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Non-Fungible Token Transfer
25, 26
Haifeng Xi <[email protected]>

This standard document follows the same design principles of ICS 20 and inherits most of its content therefrom, while replacing bank module based asset tracking logic with that of the nft module.


This standard document specifies packet data structure, state machine handling logic, and encoding details for the transfer of non-fungible tokens over an IBC channel between two modules on separate chains. In this document, class, collection and contract are used interchangeably. The state machine logic presented allows for safe multi-chain classId handling with permissionless channel opening. This logic constitutes a non-fungible token transfer bridge module, interfacing between the IBC routing module and an existing asset tracking module on the host state machine, which could be either a Cosmos-style native module or a smart contract running in a virtual machine.


Users of a set of chains connected over the IBC protocol might wish to utilize a non-fungible token on a chain other than the chain where the token was originally issued -- perhaps to make use of additional features such as exchange, royalty payment or privacy protection. This application-layer standard describes a protocol for transferring non-fungible tokens between chains connected with IBC which preserves asset non-fungibility, preserves asset ownership, limits the impact of Byzantine faults, and requires no additional permissioning.


The IBC handler interface & IBC routing module interface are as defined in ICS 25 and ICS 26, respectively.

Desired Properties

  • Preservation of non-fungibility (i.e., only one instance of any token is live across all the IBC-connected blockchains).
  • Permissionless token transfers, no need to whitelist connections, modules, or classIds.
  • Symmetric (all chains implement the same logic, no in-protocol differentiation of hubs & zones).
  • Fault containment: prevents Byzantine-creation of tokens originating on chain A, as a result of chain B's Byzantine behavior.

Technical Specification

Data Structures

Only one packet data type is required: NonFungibleTokenPacketData, which specifies the class id, class uri, class data, token id array, token uri array, token data array, sending address, and receiving address.

interface NonFungibleTokenPacketData {
  classId: string
  classUri: string
  classData: string
  tokenIds: string[]
  tokenUris: string[]
  tokenData: string[]
  sender: string
  receiver: string
  memo: string

classId is a required field that MUST never be empty, it uniquely identifies the class/collection/contract which the tokens being transferred belong to in the sending chain. In the case of an ERC-1155 compliant smart contract, for example, this could be a string representation of the top 128 bits of the token ID.

classUri is an optional field which, if present, MUST be non-empty and refer to an off-chain resource that is typically a JSON file containing the class metadata; this could be extremely beneficial for cross-chain interoperability with NFT marketplaces like OpenSea.

classData is an optional field which, if present, MUST be non-empty and contain on-chain class metadata such as royalty related parameters.

tokenIds array is a required field that MUST have a size greater than zero and hold non-empty entries that uniquely identify tokens (of the given class) that are being transferred. In the case of an ERC-1155 compliant smart contract, for example, a tokenId could be a string representation of the bottom 128 bits of the token ID.

tokenUris array is an optional field which, if present, MUST have the same size as tokenIds and hold non-empty entries each of which refers to an off-chain resource that is typically an immutable JSON file containing metadata associated with the token identified by the corresponding tokenIds entry.

tokenData array is an optional field which, if present, MUST have the same size as tokenIds and hold non-empty entries each of which contains on-chain application data associated with the token identified by the corresponding tokenIds entry.

Both tokenData entries and classData MUST be Base64 encoded strings which SHOULD have the following JSON structure:

  "key1" : { "value":"...", "mime":"..." },
  "key2" : { "value":"...", "mime":"..." },

mime is an optional property that specifies the media type of the corresponding key-value. If a key-value is of the default type of string, then mime can be omitted. Otherwise, mime MUST be non-empty and have a value that comes from this list.

Chain applications are advised to namespace the keys; to achieve maximum interoperability across applications, standardization of these namespaces is desired but out of the scope.

An example of classData content (raw JSON before being Base64 encoded) is shown below:

  "opensea:name" : { "value":"Crypto Creatures" },
  "opensea:image" : { "value":"...(Base64 encoded media binary)", "mime":"image/png" },
  "opensea:seller_fee_basis_points" : { "value":"100" }

The optional memo field is not used within the transfer, however, it may be used either for external off-chain users (i.e. exchanges) or for middleware wrapping transfer that can parse and execute custom logic on the basis of the passed-in memo. If the memo is intended to be parsed and interpreted by higher-level middleware, then these middlewares are advised to namespace their additions to the memo string so that they do not overwrite each other. Chains should ensure that there is some length limit on the entire packet data to ensure that the packet does not become a DOS vector. However, these do not need to be protocol-defined limits. If the receiver cannot accept a packet because of length limitations, this will lead to a timeout on the sender side.

