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"It's your data, we're just giving it a good home."

Use the StageBloc API to develop custom, standalone integrations with StageBloc.

Objective-C Client

PHP Client

Under Development

The API is actively evolving - please check back here for updates and changes. We also blog about updates on the StageBloc Developers site.

Fork us on GitHub!

All of StageBloc's documentation is up on GitHub for you to fork, modify, and improve. Join us over there to request features, add suggestions, and report bugs. What are you waiting for? Git to it!

General Information

The root URL of the API is

All /edit endpoints take POST parameters (as well as /oauth2/token) and all /list endpoints take GET parameters. It can generally be assumed that writing endpoints use POST and reading endpoints use GET.

All dates returned are in GMT / UTC (+0000).

Responses can be formatted in either JSON or JSONP by simply changing the extension of the endpoint between .json or .jsonp. For instance, to list an account's blog entries, one could use either /list.jsonp or /list.json. This applies to all endpoints except /oauth2/token since it only returns JSON. Any request that specifies JSONP as the format must include a GET parameter named callback to handle the callback function.


Connecting with the StageBloc API uses the OAuth 2.0 standard. You must first create a StageBloc account and then register your application in the StageBloc backend to receive a client ID and secret that will allow users to connect with your application.

Requests can be be made with just a client_id parameter, but this is restricted to reading (listing) endpoints. In order to make use of any writing (editing) endpoints, an access token (i.e. validated user) must be present.

In order to get a validated user, check out the oauth2/token endpoint and / or look towards the bottom of this page to find a wrapper / framework in your language.


Errors can be returned for any of the /edit endpoints and differ in content based on the endpoint you're using. However, they will have the following structure:

JSON Example

    "response": [{
        "error": {
            "message": "Description of error."


These endpoints encompass the actions that can be taken on an object. For example, to like a blog post, use the endpoint blog/like.json, and pass the id of the blog you wish to like. Everything in the actions section should be POSTed.


id (required) : the id of the content you wish to like

action: (required) : acceptable values are "like" or "unlike"

The response will return the liked content item with the like count updated. See listing endpoints for different content types for the structure of this data.


id (required) : the id of the content to be reposted

action (required) : acceptable values are "repost" or "unrepost"

account_id (required) : the id(s) of the account you wish to repost to

seperate numerous account IDs with commas

The response will return the reposted content item with the repost count updated. See listing endpoints for different content types for the structure of this data.


Comments are infinitely nested in StageBloc.

id (required) : the id of the content you wish to comment on

text (required) : the text of the comment

reply_to_id : if it's reply to a comment, you must also pass the id of the parent comment (i.e. the specific comment you're replying to)

Example Response

    "response": {
        "items": [{
            "id": 124,
            "short_url": "http:\/\/\/c\/\/39",
            "text": "Test comment text...",
            "type": "blog",
            "content_id": 111,
            "account_id": 17,
            "created": "2013-08-27 20:39:20",
            "reply_to_id": null,
            "reply_count": 0,
            "user": {
                "id": 8,
                "url": "http:\/\/\/user\/joshholat62man\/",
                "created": "2009-10-27 14:29:16",
                "name": "JoshDude HolatMan",
                "username": "joshholat62man",
                "bio": "This is my bio!",
                "following_count": 3,
                "likes_count": 30,
                "content_count": 1838,
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "gender": "male",
                "birthday": "1996-07-06",
                "location": {
                    "city": "Chicago",
                    "state_province": "IL",
                    "country": "US"
                "photo": {
                    "id": 74,
                    "width": 720,
                    "height": 720,
                    "images": {
                        "thumbnail_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/users\/8\/thumbnail\/20130826_233333_8_74.jpeg",
                        "small_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/users\/8\/small\/20130826_233333_8_74.jpeg",
                        "medium_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/users\/8\/medium\/20130826_233333_8_74.jpeg",
                        "large_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/users\/8\/large\/20130826_233333_8_74.jpeg"


This endpoint is used for interacting with accounts on StageBloc, whether it be a user's admin accounts, accounts they're following, etc


Lists the accounts the currently authenticated user has admin access to. No parameters are required for this endpoint.

