This document enumerates invariants of DataFusion's logical and physical planes (functions, and nodes). Some of these invariants are currently not enforced. This document assumes that the reader is familiar with some of the codebase, including rust arrow's RecordBatch and Array.
DataFusion's computational model is built on top of a dynamically typed arrow
object, Array, that offers the interface Array::as_any
to downcast itself to
its statically typed versions (e.g. Int32Array
). DataFusion uses
to perform the respective downcasting on its physical
operations. DataFusion uses a dynamic type system because the queries being
executed are not always known at compile time: they are only known during the
runtime (or query time) of programs built with DataFusion. This document is
built on top of this principle.
In dynamically typed interfaces, it is up to developers to enforce type invariances. This document declares some of these invariants, so that users know what they can expect from a query in DataFusion, and DataFusion developers know what they need to enforce at the coding level.
- Field or physical field: the tuple name,
and nullability flag (a bool whether values can be null), represented in this document byPF(name, type, nullable)
- Logical field: Field with a relation name. Represented in this document by
LF(relation, name, type, nullable)
- Projected plan: plan with projection as the root node.
- Logical schema: a vector of logical fields, used by logical plan.
- Physical schema: a vector of physical fields, used by both physical plan and Arrow record batch.
An object that knows its valid incoming logical fields and how to derive its output logical field from its arguments' logical fields. A functions' output field is itself a function of its input fields:
logical_field(lf1: LF, lf2: LF, ...) -> LF
plus(a,b) -> LF(None, "{a} Plus {b}", d(a.type,b.type), a.nullable | b.nullable)
where d is the function mapping input types to output type (get_supertype
in our current implementation).length(a) -> LF(None, "length({a})", u32, a.nullable)
A tree composed of other plans and functions (e.g. Projection c1 + c2, c1 - c2 AS sum12; Scan c1 as u32, c2 as u64
that knows how to derive its schema.
Certain plans have a frozen schema (e.g. Scan), while others derive their schema from their child nodes.
An identifier in a logical plan consists of field name and relation name.
An object that knows how to derive its physical field from its arguments' physical fields, and also how to actually perform the computation on data. A functions' output physical field is a function of its input physical fields:
physical_field(PF1, PF2, ...) -> PF
plus(a,b) -> PF("{a} Plus {b}", d(a.type,b.type), a.nullable | b.nullable)
where d is a complex function (get_supertype
in our current implementation) whose computation is for each element in the columns, sum the two entries together and return it in the same type as the smallest type of both columns.length(&str) -> PF("length({a})", u32, a.nullable)
whose computation is "count number of bytes in the string".
A tree (e.g. Projection c1 + c2, c1 - c2 AS sum12; Scan c1 as u32, c2 as u64
that knows how to derive its metadata and compute itself.
Note how the physical plane does not know how to derive field names: field names are solely a property of the logical plane, as they are not needed in the physical plane.
A type of physical node in a physical plan consists of a field name and unique index.
A map of source name/relation -> Schema plus associated properties necessary to read data from it (e.g. file path).
A map of function name -> logical + physical function.
A function that knows how to derive a physical plan from a logical plan:
plan(LogicalPlan) -> PhysicalPlan
A function that accepts a logical plan and returns an (optimized) logical plan which computes the same results, but in a more efficient manner:
optimize(LogicalPlan) -> LogicalPlan
A function that accepts a physical plan and returns an (optimized) physical plan which computes the same results, but may differ based on the actual hardware or execution environment being run:
optimize(PhysicalPlan) -> PhysicalPlan
A function that knows how to build a new logical plan from an existing logical plan and some extra parameters.
build(logical_plan, params...) -> logical_plan
The following subsections describe invariants. Since functions' output schema
depends on its arguments' schema (e.g. min, plus), the resulting schema can
only be derived based on a known set of input schemas (TableProvider).
Likewise, schemas of functions depend on the specific registry of functions
registered (e.g. does my_op
return u32 or u64?). Thus, in this section, the
wording "same schema" is understood to mean "same schema under a given registry
of data sources and functions".
