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Hello there. You are about to embark on an epic journey through StageBloc's theming engine documentation. It may sound scary, but if you have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, you should not have any issues.

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Here are a few (loose) requirements to keep in mind when submitting and creating a theme:

  1. Please host all external assets on our CDN.

  2. If you're creating a mobile theme, please be sure to include the ShowMobileSiteLink and ShowDesktopSiteLink variables so that users can choose which version of a site to see.

Code Style Guidelines

Here are a few tips and tricks that we have when writing a theme. These are just some loose guidelines -- don't follow them if necessary.

  • Use semicolons in JavaScript. We do compress / minify your JavaScript before we upload it to our CDN, which may cause issues from time to time.

  • Remember to keep metadata in mind. For instance, when people share links to Facebook, you have control over the information Facebook pulls from the page. Check out this obligatory StackOverflow post for more info.

General Information

Here is some general information about custom themes.

  • If you don't explicitly provide a favicon in the <head> of your HTML, we'll add the default StageBloc favicon for you. To add your own favicon, simply upload it as a Theme Asset and put it in your theme's <head> HTML tag.

  • We also add various <meta> tags to your <head> content if they aren't explicitly set to aid in SEO. For instance, many tags from the Open Graph Protocol are automatically added.

  • We allow you to upload assets (images, fonts, favicons, etc) to our CDN and encourage you to use this when creating a theme. This means you don't have to host any part of your theme outside of StageBloc, making it easier for you.

  • CSS and JS are both minified before being uploaded to our CDN so that you get the maximum performance and caching when users come to your site.

In general, a theme consists of defining the pages that make sense for your website. Each {page} represents a separate URL on the site. The data within each {page} is built using any combination of {module}s and {block}s.

It is easiest to think of {module}s as for loops that loop through various data from your StageBloc account (the "model" of the data). Within a {module} a {block} can be used to represent a "view" of the data by exposing various pieces of information about that data.

StageBloc also then has various {if} statements and other helpful variables to make themes as customizable as possible.


Each view on StageBloc has a {page} block. You can also create your own custom pages. The URL structure shown is the default, it can be altered via the url Page Option.

Note: Not all pages are required. Define pages that make sense for your theme, and the rest will be taken care of by the theming engine via a beautiful fallback theme we've created. No links will be broken.


This page should show general information about the account.

Url structure: /about
Recommended modules: AccountAbout


This page should show a listing of content posted and reposted by the current account. By default this is the homepage.

Url structure: /activities
Recommended modules: ActivityStreamList


This page should show the content of an individual audio comment.

Url structure: /audio/[%audio_id]/comment/[%id]
Recommended modules: CommentView, AudioView


This page should show a listing of audio content such as audio objects or audio playlists.

Url structure: /audio
Recommended modules: AudioList, AudioView, AudioPlaylistList, AudioPlaylistView


This page should show content for an audio object.

Url structure: /audio/[%id]
Recommended modules: AudioView


This page should show a listing of audio playlists

Url structure: /audio/playlists
Recommended modules: AudioPlaylistView


This page should show content for an audio playlist.

Url structure: /audio/playlists/[%id]
Recommended modules: AudioPlaylistView


This page should show a listing of blog posts posted by the account.

Url structure: /blog
Recommended modules: BlogList, BlogView


This page should show the content of an individual blog post.

Url structure: /blog/[%id]
note: if the blog post has a category, the URL would be more like /blog/[category-slug]/[%id] Recommended modules: BlogView


This page should show a listing of blog posts posted by the account filtered by a category

Url structure: /blog/[category-slug]/[%id] Recommended modules: BlogList, BlogView


This page should show the content of an individual blog post comment.

Url structure: /blog/[%blog_id]/comment/[%id]
Recommended modules: CommentView, BlogView


This page will be loaded whenever a unknown URL structure is hit. Note: This page will not be called when no content is available for a defined view. In that case, see {Else} blocks for Modules.

Url structure: /PageThatDoesNotExist


This page should show a listing of events that have already finished.

Url structure: /events/past
Recommended modules: EventList


This page should show a listing of events that have not yet finished.

Url structures: /events & /events/upcoming
Recommended modules: EventList


This page should show information for an event.

Url structure: /events/[%id]
Recommended modules: EventView


This page should show the content of an individual event comment.

Url structure: /audio/[%event_id]/comment/[%id]
Recommended modules: CommentView, EventView


This page should use {if:UserIsFollowing} and show fansite content if true or a JoinFansiteLink if false

Url structure: /fansite/ Recommended modules: FanContentList and/or ActivityStreamList with exclusive as true


This page would be used if your site is enabled for white labeling, and you want a custom login page for users.

Url structure: /login/ Recommended variables: LoginUsernameInput, LoginPasswordInput, LoginPageFormAction

In it's simplest form, a login page may look like this:

	<form {LoginPageFormAction}>
		<input type="submit" />


This page should show a listing of photo albums

Url structure: /photos/albums/
Recommended modules: PhotoAlbumList


This page should show the photos contained inside a photo album.

Url structure: /photos/albums/[%id]
Recommended modules: PhotoAlbumView


This page should show a listing of either (a) all photos or (b) all photo albums.

Url structure: /photos
Recommended modules: PhotoList


This page should show a single photo.

Url structure: /photos/[%id]
Recommended modules: PhotoView


This page should show the content of an individual photo comment.

Url structure: /photos/[%photo_id]/comment/[%id]
Recommended modules: CommentView, PhotoView


This page would be used if your site is enabled for white labeling, and you want a custom signup page for users.

Url structure: /signup/ Recommended variables: SignupPageFormAction


This page should show a listing of statuses posted by the account.

Url structure: /statuses
Recommended modules: StatusList


This page should show an individual status.

Url structure: /statuses/[%id] Recommended modules: StatusView


This page should show the content of an individual status comment.

Url structure: /statuses/[%status_id]/comment/[%id]
Recommended modules: CommentView, StatusView


This page should show a listing of store items posted by the account.

Url structure: /store
Recommended modules: StoreItemList


This page should show an individual store item.

Url structure: /store/[%id] Recommended modules: StoreItemView


This page shows an individual fan of an account

Url structure: /fansite/users/[%id] Recommended modules: UserView


This page shows a list of fans of an account

Url structure: /fansite/users/ Recommended modules: UserView


This page should show a listing of videos.

Url structure: /videos/
Recommended modules: VideoList


This page should show the content for an individual video.

Url structure: /videos/[%id] Recommended modules: VideoView


This page should show the content of an individual video comment.

Url structure: /blog/[%video_id]/comment/[%id]
Recommended modules: CommentView, VideoView


This page should show a listing of video playlists.

Url structure: /videos/playlists Recommended modules: ViewPlaylistList


This page should show an individual video playlist.

Url structure: /videos/playlists/[%id]
Recommended modules: VideoPlaylistView

Page Options

Pages, like Variables With Options, can have their own options.

homepage : flag representing if the page should be used as the homepage

accepted values are true or false

default homepage is `ActivityStreamList`, if that Page isn't defined the first defined Page in the theme's HTML will be used as the homepage

url : the URL to override the page's default URL

accepted values are any string valid in a URL, the [%id] is always assumed to be at the end *(Note: do not start the override URL with a `/`)*

	{page:EventList url="shows"}
		<!-- The events page would now be at /shows, not /events -->
*Note: If a `Page` has more than one [%id] (i.e. `Page:BlogCommentView`), use a `*` for the first [%id]*

title : what to force the <title> of the <head> content on the page to be

accepts any string

default value will be based on the modules present on the rendered page

ajax : a GET parameter value that can be used to output ONLY the stuff within a specific page (i.e. strip out any headers, footers, etc) note: this is useful for infinite scrolling with AJAX

defaults to `false`

accepted values are `true` and `false`

For instance, loading a theme consisting of the following via `` would ONLY output the data in the page, the rest is stripped out

	Content outside of the page
	{page:AnyPage ajax="true"}
		Content inside of the page

Custom Pages

Custom pages can be defined using the following syntax:



They can contain any modules or blocks that you choose to put inside of them, however pagination may not be reliable. The page URL of the example page above will be /MyAwesomePage


Variables use the following syntax:

{VariableWithOption option1="value" option2="value"}

Global Variables

To use a global variable, simply place {VariableName} anywhere inside of your theme.


Returns the account's name


Returns the account's ID


Returns the general section the page is in. Eg: blog, statuses, video, audio


Returns the latest version of Bootstrap's combined (responsive with icons) CSS from BootstrapCDN

v : use this parameter to specify a particular version

includeIcons : whether or not to includes Bootstrap's icons with the CSS

defaults to true

allowed values are `true` and `false`


Returns the latest version of Bootstrap's JS from BootstrapCDN

v : use this parameter to specify a particular version


Returns a <link rel="stylesheet" /> tag with a link to the theme's CSS on StageBloc's CDN.


Returns a <script src=""> tag with a link to the theme's JS on StageBloc's CDN.


Include the latest version of jQuery on the page via Google's CDN.

v : use this parameter if you want to include a specific version from Google


Include the jPlayer JavaScript library. Requires that {jQuery} is also included and comes before the {jPlayer} variable.


Get a URL to


Returns a full http:// link to your sites homepage, userful for things like filling out social share buttons


Get a relative url to a particular section of the site. Note: This will also reflect any changes to Page URLs you might have made

Supported: About, Audio, AudioPlaylists, Archive, Events, EventsPast, Blog, Statuses, Photos, PhotoAlbums, Videos, VideoPlaylists, Home, Store, Fansite, FansiteFans, UserSetup, Login, Signup

<a href="{Link-Videos}">See my killer video about how to weave baskets underwater!</a>


<a href="/account-name-or-custom-domain/videos">See my killer videos about how to weave baskets underwater!</a>

Custom Variables

You can define blocks of code to reuse throughout the rest of your theme. This can be useful when repeating layout elements on your site on some pages, but not others.

To define a variable, use the following syntax:

	<aside>Hi there, I am a nifty variable!</aside>

In this example, your variable name is MyCoolVariable. Note that custom variables, like custom homepages, must start with the word Custom.

After defining your variable, you can access its data just like a normal global variable.


This will return exactly what was inside your declaration.

<aside>Hi there, I am a nifty variable!</aside>

You can put anything inside your variables, including modules, blocks, and pages. Get creative and build some unique sites!

{option} Variables

You can set up ways for StageBloc users to customize their theme to their liking without them doing any HTML/CSS/JS editing with custom theme {option}s.

Note: These shouldn't be used as theme assets (things users won't change, such as sprites)

Note: Less is often more. If someone wants very specific, fine tune control, it's best if they just edit the theme.

