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XKCD Generator Application

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The XKCD image generator application is a simple HTTP application that randomly produces random XKCD comics on demand. It illustrates how to build a fully functioning application with a single actor and a few capability providers. You can find the inspiration and architecture diagram for this application in the Cosmonic documentation.

This example actor makes use of three capabilities:

  • wasmcloud:httpserver for responding to http requests
  • wasmcloud:httpclient for fetching http resources from the internet
  • wasmcloud:builtin:numbergen for generating a random number.

Each time you refresh the page, you should get a random xkcd comic!

Building this actor

Ensure you have a Rust toolchain and the wasm32-unknown-unknown target installed, then simply run cosmo build to build and sign this actor. The total size of this WebAssembly module, when compiled with Rust is approximately 219kb.

Running this example on Cosmonic

Follow the guide on Cosmonic's documentation site.

Watch the build process

Cosmonic developers built this actor live on stream, including the thought process behind the code here and explanations about the components that went into this application. Check it out!