Minecraft version: 1.12.2 (both client-side and server-side required)
Note: Do not abuse the mod or it may kill the server network traffic.
var CustomHudApi = Java.type("world.cryville.customhud.CustomHudApi"); // Declaration
CustomHudApi.put(player, id, posX, posY, anchorX, anchorY, dropsShadow); // Create a new overlay
CustomHudApi.set(player, id, text); // Update the content of an overlay
CustomHudApi.remove(player, id); // Remove an overlay
is instance of net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP
var CustomHudApi = Java.type("world.cryville.customhud.CustomHudApi");
function init(e) {
var player = e.player.getMCEntity();
CustomHudApi.put(player, 1, 0.02, 0.95, 0, 1, true); // anchorX = 0 (horizontal align: left) anchorY = 1 (vertical align: bottom)
CustomHudApi.set(player, 1, "§aHello, World!");