Examples (line spacing for legibility):

	format="background-image: url(%s);"

After the first instance not all options need be defined. Simply provide group and name and the value from the first use will be returned.


div#one {
	{option:Select group="background" name="BG Color" format="background-color: %s;" presets="red,blue,green,yellow,magenta" default="red"}

/* Now that the entire option variable has been defined, this second instance does not require as much data */
div#two {
	{option:Select group="background" name="BG Color"}


These options are common across all of the following {option} variables.

name (required) : the name of the option field. Also the title in the left side of the theme management area

group : items in groups are name-spaced and put together in the theme management options area

format : the way the data is outputted. This is equivalent to PHP's sprintf() if you'd like to force a format. Default: %s

defaultFormat : format of the default data. Default: copy of format

default : when no value has been specified, use this data is used instead


Provides users with a file upload box where they can upload JPEG, GIF, and PNG files to be used in the theme. Data returned is the full URL to the image uploaded.


Provides users with a color select box. Data returned is a full HEX value including pound sign OR the three RGB values comma separated (see rgb option).

rgb : if true, returns three numbers comma separated, if false hex. Default: false. ex: 255,255,255 or #ffffff


Provides users with a drop down box containing a list of predefined values. Data returned is the value selected.

presets : define a comma separated list of values

		format="background-repeat: %s;"


Provides users with a textbox where they can input any string. Data returned is user's string.

Variables with Options

Variables with options use the following syntax:

{VariableName option1="value" option2="value"}

All variables have the option of block available to them to force them to render within the context of a certain {block}. This usually isn't necessary unless you have two nested {block}s and want to make sure the variables renders at the correct time.


The URL for the account's photo

size : accepted sizes are "thumbnail", "small", "medium", "large", "original"

defaultPhoto : the URL of a photo to use if one isn't set and you don't want to use our default photo


Shows the amount of likes the collective admins for an account have

oneItemText : the text to append to the count if it happens to be 1

numerousItemText : the text to append to the count if it is anything other than 1


Creates a link that, when clicked, will add the item to the user's cart on StageBloc

text : the text to be put inside the <a> tag

defaults to `"Add To Cart"`

audioid (required) : the ID of the audio you want to add to the user's cart

class : the class to assign to the <a> tag


Creates a link that, when clicked, will download an audio file (unless it requires a follow to download, in which a modal will first show up)

text : the text to be put inside the <a> tag

defaults to `"Download"`

audioid (required) : the ID of the audio you want to download

class : the class to assign to the <a> tag


Creates a link that, when clicked, will add the audio playlist to the user's cart on StageBloc

text : the text to be put inside the <a> tag

defaults to `"Add To Cart"`

preorderText : the text to be put inside the <a> tag when a preorder is set up for the playlist

defaults to `"Pre-order"`

preorderSoldOutText : the text to be put inside the <a> tag when a preorder is set up for the playlist and it has sold out (if it has a limit on the amount of orders)

defaults to `"Pre-order Sold Out"`

audioplaylistid (required) : the ID of the audio you want to add to the user's cart

class : the class to assign to the <a> tag


Creates a link that, when clicked, will download an audio playlist (unless it requires a follow to download, in which a modal will first show up) Note: This will check to make sure a playlist is capable of being downloaded for free as well

text : the text to be put inside the <a> tag

defaults to `"Download"`

audioplaylistid (required) : the ID of the audio playlist you want to download

class : the class to assign to the <a> tag


A way to access custom field data from a blog post

slug : the slug of the custom field


A comma separated list of children accountIDs of the current account, useful with the accountid parameter of some modules

type : the type of accounts to limit the results to

accepted values are any comma separated combination of `alumni`, `artists`, or `management`

defaults to `alumni,artist,management` (all three)

includeCurrent : whether or not to include the current account with the children

accepted values are `true` or `false`

defaults to `false`


The number of comments on the current piece of content

contentType : the content type slug of the content being reported

defaults to the current pages type

contentId : the content ID of the content being reported

defaults to the current pages content ID


A link to open a modal for commenting on content

href : the URL to give the <a> tag as a fallback

linkText : the text to show in the <a> tag

defaults to `"Add Comment"`

class : the class to give the <a> tag

contentType : the content type slug of the content being reported

defaults to the current pages type

contentId : the content ID of the content being reported

defaults to the current pages content ID

CreatedDate, ModifiedDate, PublishedDate

Show the date of various objects

format : the format of the date according to PHP date() function

accepted values are a formatted date, `relative` (returns time ago such as "5 seconds ago"), or `gmdate` (a GMT date in PHP date format 'Y-M-d h:i A' (see using `{EventList}` in the ActivityStream))

defaults to `n/j/y`

shorttime : whether or not to show the units of time in a contracted manner (i.e. secs vs seconds)

accepted values are `true` or `false`, *Note: requires that `format` = `relative`*

defaults to `false`


A way to access custom field data from an event

slug : the slug of the custom field


A way to format timestamps

timestamp : the timestamp to format required

format : the format to use on the timestamp

date : if the date isn't a timestamp, but a randomly formatted date, use this instead of timestamp


A link that opens a modal and allows a user to join the site's fansite note: you must have a fansite setup for this link to render

text : the text to be put inside the <a> tag

defaults to `"Join Fansite"`

forceFreeTier : the tier you want to force a joining of (override the join fansite modal)

defaults to none, requires that the tier you pass be free

accepted values are 1, 2, or 3 assuming the tier you use is free

class : the class to assign to the <a> tag

view : what to default the view to if the user isn't logged on

defaults to `login`

accepted values are `login` or `signup`


The number of likes on the current piece of content


Add a link to like a specific item

likeText : the text to show when the item hasn't yet been liked by the viewer

defaults to `"Like"`

unlikeText : the text to show when the item has been liked by the viewer

defaults to `"Unlike"`

class : the class to give the <a> tag

closeTag : whether or not to close the <a> tag

defaults to `true`


A way to link to various pages within StageBloc

to : the page to link to

accepted values are `TOS` (Terms Of Service), `PrivacyPolicy`, `Contact`, `StageBloc` (our home page), and `ForgotPassword`

also allows `ConnectTwitter`, `DisconnectTwitter`, `ConnectFacebook`, `DisconnectFacebook`, `ConnectInstagram`, `DisconnectInstagram`

redirectUrl : where to redirect the user to after authenticating using ConnectTwitter, ConnectFacebook, or ConnectInstagram with the to option


Add a text input field for a username note: best with page:Login

class : a class to give the <input>

placeholder : the placeholder for the <input> tag

defaults to "Email or username"


Add a password input field for a password note: best with page:Login

class : a class to give the <input>

placeholder : the placeholder for the <input> tag

defaults to "Password"


The action for the <form> element for page:Login, includes method and action

url : a URL to have the user be redirected to after logging in

defaults to the account's frontend homepage


Add a link to logout of StageBloc

linkText : the text to put in the link

defaults to `"Logout"`

class : the class to give the <a> tag


Creates a link that, when clicked, will add the photo to the user's cart on StageBloc

text : the text to be put inside the <a> tag

defaults to `"Add Print To Cart"`

photoid (required) : the ID of the photo you want to add to the user's cart

class : the class to assign to the <a> tag


A link to open a modal for reporting (flagging) content as inappropriate, etc

linkText : the text to show in the '' tag

defaults to `"Report Content"`

class : the class to give the <a> tag

contentType : the content type slug of the content being reported

defaults to the current pages type

contentId : the content ID of the content being reported

defaults to the current pages content ID


Add a link to repost a specific item

repostText : the text to show when the item hasn't yet been reposted by the viewer

defaults to `"Repost"`

unrepostText : the text to show when the item has been reposted by the viewer

defaults to `"Unrepost"`

class : the class to give the <a> tag


Securely put a mailto: link in a theme

address (required) : the email address

text : the text inside the <a> tag

defaults to `address`


Add a link to open the built in StageBloc sharing modal (requires that the user be logged in)

linkText : the text to put inside of the link

default to `"Share"`

shareText : the text to default to in the sharing modal

defaults to empty

class : the class to give the <a> tag


Creates a link that, when clicked, will force the browser to show the desktop version of a site, this link will only be added if the browser is a mobile browser

text : the text to be put inside the <a> tag

defaults to `"Desktop Site"`

class : the class to assign to the <a> tag


Creates a link that, when clicked, will force the browser to show the mobile version of a site for a month (via a cookie), this link will only be added if the browser is a mobile browser

text : the text to be put inside the <a> tag

defaults to `"Mobile Site"`

class : the class to assign to the <a> tag


The action for the <form> element for page:Signup, includes method and action

url : a URL to have the user be redirected to after logging in

defaults to the account's frontend homepage


Creates a link that, when clicked, will add the store item to the user's cart on StageBloc

text : the text to be put inside the <a> tag

defaults to `"Add To Cart"`

preorderText : the text to be put inside the <a> tag when a preorder is set up for the playlist defaults to "Pre-order"

preorderSoldOutText : the text to be put inside the <a> tag when a preorder is set up for the playlist and it has sold out (if it has a limit on the amount of orders)

defaults to `"Pre-order Sold Out"`

storeitemid : the ID of the audio you want to add to the user's cart

defaults to the ID of the currently rendered `block`

class : the class to assign to the <a> tag


Creates a link that, when clicked, will download a store item (unless it requires a follow to download, in which a modal will first show up)

text : the text to be put inside the <a> tag

defaults to `"Download"`

storeitemid : the ID of the audio playlist you want to download

defaults to the ID of the currently rendered `block`

class : the class to assign to the <a> tag


Creates a link that, when clicked, will open a modal to allow the fan to submit content

linktext : the text to be put inside the <a> tag

defaults to `"Add Content"`

contenttype : the content type to default to in the modal, either status, photo, blog, or video

defaults to `status`

class : the class to assign to the <a> tag


Creates a Twitter sharing button on the page

text : the default text of the tweet

defaults to the page's title

url : the URL to share in the tweet

defaults to the current page's URL

class : the class to assign to the <a> tag

If Statements

If statements will check if a certain statement is true, and if it is, add the code inside. We also support the use of {if:Else} delimiters that will add a different code block if false. For example:

	This event requires that you are over the age of {EventAge} to enter.
	This event allows people (and aliens disguised as people) of any age to enter.

Most if statements will only function in certain modules or blocks.

Nesting of if statements is also supported. For example:

	{AudioAddToCartLink audioId="{AudioId}" text="Buy Now"}<br/>
	{if:AudioCanNamePrice}min {/if:AudioCanNamePrice}${AudioPrice} USD

If you'd like for an If to be rendered inside of a specific block (instead of when the Theming Engine determines it should), you can simply set a block="<block_name>" inside of the If. For instance:

{if:PositionInModule gt="1" block="ActivityStreamList"}

Lastly, If statements also support the use of || and && for AND and OR logic. However, mixing of ANDs and ORs is not currently allowed. For example:

	<h1><a href="{ActivityUrl}">{ActivityTitle}</a></h1>


Determines if an admin for the account has liked the content

contentType : the slug of the content type

contentId : the ID of the content

userId : an admin ID to restrict the result to


Use this if statement to compare if a certain activity list item is of a certain type. The types Blog, Status, and StoreItem will also catch their respective Repost items, so use if:ActivityIsRepost to differentiate between reposts and non-reposts.