As tokens are sent across chains using the ICS-721 protocol, they begin to accrue a record of channels across which they have been transferred. This record information is encoded into the classId field.

An ICS-721 token class is represented in the form {ics721Port}/{ics721Channel}/{classId}, where ics721Port and ics721Channel identify the channel on the current chain from which the tokens arrived. If {classId} contains /, then it must also be in the ICS-721 form which indicates that the tokens have a multi-hop record. Note that this requires that the / (slash character) is prohibited in non-IBC token classIds.

A sending chain may be acting as a source or sink zone. When a chain is sending tokens across a port and channel which are not equal to the last prefixed port and channel pair, it is acting as a source zone. When tokens are sent from a source zone, the destination port and channel will be prefixed onto the classId (once the tokens are received) adding another hop to the tokens record. When a chain is sending tokens across a port and channel which are equal to the last prefixed port and channel pair, it is acting as a sink zone. When tokens are sent from a sink zone, the last prefixed port and channel pair on the classId is removed (once the tokens are received), undoing the last hop in the tokens record.

For example, assume these steps of transfer occur:

A -> B -> C -> A -> C -> B -> A

  1. A(p1,c1) -> (p2,c2)B : A is source zone. classId in B: 'p2/c2/nftClass'
  2. B(p3,c3) -> (p4,c4)C : B is source zone. classId in C: 'p4/c4/p2/c2/nftClass'
  3. C(p5,c5) -> (p6,c6)A : C is source zone. classId in A: 'p6/c6/p4/c4/p2/c2/nftClass'
  4. A(p6,c6) -> (p5,c5)C : A is sink zone. classId in C: 'p4/c4/p2/c2/nftClass'
  5. C(p4,c4) -> (p3,c3)B : C is sink zone. classId in B: 'p2/c2/nftClass'
  6. B(p2,c2) -> (p1,c1)A : B is sink zone. classId in A: 'nftClass'

The acknowledgement data type describes whether the transfer succeeded or failed, and the reason for failure (if any).

type NonFungibleTokenPacketAcknowledgement =
  | NonFungibleTokenPacketSuccess
  | NonFungibleTokenPacketError

interface NonFungibleTokenPacketSuccess {
  // This is binary 0x01 base64 encoded
  success: "AQ=="

interface NonFungibleTokenPacketError {
  error: string

Note that both the NonFungibleTokenPacketData as well as NonFungibleTokenPacketAcknowledgement must be JSON-encoded (not Protobuf encoded) when serialized into packet data.

The non-fungible token transfer bridge module maintains a separate escrow address for each NFT channel.

interface ModuleState {
  channelEscrowAddresses: Map<Identifier, string>


The sub-protocols described herein should be implemented in a "non-fungible token transfer bridge" module with access to the NFT asset tracking module and the IBC routing module.

The NFT asset tracking module should implement the following functions:

function CreateOrUpdateClass(classId: string, classUri: string, classData: string) {
  // creates a new NFT Class identified by classId
  // if classId already exists, app logic may choose to update class metadata accordingly
function Mint(classId: string, tokenId: string, tokenUri: string, tokenData: string, receiver: string) {
  // creates a new NFT identified by <classId,tokenId>
  // receiver becomes owner of the newly minted NFT
function Transfer(classId: string, tokenId: string, receiver: string, tokenData: string) {
  // transfers the NFT identified by <classId,tokenId> to receiver
  // receiver becomes new owner of the NFT
  // if tokenData is not empty, app logic may choose to update token data accordingly
function Burn(classId: string, tokenId: string) {
  // destroys the NFT identified by <classId,tokenId>
function GetOwner(classId: string, tokenId: string) {
  // returns current owner of the NFT identified by <classId,tokenId>
function GetNFT(classId: string, tokenId: string) {
  // returns NFT identified by <classId,tokenId>
function GetClass(classId: string) {
  // returns NFT Class identified by classId

Port & channel setup

The setup function must be called exactly once when the module is created (perhaps when the blockchain itself is initialised) to bind to the appropriate port (owned by the module).

function setup() {
  capability = routingModule.bindPort("nft", ModuleCallbacks{
  claimCapability("port", capability)

Once the setup function has been called, channels can be created through the IBC routing module between instances of the non-fungible token transfer module on separate chains.

This specification defines packet handling semantics only, and defines them in such a fashion that the module itself doesn't need to worry about what connections or channels might or might not exist at any point in time.

