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Problem sets and labs for Harvard CS50 offered through OpenCourseWare.
Course outline:

week 1: C

(exercises completed in the CS50 IDE)
to test for bugs and style respectively:
library: #include <cs50.h>
terminal commands: check50 #cfile / style50 #cfile


  • population growth simulation
$ ./population
Start size: 100
End size: 200
Years: 9

problem set:

week 2: arrays


  • Scrabble command line program:
    • prompts users for two words
    • iterates through letters
    • uses ASCII values to match A-Z[i] to a Scrabble letter score
    • totals letter scores for each word
    • prints winner
    • IMPROVEMENT: verify that user-entered words are real dictionary words.

problem set:

  • Readability command line program
  • Substituition comman line program
    • prompts user for scrambled alphabet cipherkey (no repeat letters, 26char only letters)
      • example keys: vchprzgjntlskfbdqwaxeuymoi, VCHPRZGJNTLSKFBDQWAXEUYMOI, VcHpRzGjNtLsKfBdQwAxEuYmOi
    • changes user-input plaintext to ciphertext
      • retains user casing and symbol/space/number placement
        • e.g. hELL0, W0RLd! -> jRSS0, Y0WSp!
    • usage: ./substitution *key*
    • IMPROVEMENT: currently can only handle plaintext up to 24 characters long


all code in labs and problem sets is originally written by me, going off of the course's distribution code.