Welcome to my Country Fact Generator! This is a personal project where I'm practicing my newly learnt PHP skills and applying web accessibility concepts I learned in the Web Design Accessibility Certificate.
This project displays facts about different countries. Each time you click the "New Country" button, you'll get a random fact card showcasing a different nation.
The country data is fetched from the wonderful REST Countries API, making this project a great way to practice working with external APIs.
- PHP Basics: Get comfortable with fundamental PHP concepts like variables, arrays and loops.
- Accessibility: Apply essential accessibility practices to make the fact cards usable for everyone.
- JavaScript
To ensure that this page meets accessibility requirements I used the following tools:
- Lighthouse
- IBM Equal Access Accessibility Checker
- Windows Narrator
- Silktide Inspector
As I'm still learning, I value your feedback! Please feel free to open an issue or reach out if you have any suggestions or find any accessibility improvements I could make. Sorry for the many bugs!
Let's learn about the world together! 😊