Supported types: Audio, Blog, Event, Photo, PhotoAlbum, Repost, Status, StoreItem, Video
Recommended modules: ActivityStreamList, FansiteContentList


Check to see if the audio has lyrics


Check to see if the audio can be downloaded for free

Recommended block: AudioView


Check to see if the audio is being sold

Recommended block: AudioView


Check to see if the audio playlist can be downloaded for free

Recommended block: AudioPlaylistView


Check to see if the audio playlist is being sold

Recommended block: AudioPlaylistView


Check to see if the audio playlist supports naming a price

Recommended block: AudioPlaylistView


Check to see if the viewer is on a mobile browser or not


Check to see if a blog post has one or more photos (<img> tags) in it


Check to see if a comment is a reply to another comment


Check to see if content is exclusive or not


Check to see if a content item was fan submitted or not


Check to see if a particular custom field is set on a content item

slug : the slug of the custom field you want to check


Check if an event's end time is after the current time.

Recommended block: EventView


Check if an event has a required minimum age (any age greater than zero).

Recommended block: EventView


Check if an event has a title.

Recommended block: EventView


Check to see if an has a photo associated with it


Check if an event has a price. Note that a price of "0" is considered a price, as it is free.

Recommended block: EventView


Check if there is at least one supporting act for an event.

Recommended block: EventView


Check if the event has a ticket buy link attached, if the event has a presale and the presale hasn't started yet then this will return false

Recommended blocks: EventView


Check to see if the presale for an event is active, best when combined with if:EventHasTicketsBuyLink


Check if a previous or next blog post exists.

Supported directions: Previous, Next
Recommended block: BlogView


Check if a previous or next photo exists, relative to the current photo album.

Supported directions: Previous, Next Recommended block: PhotoView


Check if past events exist for current account.

Recommended page: EventList
Global: Yes, this if statement will run anywhere.


Check if upcoming events exist for the current account

Recommended page: EventList
Global: Yes, this if statement will run anywhere.


Check if the current content item has any tags

Recommended blocks: BlogView, StatusView, PhotoView, PhotoAlbumView, EventView, AudioView, AudioPlaylistView, VideoView, VideoPlaylistView


Determines if the given {option} variable has been set or not

group : the group of the option

name : the name of the option


Checks to see if a page is the currently rendered theme engine page

page : the page to check *should be anything after the colon in {page:<Page_Name>}

uri : if you need to be more exact, you can specify an exact URI the part of the URL after your account name (non custom domains) or you custom domain, no leading forward slash


Checks if the pagination is within a certain bound

gt : check if the pagination is greater than a certain page

lt : check if the paginations is less than a certain page


Check to see if the photo can be sold

Recommended block: PhotoView


Checks to see what position the block is currently in inside of the module. The first item in the module is "1" (e.g., it is 1 indexed)

gt : check if the position is greater than a certain point

lt : check if the position is less than a certain point

e : check to see if the position is equal to a certain point

multipleOf : check to see if the position is a multiple of a number


Checks if the current excerpt is trimmed to length of 600 characters (give or take, depending on HTML tags).

Recommended blocks: ActivityStreamView, BlogView
Recommended pages: ActivityStreamList, BlogList


Check to see if the store item can be downloaded for free

Recommended block: StoreItemView


Check to see if the store item is being sold

Recommended block: StoreItemView


Check to see if the store item supports naming a price

Recommended block: StoreItemView


Check to see if the store item is on sale or not

Recommended block: StoreItemView


Check to see if the store item is a physical good (instead of a digital good)

Recommended block: StoreItemView


Check to see if the store item is sold out or not

Recommended block: StoreItemView


Checks to see if the user is logged in and belongs to a specific tier in a fansite. Possible tiers are 1, 2, and 3.

tier : the specific tier to check to see if the user belongs to

gt : check to see if the user is greater than a specific tier

lt : check to see if the user is less than a specific tier


Checks to see if a user can view the current content based on its exclusivity and any other relevant factors


Checks to see the status of the event the user is attending

status : what status to check

accepted values are `yes`, `no`, or `maybe`


Checks to see if the currently logged in user has Twitter connected


Checks to see if the currently logged in user has Facebook connected


Checks to see if the currently logged in user has Instagram connected


Checks to see if the user is logged in and an admin of the current account


Checks to see if the user is logged in and following the current account or not


Checks to see if the currently rendered user is the logged in user


Checks to see if there's a logged in user


Checks to see if a user has verified their email or not


Checks if a venue has a website.

Recommended blocks: EventView, AudioView

Modules & Blocks

The general syntax for modules and their blocks is as follows:

	Data to show if the module doesn't return any

It is easiest to think of {module}s as for loops that loop through various data from your StageBloc account (the "model" of the data). Within a {module} a {block} can be used to represent a "view" of the data by exposing various pieces of information about that data.

Using {Else:<module_name>} will cause that data to render if the module doesn't have any.

Module Options

Modules, like Variables With Options, can have their own options.

pagination : flag representing if the module should be used as the primary module for pagination

accepted values are `true` or `false`

defaults to what the Theming Engine decides is best

ignorepaging : available on most listing modules to make the module ignore any pagination that might be preset in the header

accepted values are `true` or `false`

defaults `false`



AccountAboutName : the name of the account

AccountAbout : the biography text of the account

AccountAboutCleaned : the bio text stripped of all tags except: <span><em><strong><a><u><i><b>

AccountAboutUrl : the main URL of the account


LinkUrl : The URL

LinkTitle : The name of the link


Events are grouped in the activity stream.

supported (required) : a comma separated list of supported content types

accepted values are `{ContentType-Audio}`, `{ContentType-Blog}`, `blog_reposts`, `{ContentType-Events}`, `{ContentType-Photos}`, `{ContentType-Statuses}`, `status_reposts`, `{ContentType-Videos}`, `{ContentType-Store}`

defaults to none

groupPhotos : should photos be grouped into album updates

defaults to `true`

exclusive : whether or not to also show exclusive content if the user is logged in

defaults to true

accepted values are `true`, `false`, or `always` *note: `always` will always show it, even for non-authorized users, see `if:UserCanViewContent` 

limit : how many items per page. defaults to 10

offset : skip X number of items. Still returns limit items

paging (advanced option) : define how many items are on this page

This option is only useful if you are using multiple modules with both `limit`s and `offset`s. You need to explicitly set how many items are on the current page, or pagination will return unexpected results


ActivityAuthorName : author's name

ActivityAuthorPhotoUrl : url to a 130x130px user photo

ActivityTitle : the content's title

*Note: for events, the title will be set to* [%number] events added today! *.*

ActivityId : the content's id

ActivityBody : the main content needed, as defined:

* Blog: the full blog post HTML
* Event: the same as {ActivityTitle}: [%number] events added today!
* Statuses: full status content
* Photos albums: album description
* Videos: video embed code
* Video playlists: playlist description
* Audio: Link to streamable MP3
* Audio playlists: playlist description
* Store items: item description

ActivityCSSClass : the relevant classes from this list: repost, blog, status, event, video, audio, photo

ActivityDate : the date modified (photo albums), created (events, videos, audio), or published (blogs, statuses)


:	the format of the date according to [PHP date() function]( *defaults to n/j/y*  
:	if set to "relative", returns time ago such as "5 seconds ago"
:	if set to "gmdate", returns a GMT date in PHP date format 'Y-M-d h:i A' (see using `{EventList}` in the ActivityStream)

ActivityExcerpt : a trimmed version of {ActivityBody}, roughly 600 characters, taking into account HTML

ActivityExcerptCleaned : a trimmed version of {ActivityExcerpt} stripped of all HTML except: <span><em><strong><a><u><i><b>

ActivityUrl : the permalink to the content's individual page

ActivityShortUrl : the short URL to the content's individual page

ActivityPhotoCount : number of photos added to a photo album item

ActivityPhotoUrl : a photo representing the content note: see {if:ActivityHasActivityPhoto}


:	accepted sizes are "thumbnail", "small", "medium", "large", "original"

RepostedContentTimeAgo : if reposted, how long ago in relative time

RepostedFromAccountName : if reposted, what was the original account

RepostedFromAccountPhotoUrl : if reposted, what was the original account's photo

RepostedFromAccountUrl : if reposted, what was the original content permalink url


A listing of audio objects


audioplaylistid : a audio playlist id to limit the videos to

defaults to none

limit : a limit on the amount of returned audio objects

defaults to `50`

offset : skip X number of items. Still returns limit items

paging (advanced option) : define how many items are on this page

This option is only useful if you are using multiple modules with both `limit`s and `offset`s. You need to explicitly set how many items are on the current page, or pagination will return unexpected results

featured : whether or not to just show the featured audio track

accepted values are `true` or `false`

defaults to `false`

direction : the direction in which to show the audio

defaults to `asc`

accountid : a comma separated list of the IDs of the accounts to limit the results to, must be children accounts of the current account, see variable {ChildAccountIDs}

defaults to none (i.e. the current account)


TotalAudio: : the total amount of audio tracks, or if audioplaylistid is set, how many audio tracks in that playlist


A view for a single audio object. Meant to be used with {page:AudioView}

audioid : an ID for which audio to show *defaults to the one given to {page:AudioView} if in that page


AudioAccountId : the ID of the account that created this audio

AudioLink : a permalink to the audio's individual page

AudioTitle : the title of the audio

AudioId : the ID of the audio object

AudioLyrics : the lyrics for the audio

AudioDescription : the description for the audio object

AudioRecordedDate : the date this audio was recorded on


:	the format of the date according to [PHP date() function]( *defaults to n/j/y*  
:	if set to "relative", returns time ago such as "5 seconds ago"
:	if set to "gmdate", returns a GMT date in PHP date format 'Y-M-d h:i A' (see using `{EventList}` in the ActivityStream)

AudioCredits : the credits for the audio object

AudioArtist : the artist for the audio object

AudioFreeDownloadQuality, AudioPaidDownloadQuaility : a string representing the quality of the free/paid version of this audio. it will be one of the following:

	* 128kb MP3
	* 320kb MP3
	* Original WAV
	* Original AIFF
	* Original WAV / AIFF

AudioOrderNumber : the order of this audio in a potential playlist

AudioStreamUrl : the URL to use when streaming the audio

AudioPhotoUrl : a cover image or a default one if there is no cover set


:	accepted sizes are "thumbnail", "small", "medium", "large", "original"


A listing of audio playlists


featured : whether or not to just show the featured audio playlist

accepted values are `true` or `false`

defaults to `false`

featuredfirst : whether or not to show the featured audio playlist first in the listing


TotalAudioPlaylists : the total amount of audio playlists


A single view for an audio playlist. Meant to be used with {page:AudioPlaylistView}


AudioPlaylistDescription : the description for the audio playlist

AudioPlaylistId : the ID for the audio playlist

AudioPlaylistUrl : a permalink for the playlist's individual page

AudioPlaylistTitle : the title of the audio playlist Note: if there is a pre-order currently active for the audio playlist, it'll use that instead

AudioPlaylistAudioCount : the amount of audio objects in this playlist

AudioPlaylistPhotoUrl : a playlist cover image or a default one if there is no cover set


:	accepted sizes are "thumbnail", "small", "medium", "large", "original"

AudioPlaylistArtist : the artist for the audio playlist

AudioPlaylistLabel : the label for the audio playlist

AudioPlaylistPrice : the price for the playlist Note: if there is a pre-order currently active for the playlist, it'll use that price instead

AudioPlaylistReleaseDate : the datetime the audio playlist was released on


:	the format of the date according to [PHP date() function]( *defaults to n/j/y*  
:	if set to "relative", returns time ago such as "5 seconds ago"
:	if set to "gmdate", returns a GMT date in PHP date format 'Y-M-d h:i A' (see using `{EventList}` in the ActivityStream)

AudioPlaylistFreeDownloadQuality, AudioPlaylistPaidDownloadQuaility : a string representing the quality of the free/paid version of this audio playlist. it will be one of the following:

	* 128kb MP3
	* 320kb MP3
	* Original WAV
	* Original AIFF
	* Original WAV / AIFF

CreatedByPhotoUrl, ModifiedByPhotoUrl : a URL to the photo for who created/modified the audio playlist to be used in an <img src="" /> tag

CreatedByName, ModifiedByName : the name of the user who created/modified the audio playlist


A listing of events from the Bandsintown API


limit : the amount of events to return

defaults to 20

offset : what to offset the results by

past : whether or not to include the past events for the artist


A single view for a Bandsintown event.


EventId : the ID of the event on the external service

EventTitle : the title of the event

EventTicketUrl : a URL to get tickets for the events

EventFacebookRSVPUrl : a URL to RSVP to the event on Facebook

EventLocation : the formatter location of the event

EventStreetAddress : the street address of the event

VenueLatitude : the latitude of where the venue is

VenueLongitude : the longitude of where the venue is

VenueName : the name of the venue for the event


A listing of blogs note: if inside of the BlogCategoryView Page, this will be automatically filtered by that category


limit : the amount of blogs to list per page

defaults to `5`

category : a category to filter the blog listing by

offset : skip X number of items, still returns limit items

paging (advanced option) : define how many items are on this page

This option is only useful if you are using multiple modules with both `limit`s and `offset`s. You need to explicitly set how many items are on the current page, or pagination will return unexpected results

sticky : whether or not to include sticky posts

defaults to showing both

accepted values are `true` or `false`

direction : the direction in which to order the blog posts

accepted values are `asc` or `desc`

defaults to `desc`

accountid : a comma separated list of the IDs of the accounts to limit the results to, must be children accounts of the current account, see variable {ChildAccountIDs}

defaults to none (i.e. the current account)

includeFanContent : normally, content submitted by fans is for FansiteContentList, but this allows it to be included in BlogList as well

accepted values are `true` and `false`

defaults to `false`


TotalBlogs : the total amount of blog posts


A view for a single blog post. Meant to be used with {page:BlogView}


fanSubmittedIsExclusive : whether or not to consider content submitted by fans to a fansite as exclusive or not

accepted values are `true` and `false`

defaults to `true`


AuthorName : the author's full name

AuthorUsername : the author's StageBloc username

AuthorUrl : the URL to the public facing user page for this author

AuthorPhotoUrl : url to a 130x130px user photo. if one isn't available, we'll use a default placeholder

BlogPostAccountId : the ID of the account that created this post

BlogPostTitle : the content's title

BlogPostId : the content's ID

BlogPostShortUrl : a short URL for the blog post

BlogPostLikeCount : the number of likes for the blog post

BlogPostBody : the main content for the blog post

BlogPostCategory : the category for the blog post

BlogPostCustomField : a way to access custom field data in blog posts, see description in Variables With Options note: see if:CustomFieldIsSet

BlogPostExcerpt : the 1500 character beginning of a blog post

BlogPostUrl : the permalink to the content's individual page

BlogPostPhotoUrl : the URL of the first <img> in the blog post

see `if:BlogPostHasPhoto` as well

PreviousBlogPostId, NextBlogPostId : the ID of the blog post previous/next to the current one if it exists

PreviousBlogPostTitle, NextBlogPostTitle : the title of the blog post previous/next to the current one if it exists

PreviousBlogPostUrl, NextBlogPostUrl : the permalink of the blog post previous/next to the current one if it exists


A view for a listing of the most recent comments, it will use the content of the currently rendered item


limit : the amount to limit the comments to

accepted values are any number between 1 and 10 *Note: to show more then 10 comments, see the `CommentLink` variable*

defaults to 10

parents : whether or not to get the parent comments for the individual comment

defaults to `false`

includeFirstLevelReplies : whether or not to include the first level of replies, maybe return more items than limit note: see if:CommentIsReply

defaults to `false`

userId : a user to filter the comments by

defaults to none


A view for a single comment


CommentText : the text of the comment

CommentShortUrl` : a short URL to the comment

CommentAuthorUsername : the comment author's username

CommentAuthorFansiteUrl : the URL of this user on the current fansite

CommentAuthorUrl : the URL to the main user page for the author

CommentAuthorPhotoUrl : the URL to the thumbnail image for the user who submitted this comment

CommentUserId : the ID of the user who posted the comment *Can be used with block:UserView

CommentId : the ID for the comment

CommentItemId : the ID of the item the comment was written about

CreatedDate : the date the comment was created see Variables With Options


A listing of accounts that are children of the current account


type : the type of accounts to limit the results to

accepted values are any comma separated combination of `alumni`, `artists`, or `management`

defaults to `alumni,artist,management` (all three)


ChildAccountName : name of the child account

ChildAccountUrl : the URL of the child account

ChildAccountId : the ID of the child account


A listing of buy links for the following modules: AudioView, AudioPlaylistView


BuyLink : the actual link

BuyLinkTitle : the title for the buy link

BuyLinkPrice : the price of the material for the buy link

BuyLinkCurrency : the currency of the material in the buy link


A listing of events.


limit : the amount of events to list per page

defaults to `50`

offset : skip X number of items. Still returns limit items

paging (advanced option) : define how many items are on this page

This option is only useful if you are using multiple modules with both `limit`s and `offset`s. You need to explicitly set how many items are on the current page, or pagination will return unexpected results

sticky : whether or not to get sticky posts

accepted values are `true` or `false`

defaults to neither `true` or `false` (gets both sticky and non-sticky events)

upcoming : whether or not to show upcoming events

accepted values are `true` or `false`

defaults to `true`

past : whether or not to show past events, also see {if:HasPastEvents}

accepted values are `true` or `false`

defaults to `false`

direction : the direction to show the events in

accepted values are `asc` or `desc`

defaults to `asc`

accountid : a comma separated list of the IDs of the accounts to limit the results to, must be children accounts of the current account, see variable {ChildAccountIDs}

defaults to none (i.e. the current account)

userId : a userId to limit the events to those this user has RSVPed to

defaults to none

attending : when used in combination with user, a way to filter the attending status of those events

accepted values are any combination of `yes`, `no`, and `maybe`

defaults to none


TotalEvents : the amount of events loaded based on your values for upcoming and/or past


A view for a single event. Meant to be used with {page:EventView}


EventAccountId : the ID of the account that created the event

EventAges : will return either "Any Age" or "[%Age]+" (meaning this age and up), also see {if:EventHasMinimumAge}

EventCity : the city in which the event is taking place

EventCustomField : a way to access custom field data in event, see description in Variables With Options note: see if:CustomFieldIsSet

EventId : the ID of the event

EventLikeCount : the number of likes for the event

EventAttendingCount : the number of users that have RSVPed "Yes"

EventMaybeAttendingCount : the number of users that have RSVPed "Maybe"

EventNotAttendingCount : the number of users that have RSVPed "No"

EventShortUrl : a short URL for the event

EventState : the state in which the event is taking place

EventDescription : the description of the event

EventPhotoUrl : the cover photo representing the event

see `if:EventHasPhoto` as well


:	accepted sizes are "thumbnail", "small", "medium", "large", "original"

Event[Start|End]Date : the datetime the event is set to begin or end


:	the format of the date according to [PHP date() function]( *defaults to n/j/y*  
:	if set to "relative", returns time ago such as "5 seconds ago"
:	if set to "gmdate", returns a GMT date in PHP date format 'Y-M-d h:i A' (see using `{EventList}` in the ActivityStream)

EventUrl : a permalink to the event's individual page

EventLocation : a string constructed by StageBloc based on the information available for the location. if in the USA, it will return "city, state", otherwise it will return "city, state, country"

EventPrice : the event for the price, also see {if:EventHasPrice}

EventTitle : the title for the event, also see {if:EventHasTitle}

TicketsBuyLink : a link to where tickets for this event can be purchased, will return a link to the presale tickets if it's a presale or the normal tickets if not note: see if:EventPresaleIsActive

VenueName : the name of the venue where this event is taking place

SupportingActs : a comma separated listing of the supporting acts for the event, also see {if:EventHasSupportingActs}

VenueWebsiteUrl : the URL to the venue where the event is taking place. Also see {if:VenueHasWebsite}


A list of content generated by fans for this account's fansite


userId : a user ID to filter the content by

defaults to none

includeAccountContent : whether or not to include content generated by the account, not the users

defaults to `false`

chunkSize : the amount of seperation between fan content and account content (for instance, if limit is 12 and chunkSize is 5, it will go 5 pieces of fan content, 1 account contenet, 5 fan content, 1 account content) note: only valid if includeAccountContent is true

defaults to `false`

supported : a comma separated list of supported content types

accepted values are `{ContentType-Blog}`, `{ContentType-Photos}`, `{ContentType-Statuses}`, `{ContentType-Videos}`, `{ContentType-Audio}`

defaults to no supported types

limit : the amount of blogs to list per page

defaults to `10`

likedBy : a user ID to filter the content to that which this user has liked

defaults to none

offset : skip X number of items, still returns limit items


A view for a fansite content item piece. Note: {if:ActivityIs[%type]} is also available within this module


ActivityPhotoUrl : a photo representing the content note: see {if:ActivityHasActivityPhoto}


:	accepted sizes are "thumbnail", "small", "medium", "large", "original"

FansiteContentAuthorName : the name of the user who created the content

FansiteContentAuthorUrl : the URL to the user page for the author of this content

FansiteContentAuthorUsername : the username of the user who created the content

FansiteContentAuthorId : the ID of the user who created the content

FansiteContentAuthorThumbnailPhotoUrl : a thumbnail photo URL of the user who created the content

FansiteContentTitle : the title of the content

FansiteContentID : the ID of the content

FansiteContentSection : the content section slug of the content

FansiteContentBody : the body of the content

FansiteContentCSSClass : a CSS class to use for the content note: if includeAccountContent is set to true in the {module}, the CSS class will have "account" in it

FansiteContentExcerpt : an excerpt of the content

FansiteContentExcerptCleaned : an excerpt of the content with most of the HTML tags stripped

FansiteContentExcerptStripped : an excerpt of the content with all of the HTML tags stripped

FansiteContentTagCount : the number of tags for the piece of content

FansiteContentUrl : the URL to the original content

FansiteContentShortUrl : the short URL to the content's individual page

FansiteContentPhotoCount : the number of photos related to the content

FansiteContentLikeCount : the number of likes the content has


A list of fans for this account


See UserView module for UserView block variables


A list of accounts that this account's admins are following


FollowingAccountName : the name of the account being following

FollowingAccountUrl : the URL of the account being followed


Display all the links to active, defined content sections. *Note: If you do not have the page defined in your theme, the link will not show to that section, however the section will still work with our fallback pages.

