Neutrino middleware for an automatic React application launching in a browser document with hot reload
Using this middleware you no longer need to bootstrap HMR and app mounting. It is done automatically. The only thing you need is to only export the main JSX component in your main application component (entry file)
import React from 'react'
export default class extends React.Component {
render () {
return <h1>Root component</h1>
- Enabled Hot Module Replacement with source-watching during development
- Disabled redundant
console messages - Debug console cleared on every file change. Your outdated logs will be removed
- Node.js v10+
- Neutrino v9
- Webpack v4
- React v16, v17
can be installed from NPM. You should install it to "dependencies"
(--save) or "devDependncies"
(--save-dev) depending on your goal.
npm install --save @constgen/neutrino-react-launcher
Require this package and plug it into Neutrino. The middleware has no options:
let reactLauncher = require('@constgen/neutrino-react-launcher')
The middleware also may be used together with another presets in Neutrino rc-file, e.g.:
let reactLauncher = require('@constgen/neutrino-react-launcher')
module.exports = {
use: [