- This neural network is intended for the parking lot app
- The current network that we will test is found from this website https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/images/deep_cnn
- Origionally it classified images into the following categories: airplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse, ship and truck
- Remarks:
- it does not have a category that will do pickup trucks ( if that becomes a problem we will work on a different network)
- automobiles do not overlap with trucks
- Remarks:
- We have discarded all categories except automobile and truck
- We will either add a category called not car or output that the spot is empty when the system is not very confident there is a car
- It also has a peak performance of 86% accuracy but that might improve in our case
- The model follows the architecture described by Alex Krizhevsky, with a few differences in the top few layers.
- The layers are currently (in order):
- convolutional layer
- max pooling layer
- normalization layer
- convolutional layer
- normalization layer
- max pooling layer
- fully connected layer with rectified linear activation
- fully connected layer with rectified linear activation
- softmax linear transformation to produce logits
- We will train several networks to see what works best for our project
- One network will be :
- Convolutional layer
- max pooling layer
- normalization layer
- fully connected layer with rectified linear activation
- softmax linear transformation to produce logits
- Another will be:
- convolutional layer
- fully connected layer with rectified linear activation
- softmax linear transformation to produce logits
- Another will be:
- convolutional layer
- max pooling layer
- normalization layer
- convolutional layer
- fully connected layer with rectified linear activation
- softmax linear transformation to produce logits
- Origionally it classified images into the following categories: airplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse, ship and truck
- Things we will compare include:
- accuracy
- learning rate
- total loss