You can override the link text in navigation modules as options. Example:

{module:Navigation home="News" events="Shows"}
		<li><a href="{Url}" class="{CSSClass}">{LinkText}</a></li>

This will generate links like this:

	<li><a href="/" class="active">News</a></li>
	<li><a href="/events" class="">Shows</a></li>

All variables:

blogCategoryNavigation : whether or not to show links to various blog categories instead of overall navigation

default: false

fansiteNavigation : whether or not to show fansite navigation (filters) instead of overall navigation

default: false

ignore : list of top level links to ignore in navigation

default: `blog,statuses`

order : comma separated list to push to beginning; unlisted items will remain in default position


The data available for each navigation item

CSSClass : a class that says what the navigation item is linking to, will automatically append a class active if the current navigation item

LinkText : the text for the navigation link

Url : the URL for the navigation link


This module latches onto the last seen module and provides next/previous links to go through the pages. Note: this currently must be the first module after the module you wish to paginate


Renders only if there is a previous page.

PreviousPage : link to previous page


Renders only if there is a next page.

NextPage : link to next page


A listing of photo albums for the account


limit : the amount of photo albums to list per page

defaults to `5`

offset : skip X number of items. Still returns limit items

paging (advanced option) : define how many items are on this page

This option is only useful if you are using multiple modules with both `limit`s and `offset`s. You need to explicitly set how many items are on the current page, or pagination will return unexpected results

direction : the direction in which to order the photo albums

accepted values are `asc` or `desc`

defaults to `desc`

accountid : a comma separated list of the IDs of the accounts to limit the results to, must be children accounts of the current account, see variable {ChildAccountIDs}

defaults to none (i.e. the current account)


TotalPhotoAlbums : the total amount of photo albums


A view for a single photo album. Meant to be used with {page:PhotoAlbumView}


PhotoAlbumPhotoUrl : the cover photo for the album


:	accepted sizes are "thumbnail", "small", "medium", "large", "original"

CreatedByPhotoUrl, ModifiedByPhotoUrl : a URL to the photo for who created/modified the album to be used in an <img src="" /> tag

CreatedByName, ModifiedByName : the name of the user who created/modified the photo album

PhotoAlbumAccountId : the ID of the account that created the photo album

PhotoAlbumDescription : the description of the photo album

PhotoAlbumUrl : a permalink to the photo album's individual page

PhotoAlbumId : the ID of the photo album

PhotoAlbumTitle : the title for the photo album

PhotoAlbumPhotoCount : the number of photos in this photo album


A listing of photos.


accountContent : whether or not to show photos created by admins of the account Note: see includeFancContent

defaults to true

accountId : a comma separated list of the IDs of the accounts to limit the results to, must be children accounts of the current account, see variable {ChildAccountIDs}

defaults to just the ID of the current account

albumId : an album id of which to limit the returned photos to

defaults to none

direction : the direction in which to order the photos

accepted values are `asc` or `desc`

defaults to `desc`

includeFanContent : whether or not to show photos submitted to the accounts by fans

defaults to false

exclusive : whether or not to show exclusive content

accepted values are `true` or `false`

defaults to showing both in the case that the user is logged in and authorized to see it

limit : the amount of photos to list per page

defaults to `10`

offset : skip X number of items, still returns limit items

paging (advanced option) : define how many items are on this page

This option is only useful if you are using multiple modules with both `limit`s and `offset`s. You need to explicitly set how many items are on the current page, or pagination will return unexpected results

userid : the user to limit the photos to Note: if fancontent is enabled, this must be a fan of the account and / or if accountcontent is enabled, this must be an admin of the account

defaults to empty (i.e. all fans and / or all admins)


TotalPhotos : the total amount of photos, or if albumid is set, how many photos in this album


A view for a single photo. Meant to be used with {page:PhotoView}


photoid : an ID for which photo to show defaults to the one given to {page:PhotoView} if in that {page}

fanSubmittedIsExclusive : whether or not to consider content submitted by fans to a fansite as exclusive or not

accepted values are `true` and `false`

defaults to `true`


PhotoAccountId : the ID of the account that created the photo

PhotoCreatorID : the ID of the user who created the photo

PhotoContentSlug : a slug representing photo content as a whole (useful for CSS style names, etc)

PhotoId : the ID of the photo

PhotoUrl : the permalink to this photo's individual page

PhotoShortUrl : a short URL for the photo

PhotoTitle : the title of this photo

PhotoDescription : the description of the photo

PhotoAlbumUrl : a permalink to the photo's album's individual page

PhotoAlbumId : the ID of the photo's album

PhotoAlbumTitle : the title for the photo's album

PhotoAlbumPhotoCount : the number of photos in this photo's album

Source-Thumb : A square thumbnail, 130x130

Source-Small : Photo with max width of 250

Source-Medium : Photo with max width of 500

Source-Large : Photo with max width of 800

Use Source-Large when possible

Source-Original : The originally uploaded photo.

ShortUrl-Thumb : Permalink to a square thumbnail, 130x130

ShortUrl-Small : Permalink to photo with max width of 250

ShortUrl-Medium : Permalink to photo with max width of 500

ShortUrl-Large : Permalink to photo with max width of 800

ShortUrl-Original : Permalink to the originally uploaded photo.

Use ShortUrls when sharing photos, otherwise use SourceUrl

PreviousPhotoId, NextPhotoId : the ID of the photo previous/next to the current one if it exists

PreviousPhotoTitle, NextPhotoTitle : the title of the photo previous/next to the current one if it exists

PreviousPhotoUrl, NextPhotoUrl : the permalink of the photo previous/next to the current one if it exists


A listing of statuses.


accountcontent : whether or not to show statuses created by admins of the account Note: see fancontent

defaults to true

accountid : a comma separated list of the IDs of the accounts to limit the results to, must be children accounts of the current account, see variable {ChildAccountIDs}

defaults to just the ID of the current account

direction : the direction in which to order the photos

accepted values are `asc` or `desc`

defaults to `desc`

fancontent : whether or not to show statuses submitted to the accounts by fans

defaults to false

limit : the amount of statuses to list per page

defaults to `10`

offset : skip X number of items. Still returns limit items

paging (advanced option) : define how many items are on this page

This option is only useful if you are using multiple modules with both `limit`s and `offset`s. You need to explicitly set how many items are on the current page, or pagination will return unexpected results

userid : the user to limit the statuses to Note: if fancontent is enabled, this must be a fan of the account and / or if accountcontent is enabled, this must be an admin of the account

defaults to empty (i.e. all fans and / or all admins)


TotalStatuses : total amount of statuses


A view for an individual status. Meant to be used with {page:StatusView}


AuthorName : the author of the status

AuthorPhotoUrl : a 130x130 pixel image of the author of the photo or a placeholder if the photo doesn't exist

StatusId : the ID of the status was posted

StatusAccountId : the ID of the account that posted this status

StatusShortUrl : a short URL for the status

StatusText : the actual text of the status post

StatusTextWithLinks : the actual text of the status post with links converted into HTML tags


A listing of store items.


limit : the amount of store items to list per page

defaults to `20`

offset : skip X number of items. Still returns limit items

paging (advanced option) : define how many items are on this page

This option is only useful if you are using multiple modules with both `limit`s and `offset`s. You need to explicitly set how many items are on the current page, or pagination will return unexpected results

direction : the direction in which to order the store items

accepted values are `asc` or `desc`

defaults to `desc`

type : the type of store item

accepted values are any comma separated string of the following constants: digital, physical

status : the status of the store items

accepted values are any comma separated string of the following constants: listed, coming_soon, sold_out

defaults to all three

accountid : a comma separated list of the IDs of the accounts to limit the results to, must be children accounts of the current account, see variable {ChildAccountIDs}

defaults to none (i.e. the current account)


TotalStoreItems : total amount of store items


A view for an individual store item. Meant to be used with {page:StoreItemView}


StoreItemAccountId : the ID of the account that created the store item

StoreItemUrl : the URL for the store item

StoreItemTitle : the title of the store item Note: if there is a pre-order currently active for the store item, it'll use that title instead

StoreItemDescription : the description of the store item Can contain HTML code

StoreItemPrice : the price of the store item with any active sales applied Note: if there is a pre-order currently active for the store item, it'll use that price instead

StoreItemOriginalPrice : the original price of the store item (i.e. no sales applied) Note: if there is a pre-order currently active for the store item, it'll use that price instead

StoreItemId : the ID for the store item

StoreItemPhotoAlbumId : the ID of the photo album that holds the photos for this store item Note: This can be used with the PhotoList module to easily list store item photos

StoreItemPhotoUrl : the image representing the store item


:	accepted sizes are "thumbnail", "small", "medium", "large", "original"


A listing of tags for the current content item Options
limit : an amount to limit the tags for the item by


Tag : the actual tag

TagLink : a link to content filtered by the tag *note: currently only works with {page:BlogView}, contact us if you need another page added


A view for a single user


userid : the ID of the user to show

defaults to the user in the URL

loggedin : whether or not to use the currently logged in user, will override userid if true

defaults to false


UserId : the ID of the user

UserName : the real name of the user

UserUsername : the username of the user

UserFansitePostCount : the number of posts the user has on the current account's fansite

UserFansiteLikeCount : the number of likes the user has on the current account's fansite

UserFansiteCommentCount : the number of comments the user has on the current account's fansite

UserEventAttendingCount : the number of events the user is attending for the current account

UserUrl : the URL to the user's page on StageBloc (i.e.[%id])

UserFansiteUrl : the URL to the user's pages on the current account's fansite (if they have one setup) (i.e.[%account_url]/fansite/users/[%user_id])

UserPhotoUrl : the image representing the user


:	accepted sizes are "thumbnail", "small", "medium", "large", "original"

