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Tutorial to add a new syscall to Filecoin Virtual Machine and create a new built-in actor in IPC to activate the syscall

Advanced subnet customization

IPC is uniquely hyper customizable as a scalability framework. Subnets are highly customizable and can be temporal, allowing subnet operators to spin up customized subnets for various needs, including modular consensus, gas option, configurable chain primitives, customized features vis pluggable syscalls and build-in actor.

In this tutorial, we will focus on how to extend features to your IPC subnet by customizing syscalls that are 'pluggable' as needed.

IPC uses the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) as its execution layer, which is a WASM-based polyglot VM. FVM exposes all system features and information through syscalls, as part of its SDK. The FVM SDK is designed to be pluggable to enable user-defined custom features with syscalls, while implementing default features from FVM kernel. Use cases includes:

  • Extending chain-specific syscalls once IPC supports more root chains. Because other chains may have their own special syscalls different as Filecoin (proof validation, etc.).
  • Extending features to support better development tools. E.g. adding special debugging syscalls, adding randomness syscalls, and supporting more ECC curve, etc.

Pre-requisite knowledge for tutorial:


These instructions describe the steps required to create a new kernel which implements a new syscall along with an example built-in actor that shows how you would call that syscall. Full example here.

{% hint style="info" %} TIP: For clarity, the instructions may have skipped certain files (like long Cargo.toml files) so make sure to refer to the above full example, if you want to follow along and get this compiling on your machine. {% endhint %}

1. Define the custom syscall

  • In this example, we will be creating a simple syscall which accesses the filesystem. Inside syscalls, you can run external processes, link to rust libraries, access network, call other syscalls, etc.

  • We’ll call this new syscall my_custom_syscalland its defined as follows:

    pub trait CustomKernel: Kernel {
        fn my_custom_syscall(&self) -> Result<u64>;


  • Define a struct CustomKernelImpl which extends DefaultKernel . We use the ambassador crate to automatically delegate calls which reduces the boilerplate code we need to write. Here we simply delegate all calls to existing syscall to the DefaultKernel.

    #[delegate(IpldBlockOps, where = "C: CallManager")]
    #[delegate(ActorOps, where = "C: CallManager")]
    #[delegate(CryptoOps, where = "C: CallManager")]
    #[delegate(DebugOps, where = "C: CallManager")]
    #[delegate(EventOps, where = "C: CallManager")]
    #[delegate(MessageOps, where = "C: CallManager")]
    #[delegate(NetworkOps, where = "C: CallManager")]
    #[delegate(RandomnessOps, where = "C: CallManager")]
    #[delegate(SelfOps, where = "C: CallManager")]
    #[delegate(SendOps<K>, generics = "K", where = "K: CustomKernel")]
    #[delegate(UpgradeOps<K>, generics = "K", where = "K: CustomKernel")]
    pub struct CustomKernelImpl<C>(pub DefaultKernel<C>);


2. Implementing all necessary functions for the syscall

  • Implement my_custom_syscall

    Here is where we implement our custom syscall:

impl<C> CustomKernel for CustomKernelImpl<C>
    C: CallManager,
    CustomKernelImpl<C>: Kernel,
    fn my_custom_syscall(&self) -> Result<u64> {
        // Here we have access to the Kernel structure and can call
        // any of its methods, send messages, etc.

        // We can also run an external program, link to any rust library
        // access the network, etc.

        // In this example, lets access the file system and return
        // the number of paths in /
        let paths = std::fs::read_dir("/").unwrap();
        Ok(paths.count() as u64)


  • Next we need to implement the Kernel trait for the new CustomKernelImpl. You can treat this as boilerplate code and you can just copy it as is:
impl<C> Kernel for CustomKernelImpl<C>
    C: CallManager,
    type CallManager = C;
    type Limiter = <DefaultKernel<C> as Kernel>::Limiter;

    fn into_inner(self) -> (Self::CallManager, BlockRegistry)
        Self: Sized,

    fn new(
        mgr: C,
        blocks: BlockRegistry,
        caller: ActorID,
        actor_id: ActorID,
        method: MethodNum,
        value_received: TokenAmount,
        read_only: bool,
    ) -> Self {

    fn machine(&self) -> &<Self::CallManager as CallManager>::Machine {

    fn limiter_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Limiter {

    fn gas_available(&self) -> Gas {

    fn charge_gas(&self, name: &str, compute: Gas) -> Result<GasTimer> {
        self.0.charge_gas(name, compute)


3. Link syscalls to the kernel

  • Next we need to implement the SyscallHandler trait for the CustomKernelImpl and link all the syscalls to that kernel. We need to explicitly list each of the syscall traits (ActorOps, SendOps, etc) manually here in addition to the CustomKernel trait. Then inside the link_syscalls method we plug in the actor invocation to the kernel function that should process that syscall. We can link all the existing syscalls using the link_syscalls on the DefaultKernel and then link our custom syscall.
impl<K> SyscallHandler<K> for CustomKernelImpl<K::CallManager>
    K: CustomKernel
        + ActorOps
        + SendOps
        + UpgradeOps
        + IpldBlockOps
        + CryptoOps
        + DebugOps
        + EventOps
        + MessageOps
        + NetworkOps
        + RandomnessOps
        + SelfOps,	
	fn link_syscalls(linker: &mut Linker<K>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        linker.link_syscall("my_custom_kernel", "my_custom_syscall", my_custom_syscall)?;



4. Expose the customized syscall

  • Once this function is linked to a syscall and exposed publicly, we can use this syscall by calling my_custom_kernel.my_custom_syscall
pub fn my_custom_syscall(
    context: fvm::syscalls::Context<'_, impl CustomKernel>
) -> Result<u64> {


