opty // reaction forces #189
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Any reaction forces can just be calculated after you solve the essential dynamics with opty. |
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Should I close the discussion? |
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The problem might be this: if there are auxiliary speeds, KM.kanes_equations returns fr, frstar including fraux, frstaraux. |
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Below is a simple pendulum. I took the example from opty's examples-gallery. All I changed was this:
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I tried to treat the reaction forces as additional specified symbols, for opty to minimize. """
Fixed Duration Pendulum Swing Up
Given a compound pendulum that is driven by a torque about its joint axis,
swing the pendulum from hanging down to standing up in a fixed amount of time
using minimal input torque with a bounded torque magnitude.
# %%
# Start with defining the fixed duration and number of nodes.
duration = 10.0 # seconds
num_nodes = 501
interval_value = duration/(num_nodes - 1)
opty_crash = True
# %%
# Specify the symbolic equations of motion.
import numpy as np
import sympy as sm
import sympy.physics.mechanics as me
from opty.direct_collocation import Problem
from opty.utils import create_objective_function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
Izz, m, g, d, t = sm.symbols('Izz, m, g, d, t')
theta, omega, T = sm.symbols('theta, omega, T', cls=sm.Function)
N, A = sm.symbols('N, A', cls = me.ReferenceFrame)
O, P1, P2 = sm.symbols('O, P1, P2', cls=me.Point)
auxx,auxy, fx, fy = me.dynamicsymbols('auxx, auxy, fx, fy')
A.orient_axis(N, theta(t), N.z)
A.set_ang_vel(N, omega(t)*N.z)
O.set_vel(N, 0)
P1.set_pos(O, 0)
P1.set_vel(N, 0)
if opty_crash == True:
P1.set_vel(N, auxx*N.x + auxy*N.y)
P1.set_vel(N, 0)
P2.set_pos(P1, -d*A.y)
P2.v2pt_theory(P1, N, A)
I = me.inertia(A, 0., 0., Izz)
body = me.RigidBody('body', P2, A, m, (I, P2))
BODY = [body]
if opty_crash == False:
FL = [(P2, -m*g*N.y), (A, T(t)*N.z)]
aux = []
FL = [(P2, -m*g*N.y), (A, T(t)*N.z), (P1, fx*N.x + fy*N.y)]
aux = [auxx, auxy]
kd = sm.Matrix([theta(t).diff(t) - omega(t)])
KM = me.KanesMethod(N, q_ind=[theta(t)], u_ind=[omega(t)], u_auxiliary=aux, kd_eqs=kd )
(fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations(BODY, FL)
print(f'shape of fr + frstar auxiliary: {(fr+frstar).shape} virtual speeds present is {opty_crash} \n')
if opty_crash == True:
eom = kd.col_join(fr + frstar)
eom = me.msubs(kd.col_join(fr + frstar), {fx: 0, fy: 0})
state_symbols = (theta(t), omega(t))
constant_symbols = (Izz, m, g, d)
if opty_crash == True:
specified_symbols = (T(t), fx, fy)
specified_symbols = (T(t),)
#eom1 = sm.Matrix([theta(t).diff() - omega(t),
# Izz*omega(t).diff() + m*g*d*sm.sin(theta(t)) - T(t)])
# %%
# Specify the known system parameters.
par_map = {
Izz: 1.0,
m: 1.0,
g: 9.81,
d: 1.0,
# %%
# Specify the objective function and it's gradient, in this case it calculates
# the area under the input torque curve over the simulation.
obj_func = sm.Integral(T(t)**2, t)
obj, obj_grad = create_objective_function(obj_func, state_symbols,
specified_symbols, tuple(),
# %%
# Specify the symbolic instance constraints, i.e. initial and end conditions,
# where the pendulum starts a zero degrees (hanging down) and ends at 180
# degrees (standing up).
target_angle = np.pi # radians
instance_constraints = (
theta(duration) - target_angle,
# %%
# Limit the torque to a maximum magnitude.
bounds = {T(t): (-2.0, 2.0)}
# %%
# Create an optimization problem.
prob = Problem(obj, obj_grad, eom, state_symbols, num_nodes, interval_value,
# %%
# Use a random positive initial guess.
initial_guess = np.random.randn(prob.num_free)
# %%
# Find the optimal solution.
solution, info = prob.solve(initial_guess)
# %%
# Plot the optimal state and input trajectories.
# %%
# Plot the constraint violations.
# %%
# Plot the objective function as a function of optimizer iteration.
# %%
# Animate the pendulum swing up.
time = np.linspace(0.0, duration, num=num_nodes)
angle = solution[:num_nodes]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal', autoscale_on=False,
xlim=(-2, 2), ylim=(-2, 2))
line, = ax.plot([], [], 'o-', lw=2)
time_template = 'time = {:0.1f}s'
time_text = ax.text(0.05, 0.9, '', transform=ax.transAxes)
def init():
line.set_data([], [])
return line, time_text
def animate(i):
x = [0, par_map[d]*np.sin(angle[i])]
y = [0, -par_map[d]*np.cos(angle[i])]
line.set_data(x, y)
return line, time_text
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, range(num_nodes),
interval=int(interval_value*1000), blit=True,
plt.show() |
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This program works: """
Fixed Duration Pendulum Swing Up
Given a compound pendulum that is driven by a torque about its joint axis,
swing the pendulum from hanging down to standing up in a fixed amount of time
using minimal input torque with a bounded torque magnitude.
