diff --git a/materials/supercomputing.md b/materials/supercomputing.md
index 6a779178..85d0183d 100644
--- a/materials/supercomputing.md
+++ b/materials/supercomputing.md
@@ -16,54 +16,7 @@
 * **CSC specialist support** 
 * **Free of charge for open science** at Finnish universities and research institutes.
-## Supercomputers in Kajaani
-Name | CPUs | GPUs | Pre-installed GIS tools | Finnish spatial data locally | Scope |
---- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-**Puhti** | 28 000 | 240 Nvidia V100 | **20** | **Yes** | Finland |
-**Mahti** | 90 000 | 96 Nvidia A100 | 1 | No | Finland |
-**LUMI** | **100 000** | **10 000** AMD MI250X | 5 | No | EU |
-* From interactive single core to medium scale parallel analysis
-* **The first option to consider for Finnish academic projects**
-* [CSC Docs: Technical details about Puhti](https://docs.csc.fi/computing/systems-puhti/)
-* For medium and large scale parallel analysis
-* Projects move from Puhti to Mahti, once Puhti recources become limiting.
-* [CSC Docs: Technical details about Mahti](https://docs.csc.fi/computing/systems-mahti/)
-* For very large scale analysis
-* **For companies and international projects**
-* [LUMI Docs: Hardware overview](https://docs.lumi-supercomputer.eu/hardware/)
-## Puhti compared to other options
-|  | Puhti supercomputer| cPouta virtual machine| my laptop |
-|---|---| ---|---|
-|Max per job: CPU | **4000** | 48 | 4 |
-|Max per job: memory, Gb | **1500** | 240 | 18 |
-|Max per job: GPU | **80** | 4 | 1 |
-|Pre-installed GIS tools | **Yes** | No | No |
-|Main Finnish datasets  | **Yes** | No | No |
-|Admin rights | No | **Yes** | Yes |
-:::{admonition} Computing speed
-:class: important
-* Single core speed: supercompter ~ laptop
-* **To increase speed, use many cores**:
-  * **Scripts for parallization**
-  * Tools that support parallelization out-of-the-box
-  * GPU tools
-* Running a single core tool/script on many cores will not help
 ### Graphical tools -> scripts
@@ -85,3 +38,14 @@ LUMI:
 * Note, that especially with map sheets extra care might be needed for border areas, for example use overlapping map sheets with [virtual rasters](https://docs.csc.fi/support/tutorials/gis/virtual-rasters/).
+:::{admonition} Computing speed
+:class: important
+* Single core speed: supercompter ~ laptop
+* **To increase speed, use many cores**:
+  * **Scripts for parallization**
+  * Tools that support parallelization out-of-the-box
+  * GPU tools
+* Running a single core tool/script on many cores will not help