Queries marked with a ⛔ need a review by its maintainer
call db.schema.visualization() yield nodes, relationships
[x in nodes where apoc.any.properties(x).name in ['Abstract', 'AbstractCollection', 'Affiliation', 'AgeGroup', 'Author', 'AuthorCollection', 'BodyText', 'BodyTextCollection', 'Citation', 'City', 'ClinicalTrial', 'Country', 'DailyReport', 'Entity', 'ExclusionCriteria', 'Facility', 'GOTerm', 'Gene', 'GeneSymbol', 'GtexDetailedTissue', 'GtexTissue', 'InclusionCriteria', 'Location', 'Paper', 'Patent', 'PatentAbstract', 'PatentClaim', 'PatentDescription', 'PatentLiteratureCitation', 'PatentNumber', 'PatentTitle', 'Pathway', 'Phase', 'Protein', 'Province', 'Reference', 'ReferenceCollection', 'Transcript','Fragment']],
[x in relationships where not type(x) in ['INVENTOR']]
Fulltext search in papers CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("textOfPapersAndPatents", $1) YIELD node match (node)<-[:HAS_FRAGMENT]-(ab:Abstract)<-[:ABSTRACTCOLLECTION_HAS_ABSTRACT]-(abc:AbstractCollection)<-[:PAPER_HAS_ABSTRACTCOLLECTION]-(paper:Paper) RETURN paper
List Fulltext papers with title
WITH p.title as title,collect({txt:t.text, pos:r.position}) as text
UNWIND text as t
WITH title, t
order by t.pos
RETURN title, collect(t.txt)
limit 4
- Get Papers and Authors
RETURN a, p, apoc.create.vRelationship(a, 'AUTHORED',{}, p) as vrel
limit 100
- Genes connected to papers
MATCH (p:Paper)
RETURN p,g, apoc.create.vRelationship(p,"MENTIONS",{},g) as rel
limit 50
- Number of authors by location/region
MATCH (loc:Location)<-[:AFFILIATION_HAS_LOCATION]-(aff:Affiliation)-[:AUTHOR_HAS_AFFILIATION]-(a:Author)
WHERE loc.country IS NOT NULL
RETURN loc.country as country, loc.region as region, count(distinct a.email) AS NbrOfAuthors
ORDER BY count(distinct a.email) DESC
- Titles of papers with a specific keyword (e.g. Virus), ordered by date of publication.
MATCH (p:Paper)
WHERE p.title IS NOT NULL AND p.title CONTAINS("Virus")
RETURN p.title, p.publish_time
ORDER BY p.publish_time DESC
- Number of papers whose Title text contains a user-specified keyword (e.g. Virus).
MATCH (p:Paper)
WHERE p.title IS NOT NULL AND p.title CONTAINS("Virus")
RETURN count(p)
- Find genes and proteins that are mentioned in patents
⛔ Not working atm
match path=(e:Entity)<-[x:APPLICANT]-(p:Patent)-[y:PATENT_HAS_PATENTCLAIM|:PATENT_HAS_PATENTABSTRACT|:PATENT_HAS_PATENTTITLE]->(pa)-[z:HAS_FRAGMENT]->(ff:Fragment)-[m:MENTIONS]->(syn:GeneSymbol)-[:SYNONYM]->(gs:GeneSymbol)<-[:MAPS]-(g:Gene)-[:CODES]->(tc:Transcript)-[:CODES]->(pro:Protein)
where e.idLower starts with $company and exists(pro.name)
return path limit 100
- Does company xyz work on protein xxx?
⛔ Not working atm
match path=(e:Entity)<-[x:APPLICANT]-(p:Patent)-[y:PATENT_HAS_PATENTCLAIM|:PATENT_HAS_PATENTABSTRACT|:PATENT_HAS_PATENTTITLE]->(pa)-[z:HAS_FRAGMENT]->(ff:Fragment)-[m:MENTIONS]->(syn:GeneSymbol)-[:SYNONYM]->(gs:GeneSymbol)<-[:MAPS]-(g:Gene)-[:CODES]->(tc:Transcript)-[:CODES]->(pro:Protein)
where e.idLower starts with $company and pro.name contains $protein
return path limit 40
- Find gene names mentioned in patents
match (p:Patent)-[x:PATENT_HAS_PATENTCLAIM|:PATENT_HAS_PATENTABSTRACT|:PATENT_HAS_PATENTTITLE]-(pct)-[:HAS_FRAGMENT]->(f2:Fragment)-[:MENTIONS]->(gs2:GeneSymbol) return p,x,pct,gs2 limit 300
- Search patents with string against a textindex and get a hit score
call db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("PatentsFulltextIndex","Corona")
yield node,score match (node)--(p:Patent)--(pt:PatentTitle)
return distinct(p.id) as id, collect(pt.text) as titles, labels(node)[0] as found_type, node.lang as found_in_lang ,score
order by score
desc limit 10
⛔ Freezes atm
call db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("fragmentGeneSymbol","corona and virus")
yield node as f,score match (f)--(px)--(p:Patent)
match (fp:Fragment)-[:NEXT]->(f),(f)-[:NEXT]->(fn:Fragment)
return f.kind,[fp.text,f.text,fn.text],p.id,score
order by score desc
limit 10
- Find matching fragments in patent text
⛔ Freezes atm
call db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("fragmentGeneSymbol","corona and virus")
yield node as f,score match (f)--(px)--(p:Patent)
return f.kind,f.text,p.id,score
order by score desc
limit 10
- This shows the previous and next fragment in the result
⛔ Freezes atm
call db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("fragmentGeneSymbol","corona and virus")
yield node as f,score match (f)--(px)--(p:Patent)
match (fp:Fragment)-[:NEXT]->(f),(f)-[:NEXT]->(fn:Fragment)
return f.kind,fp.text,f.text,fn.text,p.id,score
order by score desc
limit 10
- Ranking authors. First create a projection on the graph, then call the PageRank algorithm:
CALL gds.graph.create.cypher(
'MATCH (n:Author) RETURN id(n) AS id',
'MATCH (a:Author)-[:AUTHOR_HAS_AUTHOR]->(b:Author) RETURN id(a) AS source, id(b) AS target'
YIELD graphName, nodeCount, relationshipCount, createMillis;
CALL gds.pageRank.stream('Authors_Influence') YIELD nodeId, score RETURN gds.util.asNode(nodeId).first, gds.util.asNode(nodeId).last, score ORDER BY score DESC
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("AuthorFullTextIndex", $word) YIELD node
- Look for patents
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("textOfPapersAndPatents", $1) YIELD node
with node
where node:Patent
return node
- Look for papers
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("textOfPapersAndPatents", $1) YIELD node
match (node)<-[:HAS_FRAGMENT]-(ab:Abstract)<-[:ABSTRACTCOLLECTION_HAS_ABSTRACT]-(abc:AbstractCollection)<-[:PAPER_HAS_ABSTRACTCOLLECTION]-(paper:Paper)
RETURN paper
- Look for authors
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("AuthorFullTextIndex", $word) YIELD node
- Text containing keywords x and y
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("textOfPapersAndPatents", '$1 AND $2') YIELD node
and not node:BodyText
RETURN pp limit 50
- List entity types with count and if they are linked (external ids)
MATCH (n:NamedEntity)
RETURN n.type as type, exists(n.external_ids) as external_ids, count(*)