cdcd 5656 4744 gfg4 66d4 7877 eccf 251j 77k7 222k gddg ddea
The 256-bit genome (genes) have over 4-billion variations of phenotypes (what you see) and genotypes (what you don't see).
The CryptoKitties Genome Project by Kai Turner, Dec 19
Here's what I've found:
- Genes are stored in 12 blocks of 4x5-bit codes
- Each 5-bit code represents a cattribute associated with the position in the gene (body, pattern type, eye color, eye type, primary color, pattern color, secondary color, fancy type, mouth)
- Each block of 4 codes represents 1 dominant trait expressed in the Kitty followed by 3 recessive traits.
- Codes are passed from either parent to child, with a low probability of swapping from the 1st recessive, and a lower probability of swapping from the 2nd or 3rd recessive. [...]
(Source: CryptoKittydex, Kaittributes)
The CryptoKitties Genome Project: On Dominance, Inheritance and Mutation by Kai Turner, Jan 6, 2018 -- Genome, deciphered
The genome represents 12 groups of 4 genes. Each group of 4 genes maps to a given cattribute trait. Within each group of 4 genes, there are 3 recessive genes [R1, R2, R3] and 1 dominant gene [D1] which will be reflected as a cattribute for that trait, represented in the appearance of that kitty.
Here is a quick sketch of the relative odds of getting a specific gene from the parents
- 75% - either dominant gene [D1] from parent A or B
- 18.75% (75/4) - chance of getting either 1st recessive [R1] from A or B
- 4.69% (75/4²) - chance of getting either 2nd recessive [R2] from A or B
- 1.17% (75/4³) - chance of getting either 3rd recessive [R3] from A or B
- 25% - chance of getting a mutation given A & B contain the right gene pairs
Q: What's kai notation (base58)?
Kai notation (named to honor Kai who deciphered the kitties genome) is a base58 variant for decoding the 256-bit integer into 5-bit blocks. Each 5-bit block is a gene. The 256-bit genome breaks down into 12 groups of 4 (x 5-bit) genes (that is, 12 x 4 x 5-bit = 240 bits) Example:
Kai | Binary | Num | Kai | Binary | Num | Kai | Binary | Num | Kai | Binary | Num |
1 | 00000 | 0 | 9 | 01000 | 8 | h | 10000 | 16 | q | 11000 | 24 |
2 | 00001 | 1 | a | 01001 | 9 | i | 10001 | 17 | r | 11001 | 25 |
3 | 00010 | 2 | b | 01010 | 10 | j | 10010 | 18 | s | 11010 | 26 |
4 | 00011 | 3 | c | 01011 | 11 | k | 10011 | 19 | t | 11011 | 27 |
5 | 00100 | 4 | d | 01100 | 12 | m | 10100 | 20 | u | 11100 | 28 |
6 | 00101 | 5 | e | 01101 | 13 | n | 10101 | 21 | v | 11101 | 29 |
7 | 00110 | 6 | f | 01110 | 14 | o | 10110 | 22 | w | 11110 | 30 |
8 | 00111 | 7 | g | 01111 | 15 | p | 10111 | 23 | x | 11111 | 31 |
Note: The digit-0 and the letter-l are NOT used in kai.
Base58 is a group of binary-to-text encoding schemes used to represent large integers as alphanumeric text. It is similar to Base64 but has been modified to avoid both non-alphanumeric characters and letters which might look ambiguous when printed [e.g. 1 and l, 0 and o]. It is therefore designed for human users who manually enter the data, copying from some visual source, but also allows easy copy and paste because a double-click will usually select the whole string.
Example - Eyes Gene Mapping (Bits 12 to 15) - Kai-to-Cattributes ("Kaittributes"):
Kai | Cattribute | Kai | Cattribute | Kai | Cattribute | Kai | Cattribute |
1 | ?? | 9 | ?? | h | ?? | q | ?? |
2 | wonky | a | ?? | i | alien | r | wingtips |
3 | serpent | b | ?? | j | fabulous | s | ?? |
4 | googly | c | ?? | k | raisedbrow | t | ?? |
5 | otaku | d | ?? | m | ?? | u | ?? |
6 | simple | e | ?? | n | ?? | v | ?? |
7 | crazy | f | ?? | o | ?? | w | ?? |
8 | thicccbrowz | g | stunned | p | ?? | x | ?? |
Note: ?? - "rare" cattribute not yet seen in kitties
Example - Body Gene Mapping (Bits 0 to 3)
Kai | Cattribute | Kai | Cattribute | Kai | Cattribute | Kai | Cattribute |
1 | ?? | 9 | ?? | h | ?? | q | ?? |
2 | selkirk | a | cymric | i | ?? | r | ?? |
3 | ?? | b | chartreux | j | ?? | s | ?? |
4 | ?? | c | himalayan | k | ?? | t | manx |
5 | ?? | d | munchkin | m | ?? | u | ?? |
6 | ?? | e | sphynx | n | mainecoon | v | ?? |
7 | ?? | f | ragamuffin | o | laperm | w | ?? |
8 | ?? | g | ragdoll | p | persian | x | ?? |
Note: ?? - "rare" cattribute not yet seen in kitties
CryptoKitties mixGenes Function by Sean Soria, Dec 22