:	the URL of a photo to use if one isn't set and you don't want to use our default photo


A listing of videos.


videoplaylistid : a video playlist id to limit the videos to

defaults to none

limit : a limit on the amount of returned videos

default to `50`

offset : skip X number of items. Still returns limit items

paging (advanced option) : define how many items are on this page

This option is only useful if you are using multiple modules with both `limit`s and `offset`s. You need to explicitly set how many items are on the current page, or pagination will return unexpected results

direction : the direction in which to order the videos

accepted values are `asc` or `desc`

defaults to `asc`

sticky : whether or not to have sticky content return first

accepted values are `true` or `false`

defaults to `false`

featured : whether or not to show the just featured video

accepted values are `true` or `false`

defaults to `false`

accountid : a comma separated list of the IDs of the accounts to limit the results to, must be children accounts of the current account, see variable {ChildAccountIDs}

defaults to none (i.e. the current account)


TotalVideos : the total amount of videos, or if videoplaylistid is set, the total videos in this playlist


A view for a single video. Meant to be used with {page:VideoView}


fanSubmittedIsExclusive : whether or not to consider content submitted by fans to a fansite as exclusive or not

accepted values are `true` and `false`

defaults to `true`

videoid : an ID for which video to show *defaults to the one given to {page:VideoView} if in that page


VideoAccountId : the ID of the account that posted the video

VideoCreatorId : the ID of the user who created the video

VideoContentSlug : a slug representing video content as a whole (useful for CSS style names, etc)

VideoUrl : a permalink to the video's individual page on StageBloc

VideoJavaScriptEscapedTitle : the title of the video escaped so that it is able to be used with JavaScript

VideoID : the ID of the video

VideoShortUrl : a short URL for the video

VideoDescription : the description of the video

VideoJavaScriptEscapedDescription : the description of the video escaped to be used in JavaScript

VideoEmbedCode : the embed code for the given video

VideoJavaScriptEncodedEmbedCode : the embed code encoded for use in a URL

VideoJavaScriptEscapedEmbedCode : the embed code escaped to be used in JavaScript

VideoThumbnailUrl : a URL to a thumbnail image used to represent this video


A listing of video playlists


limit : a limit on the amount of returned audio objects

defaults to `50`

offset : skip X number of items. Still returns limit items

paging (advanced option) : define how many items are on this page

This option is only useful if you are using multiple modules with both `limit`s and `offset`s. You need to explicitly set how many items are on the current page, or pagination will return unexpected results


TotalVideoPlaylists : the total amount of video playlists


A view for a single video playlist


VideoPlaylistDescription : the description for the playlist

VideoPlaylistId : the ID for the video playlist

VideoPlaylistUrl : a permalink to the video playlist's individual page

VideoPlaylistTitle : the title for the video playlist

VideoPlaylistVideoCount : the amount of videos in this playlist

VideoPlaylistPhotoUrl : a photo of the cover of the playlist


:	accepted sizes are "thumbnail", "small", "medium", "large", "original"

CreatedByPhotoUrl, ModifiedByPhotoUrl : a URL to the photo for who created/modified the video playlist to be used in an <img src="" /> tag

CreatedByName, ModifiedByName : the name of the user who created/modified the video playlist

Advanced Functionality

If you're looking for some advanced functionality, you've found the right place!

Inline User Profile Editing

Editing the logged in users profile can be done via SB Nav. The steps are outlined below.

Step One

First, you'll obviously need some sort of HTML form. Here's an example:

{module:API v="3.0" path="user/list" me="true"}
	<form id="userEditForm">
		<input type="hidden" name="email" value="{email}" />
		<input type="hidden" name="username" value="{username}" />
		<textarea name="bio">{bio}</textarea>
		<input type="submit" value="Save Profile" />

The currently available parameters you can send use are name, username, email, bio, gender, and password note: password will overwrite their current password. You can also pass a birthday parameter with the array values day, month, and year;

Step Two

Next, when the user submits the form, you'll want to capture it with JavaScript similar to the following:

	pm({target: window.frames['sbnav'], type: 'sbInlineUserProfileEdit', data: $(this).serialize() });
	return false;

The postMessage JS library is already included for you. The type and target parameters must be exactly as shown above.

Step Three

Finally, you should add two bindings to your theme's JavaScript. You can use these callbacks to handle the new data returned from the data in the case of a successful edit or the error in the case of a failed edit.

pm.bind('sbInlineUserProfileEdit', function(data)
	// data will be JSON representing the comment that was posted (or an error if an error occurred)

pm.bind('sbError', function(data)
	// This binding will handle generic errors. data will contain a `type` property for the action it came from (i.e. 'sbInlineUserProfileEdit')

Inline Commenting

Normally, commenting can be done very easily with the use of {CommentLink} variable that opens an SB Nav modal. However, sometimes you'll want to have comments inline within your page to give the user a different experience. This is fairly straightforward to do.

Step One

First, you'll obviously need some sort of HTML form. Here's an example:

<form id="commentForm">
	<input type="hidden" name="content_slug" value="{ContentType-Photos}" />
	<input type="hidden" name="content_id" value="{PhotoId}" />
	<textarea name="commentText"></textarea>
	<input type="submit" value="Post Comment" />

Note that content_id and content_slug will vary depending on the content you're trying to comment on and will most likely be received from some sort of {block} data within your theme. There is also an optional replyToId parameter that can be passed to serve as the id of the original comment if this new comment is meant to be a reply to it.

Step Two

Next, when the user submits the form, you'll want to capture it with JavaScript similar to the following:

	pm({target: window.frames['sbnav'], type: 'sbInlineComment', data: $(this).serialize() });
	return false;

The postMessage JS library is already included for you. The type and target parameters must be exactly as shown above. The passed data must contain the keys content_slug, content_id, and commentText with their respective values for it to be valid.

Step Three

Finally, you should add two bindings to your theme's JavaScript.

pm.bind('sbInlineComment', function(data)
	// data will be JSON representing the comment that was posted (or an error if an error occurred)

pm.bind('sbError', function(data)
	// This binding will handle generic errors. data will contain a `type` property for the action it came from (i.e. 'sbInlineComment')

Inline Status Submission

Normally, adding content can be done very easily with the use of {SubmitFanContentLink} variable that opens an SB Nav modal. However, sometimes you'll want to have comments inline within your page to give the user a different experience. This is fairly straightforward to do.

Step One

First, you'll obviously need some sort of HTML form. Here's an example:

<form id="statusSubmit">
	<input type="text" name="statusText" />
	<input type="submit" />

Step Two

Next, when the user submits the form, you'll want to capture it with JavaScript similar to the following:

	pm({target: window.frames['sbnav'], type: 'sbInlineSubmitStatus', data: $(this).serialize() });
	return false;

The postMessage JS library is already included for you. The type and target parameters must be exactly as shown above. The passed data must contain the key statusText for it to be valid.

Step Three

Finally, you should add two bindings to your theme's JavaScript.

pm.bind('sbInlineSubmitStatus', function(data)
	// data will be JSON representing the status that was posted (or an error if an error occurred)

pm.bind('sbError', function(data)
	// This binding will handle generic errors. data will contain a `type` property for the action it came from (i.e. 'sbInlineSubmitStatus')

Inline Blog Submission

Normally, adding content can be done very easily with the use of {SubmitFanContentLink} variable that opens an SB Nav modal. However, sometimes you'll want to have comments inline within your page to give the user a different experience. This is fairly straightforward to do.

Step One

First, you'll obviously need some sort of HTML form. Here's an example:

<form id="blogSubmit">
	<input type="text" name="blogTitle" />
	<textarea name="blogBody"></textarea>
	<input type="submit" />

Step Two

Next, when the user submits the form, you'll want to capture it with JavaScript similar to the following:

	pm({target: window.frames['sbnav'], type: 'sbInlineSubmitBlog', data: $(this).serialize() });
	return false;

The postMessage JS library is already included for you. The type and target parameters must be exactly as shown above. The passed data must contain the keys blogTitle and blogBody for it to be valid. You can also pass a comma seperated list of words to use as tags with the key blogTags.

Step Three

Finally, you should add two bindings to your theme's JavaScript.

pm.bind('sbInlineSubmitBlog', function(data)
	// data will be JSON representing the blog that was posted (or an error if an error occurred)

pm.bind('sbError', function(data)
	// This binding will handle generic errors. data will contain a `type` property for the action it came from (i.e. 'sbInlineSubmitBlog')

Inline Video Submission

Normally, adding content can be done very easily with the use of {SubmitFanContentLink} variable that opens an SB Nav modal. However, sometimes you'll want to have comments inline within your page to give the user a different experience. This is fairly straightforward to do.

Step One

First, you'll obviously need some sort of HTML form. Here's an example:

<form id="videoSubmit">
	<input type="text" name="videoRawUrl" />
	<input type="submit" />

Step Two

Next, when the user submits the form, you'll want to capture it with JavaScript similar to the following:

	pm({target: window.frames['sbnav'], type: 'sbInlineSubmitVideo', data: $(this).serialize() });
	return false;

The postMessage JS library is already included for you. The type and target parameters must be exactly as shown above. The passed data must contain the key videoRawUrl for it to be valid (we'll then use oEmbed to grab a lot of the data). You can explicitly pass videoTitle if you'd like. You can also pass a comma seperated list of words to use as tags with the key videoTags.

Step Three

Finally, you should add two bindings to your theme's JavaScript.

pm.bind('sbInlineSubmitVideo', function(data)
	// data will be JSON representing the video that was posted (or an error if an error occurred)

pm.bind('sbError', function(data)
	// This binding will handle generic errors. data will contain a `type` property for the action it came from (i.e. 'sbInlineSubmitVideo')

Inline Email Subscriptions

When users are part of a fansite, they can manage their email subscriptions to that fansite in the backend. This is a way to add that functionality inline to your site.

Step One

First, you'll obviously need some sort of HTML form. Here's an example:

{module:API v="3.0" path="user/email_lists/list" account_id="{AccountId}"}
		<form id="emailSubscriptionEdit">
			<input type="radio" name="subscribedStatus[{id}]" value="1" {if:APIKeyHasValue key="user_is_subscribed" value="true"}checked{/if:APIKeyHasValue} />Subscribe
			<input type="radio" name="subscribedStatus[{id}]" value="0" {if:APIKeyHasValue key="user_is_subscribed" value="false"}checked{/if:APIKeyHasValue} />Unsubscribe

Step Two

Next, when the user updates their preference, you'll want to capture it with JavaScript similar to the following:

$('#emailSubscriptionEdit :input').change(function() {
	pm({target: window.frames['sbnav'], type: 'sbInlineEmailSubscriptionEdit', data: $(this).parents('form').serialize() });

The postMessage JS library is already included for you. The type and target parameters must be exactly as shown above. The passed data must contain the key subscribedStatus for it to be valid.

