Python code for "Tracking R of COVID-19 A New Real-Time Estimation Using the Kalman Filter". Authors: Francisco Arroyo, Francisco Bullano, Simas Kucinskas, and Carlos Rondón-Moreno.
Suggested Citation: Arroyo-Marioli F, Bullano F, Kucinskas S, Rondón-Moreno C (2021) Tracking R of COVID-19: A new real-time estimation using the Kalman filter. PLoS ONE 16(1): e0244474.
Results in the paper can be replicated by running the bash script in ./scripts:
To update the data, run
Currently, the data on daily testing needs to be downloaded manually.
If the relevant Python packages are installed and system requirements are met, these bash scripts should work out of the box on Linux and MacOS machines. The scripts will not run on Windows. In that case, the scripts should be helpful for understanding the structure of the code, and the sequence of the analysis. The Python code itself works across platforms, including on Windows.
The code is currently not good in collecting the prerequisite packages in a reproducible manner (eg via Docker). That's on the to-do list.
Performing the empirical analysis in run_all_empirics takes ~72 hours for the whole sample of countries.
Replication files requires Python and relevant Python packages (including pandas, numpy, pystan and statsmodels, in particular). We recomend using the Anaconda distribution to get these Python packages.
To get PGF files (for input in LaTeX), you may need additional LaTeX packages installed (for example, via TeX Live on Linux).
If you do not have these packages, comment out the relevant parts in the code.
The repository also includes a modified version of the Stargazer library (modified to add checkmarks and some other small things) created by Matthew Burke (
The code that performs the analysis is located in ./code/.
The ./fixed_revisions/ folder holds fixed revisions of the data. This way, parts of the analysis can be completed without running all of the code.
The original data are collected by the John Hopkins CSSE team and are publicly available online (