- Docker
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/covalenthq/ewm-das
cd ewm-das
Build the Docker image:
docker build -t covalent/light-client -f Dockerfile.lc .
Run the Docker container:
docker run -d --restart always --name light-client -e PRIVATE_KEY="YOUR HEX PRIV KEY" covalent/light-client
Check the status of the Light Client:
docker logs -f light-client
To run the light-client, use the following command:
./bin/light-client --rpc-url <rpc-url> \
--private-key <private-key>
Note: Private key is the identity of your client. To generate a private key, use can use following resources:
./bin/light-client --rpc-url https://apilayer-ewm-838505730421.us-central1.run.app/api/v1 --private-key ${PRIVATE_KEY}