Run the follow command to retrieve your environment config variables
firebase functions:config:get
To change the default admin token (default = chat21-secret-orgAa,) run with firebase functions :
firebase functions:config:set secret.token=MYSECRET
- With click_action parameter you can choose which page the browser open when a user click on a push nofification. Push notification is supported by chat21-ionic component.
Set the click_action parameter with:
firebase functions:config:set push.web.click_action=
for example:
firebase functions:config:set push.web.click_action=https://console.YOURDOMAIN.COM/chat
- You can decide to send an email notification for each message sent to a recupient.
You can enable email notification with:
firebase functions:config:set email.enabled=true
- Configure the SMTP URI endpoint with :
firebase functions:config:set email.endpoint=smtp://<Username>:<password>
- Set email sender with:
firebase functions:config:set email.from=<sender_email>
- Configure SMTP with a Gmail account using the following properties:
firebase functions:config:set<EMAIL>
firebase functions:config:set<PASSWORD>
More info here and here
- Configure billing account to make external network call to web services
- Enable webhook with :
firebase functions:config:set webhook.enabled=true
- Set webhook endpoint with:
firebase functions:config:set webhook.url=https://<YOUR_TILEDESK_SERVER>/chat21/requests
For example:
firebase functions:config:set webhook.url=
- Enable Support features with:
firebase functions:config:set support.enabled=true
- Set Tiledesk-server endpoint with:
firebase functions:config:set support.api.url=https://<YOUR_TILEDESK_SERVER>
. For examplefirebase functions:config:set support.api.url=
- Create a Tiledesk user with
curl -v -X POST -d '[email protected]&password=123456'
- Set the api basic auth token for the new user with:
firebase functions:config:set support.api.authtoken='Basic BLABLA'
- Enable Firestore database under Firebase Console with Allow All permissions
- Disable the option "Automatically join the General Group on signup" with
firebase functions:config:set group.general.autojoin=false
- Create a bot user with the mobile app or web app. Ex: email:[email protected], firstname: Bot, lastname: Chat21,etc.
- Retrieve the bot user id (<BOT_UID>) from the profile tab of the mobile app or from firebase autentication tab
- Set the bot user id <BOT_UID> parameter with
firebase functions:config:set bot.uid=<BOT_UID>
Create an FB APP. More info here
Create a webhook with a URL like this<PROJECT_ID>.
Example: -
Enable FB webhook with
firebase functions:config:set fbwebhook.enabled=true
Set FB secret with
firebase functions:config:set fbwebhook.secret=<WEBHOOK FB SECRET>