./ci_plugin/<plugin name>/bin/build-deps
./ci_plugin/<plugin name>/bin/build
- -p or --project is the project name in the format of orgname/project
- -c or --commit is the commit reference
- -t or --tag is the tag name
- The output is tab delimited
- The first line is a header
- The second line is data
- The status should be success, failed, or running
- The build_url should be the url where the status was found
./ci_plugins/<plugin name>/bin/status status --project <orgname>/<projectname> --commit <commit name>
status build_url
success https://travis-ci.org/crosscloudci/testproj/builds/572521581
- name: "travis-ci"
interface: "cli"
repo: "http://github.com/crosscloudci/ci_plugin_travis_go"
ref: "master"
Name is the name of the plugin
Interface type of plugin
Repo is the github location of the plugin
Ref is the branch or tag of the plugin