SDK class encapsulating bridge functions.
▸ bumpTransfer(params
): Promise
Increases the relayer fee for a specific transfer on origin; anyone is allowed to bump for any transfer.
// call SdkBase.create(), instantiate a signer
const params = {
domainId: "6648936",
transferId: "0xdd252f58a45dc78fee1ac12a628782bda6a98315b286aadf76e4d7322bf135ca",
asset: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // can be either native asset or transacting asset
relayerFee: "10000",
const txRequest = sdkBase.bumpTransfer(params);
Name | Type | Description |
params |
Object |
SdkBumpTransferParams object. |
params.asset |
string |
The asset address you want to pay in (use "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" for native). |
params.domainId |
string |
The origin domain ID of the transfer. |
params.relayerFee |
string |
The additional relayer fee to increase the transfer by, in the specified asset. |
params.transferId |
string |
The transfer ID. |
providers.TransactionRequest object.
▸ calculateAmountReceived(originDomain
, destinationDomain
, originTokenAddress
, amount
, receiveLocal?
, checkFastLiquidity?
): Promise
<{ amountReceived
: BigNumberish
; destinationSlippage
: BigNumberish
; originSlippage
: BigNumberish
; routerFee
: BigNumberish
; isFastPath
: boolean
Calculates the estimated amount received on the destination domain for a bridge transaction.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
originDomain |
string |
undefined |
The domain ID of the origin chain. |
destinationDomain |
string |
undefined |
The domain ID of the destination chain. |
originTokenAddress |
string |
undefined |
The address of the token to be bridged from origin. |
amount |
BigNumberish |
undefined |
The amount of the origin token to bridge, in the origin token's native decimal precision. |
receiveLocal |
boolean |
false |
(optional) Whether the desired destination token is the local asset ("nextAsset"). |
checkFastLiquidity |
boolean |
false |
(optional) Whether to check current router liquidity for fast path availability. |
<{ amountReceived
: BigNumberish
; destinationSlippage
: BigNumberish
; originSlippage
: BigNumberish
; routerFee
: BigNumberish
; isFastPath
: boolean
Estimated amount received for local/adopted assets, if applicable, in their native decimal precisions.
▸ estimateRelayerFee(params
): Promise
Calculates an estimated relayer fee in the native asset of the origin domain to be used in xcall.
// call SdkBase.create(), instantiate a signer
const params = {
originDomain: "6648936",
destinationDomain: "1869640809",
const txRequest = sdkBase.estimateRelayerFee(params);
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
params |
Object |
undefined | SdkEstimateRelayerFeeParams object. |
params.originDomain |
string |
undefined | The origin domain ID of the transfer. |
params.destinationDomain |
string |
undefined | The destination domain ID of the transfer. |
params.callDataGasAmount |
string |
undefined | The gas amount needed for calldata. |
params.originNativeToken |
string |
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" | (optional) The native token of the origin domain. |
params.priceIn |
string |
"native" | (optional) "native" for native asset denomination or "usd" to get the estimate in USD value. |
params.destinationNativeToken |
string |
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" | (optional) The native token of the destination domain. |
params.originNativeTokenPrice |
number |
(uses external estimate - increases response time) | (optional) The USD price of the origin native token. |
params.destinationNativeTokenPrice |
number |
(uses external estimate - increases response time) | (optional) The USD price of the destination native token. |
params.destinationGasPrice |
string |
(uses external estimate - increases response time) | (optional) The gas price of the destination chain, in gwei units. |
The relayer fee in native asset of the origin domain or USD equivalent.
▸ xcall(params
): Promise
Prepares xcall inputs and encodes the calldata. Returns an ethers TransactionRequest object, ready to be sent to an RPC provider.
