All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add Roy Keyes to contributors (Philip Chase)
- Add pictures and text describing the process of uploading an instrument to REDCap (Roy Keyes)
- Add instructions for downloading the latest packaged forms (Philip Chase)
- Add developer instructions to upload packages for each release (Philip Chase)
- Add mention of University of Florida features, rephrase requirements, and wrap text in (Philip Chase)
- Consolidate coding forms into parent forms and adopt draft UF IRB questions. (Philip Chase)
- Add MEDDRA LLT lookup to ae_suppae_aesosp (Philip Chase)
- Add field annotations to ae_aesdth field (Philip Chase)
- Restore HCVTarget-like conmeds fields with a pick list and auto-completed 'other' field (Philip Chase)
- Update README and README-developer with more details on contributing, contributors, development workflows, and typographical fixes. (Philip Chase)
- Revise 'make clean' to remove zip files (Philip Chase)
- Repair form list in (Philip Chase)
- Remove transfusion fields from cm_coding form (Philip Chase)
- Initial release of Adverse Events and Concomitant Medication instruments