Routing module callbacks

Channel lifecycle management

Both machines A and B accept new channels from any module on another machine, if and only if:

  • The channel being created is unordered.
  • The version string is ics721-1.
function onChanOpenInit(
  order: ChannelOrder,
  connectionHops: Identifier[],
  portIdentifier: Identifier,
  channelIdentifier: Identifier,
  counterpartyPortIdentifier: Identifier,
  counterpartyChannelIdentifier: Identifier,
  version: string): (version: string, err: Error) {
  // only unordered channels allowed
  abortTransactionUnless(order === UNORDERED)
  // assert that version is "ics721-1"
  // or relayer passed in empty version
  abortTransactionUnless(version === "ics721-1" || version === "")
  return "ics721-1", nil
function onChanOpenTry(
  order: ChannelOrder,
  connectionHops: Identifier[],
  portIdentifier: Identifier,
  channelIdentifier: Identifier,
  counterpartyPortIdentifier: Identifier,
  counterpartyChannelIdentifier: Identifier,
  counterpartyVersion: string): (version: string, err: Error) {
  // only unordered channels allowed
  abortTransactionUnless(order === UNORDERED)
  // assert that version is "ics721-1"
  abortTransactionUnless(counterpartyVersion === "ics721-1")
  return "ics721-1", nil
function onChanOpenAck(
  portIdentifier: Identifier,
  channelIdentifier: Identifier,
  counterpartyChannelIdentifier: Identifier,
  counterpartyVersion: string
) {
  // port has already been validated
  // assert that version is "ics721-1"
  abortTransactionUnless(counterpartyVersion === "ics721-1")
  // allocate an escrow address
  channelEscrowAddresses[channelIdentifier] = newAddress()
function onChanOpenConfirm(
  portIdentifier: Identifier,
  channelIdentifier: Identifier
) {
  // accept channel confirmations, port has already been validated, version has already been validated
  // allocate an escrow address
  channelEscrowAddresses[channelIdentifier] = newAddress()
function onChanCloseInit(
  portIdentifier: Identifier,
  channelIdentifier: Identifier
) {
  // abort and return error to prevent channel closing by user
function onChanCloseConfirm(
  portIdentifier: Identifier,
  channelIdentifier: Identifier
) {
  // no action necessary
Packet relay
  • When a non-fungible token is sent away from its source, the bridge module escrows the token on the sending chain and mints a corresponding voucher on the receiving chain.
  • When a non-fungible token is sent back toward its source, the bridge module burns the token on the sending chain and unescrows the corresponding locked token on the receiving chain.
  • When a packet times out, tokens represented in the packet are either unescrowed or minted back to the sender appropriately -- depending on whether the tokens are being moved away from or back toward their source.
  • Acknowledgement data is used to handle failures, such as invalid destination accounts. Returning an acknowledgement of failure is preferable to aborting the transaction since it more easily enables the sending chain to take appropriate action based on the nature of the failure.

createOutgoingPacket must be called by a transaction handler in the module which performs appropriate signature checks, specific to the account owner on the host state machine.

function createOutgoingPacket(
  classId: string,
  tokenIds: string[],
  sender: string,
  receiver: string,
  destPort: string,
  destChannel: string,
  sourcePort: string,
  sourceChannel: string,
  timeoutHeight: Height,
  timeoutTimestamp: uint64): uint64 {
  prefix = sourcePort + '/' + sourceChannel
  // we are source chain if classId is not prefixed with sourcePort and sourceChannel
  source = classId.slice(0, len(prefix)) !== prefix
  tokenUris = []
  tokenData = []
  for (let tokenId in tokenIds) {
    // ensure that sender is token owner
    abortTransactionUnless(sender === nft.GetOwner(classId, tokenId))
    if source { // we are source chain, escrow token
      nft.Transfer(classId, tokenId, channelEscrowAddresses[sourceChannel], null)
    } else { // we are sink chain, burn voucher
      nft.Burn(classId, tokenId)
    token = nft.GetNFT(classId, tokenId)
  NonFungibleTokenPacketData data = NonFungibleTokenPacketData{
  sequence = Handler.sendPacket(
    protobuf.marshal(data) // protobuf-marshalled bytes of packet data
  return sequence

onRecvPacket is called by the routing module when a packet addressed to this module has been received.

