- Single txt file containing link to the pull request and CS3 application
Pull request should at least containing the following changed files:
* DAOImpl
* getAll
* getById
* add
* set
* remove
* EventsServlet
* doGet (render HTML)
* doPost (adding)
* EditEventServlet
* doPost (edit)
* RemoveEventServlet
* doGet (delete)
* copy `app.css` to "src/main/webapps" (or "WebContent" in Eclipse)
Follow http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/EclipseGradle/article.html to install Eclipse Gradle plugin.
You can run the tests through the command line application through the
./gradlew check
./gradlew -x build
In this lab, we will pick up what we implemented back in exercise-2 with the proper backend functionality. To get started with, we will implement the events configuration page like below:
And your mission is to create Java Servlets that:
- Display the page like above
- Handle the necessary persistence transaction about event information
Hint, you may need to handle the
as query parameter so that you know if user is currently editing any event or not
Download the starter code from https://github.com/rcliao/cookie-clicker/releases/tag/lab4-7
Once downloaded, you have a couple files you have to pay attention to:
~/dev/sandbox/cookie-clicker master
❯ tree -I 'node_modules|package-*|client|build|dest|gradle*|scripts|tags'
├── README.md
├── build.gradle
├── settings.gradle
└── src
├── main
│ ├── java
│ │ ├── edu
│ │ │ └── csula
│ │ │ ├── models
│ │ │ │ ├── Event.java
│ │ │ │ └── Generator.java
│ │ │ ├── storage
│ │ │ │ ├── BaseDAO.java
│ │ │ │ ├── EventsDAO.java
│ │ │ │ ├── GeneratorsDAO.java
│ │ │ │ ├── Storage.java
│ │ │ │ └── servlet
│ │ │ │ ├── EventsDAOImpl.java
│ │ │ │ └── GeneratorsDAOImpl.java
│ │ │ └── web
│ │ │ ├── AdminEventsServlet.java
│ │ │ ├── AdminGeneratorsServlet.java
│ │ │ └── HelloServlet.java
│ │ └── hello
│ │ └── SimpleMath.java
│ └── webapp
│ └── WEB-INF
│ └── web.xml
└── test
└── java
├── edu
│ └── csula
│ ├── models
│ │ └── EventTest.java
│ └── storage
│ └── servlet
│ └── EventsDAOImplTest.java
└── hello
└── SimpleMathTest.java
Specifically, you need to get everything under
folder over withbuild.gradle
to run the unit tests
Once you have downloaded the starter code, you want to start by looking at
the EventsDAOImpl.java
first to implement all functionalities inside in
order to pass unit tests from ./gradlew check
Then, your next step is to fill in the blank under AdminEventsServlet.java
render HTML and handle transaction accordingly.
Once you are done coding, you want to deploy the code to CS3 server following this article https://github.com/csula/cs3220-spring-2018/blob/master/notes/utils/cs3-deployment.md
- User should be able to create event passing event name, description and trigger value
- User should be able to see a list of events
- User should be able to modify a single event
- User should be able to delete a single event
- Application needs to be deployed to CS3 server and working
- Application should store the event information in the application scope
- Application should display HTML with proper CSS (similar to what you have accomplished in exercise-2)
./gradlew check
should pass all unit tests