diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
index 2d6206285..41f6a3c7d 100644
--- a/CHANGES.rst
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -313,9 +313,17 @@ Changes:
   unnecessary failures during edge case connexion problems.
 - Add support of ``title`` and ``version`` field of ``builtin`` processes.
+- Provide HTTP links to corresponding items of job in status JSON body (#58).
+- Provide OGC compliance of ``<job-uri>/results`` response schema as well as some expected ``code``/``description``
+  fields in case where the request fails.
+- Add ``<job-uri>/outputs`` providing the 'old' format of the job results as well as ``<job-uri>/inputs`` to retrieve
+  the inputs that were provided during job submission (#86).
+- Add more reference/documentation links to `WPS-1/2` and update conformance references (#53).
+<<<<<<< 8b37e0af5db9f2071f2f51ffc1ab571ceb072161
 - Patch ``builtin`` process execution failing since ``cwltool 2.x`` update.
 - Avoid long fetch operation using streamed request that defaulted to chuck size of 1.
   Now, we use an appropriate size according to available memory.
@@ -337,6 +345,9 @@ Changes:
 - Provide a way to override the external URL reported by `WPS-1/2` and `WPS-REST` via configuration settings allowing
   for more advanced server-side results in response bodies.
+- Handle additional trailing slash resulting in ``NotFound`` that corresponds to a valid route without the slash.
+>>>>>>> update changelog - fix #53, #58, #86
 `1.2.0 <https://github.com/crim-ca/weaver/tree/1.2.0>`_ (2020-03-06)
diff --git a/weaver/wps_restapi/api.py b/weaver/wps_restapi/api.py
index 974f940b0..afc287211 100644
--- a/weaver/wps_restapi/api.py
+++ b/weaver/wps_restapi/api.py
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ def api_frontpage_body(settings):
     weaver_api_def = weaver_api_url + sd.api_swagger_ui_service.path if weaver_api else None
     weaver_wps = asbool(settings.get("weaver.wps"))
     weaver_wps_url = get_wps_url(settings) if weaver_wps else None
+    weaver_wps_doc = settings.get("weaver.wps_doc", None) if weaver_wps else None
+    weaver_wps_ref = settings.get("weaver.wps_ref", None) if weaver_wps else None
     weaver_conform_url = weaver_url + sd.api_conformance_service.path
     weaver_process_url = weaver_url + sd.processes_service.path
     weaver_links = [
@@ -112,7 +114,9 @@ def api_frontpage_body(settings):
              "url": weaver_api_url,
              "api": weaver_api_def},
             {"name": "wps", "enabled": weaver_wps,
-             "url": weaver_wps_url},
+             "url": weaver_wps_url,
+             "doc": weaver_wps_doc,
+             "ref": weaver_wps_ref},
         "links": weaver_links,