diff --git a/LICENSE.CERN-OHL-v2-Permissive b/LICENSE.CERN-OHL-v2-Permissive index aa82758..1e1d831 100644 --- a/LICENSE.CERN-OHL-v2-Permissive +++ b/LICENSE.CERN-OHL-v2-Permissive @@ -1,5 +1,16 @@ CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Permissive +Copyright (c) 2022, Creare + +This source describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the CERN-OHL-P v2 + +You may redistribute and modify this documentation and make products +using it under the terms of the CERN-OHL-P v2 (https:/cern.ch/cern-ohl). +This documentation is distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED +WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY +AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please see the CERN-OHL-P v2 +for applicable conditions + Preamble CERN has developed this licence to promote collaboration among hardware