Explanation of Returned Data

color : the color associated with the account

stagebloc_url : the StageBloc URL for the account (i.e.<stagebloc_url>/)

images : the image for the account

user_is_following : whether the active user is following the particular account

Example Response (JSON)

    response = {
        items = ({
            color = "#cce8ff";
            "custom_domain" = "";
            description = "CS Purdue University. Interested in mobile + web development";
            id = 2362;
            name = john;
            photo = {
                "comment_count" = 0;
                description = "Account Image";
                height = 1200;
                id = 629624;
                images = {
                    "large_url" = "";
                    "medium_url" = "";
                    "small_url" = "";
                    "thumbnail_url" = "";
                "like_count" = 0;
                "repost_count" = 0;
                "short_url" = "";
                title = "Account Image";
                "user_has_liked" = 0;
                width = 1200;
            "stagebloc_url" = john;
            type = personal;
            "user_is_following" = 1;
            "user_role" = 0;
        }, {
            color = "#e6eaef";
            "custom_domain" = "";
            description = "The world's a stage. Get on it.";
            id = 205;
            name = StageBloc;
            photo = {
                "comment_count" = 0;
                description = "Account Image";
                height = 1024;
                id = 630003;
                images = {
                    "large_url" = "";
                    "medium_url" = "";
                    "small_url" = "";
                    "thumbnail_url" = "";
                "like_count" = 0;
                "repost_count" = 0;
                "short_url" = "";
                title = "Account Image";
                "user_has_liked" = 0;
                width = 1024;
            "stagebloc_url" = stagebloc;
            type = business;
            "user_is_following" = 1;
            "user_role" = 5;


Lists the social profiles the currently authenticated user and account has connected to StageBloc. No parameters are required for this endpoint. Useful with the /statuses/edit endpoint for posting to a user's connected social profiles.

Explanation of Returned Data

id : a unique identifier for the social account

name : the name of the account or user that the social account is connected to

service : the connected service type

Example Response (JSON)

    "response": {
        "items": [{
            "id": 217,
            "name": "Demo 17",
            "service": {
                "name": "Twitter"
        }, {
            "id": 314,
            "name": "JoshDude HolatMan",
            "service": {
                "name": "Twitter"
        }, {
            "id": 323,
            "name": "JoshDude HolatMan",
            "service": {
                "name": "Facebook"


This endpoint is used for interacting with blog posts


This endpoint can be used for editing existing blog posts or adding new blog posts to a StageBloc account. Upon successful editing/creation, the blog post data will be returned in the same manner /blog/list would return it. Otherwise, an error message will be returned explaining what went wrong.

id (required to edit an existing blog post) : the id of the blog post to edit

possible values are any blog post id that belongs to the authenticated account

title (required) : the title of the blog post

possible values are any string <= 100 characters

body (required) : the body of the blog post

possible values are any block of text (can contain HTML)

published : the published time of the post, setting it to a date in the future will cause it to be published at that date (assuming status is 1)

possible values are a formatted timestamp of the form `"Y-m-d H:i:s O"` (capital o, not zero) (see [PHP's date() function formatters](

defaults to a UTC date of the current time in timezone America/Chicago (UTC/GMT -5)

author_id : the id of the user who should be set as the author of the post

possible values are any id of an admin for the currently authenticated account

defaults to the authenticated user's id

status : whether or not this blog post should be published

possible values are `1` (published) or `0` (draft)

defaults to `1`

sticky : whether or not this blog post should be sticky

possible values are `1` (sticky) or `0` (not sticky)

defaults to `0`

exclusive : whether or not this photo should be marked as exclusive

possible values are `1` (exclusive) or `0` (not exclusive)

defaults to `0`


Returning a specific blog post

id : the id of the blog entry to return

possible values are any blog id that belongs to the authenticated account

no default

Important Note: If an id is passed, all other parameters will be ignored and only the requested blog entry will be returned