function onRecvPacket(packet: Packet) {
  NonFungibleTokenPacketData data =
  // construct default acknowledgement of success
  NonFungibleTokenPacketAcknowledgement ack = NonFungibleTokenPacketAcknowledgement{true, null}
  err = ProcessReceivedPacketData(data)
  if (err !== null) {
    ack = NonFungibleTokenPacketAcknowledgement{false, err.Error()}
  return ack

function ProcessReceivedPacketData(data: NonFungibleTokenPacketData) {
  prefix = data.sourcePort + '/' + data.sourceChannel
  // we are source chain if classId is prefixed with packet's sourcePort and sourceChannel
  source = data.classId.slice(0, len(prefix)) === prefix
  for (var i in data.tokenIds) {
    if source { // we are source chain, un-escrow token to receiver
      nft.Transfer(data.classId.slice(len(prefix)), data.tokenIds[i], data.receiver, data.tokenData[i])
    } else { // we are sink chain, mint voucher to receiver
      prefixedClassId = data.destPort + '/' + data.destChannel + '/' + data.classId
      nft.CreateOrUpdateClass(prefixedClassId, data.classUri, data.classData)
      nft.Mint(prefixedClassId, data.tokenIds[i], data.tokenUris[i], data.tokenData[i], data.receiver)

onAcknowledgePacket is called by the routing module when a packet sent by this module has been acknowledged.

function onAcknowledgePacket(packet: Packet, acknowledgement: bytes) {
  // if the transfer failed, refund the tokens
  if (!acknowledgement.success) refundToken(packet)

onTimeoutPacket is called by the routing module when a packet sent by this module has timed out (such that it will not be received on the destination chain).

function onTimeoutPacket(packet: Packet) {
  // the packet timed-out, so refund the tokens

refundToken is called by both onAcknowledgePacket, on failure, and onTimeoutPacket, to refund escrowed token to the original sender.

function refundToken(packet: Packet) {
  NonFungibleTokenPacketData data =
  prefix = data.sourcePort + '/' + data.sourceChannel
  // we are the source if the classId is not prefixed with the packet's sourcePort and sourceChannel
  source = data.classId.slice(0, len(prefix)) !== prefix
  for (var i in data.tokenIds) {
    if source { // we are source chain, un-escrow token back to sender
      nft.Transfer(data.classId, data.tokenIds[i], data.sender, null)
    } else { // we are sink chain, mint voucher back to sender
      nft.Mint(data.classId, data.tokenIds[i], data.tokenUris[i], data.tokenData[i], data.sender)
function onTimeoutPacketClose(packet: Packet) {
  // can't happen, only unordered channels allowed



This implementation preserves token non-fungibility and redeemability.

  • Non-fungibility: Only one instance of any token is live across all the IBC-connected blockchains.
  • Redeemability: If tokens have been sent to the counterparty chain, they can be redeemed back in the same classId & tokenId on the source chain.

Optional addenda

  • Each chain, locally, could elect to keep a lookup table to use short, user-friendly local classIds in state which are translated to and from the longer classIds when sending and receiving packets.
  • Additional restrictions may be imposed on which other machines may be connected to & which channels may be established.

Further Discussion

Extended and complex use cases such as royalties, marketplaces or permissioned transfers can be supported on top of this specification. Solutions could be modules, hooks, IBC middleware and so on. Designing a guideline for this is out of the scope.

It is assumed that application logic in host state machines will be responsible for metadata immutability of IBC tokens minted according to this specification. For any IBC token, NFT applications are strongly advised to check upstream blockchains (all the way back to the source) to ensure its metadata has not been modified along the way. If it is decided, sometime in the future, to accommodate NFT metadata mutability over IBC, we will update this specification or create an entirely new specification -- by using advanced DID features perhaps.

Backwards Compatibility

Not applicable.

Forwards Compatibility

This initial standard uses version "ics721-1" in the channel handshake.

A future version of this standard could use a different version in the channel handshake, and safely alter the packet data format & packet handler semantics.

Example Implementations


Date Description
Nov 10, 2021 Initial draft - adapted from ICS 20 spec
Nov 17, 2021 Revised to better accommodate smart contracts
Nov 17, 2021 Renamed from ICS 21 to ICS 721
Nov 18, 2021 Revised to allow for multiple tokens in one packet
Feb 10, 2022 Revised to incorporate feedbacks from IBC team
Mar 03, 2022 Revised to make TRY callback consistent with PR#629
Mar 11, 2022 Added example to illustrate the prefix concept
Mar 30, 2022 Added NFT module definition and fixed pseudo-code errors
May 18, 2022 Added paragraph about NFT metadata mutability
Nov 08, 2022 Added tokenData to PacketData
Dec 14, 2022 Added classData and memo to PacketData
Dec 15, 2022 Tightened spec on classData and tokenData


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