Support the latest version of Jupyter Notebook.
Support the latest version of Jupyter Notebook.
Improve usability of the Jupyter version.
Improve usability of the Jupyter version.
Script to start up a Jupyter Notebook supporting Expreduce.
Script to start up a Jupyter Notebook supporting Expreduce.
Only test latest and minimum versions to save test compute.
Only test latest and minimum versions to save test compute.
Support some forms of compound inequalities and clean up the logic.
Support some forms of compound inequalities and clean up the logic.
Fix display of unsupported call warnings.
Fix display of unsupported call warnings.
Update testing up to go 1.23.
Update testing up to go 1.23.
Try adding lock to fix the concurrency test failure.
Try adding lock to fix the concurrency test failure.
Switch to SieveOfEratosthenes for Prime[].
Switch to SieveOfEratosthenes for Prime[].
Implement the Prime[] function.
Implement the Prime[] function.
Add FromDigits[] function.
Add FromDigits[] function.
Run golines -w -m 80 .
on the project.
golines -w -m 80 .
on the project.Fix a bit of HoldAll behavior and add a Sum[] defintion.
Fix a bit of HoldAll behavior and add a Sum[] defintion.
Minor README updates and remove .travis.yml.
Minor README updates and remove .travis.yml.
Update the resources.go expecting a fixed test.
Update the resources.go expecting a fixed test.
Add the install for go-bindata back in.
Add the install for go-bindata back in.
Add go-bindata to module.
Add go-bindata to module.
Github Actions for if resources.go is updated.
Github Actions for if resources.go is updated.
Try testing multiple Go versions.
Try testing multiple Go versions.
Merge branch 'master' into corywalker
Merge branch 'master' into corywalker