Returning all blog posts for an account

order_by : how to order the results

possible values are `published`, `created`, `modified`, or `title`

defaults to `published`

direction : what direction to return the results in

possible values are `ASC` or `DESC`

defaults to `DESC`

limit : the limit of results to return

defaults to `20`

offset : the offset of the results to return

possible values are any number > 0

defaults to `0`

status : comma seperated list of the status of blog entries to return

possible values are `0` (draft), `1` (published), or `0,1` (both)

defaults to `1`

year : the year to limit the published dates of the entries to

no default

month : the month to limit the published dates of the entries to

no default

ignore_sticky : whether or not to ignore sticky posts (i.e. posts that will be returned first regardless of the order_by and direction parameters)

possible values are `1` (true) or `0` (false)

defaults to `0`

Explanation of Returned Data

status : a value of 1 means published and a value of 0 means draft

Example Response (JSON)

    "response": {
        "items": [{
            "id": 7691,
            "title": "New blog post",
            "body": "<p>\r\n\tLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam auctor quam nisl, nec tempor eros dictum ut. Nam dictum ligula eget risus iaculis, sit amet auctor lacus porttitor. Donec porttitor sem vel sem euismod, quis tempor est dignissim. Donec dapibus fringilla nibh ac viverra. Donec luctus orci dictum, varius est at, sagittis urna. Nullam quis vestibulum nulla. Donec suscipit dapibus velit eget iaculis. Proin sed odio sed nulla pellentesque consequat. Donec vitae lorem at masasss sdf sdfsdf\r\n<\/p>",
            "category": "students",
            "short_url": "http:\/\/\/b\/3hB",
            "published": "2013-06-03 22:31:00",
            "created": "2013-06-03 22:31:24",
            "modified": "2013-07-25 14:35:29",
            "sticky": true,
            "exclusive": true,
            "comment_count": 0,
            "like_count": 0,
            "repost_count": 0,
            "author": {
                "id": 8,
                "url": "http:\/\/\/user\/joshholat62man\/",
                "created": "2009-10-27 14:29:16",
                "name": "JoshDude HolatMan",
                "username": "joshholat62man",
                "bio": "This is my bio!",
                "following_count": 3,
                "likes_count": 30,
                "content_count": 1838,
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "gender": "male",
                "birthday": "1996-07-06",
                "location": {
                    "city": "Chicago",
                    "state_province": "IL",
                    "country": "US"
                "photo": {
                    "id": 74,
                    "width": 720,
                    "height": 720,
                    "images": {
                        "thumbnail_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/users\/8\/thumbnail\/20130826_233333_8_74.jpeg",
                        "small_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/users\/8\/small\/20130826_233333_8_74.jpeg",
                        "medium_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/users\/8\/medium\/20130826_233333_8_74.jpeg",
                        "large_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/users\/8\/large\/20130826_233333_8_74.jpeg"
            "user_has_liked": false,
            "account": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Demo",
                "stagebloc_url": "demo",
                "custom_domain": "",
                "description": "<p>\r\n\t@StageBloc Co-Founder, Object Orienter, Git Pusher, Apple lover, College Dropout<\/p>\r\n",
                "type": "business",
                "color": "#ddb4ff",
                "follower_count": 70,
                "content_count": 607,
                "user_role": 0,
                "user_is_following": false,
                "user_is_admin": true,
                "photo": {
                    "id": 2849,
                    "title": "Account Image",
                    "short_url": "http:\/\/\/p\/R8",
                    "description": "Account Image",
                    "width": 1600,
                    "height": 1200,
                    "comment_count": 0,
                    "like_count": 0,
                    "repost_count": 0,
                    "images": {
                        "thumbnail_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/1\/thumbnail\/20130115_170951_1_2849.jpeg",
                        "small_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/1\/small\/20130115_170951_1_2849.jpeg",
                        "medium_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/1\/medium\/20130115_170951_1_2849.jpeg",
                        "large_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/1\/large\/20130115_170951_1_2849.jpeg"
                    "user_has_liked": false


This endpoint is used for interacting with an account's events.