Step Three

Finally, you should add two bindings to your theme's JavaScript.

pm.bind('sbInlineEmailSubscriptionEdit', function(data)
	// data will be JSON representing the status that was posted (or an error if an error occurred)

pm.bind('sbError', function(data)
	// This binding will handle generic errors. data will contain a `type` property for the action it came from (i.e. 'sbInlineEmailSubscriptionEdit')

SB Nav

SB Nav is the little control box that appears in a corner of the screen. It allows users to log in; follow and unfollow accounts; and edit, like, repost, and buy content. As a theme author, you can change a few things.

{SBNav position=""}

You can set the sbnav position with the {SBNav} variable. Place it anywhere in your theme and SB Nav will be placed in the specified corner. Note: This will be ignored on mobile themes as SBNav is forced to the top of the screen

position : which corner to be placed in

accepted values are two words in any order, separated by a space: `top`, `bottom`, `left`, `right`

SB Nav Color

When submitting a theme, you can select a default color (in HEX value format) that you feel best matches and fits in. Users have the option to override this in their account's theme management section.

Example Theme

Here's a boilerplate theme to kickstart your development. View these files on GitHub.


<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8" />
	<body id="{Body-ID}">
			<h1><a href="{Link-Home}">{AccountName}</a></h1>
				<nav id="main-nav">
						<li class="{CSSClass}"><a href="{Url}">{LinkText}</a></li>
					<li><a href="{Link-Archive}">Archive</a></li>

		<div id="content">
				<div id="main-content">
					{module:ActivityStreamList embedWidth="500" supported="audio,blog,events,photos,statuses,videos,store"}
							<article class="post {ActivityCSSClass}">
										<h1><a href="{ActivityUrl}">{ActivityTitle}</a></h1>

								<div class="post-body">
										<div id="jquery_jplayer{ActivityId}" class="jp-jplayer"></div>
										<div id="jp_container{ActivityId}" class="jp-audio jp-audio-single jp-audio-activity-stream" data-id="{ActivityId}" data-url="{ActivityExcerpt}">
											<ul class="jp-controls">
												<li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-play" tabindex="1"><span>play</span></a></li>
												<li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-pause" tabindex="1"><span>pause</span></a></li>
											<div class="jp-current-time"></div>
											<div class="jp-progress"><div class="jp-seek-bar"><div class="jp-play-bar"></div></div></div>
											<div class="jp-time-left"></div>
											<div class="clear"></div>

										<div class="repost">
											<a href="{RepostedFromAccountUrl}" class="repost-account-image-link">
												<img src="{RepostedFromAccountPhotoUrl}" class="repost-account-image" />
											<div class="repost-info">
												<a href="{RepostedFromAccountUrl}">{RepostedFromAccountName}</a>
										<a href="{ActivityUrl}"><span class="status-quote-mark">&ldquo;</span>{ActivityExcerpt}</a>

										{module:EventList upcoming="true" past="true" dateadded="{ActivityDate format="gmdate"}" limit="8"}
											<ul class="events-list compact">
													<span class="event-date">{ActivityDate format="M j"}</span>
													<span class="event-location">{EventLocation}</span>
													<small class="event-actions">
														 <a class="event-more" href="{EventUrl}">more info</a>

									<a href="{ActivityUrl}"><img src="{ActivityPhotoUrl size="medium"}" alt="{ActivityTitle}" title="{ActivityTitle}" /></a>

									<a class="read-more" href="{ActivityUrl}">read more</a>


									<span class="footer-info">
										{LikeLink likeText="Like" unlikeText="Unlike"}
											{RepostLink repostText="Repost" unRepostText="UnRepost"}
											{ActivityPhotoCount} photos <a href="{ActivityUrl}">view all photos</a>
									<a href="{ActivityUrl}" class="datetime-link" title="{ActivityDate format="D M j Y g:i A"}">{ActivityDate format="relative"}</a>
						<article class="post nocontent">
							<p>Oh snap! We haven't written anything yet.</p>

						<div id="pagination">
							<a href="{NextPage}">Older</a>
							<a href="{PreviousPage}">Newer</a>


				<div id="main-content">
							<article class="post blog individual">
									<span class="footer-info">
										{LikeLink likeText="Like" unlikeText="Unlike"}
										{RepostLink repostText="Repost" unRepostText="UnRepost"}
									{PublishedDate format="D M j Y g:i A"}
								<div id="single-item-navigation">
									<div><a href="{NextBlogPostUrl}">Newer</a></div>
									<div><a href="{PreviousBlogPostUrl}">Older</a></div>
								<section id="tags" class="blog-post-tags">
											<span class="tag">{Tag}</span>
						<div class="nocontent">
							<p>Sorry, but this blog post was not found!</p>

				<div id="main-content">
							<article class="post status individual">
								<div class="post-body">
									<a><span class="status-quote-mark">&ldquo;</span>{StatusText}</a>
									<span class="footer-info">
										{LikeLink likeText="Like" unlikeText="Unlike"}
										{RepostLink repostText="Repost" unRepostText="UnRepost"}
									{CreatedDate format="D M j Y g:i A"}
						<div class="nocontent">
							<p>Sorry, but this status was not found!</p>

				<div id="main-content">
						<h2>Store Items</h2>
						<ul class="store-blocks">
								<a href="{StoreItemUrl}">
									<img src="{StoreItemPhotoUrl}" alt="{StoreItemTitle} cover" title="{StoreItemTitle} cover" />
									<span class="title">{StoreItemTitle}</span>
									<span class="price">{if:StoreItemCanBeSold}
						<div class="nocontent">
							<p>No store items yet! Check back later.</p>
					<div id="pagination">
						{block:NextPage}<a href="{NextPage}">Older</a>{/block:NextPage}
						{block:PreviousPage}<a href="{PreviousPage}">Newer</a>{/block:PreviousPage}
					<div class="store-item-container">
							<div class="store-item-info">
								<div class="buy-link">
									{StoreItemAddToCartLink storeitemid="{StoreItemId}" text="Buy Now"}<br />
									{if:StoreItemCanNamePrice}min {/if:StoreItemCanNamePrice}${StoreItemPrice} USD
								<div class="buy-link">
									{StoreItemFreeDownloadLink storeitemid="{StoreItemId}" text="Download"}

								<div class="description long">
									<img class="inlineImage" src="{StoreItemPhotoUrl size="small"}" />

							<section id="tags-sidebar" class="store-tags">
										<span class="tag">{Tag}</span>
				<div class="nocontent">
					<p>Sorry, but this store item wasn't found!</p>

				<div id="main-content">
					{module:EventList upcoming="true" past="false"}
						<h2>Upcoming Events</h2>
						<a href="{Link-EventsPast}" id="other-events">view past events</a>
						<ul class="events-list">
								<span class="event-date">{EventStartDate format="M j"}</span>
								<span class="event-venue"><a href="{EventUrl}">{VenueName}</a></span>
								<span class="event-location">{EventLocation}</span>
								<span class="event-actions">
									<a class="event-tickets" href="{TicketsBuyLink}">tickets</a> |
									<a class="event-more" href="{EventUrl}”>more</a>
						<h2>Upcoming Events</h2>
						<a href="{Link-EventsPast}" id="other-events">view past events</a>
						<div class="nocontent">
							<p>Uh oh! No upcoming events...</p>

						<div id="pagination">
							<a href="{NextPage}">Older</a>
							<a href="{PreviousPage}">Newer</a>

				<div id="main-content">
					{module:EventList upcoming="false" past="true" order="desc"}
						<h2>Past Events</h2>
						<a href="{Link-Events}" id="other-events">view upcoming events</a>
						<ul class="events-list">
								<span class="event-date">{EventStartDate format="M j"}</span>
								<span class="event-venue"><a href="{EventUrl}">{VenueName}</a></span>
								<span class="event-location">{EventLocation}</span>
								<span class="event-actions">
									<a class="event-more" href="{EventUrl}">more</a>
						<h2>Past Events</h2>
						<a href="{Link-Events}" id="other-events">view upcoming events</a>
						<div class="nocontent">
							<p>Uh oh! No past events...</p>

						<div id="pagination">
							<a href="{NextPage}">Older</a>
							<a href="{PreviousPage}">Newer</a>

						<div id="main-content">
								<div id="event-datetime">
									<span id="event-month">{EventStartDate format="M"}</span>
									<span id="event-day">{EventStartDate format="j"}</span>
									<span id="event-year">{EventStartDate format="Y"}</span>

									<div id="event-datetime-sub">
										{EventStartDate format="l"}<br />
										{EventStartDate format="g:i a"}<br />

								<div class="event-details">
									<div id="event-header">
										{VenueName}, {EventLocation}
									<div class="event-details">
										<span id="event-supportingacts">with {SupportingActs}</span>
									<div class="event-details">
										<span id="event-price">${EventPrice}</span>
										<a href="{TicketsBuyLink}" id="event-tickets">buy tickets</a>
										<div id="event-description">{EventDescription}</div>
									<section id="tags" class="event-tags">
												<span class="tag">{Tag}</span>
						<div class="nocontent">
							<p>Sorry, this event wasn't found!</p>

				{module:VideoList featured="true" embedWidth="500"}
					<div class="video-container">
						<div class="video">
							<h2><a href="{VideoUrl}">{VideoTitle}</a></h2>

						<section id="tags" class="video-tags">
									<span class="tag">{Tag}</span>

					<div id="main-content">
						<ul class="playlists-block">
							<li id="playlist{AudioPlaylistId}"><a href="{VideoPlaylistUrl}">
									<img src="{VideoPlaylistPhotoUrl}" title="{VideoPlaylistTitle}" />
								<span class="total">{VideoPlaylistVideoCount} videos</span>
					<div class="nocontent">
						<p>Sorry, but we haven't added any video playlists yet!</p>

						<div class="video-container"></div>
						<div id="playlistTitle">
							Playlist: <span class="title">{VideoPlaylistTitle}</span><span class="total">{VideoPlaylistVideoCount} videos</span>
						<div id="video-grid">
						{module:VideoList videoplaylistid="{VideoPlaylistId}" limit="12" embedWidth="500"}
							<script>sbVideoList = {};</script>
							<ul class="video-blocks">
								<li><a href="{VideoUrl}" data-id="{VideoId}">
									<div class="image"><img src="{VideoThumbnailUrl}" title="{VideoTitle}" /></div>
									<span>{VideoTitle}</span><span class="nowPlaying">Now Playing</span>

								<script>sbVideoList[{VideoId}] = '<div class="video">{VideoJavaScriptEscapedEmbedCode}<h2><a href="{VideoUrl}">{VideoJavaScriptEscapedTitle}</a></h2>{VideoJavaScriptEscapedDescription}</div>{if:HasTags block="VideoView"}<section id="tags" class="video-tags"><h2>Tags</h2>{module:TagList}{block:TagView}<span class="tag">{Tag}</span>{/block:TagView}{/module:TagList}</section>{/if:HasTags}'</script>
							<div id="pagination">
								<a href="{PreviousPage}">Newer</a>
								<a href="{NextPage}">Older</a>
						<section id="tags" class="video-playlist-tags">
									<span class="tag">{Tag}</span>
					<div class="nocontent">
						<p>Sorry, but this video playlist was not found!</p>

