Make the value comparator compatible with css4j 5.0
Make the value comparator compatible with css4j 5.0
Upgrade to actions/checkout v4
Upgrade to actions/checkout v4
Upgrade to maven-compiler-plugin 3.12.1
Upgrade to maven-compiler-plugin 3.12.1
Upgrade to latest Maven plugins
Upgrade to latest Maven plugins
Default to Linux line endings for source files
Default to Linux line endings for source files
Upgrade to actions/setup-java v4
Upgrade to actions/setup-java v4
Upgrade to latest Maven plugins
Upgrade to latest Maven plugins
Upgrade to latest versions of Maven plugins
Upgrade to latest versions of Maven plugins
Add a few Javadoc descriptions in SiteErrorReporter
Add a few Javadoc descriptions in SiteErrorReporter
More verbose logging, code formatting
More verbose logging, code formatting
Test css4j 4.1, css4j-dom4j 4.0
Test css4j 4.1, css4j-dom4j 4.0
Configure one gigabyte of maximum heap for integration tests.
Configure one gigabyte of maximum heap for integration tests.