Returning a specific event

id : the ID of the event to return

possible values are any event id that belongs to the authenticated account

no default

Important Note: If an id is passed, all other parameters will be ignored and only the requested event will be returned

Returning all events for an account

order_by : how to order the results

possible values are `created`, `modified`, or `startDateTime`

defaults to `startDateTime`

direction : what direction to return the results in

possible values are `ASC` or `DESC`

defaults to `ASC`

limit : the limit of results to return

defaults to `20`

offset : the offset of the results to return

possible values are any number > 0

defaults to `0`

past : whether or not to include events that have already occurred

possible values are `true` (include past events) or `false` (don't include past events)

defaults to `false`

upcoming : whether or not to include events that have not yet occurred

possible values are `true` (include upcoming events) or `false` (don't include upcoming events)

defaults to `true`

Examples Response (JSON)

    "response": {
        "items": [{
            "id": 135,
            "title": "Rock Show",
            "short_url": "http:\/\/\/e\/3k",
            "description": "This event is a rock show",
            "ticket_price": 0,
            "ticket_link": "",
            "start_date_time": "2013-08-22 11:00:00 -05:00",
            "end_date_time": "2013-08-22 13:00:00 -05:00",
            "comment_count": 0,
            "like_count": 0,
            "attending_count": 0,
            "user_is_attending": true,
            "location": {
                "name": "A Place",
                "address": "1234 Electric Ave",
                "city": "Awesome Town",
                "state": "Wisconsin",
                "country": "USA"
            "custom_field_data": {
                "test-custom-field": true


These endpoints are used for interacting with an account's photos.


This endpoint can be used for editing existing photos or adding new photos to a StageBloc account. When adding a photo, a JPG, GIF, or PNG file is required that is less than 10MB in size. Upon successful editing/creation, the photo data will be returned in the same manner /photos/list would return it. Otherwise, an error message will be returned explaining what was wrong.

id (required to edit an existing photo) : the id of the photo to edit

possible values are any photo id that belongs to the authenticated account

title (required) : the title of the photo

possible values are any string <= 200 characters

photo_data (required when adding a new photo (i.e. no id is given)) : the file to upload

possible values are any `JPG`, `GIF`, or `PNG` file < `10MB` in size

album_id : the ID of the photo album to add this photo to

possible values are any photo album ID that belongs to the authenticated account

defaults to none

album_type : an id representing which type of album to upload this photo to, only applicable if album_id isn't given, setting it to 5 will change the account's profile image

possible values are `2` (mobile uploads), `5` (account images), `4` (blog images), or `6` (event images)

defaults to `2`

description : the description of the photo

possible values are any block of text (can contain HTML)

default to none

exclusive : whether or not this photo should be marked as exclusive

possible values are `1` (exclusive) or `0` (not exclusive)

defaults to `0`

tags : the tags for the photo

possible values are a comma sepearated string of tags (i.e. `tag1,tag2`)

defaults to no tags


Returning a single photo

id : the id of the photo to return

possible values are any photo id that belongs to the authenticated account

no default

Important Note: If an id is passed, all other parameters will be ignored and only the requested photo will be returned

Returning all of the photos in an album

album_id : the id of the album to receive the photos of

possible values are any album id that belongs to the authenticated account

no default

Important Note: If a album_id is passed, all other parameters will be ignored and only the photos belonging to that album will be returned