The mixGenes function gets called when you breed two cats. This is how the baby's genes are calculated. [...] Here’s the pseudocode to start:
def mixGenes(mGenes[48], sGenes[48], babyGenes[48]):
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++):
index = 4 * i
for (j = 3; j > 0; j--):
if random() < 0.25:
swap(mGenes, index+j, index+j-1)
if random() < 0.25:
swap(sGenes, index+j, index+j-1)
for (i = 0; i < 48; i++):
mutation = 0
if i % 4 == 0:
gene1 = mGene[i]
gene2 = sGene[i]
if gene1 > gene2:
gene1, gene2 = gene2, gene1
if (gene2 - gene1) == 1 and iseven(gene1):
probability = 0.25
if gene1 > 23:
probability /= 2
if random() < probability:
mutation = (gene1 / 2) + 16
if mutation:
baby[i] = mutation
if random() < 0.5:
babyGenes[i] = mGene[i]
babyGenes[i] = sGene[i]
CryptoKitties GeneScience algorithm by Alex Hegyi, Dec 23
My winter holiday thus far has consisted of staring at disassembled bytecode until I had everything figured out:
# These examples are from Tx 0xa7b0ac87684771f6d6204a09b5a0bf0b97f6adf61b78138e8fd264828e36b956
# matron.genes
arg1 = 0x000063169218f348dc640d171b000208934b5a90189038cb3084624a50f7316c
# sire.genes
arg2 = 0x00005a13429085339c6521ef0300011c82438c628cc431a63298e3721f772d29
# matron.cooldownEndBlock - 1
arg3 = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000047ff27
# BLOCKHASH of block number equal to arg3
blockhash = 0xf9dd4486d68b13839d2f7b345f5223f17abae39a951f2cea5b0ca0dd6dc8db83
# load arguments into bytes arrays in big-Endian order
args1 = []
for cnt in range(32):
args1 = bytes(args1)
args2 = []
for cnt in range(32):
args2 = bytes(args2)
args3 = []
for cnt in range(32):
args3 = bytes(args3)
blockhashes = []
for cnt in range(32):
blockhashes = bytes(blockhashes)
# concatenate bytes arrays
alls = blockhashes + args1 + args2 + args3
# get hash of bytes arrays. This is your source of "randomness"
hash = sha3.keccak_256(alls)
hash = int.from_bytes(hash.digest(), byteorder = 'big')
# => 0xe30dd999bfba6dd6cd4540fb58c5a1c117e6938c0931459b1c9f6e01d865c19e
# get 5-bit chunks of matron and sire
def masker(arg, start, numbytes):
mask = 2**numbytes - 1
mask = mask << start
out = arg & mask
out = out >> start
return out
arg1masks = []
for cnt in range(0x30):
arg1masks.append(masker(arg1, 5*cnt, 5))
arg2masks = []
for cnt in range(0x30):
arg2masks.append(masker(arg2, 5*cnt, 5))
arg1maskscopy = arg1masks.copy()
arg2maskscopy = arg2masks.copy()
# note in worst case hashindex wont reach 256 so no need for modulo
hashindex = 0
# swap dominant/recessive genes according to masked_hash
for bigcounter in range(0x0c):
for smallcounter in range(3, 0, -1):
count = 4*bigcounter + smallcounter
masked_hash = masker(hash, hashindex, 2)
hashindex += 2
if masked_hash == 0:
tmp = arg1maskscopy[count - 1]
arg1maskscopy[count - 1] = arg1maskscopy[count]
arg1maskscopy[count] = tmp
masked_hash = masker(hash, hashindex, 2)
hashindex += 2
if masked_hash == 0:
tmp = arg2maskscopy[count - 1]
arg2maskscopy[count - 1] = arg2maskscopy[count]
arg2maskscopy[count] = tmp
# combine genes from swapped parent genes, introducing mutations
outmasks = []
for cnt in range(0x30):
rando_byte = 0
# mutate only on dominant genes
if cnt%4 == 0:
tmp1 = arg1maskscopy[cnt]&1
tmp2 = arg2maskscopy[cnt]&1
if tmp1 != tmp2:
masked_hash = masker(hash, hashindex, 3)
hashindex += 3
mask1 = arg1maskscopy[cnt]
mask2 = arg2maskscopy[cnt]
# mutate only if the two parent dominant genes differ by 1...
if abs(mask2 - mask1) == 1:
min_mask = min(mask1, mask2)
# and the smaller of the two is even...
if min_mask % 2 == 0:
if min_mask < 0x17:
trial = masked_hash > 1
trial = masked_hash > 0
if not trial:
# mutation is the smaller of the two parent dominant genes,
# divided by two, plus 16
rando_byte = (min_mask >> 1) + 0x10
if rando_byte > 0:
masked_hash = masker(hash, hashindex, 1)
hashindex += 1
if masked_hash == 0:
# this is where we will accumulate the calculated child genes
outs = 0
# this is where you can put the known child genes, for testing
outs2 = 0x5b174298a44b9c6521176000021c53734c9018c431a73298674a5177316c
for cnt in range(0x30):
outs |= outmasks[cnt] << 5*cnt
# print both for comparison
# => 0x5b174298a44b9c6521176000021c53734c9018c431a73298674a5177316c
# => 0x5b174298a44b9c6521176000021c53734c9018c431a73298674a5177316c
(Source: Alex Hegyi, CryptoKitties GeneScience)