// call SdkBase.create(), instantiate a signer
const params = {
origin: "6648936"
destination: "1869640809"
to: "0x3cEe6c5c0fB713925BdA590829EA574b7b4f96b6"
asset: "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48"
delegate: "0x3cEe6c5c0fB713925BdA590829EA574b7b4f96b6"
amount: "1000000"
slippage: "300"
callData: "0x",
relayerFee: "10000000000000"
const txRequest = sdkBase.xcall(params);
Name | Type | Description |
params |
Object |
SdkXCallParams object. |
params.amount |
undefined | string |
(optional) The amount of tokens (in specified asset) to send with the xcall. If wrapNativeOnOrigin is true, this will be used as the amount of native token to deposit into the wrapper contract and withdraw as wrapped native token for sending (e.g. deposit ETH to the WETH contract in exchange for the WETH ERC20). |
params.asset |
undefined | string |
(optional) The target asset to send with the xcall. Can be set to address(0) if this is a 0-value transfer. If wrapNativeOnOrigin is true, this should be the target wrapper contract (e.g. WETH) address. |
params.callData |
undefined | string |
(optional) Calldata to execute (can be empty: "0x"). |
params.delegate |
undefined | string |
(optional) Address allowed to cancel an xcall on destination. |
params.destination |
string |
The destination domain ID. |
params.origin |
string |
The origin domain ID. |
params.receiveLocal |
undefined | boolean |
(optional) Whether to receive the local asset ("nextAsset"). |
params.relayerFee |
undefined | string |
(optional) Fee paid to relayers, in native asset on origin. Use calculateRelayerFee to estimate. |
params.relayerFeeInTransactingAsset |
undefined | string |
(optional) Fee paid to relayers, in transacting asset on origin. Use calculateRelayerFee to estimate. |
params.slippage |
undefined | string |
(optional) Maximum acceptable slippage in BPS. For example, a value of 30 means 0.3% slippage. | |
string |
Address receiving funds or the target contract. |
params.wrapNativeOnOrigin |
undefined | boolean |
(optional) Whether we should wrap the native token before sending the xcall. This will use the Multisend utility contract to deposit ETH, approve Connext as a spender, and call xcall. If set true, asset should be the target wrapper contract (e.g. WETH) address. |
params.unwrapNativeOnDestination |
undefined | boolean |
(optional) Whether we should unwrap the wrapped native token when the transfer reaches its destination. By default, if sending a wrapped native token, the wrapped token is what gets delivered at the destination. Setting this to true means we should overwrite callData to target the Unwrapper utility contract, which will unwrap the wrapped native token and deliver it to the target recipient (the to address). |
providers.TransactionRequest object.
▸ Static
): Promise
Create a singleton instance of the SdkBase class.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
_config |
Object |
undefined | SdkConfig object. |
_config.chains |
Record <string , { providers: string[] }> |
undefined | Chain config, at minimum with providers for each chain. |
_config.signerAddress |
string |
undefined | Signer address for transactions. |
_config.logLevel |
"fatal" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "debug" | "trace" | "silent" |
"info" | (optional) Logging severity level. | |
"testnet" | "mainnet" |
"mainnet" | (optional) Blockchain environment to interact with. |
providers.TransactionRequest object.
import { SdkBase } from "@connext/sdk";
const config = {
signerAddress: "<wallet_address>",
network: "mainnet",
chains: {
6648936: { // the domain ID for Ethereum Mainnet
providers: [""],
1869640809: { // the domain ID for Optimism
providers: [""]
1886350457: { // the domain ID for Polygon
providers: [""]
const sdkBase = await SdkBase.create(config);
{% hint style="info" %} See the Deployments page for all domain IDs and asset addresses. {% endhint %}
▸ updateSlippage(params
): Promise
Updates the slippage tolerance for a specific transfer on origin; only the origin sender is allowed to do so.
// call SdkBase.create(), instantiate a signer
const params = {
domainId: "6648936",
transferId: "0xdd252f58a45dc78fee1ac12a628782bda6a98315b286aadf76e4d7322bf135ca",
relayerFee: "1000",
const txRequest = sdkBase.updateSlippage(params);
Name | Type | Description |
params |
Object |
SdkUpdateSlippageParams object. |
params.domainId |
string |
The origin domain ID of the transfer. |
params.slippage |
string |
The new relayer fee to use for this transfer, in BPS. |
params.transferId |
string |
The transfer ID. |
providers.TransactionRequest object.