Returning all of the photos belonging to an account

order_by : how to order the results

possible values are `created`, `modified`, or `title`

defaults to `created`

direction : what direction to return the results in

possible values are `ASC` or `DESC`

defaults to `DESC`

limit : the limit of results to return

defaults to `20`

offset : the offset of the results to return

possible values are any number > 0

defaults to `0`

Example Response (JSON)

    "response": {
        "items": [{
            "id": 2950,
            "title": "Test Title",
            "short_url": "http:\/\/\/p\/SS",
            "description": "",
            "width": 640,
            "height": 1136,
            "comment_count": 0,
            "like_count": 0,
            "repost_count": 0,
            "images": {
                "thumbnail_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/1\/thumbnail\/20130819_165015_1_2950.jpeg",
                "small_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/1\/small\/20130819_165015_1_2950.jpeg",
                "medium_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/1\/medium\/20130819_165015_1_2950.jpeg",
                "large_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/1\/large\/20130819_165015_1_2950.jpeg"
            "user_has_liked": false


This endpoint is used for interacting with an account's photo albums.


id : the id of the photo album to return

possible values are any photo album id that belongs to the authenticated account

no default

Important Note: If an id is passed, all other parameters will be ignored and only the requested photo will be returned

order_by : how to order the results

possible values are `created`, `modified`, or `title`

defaults to `created`

direction : what direction to return the results in

possible values are `ASC` or `DESC`

defaults to `DESC`

limit : the limit of results to return

defaults to `20`

offset : the offset of the results to return

possible values are any number > 0

defaults to `0`

Explanation of returned data

images : the cover image used for the photo album

Example Response (JSON)

    "response": {
        "items": [{
            "id": 359,
            "title": "Album Name",
            "description": "",
            "short_url": "http:\/\/\/pa\/7c",
            "created": "2013-02-27 16:05:49",
            "modified": "2013-08-14 00:36:23",
            "photo_count": 0,
            "photo": {
                "id": 2892,
                "title": "TEST TITLE",
                "short_url": "http:\/\/\/p\/RS",
                "description": "",
                "width": 1600,
                "height": 1200,
                "comment_count": 1,
                "like_count": 0,
                "repost_count": 0,
                "images": {
                    "thumbnail_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/1\/thumbnail\/20130227_160549_1_2892.jpeg",
                    "small_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/1\/small\/20130227_160549_1_2892.jpeg",
                    "medium_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/1\/medium\/20130227_160549_1_2892.jpeg",
                    "large_url": "http:\/\/\/local\/photos\/1\/large\/20130227_160549_1_2892.jpeg"
                "user_has_liked": false

#/oauth2 This is used during the OAuth2 authentication process to get an access token from a request token for StageBloc Connect. Curious? Check out our OAuth2 PHP or Objective-C wrapper on GitHub to get started.

General Flow

In order to authenticate a user with our application, you must first send them to the page along with a few GET parameters.<your_client_id>&redirect_uri=<your_redirect_uri>&response_type=code&scope=non-expiring&consumer_key=<your_client_secret>

Once they authorize on that page, they'll be redirected back to your redirect URI with a request token as a GET parameter named code. Using that code, you must submit a POST request to oauth2/token.

##/oauth2/token This endpoint is used to get an access token once a request token is received from the auth flow and the user is redirected back to your application.

client_id (required) : the ID of the application an account is connecting to

possible values are any string that matches a registered application

client_secret (required) : the secret of the application an account is connecting to

possible values are any string that matches a registered application

grant_type (required) : the grant type being requested

possible value is `authorization_code`

code (required) : the request token code received after connecting with a registered application via

possible values are any string received during the authentication / connection process

Example Response (JSON)



No parameters required. Hitting this endpoint will simply invalidate the OAuth access token, essentially "logging out" the user.

Example Response (JSON)

{"response":{"message":"Token succesfully invalidated."}}


This endpoint will return data about the currently authenticated user and account as well as the application for the given access token.

