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Setup Voi Ballast Node(Docker)

Secure your server

Follow this guide.

Remember to open up the port you change ssh service to via: sudo ufw allow PORTNUMBER/tcp

Add Docker's official GPG key:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg

Add the repository to Apt sources:

echo \
  "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
  $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \
  sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update

Install Docker

sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

Install Docker Compose

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin

Install jq

sudo apt install jq

Setup permissions

sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
newgrp docker

Create Node Folder

mkdir ~/node

Create Node Files

Enter your newly created node folder.

cd node

Participation Node Config Files

Create the following 3 files:

sudo touch config.json

User nano to edit these files:

sudo nano FILENAME
config.json content
	"DNSBootstrapID": "<network>",
	"EnableCatchupFromArchiveServers": true

Server Files

Go back to your home directory


Create the following 3 files:

sudo touch
sudo touch
sudo touch docker-compose.yaml

User nano to edit these files:

sudo nano FILENAME content
CP=$(curl -s|jq -r '.["last-catchpoint"]')
./ node catchup $CP content
docker exec -t node-voitnet-catchup /node/goal -d /node/data $@
docker-compose.yaml content

If you are setting up a node to run the ballast bot you need the first .yaml file, otherwise the second.

Ballast Node + Ballast Bot
version: "3.4"
    container_name: voibota
    image: urtho/voibot:latest
    restart: always
      - type: bind
        source: ./config.jsonc
        target: /config.jsonc
    container_name: node-voitnet-catchup
    image: urtho/algod-voitest-rly:latest
      - type: bind
        source: /mnt/voitest-v1
        target: /node/data/voitest-v1
      - type: bind
        source: ./node/config.json
        target: /node/data/config.json
    restart: always
      - "/node/algod"
      - "-d"
      - "/node/data"
    network_mode: host
Ballast Node Only
version: "3.4"
    container_name: node-voitnet-catchup
    image: urtho/algod-voitest-rly:latest
      - type: bind
        source: /mnt/voitest-v1
        target: /node/data/voitest-v1
      - type: bind
        source: ./node/config.json
        target: /node/data/config.json
    restart: always
      - "/node/algod"
      - "-d"
      - "/node/data"
    network_mode: host

Make Bash files Executable

chmod +x ~/
chmod +x ~/

Mount Node data folder

sudo mkdir /mnt/voitest-v1

Pull Docker Image

You only need to run the first command if you are configuring just the ballast node and not the bot too.

docker pull urtho/algod-voitest-rly
docker pull urtho/voibot

Account Setup

Create Ballast Accounts

Create 3 ballast accounts each with a public address ending in "2VOI".

Create Master Account

Create an account to manage the ballast accounts.

Send Urtho Information

Send the public addresses to Urtho ([email protected])

Configure Ballast Bot

In your home directory (same as yaml file) create the following file and paste the content:

sudo nano config.jsonc

  "algod-api": {
    "address": "",
    "token": ""
  "av-api": {
    "address": "",
    "token": ""
  "pkeys": {
    "EQBOT": "Mnemonic of the Master Account"
  "equalizer": {
    "interval": 10,
    "target": 40,
    "upfactor": 1.0,
    "downfactor": 0.2,
  "singletons": {
    "equalizer": true,

Create, Install Part Keys & Register Online

Install software locally

Install in home directory

Configure your node for Voi

Go into your new node folder in your home directory and create a data directory if it doesn't exist already.

cd ~/node/data

Create a config.json file with the following:

	"DNSBootstrapID": "<network>",
	"EnableCatchupFromArchiveServers": true

Overwrite genesis file in this same data directory:

sudo curl -s -o genesis.json

Create logging files in same data directory

touch algod-err.log
touch algod-out.log

Go to the 'node' directory

cd ~/node

Start your node

./goal node start

Check it's connected to Voi

./goal node status

You should see the following:

Genesis ID: voitest-v1
Genesis hash: IXnoWtviVVJW5LGivNFc0Dq14V3kqaXuK2u5OQrdVZo=

Stop your node

./goal node stop

You may wish to not stop your node and allow it to catchup while you work through the next steps so you can submit the transaction to register the accounts online later without having to wait.

You can use the following to speed it up if you have jq installed.

goal node catchup $(curl -s|jq -r '.["last-catchpoint"]') &&\ echo OK

Generate Part Key Locally

Create a new directory to store your part keys

mkdir partkeys

You may wish to name the partkeys based on which geography the ballast node will be located in so you can identify them easier and the corresponding account that will register with them.

./algokey part generate --first FIRSTROUND --last LASTROUND --parent PUBLICADDRESS --keyfile KEYFILENAME

Copy Part Key To Remote Server

Make sure you copy the right partkey for the right server depending on which account will be used in that servers node.


Move key to correct directory and rename

You should now be in your remote servers terminal

sudo mv KEYFILENAME /mnt/voitest-v1/partkey

Install partkey

./ account installpartkey --delete-input --partkey /node/data/voitest-v1/partkey

Confirm installed correctly

./ account listpartkeys

You should see it list your account you created the partkey with against the partkey

Register online with the key locally

We should now swap back to our local machine to register the account as online.

Create Local Wallet

Create your local walled using KMD

./goal wallet new voi

Import your ballast and master accounts

goal account import

List account to see if works

goal account list

Install partkey Locally

Make sure local node is running

./goal node start

Install part key

./goal account installpartkey --delete-input --partkey partkeys/KEYFILENAME

Go Online

Wait for local node to be in sync.

You can use the following to speed it up if you have jq installed.

goal node catchup $(curl -s|jq -r '.["last-catchpoint"]') &&\ echo OK

When in sync, run the following.

./goal account changeonlinestatus -a PUBLICADDRESS -o=1

Standup Server

docker compose up -d

Catchup Server


Check to see if you are synced

~/ node status

Rekey Accounts

Rekey all ballast accounts to the master account.