The tests suite of the gem is located in the /test folder, and it's divided in two sets that run separately:
- Ruby Tests
- R tests
The ruby set of tests are meant to test the general behaviour of the library. You can run these tests using the default Rake task:
$ rake
Make sure you have downloaded all git submodules first since R tests are now a dependency. From the 2.0 release, validating the distributions is as simple as running:
> rake test:distributions
There's a group of tests validating the probability distribution of several samples of numbers generated with Croupier.
To generate samples to be tested, run the script
> ./
Now you can run the R testsuite:
These tests are statistical tests included in R scripts.
To run them you need to have R installed in your system. You can get the R software from
The testsuite uses the 'testthat' package. You can install it from the R console with the folowing command:
install.packages("testthat", repos = "", type="source")
Other R packages needed:
* triangle
* vcd
The test script will try to install all dependencies if they are not found in your R installation. You can run the test/rtests.R file:
Using Rscript:
$ Rscript rtests.R
or from the R console: