diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 30253761d..12cb1cb32 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,52 +1,32 @@
-> [!NOTE]
-> Hi MonoGame community, MonoGame.Extended is currently being updated to resolve outstanding bug issues, included those surrounding Tiled, and to update for MonoGame Please bear with me as I work through the backlog. You can follow the progress in the [v4.0.0 Milestones](https://github.com/craftworkgames/MonoGame.Extended/milestone/8) page.
-> - AristurtleDev

# MonoGame.Extended
MonoGame.Extended is a set of utilities (in the form of libraries/tools) to [MonoGame](http://www.monogame.net/) that makes it easier to make games. Choose what you want, the rest stays out of your way. It makes MonoGame more awesome.
-[](https://github.com/craftworkgames/MonoGame.Extended/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Build%2C+Test%2C+Deploy%22) [](http://www.monogameextended.net/)
## Getting started
Code is distributed as NuGet packages in the form of libraries (`.dll` files). You can easily install the NuGet packages into your existing MonoGame project using the NuGet Package Manager UI in Visual Studio or by using the command line interface (CLI) in a terminal.
-**Current Stable Release**
-> The current stable release is not compatible with MonoGame
-dotnet add package MonoGame.Extended --version 3.8.0
-**Current Prerelease**
-> [!NOTE]
-> Prerelease is based on current `develop` branch snapshot. There it is not considered stable and may contain bugs
-dotnet add package MonoGame.Extended --version 3.9.0-prerelease.4
+dotnet add package MonoGame.Extended --version 4.0.0
### Using the Content Pipeline Extensions
-To use the content pipeline extensions, you will need to edit your `.mgcb` file to reference the `.dll`. To see an example of how to do this with NuGet see the samples at https://github.com/craftworkgames/MonoGame.Extended-samples. The important pieces are the `NuGet.config` file and the `.mgcb` file.
+To use the content pipeline extension, please refer to the [Setup MGCB Edtior](https://www.monogameextended.net/docs/getting-started/installation-monogame/#optional-setup-mgcb-editor) documentation.
## Where to next?
- Check out [the samples](https://github.com/craftworkgames/MonoGame.Extended-samples)
-- Join our live [Discord](https://discord.gg/xPUEkj9)
+- Join our live [Discord](https://discord.gg/FvZ8Z7EzPJ)
- Read the [Documentation](http://www.monogameextended.net/docs)
- Submit an [issue on GitHub](https://github.com/craftworkgames/MonoGame.Extended/issues)
- Ask a question on [gamedev stack overflow](http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/monogame-extended)
- Post on our [MonoGame community forum](http://community.monogame.net/category/extended)
- Follow development [on Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/craftworkgames)
-## News
-We're in the process of developing MonoGame.Extended 4.0! Stay tuned.
## Patreon Supporters
The patreon has been removed. If you would like to support the maintainers of this project, please consider using the GitHub sponsors link for one of the maintainers.
@@ -61,8 +41,11 @@ As a special thanks to those that supported this project through Patreon in the
- John McDonald for [2D XNA Primitives](https://bitbucket.org/C3/2d-xna-primitives/wiki/Home)
- [LibGDX](https://libgdx.badlogicgames.com) for a whole lot of inspiration.
- [@prime31](https://github.com/prime31) for [`Nez`](https://github.com/prime31/Nez). Both `MonoGame.Extended` and `Nez` are in communication with each other to share ideas.
-- All of our contributors!
-## License
+And a special thinks to all contributors!
-MonoGame.Extended is released under the [The MIT License (MIT)](https://github.com/craftworkgames/MonoGame.Extended/blob/master/LICENSE).
+## License
+MonoGame.Extended is released under the [MIT License (MIT)](https://opensource.org/license/mit). Please refer to the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for full license text.
diff --git a/source/MonoGame.Extended.Content.Pipeline/BitmapFonts/BitmapFontProcessor.cs b/source/MonoGame.Extended.Content.Pipeline/BitmapFonts/BitmapFontProcessor.cs
index 4654a309f..74e337287 100644
--- a/source/MonoGame.Extended.Content.Pipeline/BitmapFonts/BitmapFontProcessor.cs
+++ b/source/MonoGame.Extended.Content.Pipeline/BitmapFonts/BitmapFontProcessor.cs
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ public override BitmapFontProcessorResult Process(ContentImporterResult
- /// Initializes a new instance of the value.
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the value.
/// The state of keyboard input during the current update cycle.
/// The state of keyboard input during the previous update cycle.
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public bool NumLock
/// pressed keys. Use to determine the total number of elements.
public void GetPressedKeys(Keys[] keys) => _currentKeyboardState.GetPressedKeys(keys);
/// Returns whether the given key was down during previous state, but is now up.