Here is an update of the Tracking CTV! We had 16
submissions this round. The Tracking CTV now lists 55 tracking packages,
including 4 core packages:
, and
6 submitted packages were added successfully to the list this round:
: Acoustic Telemetry Data Analysis (documentation)eyelinker
: Import ASC Files from EyeLink Eye Trackers (documentation)gazepath
: Parse Eye-Tracking Data into Fixations (documentation)migflow
: Calculates the maximum flow through a network (documentation)mousetrap
: Process and Analyze Mouse-Tracking Data (documentation)track2KBA
: Identifying Important Areas from Animal Tracking Data (documentation)
1 submitted package was declined because it was archived on CRAN at the request of the maintainer
: Saccade and Fixation Detection in R
8 submitted packages did not pass the tests
: Barrier Behavior Analysis (BaBA)aniMotum
: Fit Continuous-Time State-Space and Latent Variable Models for Quality Control of Argos Satellite (and Other) Telemetry Data and for Estimating Changes in Animal Movementmousetrack
: Mouse-Tracking Measures from Trajectory DatanestR
: Estimation of Bird Nesting from Tracking Datapalmr
: Suite Of Functions For Manipulating Pressure, Activity, Magnetism, Temperature And Light Data In Rsmoove
: Simulation and Estimation of Correlated Velocity Movement (CVM) Modelsvmsbase
: GUI Tools to Process, Analyze and Plot Fisheries Data
You can check the links to the submission threads to find explanations and logs for each package.
4 packages have been removed from the list:
: does not pass checks anymoreanimalTrack
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2023-02-02).argosTrack
: does not pass checks anymoreBayesianAnimalTracker
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2022-06-08)BBMM
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2022-05-23)foieGras
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2022-12-12)mkde
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2022-04-25).
You can check the links to the removal threads to find explanations and logs for each package.
1 package has been added back to the CTV as it now passes CRAN checks:
Here is finally a long due overdue update of the Tracking CTV! We had 4
submissions this round. The Tracking CTV now lists 54 tracking packages,
including 4 core packages:
, and
3 submitted packages were added successfully to the list this round:
: Non-Parametric Bayesian Analyses of Animal Movement (documentation)gtfs2gps
: Converting Transport Data from GTFS Format to GPS-Like Records (documentation)sftrack
: Modern Classes for Tracking and Movement Data (documentation)
1 submitted package was deemed to not fit the current definition of a tracking package:
: Obtain, Organize, and Visualize NCEP Weather Data
You can check the links to the submission threads to find explanations for each package.
5 packages have been removed from the list:
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2021-11-14).GeoLight
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2021-11-14).rpostgisLT
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2020-08-31).SwimR
: no longer on Bioconductor (deprecated).VTrack
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2021-09-13).
You can check the links to the removal threads to find explanations and logs for each package.
We have completed our very first update! We had 8 submissions this round. The Tracking CTV now lists 56 tracking packages.
2 submitted packages were added successfully to the list this round:
3 submitted packages did not successfully pass CRAN checks (but will nevertheless be evaluated in future updates):
2 submitted packages were deemed to not fit the current definition of a tracking package:
You can check the links to the submission threads to find explanations for each package.
1 package has been removed from the CTV:
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2020-07-14).
Initial version online, with 55 tracking packages. Check it out at: