l 13.511,-1.91 c 0.099,-9.164 7.195,-16.64 16.221,-17.32 0.094,-0.365 0.225,-0.731 0.428,-1.075 l 10.093,-17.054 a 3.006,3.006 0 0 1 -0.969,-4.061 l 15.191,-25.663 a 2.93,2.93 0 0 1 2.56,-1.452 23.1,23.1 0 0 1 -1.029,-6.863 c 0,-12.948 10.496,-23.444 23.444,-23.444 7.18,0 13.608,3.229 17.905,8.347 l 20.451,0.026 0.024,-3.83 c 0,-1.987 1.601,-3.503 3.587,-3.586 l 0.475,-0.02 0.008,-5.194 c 0,-1.291 0.765,-2.397 1.792,-2.87 l -36.458,0.02 c -3.386,0 -6.675,-0.4 -9.718,-1.14 l -6.922,0.015 c -9.183,0.248 -16.627,0.485 -16.602,-15.578 -3.655,-4.441 -6.317,-10.054 -7.647,-16.166 a 8.96,8.96 0 0 1 -5.042,1.54 h -4.514 a 9.1,9.1 0 0 1 -9.12,-9.12 v -26.235 a 9.1,9.1 0 0 1 9.12,-9.12 h 4.514 c 2.178,0 4.173,0.755 5.738,2.059 4.91,-17.547 20.998,-30.373 40.193,-30.376 l 47.219,-0.006 a 3.52,3.52 0 0 1 -1.568,-2.936 3.545,3.545 0 0 1 2.907,-3.493 3.22,3.22 0 0 1 -1.974,-2.973 c 0,-1.783 1.435,-3.22 3.288,-3.217 -1.161,-0.294 -2.07,-1.396 -2.07,-2.719 0,-1.428 1.061,-2.6 2.441,-2.773 a 2.46,2.46 0 0 1 -1.7,-2.345 c 0,-1.367 1.1,-2.47 2.467,-2.466 h 0.096 a 2.14,2.14 0 0 1 -1.63,-2.083 c 0,-1.188 0.956,-2.144 2.143,-2.144 h 0.257 a 1.76,1.76 0 0 1 -1.302,-1.704 1.76,1.76 0 0 1 1.764,-1.764 l 0.076,0.002 a 1.42,1.42 0 0 1 -0.85,-1.303 c 0,-0.38 0.147,-0.725 0.36,-0.972 -6.262,-1.785 -10.825,-7.532 -10.825,-14.345 0,-8.246 6.685,-14.931 14.932,-14.931 8.247,0 14.931,6.685 14.931,14.93 0,7.053 -4.888,12.962 -11.456,14.51 0.17,0.215 0.268,0.5 0.268,0.808" + filter="url(#m)" + opacity="0.45" + id="path111" /> - + transform="matrix(-1,0,0,1,745.353,0)" + id="g117"> + + + fill="url(#p)" + d="m 225.841,293.794 a 2.974,2.974 0 0 0 -4.197,0.418 l -12.556,15.34 c -7.894,9.567 -8.535,19.089 -2.081,29.015 l 18.03,-22.024 a 2.96,2.96 0 0 1 2.012,-1.073 2.96,2.96 0 0 1 2.184,0.655 l 7.296,5.972 c 0.64,0.524 0.998,1.254 1.074,2.013 a 2.96,2.96 0 0 1 -0.655,2.184 l -17.919,21.89 c 10.111,3.718 20.236,0.943 27.32,-8.129 l 12.557,-15.339 a 2.974,2.974 0 0 0 -0.419,-4.197 l -1.432,-15.455 -16.323,-13.363 z" + id="path112" + style="fill:url(#radialGradient386)" /> + + + + + + + + fill="url(#D)" + d="m 227.478,302.178 a 2.05,2.05 0 0 0 -2.891,0.288 l -8.65,10.567 c -5.438,6.591 -7.858,11.477 -3.412,18.315 l 12.42,-15.171 a 2.04,2.04 0 0 1 1.387,-0.74 2.04,2.04 0 0 1 1.505,0.451 l 8.981,7.31 c 0.44,0.36 0.687,0.863 0.74,1.385 a 2.04,2.04 0 0 1 -0.452,1.505 l -12.344,15.08 c 6.966,2.561 11.963,-0.871 16.843,-7.121 l 8.65,-10.567 a 2.05,2.05 0 0 0 -0.288,-2.891 l -0.987,-10.647 -11.244,-9.205 z" + id="path117" + style="fill:url(#radialGradient391)" /> + + + + + + + + fill="url(#L)" + d="m 493.657,121.16 v 26.235 a 9.1,9.1 0 0 1 -9.121,9.121 h -4.514 a 9.1,9.1 0 0 1 -9.12,-9.121 v -26.234 a 9.1,9.1 0 0 1 9.12,-9.121 h 4.514 a 9.1,9.1 0 0 1 9.12,9.12" + id="path123" + style="fill:url(#L)" /> + + + + fill="url(#p)" + d="m 225.841,293.794 a 2.974,2.974 0 0 0 -4.197,0.418 l -12.556,15.34 c -7.894,9.567 -8.535,19.089 -2.081,29.015 l 18.03,-22.024 a 2.96,2.96 0 0 1 2.012,-1.073 2.96,2.96 0 0 1 2.184,0.655 l 7.296,5.972 c 0.64,0.524 0.998,1.254 1.074,2.013 a 2.96,2.96 0 0 1 -0.655,2.184 l -17.919,21.89 c 10.111,3.718 20.236,0.943 27.32,-8.129 l 12.557,-15.339 a 2.974,2.974 0 0 0 -0.419,-4.197 l -1.432,-15.455 -16.323,-13.363 z" + id="path126" + style="fill:url(#p)" /> + + + + + + + + fill="url(#D)" + d="m 227.478,302.178 a 2.05,2.05 0 0 0 -2.891,0.288 l -8.65,10.567 c -5.438,6.591 -7.858,11.477 -3.412,18.315 l 12.42,-15.171 a 2.04,2.04 0 0 1 1.387,-0.74 2.04,2.04 0 0 1 1.505,0.451 l 8.981,7.31 c 0.44,0.36 0.687,0.863 0.74,1.385 a 2.04,2.04 0 0 1 -0.452,1.505 l -12.344,15.08 c 6.966,2.561 11.963,-0.871 16.843,-7.121 l 8.65,-10.567 a 2.05,2.05 0 0 0 -0.288,-2.891 l -0.987,-10.647 -11.244,-9.205 z" + id="path131" + style="fill:url(#D)" /> + fill="url(#N)" + d="m 121.16,-276.265 h 26.235 a 9.1,9.1 0 0 1 9.121,9.121 v 4.513 a 9.1,9.1 0 0 1 -9.121,9.121 h -26.234 a 9.1,9.1 0 0 1 -9.121,-9.12 v -4.514 a 9.1,9.1 0 0 1 9.12,-9.121" + transform="rotate(90)" + id="path132" + style="fill:url(#N)" /> + fill="url(#O)" + d="m 313.076,83.723 h 120.04 c 23.12,0 41.734,18.614 41.734,41.735 v 20.652 c 0,23.12 -18.613,41.734 -41.734,41.734 h -120.04 c -23.121,0 -41.735,-18.613 -41.735,-41.734 v -20.652 c 0,-23.121 18.614,-41.735 41.734,-41.735" + id="path133" + style="fill:url(#O)" /> + + + - - + stroke-width="3.515" + d="m 315.552,256.07 h 13.332 l 9.824,-30.174 5.964,30.524 7.368,-13.332 11.227,29.823 6.666,-19.297 15.438,-0.35 6.316,-23.156 6.315,37.542 6.315,-24.56 3.51,12.63 h 20.35" + filter="url(#S)" + id="path135" /> + + stroke-width="1.795" + d="m 347.174,288.73 h 50.361 a 3.386,3.386 0 0 1 3.394,3.394 v 0.188 a 3.386,3.386 0 0 1 -3.394,3.394 h -50.361 a 3.386,3.386 0 0 1 -3.394,-3.394 v -0.188 a 3.386,3.386 0 0 1 3.394,-3.394" + id="path136" + style="fill:url(#U);stroke:url(#V)" /> + stroke-width="1.795" + d="m 347.174,302.122 h 50.361 a 3.386,3.386 0 0 1 3.394,3.393 v 0.189 a 3.386,3.386 0 0 1 -3.394,3.394 h -50.361 a 3.386,3.386 0 0 1 -3.394,-3.394 v -0.189 a 3.386,3.386 0 0 1 3.394,-3.393" + id="path137" + style="fill:url(#W);stroke:url(#X)" /> + d="m 448.457,183.277 c 9.182,0.249 16.627,0.485 16.627,-15.928 v -23.713 c 0.104,-5.04 -1.115,-7.768 -6.915,-7.768 h -10.003 c -4.72,-0.055 -7.811,1.408 -11.004,5.048 l -10.451,11.085 c -4.301,4.777 -7.989,6.649 -16.16,6.864 h -76.695 c -7.686,-0.215 -11.374,-2.087 -15.675,-6.864 L 307.73,140.916 c -3.193,-3.64 -6.283,-5.103 -11.004,-5.048 h -10.003 c -5.8,0 -7.02,2.728 -6.915,7.768 v 23.713 c 0,16.413 7.444,16.177 16.627,15.928 z" + filter="url(#Y)" + opacity="0.45" + id="path138" /> + + fill="#ffffff" + fill-opacity="0.595" + d="m 448.457,186.719 c 9.182,0.249 16.627,0.485 16.627,-15.928 v -23.713 c 0.104,-5.04 -1.115,-7.768 -6.915,-7.768 h -10.003 c -4.72,-0.055 -7.811,1.408 -11.004,5.048 l -10.451,11.085 c -4.301,4.777 -7.989,6.649 -16.16,6.864 h -76.695 c -7.686,-0.215 -11.374,-2.087 -15.675,-6.864 L 307.73,144.358 c -3.193,-3.64 -6.283,-5.103 -11.004,-5.048 h -10.003 c -5.8,0 -7.02,2.728 -6.915,7.768 v 23.713 c 0,16.413 7.444,16.177 16.627,15.928 z" + id="path140" /> + transform="translate(95.431)" + id="g141"> + + - - + stroke="url(#af)" + stroke-linecap="round" + stroke-linejoin="round" + stroke-width="0.663" + id="circle141" + style="stroke:url(#radialGradient398)" /> - - - + stroke-width="2.811" + rx="9.0380001" + ry="9.0369997" + id="ellipse141" + style="fill:url(#radialGradient399);stroke:url(#ab)" /> - - + - - - - - + stroke-width="0.663" + id="circle142" + style="stroke:url(#af)" /> - + fill="url(#T)" + d="m 429.55,216.134 v 63.383 a 3.386,3.386 0 0 1 -3.394,3.394 H 318.214 c 43.648,-17.289 83.6,-43.771 111.336,-66.777" + opacity="0.436" + id="path143" /> + id="g147"> + id="g146"> + stroke="#00ff00" + stroke-width="2.807" + d="m 315.52,253.44 h 13.332 l 9.824,-30.174 5.964,30.524 7.368,-13.332 11.227,29.823 6.667,-19.297 15.438,-0.35 6.315,-23.157 6.315,37.542 6.316,-24.56 3.508,12.631 h 20.35" + id="path144" /> + + stroke="url(#ai)" + stroke-width="1.389" + d="m 315.52,253.44 h 13.332 l 9.824,-30.174 5.964,30.524 7.368,-13.332 11.227,29.823 6.667,-19.297 15.438,-0.35 6.315,-23.157 6.315,37.542 6.316,-24.56 3.508,12.631 h 20.35" + filter="url(#aj)" + id="path146" + style="stroke:url(#ai)" /> + - + - + - - + stroke-width="0.952" + id="circle147" + style="stroke:url(#ao)" /> + fill="url(#ap)" + d="m 360.404,414.54 c -17.31,0.296 -50.314,0.551 -68.692,0.13 -11.884,-0.086 -16.93,-1.344 -9.354,-14.662 7.093,-12.207 23.347,-20.742 42.264,-20.742 11.052,0 26.722,1.466 37.27,4.09 10.226,2.602 9.086,7.046 9.374,16.593 0.167,13.178 -1.631,14.723 -10.862,14.59" + id="path148" + style="fill:url(#ap)" /> + + + + fill="url(#at)" + d="m 324.445,368.39 h 33.74 a 8.91,8.91 0 0 1 8.932,8.932 c 0,4.948 -4.101,7.859 -8.932,8.93 -12.477,2.77 -23.554,2.388 -33.74,0 -4.817,-1.128 -8.931,-3.982 -8.931,-8.93 a 8.91,8.91 0 0 1 8.93,-8.932" + id="path150" + style="fill:url(#radialGradient403)" /> - - + transform="translate(92.452,104.1)" + id="g153"> + + + + - - - - - - - + transform="translate(51.767,-72.965)" + id="g157"> + + + + + + + + + + - - - - - - - + fill="url(#au)" + d="m 387.644,414.54 c 17.311,0.296 50.315,0.551 68.692,0.13 11.884,-0.086 16.931,-1.344 9.355,-14.662 -7.094,-12.207 -23.348,-20.742 -42.265,-20.742 -11.051,0 -26.721,1.466 -37.269,4.09 -10.226,2.602 -9.087,7.046 -9.375,16.593 -0.167,13.178 1.632,14.723 10.862,14.59" + id="path161" + style="fill:url(#au)" /> + transform="matrix(-1,0,0,1,748.048,0)" + id="g167"> + + + + - - - - + transform="translate(92.452,104.1)" + id="g166"> + + + + - - - - - - + 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