# %%
# Start with defining the fixed duration and number of nodes.
duration = 10.0 # seconds
num_nodes = 501
interval_value = duration/(num_nodes - 1)
# %%
# Specify the symbolic equations of motion.
import numpy as np
import sympy as sm
import sympy.physics.mechanics as me
from opty.direct_collocation import Problem
from opty.utils import create_objective_function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
Izz, m, g, d, t = sm.symbols('Izz, m, g, d, t')
theta, omega, T = sm.symbols('theta, omega, T', cls=sm.Function)
N, A = sm.symbols('N, A', cls = me.ReferenceFrame)
O, P1, P2 = sm.symbols('O, P1, P2', cls=me.Point)
auxx,auxy, fx, fy = me.dynamicsymbols('auxx, auxy, fx, fy')
A.orient_axis(N, theta(t), N.z)
A.set_ang_vel(N, omega(t)*N.z)
O.set_vel(N, 0)
P1.set_pos(O, 0)
P1.set_vel(N, auxx*N.x + auxy*N.y)
P2.set_pos(P1, -d*A.y)
P2.v2pt_theory(P1, N, A)
I = me.inertia(A, 0., 0., Izz)
body = me.RigidBody('body', P2, A, m, (I, P2))
BODY = [body]
FL = [(P2, -m*g*N.y), (A, T(t)*N.z), (P1, fx*N.x + fy*N.y)]
aux = [auxx, auxy]
kd = sm.Matrix([theta(t).diff(t) - omega(t)])
KM = me.KanesMethod(N, q_ind=[theta(t)], u_ind=[omega(t)], u_auxiliary=aux, kd_eqs=kd )
(fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations(BODY, FL)
eom = kd.col_join(fr + frstar)
state_symbols = (theta(t), omega(t), fx, fy)
constant_symbols = (Izz, m, g, d)
specified_symbols = (T(t),) #, fx, fy)
# Specify the known system parameters.
par_map = {
Izz: 1.0,
m: 1.0,
g: 9.81,
d: 1.0,
# %%
# Specify the objective function and it's gradient, in this case it calculates
# the area under the input torque curve over the simulation.
obj_func = sm.Integral(T(t)**2, t)
obj, obj_grad = create_objective_function(obj_func, state_symbols,
specified_symbols, tuple(),
# %%
# Specify the symbolic instance constraints, i.e. initial and end conditions,
# where the pendulum starts a zero degrees (hanging down) and ends at 180
# degrees (standing up).
target_angle = np.pi # radians
instance_constraints = (
theta(duration) - target_angle,
# %%
# Limit the torque to a maximum magnitude.
bounds = {T(t): (-2.0, 2.0)}
# %%
# Create an optimization problem.
prob = Problem(obj, obj_grad, eom, state_symbols, num_nodes, interval_value,
# %%
# Use a random positive initial guess.
initial_guess = np.random.randn(prob.num_free)
# %%
# Find the optimal solution.
solution, info = prob.solve(initial_guess)
print(info['obj_val']) Four equations needs four "states". |
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Adding the three reaction forces to the state variables of my 'larger' simulation (now 10 + 3 state variables) works in the sense opty does not throw an error. I could not find a solution in good time, maybe because I could not give a good initial guess for the reaction forces. |
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In an opty simulation, I try to get the reaction forces, too. I do it the standard way.
In the EOMs for use by opty, I eliminate the virtual speeds and the reaction forces, using me.msubs(EOM,.....)
When I try to run it, it gives the error below.
When I set up the EOMs without virtual speeds, opty runs fine and gives a nice result.
I set up the EOMs with virtual speeds again, after opty is finished to get the reaction forces for the solution of opty.
No problem at all.
I compared the sets of dynamic symbols and free symbols in the EOMs created with virtual speeds and without wirtual speeds:
They are the same.
This is the first time I tried this. Did anybody see this problem before?
What could be the reason?
Thanks for any help!
this is the error:
ERROR:cyipopt:b'Invalid number of indices returned from jacobian'
ERROR:cyipopt:b'Invalid number of indices returned from jacobian'
The Kernel crashed while executing code in the current cell or a previous cell.
Please review the code in the cell(s) to identify a possible cause of the failure.
Click here for more info.
View Jupyter log for further details.
this is the program. Near line 138 is a variable create_error, which allows to create the crash
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