Neutrino middleware for Vue files
This middleware already includes @constgen/neutrino-babel-loader
This middleware enables many features by default with zero configuration
- Typescript support
- Decorators
- Class properties
- Babel transpilation according to browserlist
- EcmaScript polyfills
- JSX syntax
- Automatic Vue pragma injection to every JSX fragment
- Node.js v10+
- Neutrino v9
- Webpack v4
- Vue 2
can be installed from NPM. You should install it to "dependencies"
(--save) or "devDependncies"
(--save-dev) depending on your goal.
npm install --save @constgen/neutrino-vue-loader
Require this package and plug it into Neutrino. The following shows how you can pass an options object to the middleware, showing the defaults:
let vueLoader = require('@constgen/neutrino-vue-loader')
babel : {}, // custom Babel options
polyfills: false, // enable EcmaScript polyfills
browsers : ['defaults'], // replace browserlist config
node : undefined, // node version in case of server rendering
include : [], // include strategy is always used and you can only extend what is included besides `neutrino.options.source` and `neutrino.options.tests`
exclude : [] // exclude something from processing that is included
You may enable usage of .browserslistrc
file in your project by setting browsers
option to any falsy value
browsers: undefined // inherit config from `.browserslistrc` or disable if absent
The middleware also may be used together with another presets in Neutrino rc-file, e.g.:
let vueLoader = require('@constgen/neutrino-vue-loader')
module.exports = {
use: [
JSX syntax is supported with some syntactic sugar. For more details look at
To use JSX you can just return JSX expressions from arrow functions or Vue Component render()
export default ({ props, listeners, children }) => {
let onClick = || function () {}
return (
<h1 id={}>
<a href="##" onClick={onClick}>
import Heading from './Heading'
export default {
name: 'Index',
render () {
return (