We're on Github but otherwise things look very much as before, except we now look nice on Retina displays and require Java 1.8 to run.
There are lots of small changes in this release. If you dislike them, you can use the previous version (all the file formats are the same).
Here are some, errm, highlights:
Dictionary reports are either for the current document wich will show up in a window, or for the currently selected documents which will be constructed and saved directly to file. You may choose the file format (Excel or UTF-8 encoded CSV). This latter replaces the export function on multiple document reports.
Dictionary reports recognize when you have a category or subcategory selected and construct only the report for that entry and its children. If a pattern is selected you get a report for the containing category. So be careful what's highlighted in the dictionary when you run a report.
Document reports follow the same format: either the currently selected document has its words counted or a complete set of word counts gets saved to file. This only happens in UTF-8 CSV format becuase Excel has difficulties with large files. Also, documents are rows, not columns (like in dictionary reports). For counting words in lots of documents, you should use a dedicated word counter like JFreq that can store them efficiently. CSV is incredibly redundant - you shouldn't run out of memory but you'll make very big files.
If multiple documents are selected for a concordance, the concordance for each of them is created in the window, with a blank space separating the output for different documents.
You can alter the locale, encoding, or title of documents after they are in the project using the Edit Document function. This is a bit experimental.
The Yoshikoder now has default settings for locale and encoding in the Preferences. These control what assumptions are made about documents that are added. Also, window width for concordances is remembered between projects.
You can still open dictionaries in VBPRO format - just suffix the file .vbpro and choose the this format in the Dictionary Open function.
You can add large numbers of words to a category at once using a palette arrangement. Just paste your words into it and they'll all turn up as patterns in the category you have selected.
Some things are deprecated:
- Scores are no longer marked and are going away. If you need them you can apply them to the output of dictionary reports. The semantics for them were, frankly, never entirely clear.
Some things are not quite there yet:
- Help pages need an overhaul. They are incomplete.