					<div id="main-content">
						<ul class="playlist-blocks">
							<li id="block{VideoPlaylistId}"><a href="{VideoPlaylistUrl}">
									<img src="{VideoPlaylistPhotoUrl}" title="{VideoPlaylistTitle}" />
								<span class="total">{VideoPlaylistVideoCount} videos</span>

				{module:VideoView embedWidth="500"}
					<div class="video-container">
						<div class="video">
							<h2><a href="{VideoUrl}">{VideoTitle}</a></h2>

						<section id="tags" class="video-tags">
									<span class="tag">{Tag}</span>
					<div class="nocontent">
						<p>Sorry, but this video was not found!</p>

					<div id="main-content">
						<h2>Photo Albums</h2>
						<ul class="album-blocks">
								<a href="{PhotoAlbumUrl}">
									<img src="{PhotoAlbumPhotoUrl}" alt="{PhotoAlbumTitle} cover" title="{PhotoAlbumTitle} cover" />
									<span class="title">{PhotoAlbumTitle}</span>
									{PhotoAlbumPhotoCount} photos
					<div class="nocontent">
						<p>No photos yet! Check back later.</p>

					<div id="main-content">
						<article class="post individual photo">
							<img class="photo-image" src="{Source-Large}" alt="{PhotoTitle}" title="{PhotoTitle}" />
							<h1 class="photo-title">{PhotoTitle}</h1>
							<p class="photo-backtoalbum">{PhotoAlbumPhotoCount} photos in <a href="{PhotoAlbumUrl}">{PhotoAlbumTitle}</a></p>
							<div class="photo-description">
							<div class="single-item-navigation">
								<div><a href="{NextPhotoUrl}">Newer</a></div>
								<div><a href="{PreviousPhotoUrl}">Older</a></div>
								<span class="footer-info">
									{LikeLink likeText="Like" unlikeText="Unlike"}
								{CreatedDate format="D M j Y g:i A"}

								<section id="tags" class="photo-tags">
											<span class="tag">{Tag}</span>
					<div class="nocontent">
						<p>Sorry, but this photo couldn't be found! <a href="{Link-Photos}">View other photos instead?</a></p>

					<div id="main-content">
							<div class="photos-section">
								<div id="album-info">
									<img id="album-cover" src="{PhotoAlbumPhotoUrl}" alt="{PhotoAlbumTitle} cover" title="{PhotoAlbumTitle} cover"/>
									<span id="album-title">{PhotoAlbumTitle}</span>
									<div id="album-last-updated">last updated {ModifiedDate format="F j, Y"}</div>
									<div id="description">{PhotoAlbumDescription}</div>
									<div id="album-photo-count">{PhotoAlbumPhotoCount} photos</div>
							{module:PhotoList albumid="{PhotoAlbumId}" limit="24"}
								<ul class="photos-list">
									<li><a href="{PhotoUrl}" title="{PhotoTitle}"><img src="{Source-Thumb}" alt="{PhotoTitle}" title="{PhotoTitle}" /></a></li>

								<div id="pagination">
									<a href="{NextPage}">Older</a>
									<a href="{PreviousPage}">Newer</a>

								<section id="tags" class="photo-album-tags">
											<span class="tag">{Tag}</span>
					<div class="nocontent">
						<p>Sorry, but this photo album was not found!</p>

				{module:AudioPlaylistList featured="true"}
					<div id="main-content">
							<div class="playlist-info">
									<img src="{AudioPlaylistPhotoUrl}" class="cover-photo" title="{AudioPlaylistTitle}" />
								<div class="buy-link">
									{AudioPlaylistAddToCartLink audioPlaylistId="{AudioPlaylistId}" text="Buy Now"}<br />
									{if:AudioPlaylistCanNamePrice}min {/if:AudioPlaylistCanNamePrice}${AudioPlaylistPrice} USD
								<div class="buy-link">
									{AudioPlaylistFreeDownloadLink audioPlaylistId="{AudioPlaylistId}" text="Download"}<br />

								<div class="description">
										<strong>Released</strong> on {AudioPlaylistReleaseDate format="F n, Y"}{if:AudioPlaylistHasLabel} by {AudioPlaylistLabel}{/if:AudioPlaylistHasLabel}
										<strong>Released</strong> by {AudioPlaylistLabel}

										<span class="buy-links">{Block:BuyLinkView}<a href="{BuyLink}">{BuyLinkTitle}</a>{/Block:BuyLinkView}</span>

							<div id="jquery_jplayer" class="jp-jplayer"></div>
							<div id="jp_container" class="jp-audio">
								<ul class="jp-controls">
									<li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-previous" tabindex="1"><span>previous</span></a></li>
									<li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-play" tabindex="1"><span>play</span></a></li>
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								<div class="jp-time-left"></div>
								<div class="clear"></div>

							{module:AudioList audioplaylistid="{AudioPlaylistId}"}
							<ul class="playlist-tracks">
								<li data-url="{AudioStreamUrl}">
									<span class="number">{AudioOrderNumber}</span>
									<span class="title">{AudioTitle}</span>
									<div class="links">
										{if:AudioCanBeSold}{AudioAddToCartLink audioId="{AudioId}" text="buy"}{/if:AudioCanBeSold}
										{if:AudioCanBeDownloadedForFree}{AudioFreeDownloadLink audioId="{AudioId}"}{/if:AudioCanBeDownloadedForFree}
										<a href="{AudioLink}">details</a>

					<div id="main-content">
						<ul class="playlist-blocks">
							<li id="playlist{AudioPlaylistId}"><a href="{AudioPlaylistUrl}">
									<img src="{AudioPlaylistPhotoUrl}" title="{AudioPlaylistTitle}" />
								<span class="total">{AudioPlaylistAudioCount} tracks</span>
					<div class="nocontent">
						<p>We haven't uploaded any audio tracks yet, check back later!</p>

					<div id="main-content">
							<div class="playlist-info">
									<img src="{AudioPlaylistPhotoUrl}" class="cover-photo" title="{AudioPlaylistTitle}" />
								<div class="buy-link">
									{AudioPlaylistAddToCartLink audioPlaylistId="{AudioPlaylistId}" text="Buy Now"}<br />
									{if:AudioPlaylistCanNamePrice}min {/if:AudioPlaylistCanNamePrice}${AudioPlaylistPrice} USD
								<div class="buy-link">
									{AudioPlaylistFreeDownloadLink audioPlaylistId="{AudioPlaylistId}" text="Download"}<br />

								<div class="description">
										<strong>Released</strong> on {AudioPlaylistReleaseDate format="F n, Y"}{if:AudioPlaylistHasLabel} by {AudioPlaylistLabel}{/if:AudioPlaylistHasLabel}
										<strong>Released</strong> by {AudioPlaylistLabel}

										<span class="buy-links">{Block:BuyLinkView}<a href="{BuyLink}">{BuyLinkTitle}</a>{/Block:BuyLinkView}</span>

							<div id="jquery_jplayer" class="jp-jplayer"></div>
							<div id="jp_container" class="jp-audio">
								<ul class="jp-controls">
									<li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-previous" tabindex="1"><span>previous</span></a></li>
									<li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-play" tabindex="1"><span>play</span></a></li>
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									<li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-next" tabindex="1"><span>next</span></a></li>
								<div class="jp-current-time"></div>
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								<div class="jp-time-left"></div>
								<div class="clear"></div>

							{module:AudioList audioplaylistid="{AudioPlaylistId}"}
							<ul class="playlist-tracks">
								<li data-url="{AudioStreamUrl}">
									<span class="number">{AudioOrderNumber}</span>
									<span class="title">{AudioTitle}</span>
									<div class="links">
										{if:AudioCanBeSold}{AudioAddToCartLink audioId="{AudioId}" text="buy"}{/if:AudioCanBeSold}
										{if:AudioCanBeDownloadedForFree}{AudioFreeDownloadLink audioId="{AudioId}"}{/if:AudioCanBeDownloadedForFree}
										<a href="{AudioLink}">details</a>
							<div class="empty-audio-playlist">
								<p>Sorry, this playlist is empty.</p>

							<section id="tags" class="audio-playlist-tags">
										<span class="tag">{Tag}</span>
					<div class="nocontent">
						<p>Sorry, but this playlist was not found!</p>

					<div id="audio-playlist-list-container">
						<ul class="playlist-blocks">
							<li id="playlist{AudioPlaylistId}"><a href="{AudioPlaylistUrl}">
									<img src="{AudioPlaylistPhotoUrl}" title="{AudioPlaylistTitle}" />
								<span class="total">{AudioPlaylistAudioCount} tracks</span>

					<div id="main-content">
							<div class="single-info">
								<div class="buy-link">
									{AudioAddToCartLink audioId="{AudioId}" text="Buy Now"}<br />
									{if:AudioCanNamePrice}min {/if:AudioCanNamePrice}${AudioPrice}
								<div class="buy-link">
									{AudioFreeDownloadLink audioId="{AudioId}" text="Download"}<br />

								<div class="description">
										<strong>Recorded</strong> on {AudioRecordedDate format="F n, Y"}

										<span class="buy-links">{Block:BuyLinkView}<a href="{BuyLink}">{BuyLinkTitle}</a>{/Block:BuyLinkView}</span>

							<div id="jquery_jplayer" class="jp-jplayer"></div>
							<div id="jp_container" class="jp-audio jp-audio-single" data-url="{AudioStreamUrl}">
								<ul class="jp-controls">
									<li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-play" tabindex="1"><span>play</span></a></li>
									<li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-pause" tabindex="1"><span>pause</span></a></li>
								<div class="jp-current-time"></div>
								<div class="jp-progress"><div class="jp-seek-bar"><div class="jp-play-bar"></div></div></div>
								<div class="jp-time-left"></div>
								<div class="clear"></div>
							<div class="lyrics">{AudioLyrics}</div>

							<section id="tags" class="audio-tags">
										<span class="tag">{Tag}</span>
				<div class="nocontent">
					<p>Sorry, but this audio file was not found!</p>

				<div id="main-content">
						<div class="account-overview">
							<img alt="{AccountName}'s account photo" id="account-photo" src="{AccountPhotoUrl size="small"}" />
							<ul id="account-links">
									<li><a href="{LinkUrl}" target="_blank">{LinkTitle}</a></li>
						<div class="account-bio">
						<p>We're sure you'll find our story fascinating, but we haven't written it yet!</p>
				<div class="nocontent">
					<p>Error 404: This page doesn't exist.</p>


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