Every logical field's (relation, name) tuple in a logical schema MUST be unique. Every logical column's (relation, name) tuple in a logical plan MUST be unique.
This invariant guarantees that SELECT, FROM t1 JOIN t2...
unambiguously selects the field
in a logical schema in the
logical plane.
It is the logical builder and optimizer's responsibility to guarantee this invariant.
Builder and optimizer MUST error if this invariant is violated on any logical node that creates a new schema (e.g. scan, projection, aggregation, join, etc.).
The contents of every Array in every RecordBatch in every partition returned by a physical plan MUST be consistent with RecordBatch's schema, in that every Array in the RecordBatch must be downcastable to its corresponding type declared in the RecordBatch.
Physical functions MUST guarantee this invariant. This is particularly important in aggregate functions, whose aggregating type may be different from the intermediary types during calculations (e.g. sum(i32) -> i64).
Since the validation of this invariant is computationally expensive, execution
contexts CAN validate this invariant. It is acceptable for physical nodes to
if their input does not satisfy this invariant.
The schema of every Array returned by a physical function MUST match the DataType reported by the physical function itself.
This ensures that when a physical function claims that it returns a type (e.g. Int32), users can safely downcast its resulting Array to the corresponding type (e.g. Int32Array), as well as to write data to formats that have a schema with nullability flag (e.g. parquet).
It is the responsibility of the developer that writes a physical function to guarantee this invariant.
In particular:
- The derived DataType matches the code it uses to build the array for every branch of valid input type combinations.
- The nullability flag matches how the values are built.
Since the validation of this invariant is computationally expensive, execution contexts CAN validate this invariant.
The physical schema derived by a physical plan returned by the planner MUST be equivalent to the physical schema derived by the logical plan passed to the planner. Specifically:
plan(logical_plan).schema === logical_plan.physical_schema
Logical plan's physical schema is defined as logical schema with relation qualifiers stripped for all logical fields:
logical_plan.physical_schema = vector[ strip_relation(f) for f in logical_plan.logical_fields ]
This is used to ensure that the physical schema of its (logical) plan is what it gets in record batches, so that users can rely on the optimized logical plan to know the resulting physical schema.
Note that since a logical plan can be as simple as a single projection with a
single function, Projection f(c1,c2)
, a corollary of this is that the
physical schema of every logical function -> physical function
must be
invariant under planning.
Developers of physical and logical plans and planners MUST guarantee this invariant for every triplet (logical plan, physical plan, conversion rule).
Planners MUST validate this invariant. In particular they MUST return an error when, during planning, a physical function's derived schema does not match the logical functions' derived schema.
The schema of every RecordBatch in every partition outputted by a physical plan MUST be equal to the schema of the physical plan. Specifically:
physical_plan.evaluate(batch).schema = physical_plan.schema
Together with other invariants, this ensures that the consumers of record batches do not need to know the output schema of the physical plan; they can safely rely on the record batch's schema to perform downscaling and naming.
Physical nodes MUST guarantee this invariant.
Execution Contexts CAN validate this invariant.
The logical schema derived by a projected logical plan returned by the logical optimizer MUST be equivalent to the logical schema derived by the logical plan passed to the planner:
optimize(logical_plan).schema === logical_plan.schema
This is used to ensure that plans can be optimized without jeopardizing future referencing logical columns (name and index) or assumptions about their schemas.
Logical optimizers MUST guarantee this invariant.
Users of logical optimizers SHOULD validate this invariant.
The physical schema derived by a projected physical plan returned by the physical optimizer MUST match the physical schema derived by the physical plan passed to the planner:
optimize(physical_plan).schema === physical_plan.schema
This is used to ensure that plans can be optimized without jeopardizing future referencs of logical columns (name and index) or assumptions about their schemas.
Optimizers MUST guarantee this invariant.
Users of optimizers SHOULD validate this invariant.