5. Replace existing IPC kernel with new custom kernel

  • Since the customized syscall is implemented in a CustomKernelImpl which extends and implements all the behaviors for DefaultKernel, we can plug it into IPC instead of DefaultKernel\

  • To use this kernel in fendermint code, replace DefaultKernel with CustomKernelImpl for the executor declaration in fendermint/vm/interpreter/src/fvm/state/

use crate::fvm::examples::mycustomkernel::CustomKernelImpl;

executor: DefaultExecutor<CustomKernelImpl<DefaultCallManager<DefaultMachine<DB, FendermintExterns>>>,


6. Use syscall in your IPC subnet

  • Now, we are all set to use the custom syscall in the IPC subnet. The custom syscall can be called in IPC actors to utilize the extended feature. For this tutorial, we can create a simple actor to demonstrate how to import and call the custom syscall and then confirm that its working correctly.

  • Let’s create a customsyscall folder in ipc/fendermint/actors/ and then create a file called in that new folder. Here we want to create a very simple actor, which when invoked (received a message on its Invoke method) will call the new syscall and return its value:

fvm_sdk::sys::fvm_syscalls! {
    module = "my_custom_kernel";
    pub fn my_custom_syscall() -> Result<u64>;

pub struct Actor;
impl Actor {
    fn invoke(rt: &impl Runtime) -> Result<u64, ActorError> {

        unsafe {
            let value = my_custom_syscall().unwrap();

impl ActorCode for Actor {
    type Methods = Method;

    fn name() -> &'static str {

    actor_dispatch! {
        Invoke => invoke,


  • Even though this is Rust code, IPC will compile it as a Wasm target and then run the compiled Wasm code inside FVM as an actor. However, we want to share some of the code between Wasm and IPC, such as the actor name CUSTOMSYSCALL_ACTOR_NAME and the Invoke method enum. We will define these in a separate file called as follows:
use num_derive::FromPrimitive;

pub const CUSTOMSYSCALL_ACTOR_NAME: &str = "customsyscall";

pub enum Method {
    Invoke = frc42_dispatch::method_hash!("Invoke"),


  • We next need to write a file which exports the shared code and only compiles if we are building the Wasm actor.
#[cfg(feature = "fil-actor")]
mod actor;
mod shared;

pub use shared::*;


{% hint style="info" %} NOTE: There are several other files you need to change to compile this actor and package it with the other actors that IPC uses. Please refer to the full example here for the following other files you need to change:

  • fendermint/actors/customsyscall/Cargo.toml: The package for your new actor and all its dependencies
  • fendermint/actors/Cargo.toml: Add your new actor as a Wasm target
  • fendermint/actors/ Include your new actor in the ACTORS array so it will get included in the bundle.
  • fendermint/actors/src/ Add your new actor in the REQUIRED_ACTORS array so we can confirm it was correctly bundled on IPC startup
  • fendermint/vm/actor_interface/src/ A macro which assigns an ID to your new actor and declares constants for accessing it by ID and Address
  • fendermint/vm/actor_interface/src/ export the constants to IPC {% endhint %}

7. Load and deploy actor at genesis

We have so far created a new kernel and syscall, switched IPC to use that kernel and created an actor which calls the new syscall. However, in order to call this actor in IPC, we must load it from the custom_actors_bundle.

  • To do this open fendermint/vm/interpreter/src/fvm/ file and in the init function add our customsyscall actor right after creating the chainmetadata actor:
// Initialize the customsyscall actor which gives an example of calling a custom syscall
    .context("failed to create customsyscall actor")?;


Your actor has now been deployed and we should be able to send it messages!

8. Invoke the actor

In the last step in this tutorial we will send our customsyscall actor messages which will cause it to run its Invoke method and execute the custom syscall. Here, we will simply call it for every new block height. Go to fendermint/vm/interpreter/src/fvm/ and inside the begin function add the following code:

let msg = FvmMessage {
    from: system::SYSTEM_ACTOR_ADDR,
    to: customsyscall::CUSTOMSYSCALL_ACTOR_ADDR,
    sequence: height as u64,
    method_num: fendermint_actor_customsyscall::Method::Invoke as u64,
    params: Default::default(),
    value: Default::default(),
    version: Default::default(),
    gas_fee_cap: Default::default(),
    gas_premium: Default::default(),

let (apply_ret, _) = state.execute_implicit(msg)?;

if let Some(err) = apply_ret.failure_info {
    anyhow::bail!("failed to apply customsyscall message: {}", err);

let val: u64 = apply_ret.msg_receipt.return_data.deserialize().unwrap();
println!("customsyscall actor returned: {}", val);


This code sends a message to the customsyscall actor and parses it output after it has been executed. We print out the return value from the actor, which will be the return value of our custom syscall.

9. Test your actor

In order to see this working end to end in IPC, you can run one of our integration tests. These tests run IPC in docker containers so make sure to have docker installed on your machine if you are following along.

We must first need to build a new docker container for the fendermint image which will contain all the code you have added so for. To do this run:

cd fendermint
make docker-build

After the fendermint docker image has been built, you can run one of the integration tests

cd fendermint/testing/smoke-test
# creates the docker containers
cargo make setup
# runs the integration test
cargo make test

View fendermint logs and see the output generated by calling the customsyscall actor in each epoch:

docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                       COMMAND
8da423d8bb1e   fendermint:latest           "fendermint --networ…"

View the docker logs:

docker logs 8da423d8bb1e
customsyscall actor returned: 21

You can now run cargo make teardown to stop the containers.