If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to start a discussion. Before starting to work on a feature, please check back with me briefly about its status.
Support Markdown.
Use separate file for storing CSS to allow users to override styles more easily.
Make default CSS prettier.
Allow searching for days that contain multiple words or tags.
Search and replace (useful for renaming tags and other names). Show "replace" text field after search text has been entered.
Add simple way to show all entries: allow searching for whitespace (i.e., don't strip whitespace from search string).
Copy files and pictures into data subdirectory (#163, #469).
Require minimum width for calendar panel to avoid hiding it by accident.
Data safety:
- Make sure that RedNotebook contents are saved under Windows when system is shut down.
- Make sure there is no race condition between automatic and manual saving that could cause data corruption.
- Make sure we use libyaml and not yaml on Windows.
- Check that images work on Windows in LaTeX exports.
- When searching for a hashtag (see #498):
- if hashtag is the only text on the line: show text around hashtag.
- otherwise, show all content on the line except for the hashtag.
- When searching for a hashtag, scroll to hashtag and highlight it.
- Optional: enable right-side tags panel by default, if journal has right-side tags.
- Transform existing right-side tags foo:bar to "#foo bar" when loading a journal.
- Remove code for right-side tags panel.
- Auto-completion for hashtags.
- Add macro system that takes a macro like
and renders it for the preview, e.g., an HTML snippet that displays that day's weather symbol. - Live preview of selected font in editor pane.
- Allow exporting the entries of a search result.
- Translate help page.
- Allow hashtags with non-alphanumeric characters, e.g.,
. - Add menus to forward and backward buttons to navigate to recently visited days.
- Make deleting templates easier.
- Translate templates.
- Enable faulthandler module (https://docs.python.org/3/library/faulthandler.html, added in Python 3.3).
After switching to Markdown, add the following features:
- Insert Latex formulas
- Preview Latex formulas
- Highlight formulas in edit mode
- Support formulas in all export formats
- Add menu item for inserting formulas
- Tables
- Highlight tables in edit mode
- Numbered lists
- Add quotes by indenting them with a tab
- verbatim / raw ( """/"" - supported, undocumented) (too confusing / poorly behaving)
- remote pictures (pictures would have to be downloaded and saved in a folder for exports)
- Copy/Paste category entries (Too complicated)
- Add --portable command line parameter (The default config file is better)
- word wrapping while editing category entries (too complicated, would involve writing C code)
- Language selection for spell checking (is already implemented in new versions of gtkspell)
- Todo tab next to clouds (KISS)
- Automatic Backups (KISS, intruding, gentle messages are better)
- Rethink linebreaks? (Changing paragraphs in txt2tags will probably crash everything, Current behaviour should be fine)
- allow opening config file from within RedNotebook (Probably no good idea as some options might be unavailable or confusing)
- Make the Format button remember its last action -> No, current behaviour good enough.
- Tabs for different notebooks (KISS)
- Add option for time interval between automatic savings? (KISS)
- Let user select the language for RedNotebook in Windows installer (Users probably want their default language)
- Get proper file layout with one script not part of module (Everything works without name clashes)
- Use threads for file loading and link opening (Probably a bad idea since threads are a source of errors)
- List recently opened journals under "Journal" -> "Recently Used" (KISS, config option needed)
- Drag and Drop for Windows (gtk inter application dnd isn't implemented on win32)
- Use configobj for config files (KISS, Never change A running system ;)
- Search for multiple words at the same time (KISS)
- For each journal to have its own templates (KISS)
- Let the Search type selection remember the selection between sessions (KISS)
- Let the Annotate and Tag window box remember their positions between sessions (KISS)
- Select template file when clicking the button instead of adding weekday's file
- Use categories for number data and present it graphically (KMs, Cash, Calories) (KISS)
- Check for duplicates in cloud blacklists (Does not make much sense since each word can only be right-clicked once in the cloud)
- Right-click on word in main text area to add it to cloud whitelist (Functionality will be difficult to find, would have to be implemented for preview as well)
- Image resizing with PIL (The width parameter is more useful)
- Use attributes for formatting glade strings for easier translation (requires GTK 2.16 and does not make much sense now that all strings have been translated)
- Move the "update application" command into the help menu (central place for the checking is better)
- Use a custom config.t2t per diary (This will be overkill for most users and having a data subdirectory for images etc. will suffice)
- Open the exported file after the export? (No other program does that)
- Monitor clipboard and add all copied stuff into RedNotebook in "clip mode" (unintuitive, KISS)
- Generalize tags to "hierarchical tags" (This is the job of outliners)
- Add additional one-click menu (like the one with Search and Tags Cloud) that contains quick links to other journals (KISS)
- Syntaxhighlighting support (pygments) (KISS, can probably be done with javascript)
- Support for 'inline files': read content from file upon preview of page and add the contents of the file inline (which allows for 'dynamic' content) (KISS)
- Field or shortcut to enter a date and takes you there (One navigation suffices)
- Disable cache for preview to support previewing externally changed files (Rarely used, might slowdown app)
- Use new markup for images: {/home/user/pic.png?50} (Too disruptive)
- Support %!include, %!preprocess, etc. (very txt2tags specific)
- Encryption (there are dedicated tools for encrypting files)
- Highlight the current day in the calendar (#466, Gtk.Calendar supports only one highlight style)