Example Response (JSON)

    "response": [{
        "items": [{
            "item": {
                "access_token": "5badcaf789d3d1d09794d8f021f40f0e",
                "account": {
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "The Jonas Brothers",
                    "stagebloc_url": "jobros"
                "user": {
                    "id": 8,
                    "name": "Carly Rae Jepsen"
                "application": {
                    "name": "Music Maker",
                    "description": "Make all your music the bomb diggity!"


This endpoint will change the currently authenticated account for this access token. The response will be the same as /oauth2/token/info.

account_id : the ID of the account to use with this access token


This endpoint is used for interacting with an account's statuses.


Returning a specific status

Pass the id of a status to return a specific status. If an id is passed, all other parameters will be ignored and only the requested status will be returned

id : the id of the status to return

possible values are any status id that belongs to the authenticated account

no default

List the statuses the belong to an account

order_by : how to order the results

possible values are `published`

defaults to `published`

direction : what direction to return the results in

possible values are `ASC` or `DESC`

defaults to `DESC`

limit : the limit of results to return

defaults to `20`

offset : the offset of the results to return

possible values are any number > 0

defaults to `0`

Example Response (JSON)

    "response": {
        "items": [{
            "id": 223,
            "short_url": "http:\/\/\/s\/4R",
            "text": "Meow meow meow",
            "published": "2013-07-01 14:44:01",
            "comment_count": 0,
            "like_count": 0,
            "repost_count": 0,
            "author": {
                "id": 1676,
                "url": "http:\/\/\/user\/jholat\/",
                "created": "2013-07-01 14:42:12",
                "name": "Josh",
                "username": "jholat",
                "bio": "",
                "following_count": 0,
                "likes_count": 0,
                "content_count": 1
            "user_has_liked": false


This endpoint can be used for adding statuses to a StageBloc account (note: statuses cannot be edited, only deleted). Upon successful addition, the status data will be returned in the same manner /statuses/list would return it. Otherwise, an error message will be returned explaining what was wrong.

text (required) : the text of the status update

possible values are any string (when sharing to services such as Twitter the text will be truncated to the character limit with a link to the status on StageBloc appended to the end)

account_id : a comma seperated list of additional account IDs to post this status to, don't incude the currently authorized account's ID in this string as it will always post to at least that account

possible values are any IDs that the authenticated user has admin access to, see `/accounts/list`

profile_id : a comma seperated list of social profile IDs to post this status to

possible values are IDs of social profiles (only Twitter or Facebook) that the authenticated user or account has connected to StageBloc, see `/accounts/social/list`

latitude : a string value of the latitude the status was posted at

longitude : a string value of the longitude the status was posted at



Used for creating a new user or editing an existing one. If the user with the specific email does not exist, a new one will be created. Returns a user object.

email (required) : the user's email

password (required) : the user's password

bio : the user's bio

birthday : formatted like 1969-12-31

gender : takes "male", "female", or "cupcake"

name : the name of user - distinct from username

username : the user's username

settings : should mirror the settings dictionary shown below, with 0 for off, 1 for on

    "response": {
        "items": [{
            "id": 8,
            "url": "http:\/\/\/user\/joshholat62man\/",
            "created": "2009-10-27 14:29:16",
            "name": "JoshDude HolatMan",
            "username": "joshholat62man",
            "bio": "NEW!",
            "following_count": 3,
            "likes_count": 30,
            "content_count": 1838,
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "gender": "male",
            "birthday": "1996-07-06",
            "location": {
                "city": "Chicago",
                "state_province": "IL",
                "country": "AF"
            "settings": {
                "dashboard_popular_content": true,
                "notifications": {
                    "likes": {
                        "email": false,
                        "push": true,
                        "web": true
                    "comments": {
                        "email": true,
                        "push": true,
                        "web": false
                    "follows": {
                        "email": true,
                        "push": true,
                        "web": false
                    "reposts": {
                        "email": false,
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