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123 lines (93 loc) · 5.45 KB

File metadata and controls

123 lines (93 loc) · 5.45 KB

Before starting, run the following in the concero-ui repository:

npm i
npm run prepare
  • To start Storybook: npm run sb
  • To run a full lint check: npm run lint
  • For build: npm run build

TO ADD a NEW component, simply place it in the /src/lib/ folder and re-export it in /src/lib/index.ts.


First-time setup

Log in to your npm account before publishing:

npm adduser nameUserFromNpmAccount

Regular Publishing

Before publishing, remember: you cannot publish the same version twice. Always update the version before publishing.

Steps to publish a new version:

  1. Commit all changes and confirm the commit.

  2. Update the version using one of the following commands:

    Versioning Format: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

    • Major (1.0.0) – Introduces breaking changes, incompatible with previous versions.
    • Minor (0.1.0) – Adds or updates functionality while maintaining backward compatibility.
    • Patch (0.0.1) – Includes small fixes without adding new features, only improving existing ones.
    npm version patch  # 0.0.1 → 0.0.2
    npm version minor  # 0.1.0 → 0.2.0
    npm version major  # 1.0.0 → 2.0.0
  3. Push tags to GitHub: you need push tags

    git push origin --tags
  4. Publish to npm:

    npm run publish
  5. Then, for a more canonical development process, it is recommended to go to the GitHub repository release page ( and create a new release based on the tag. In the description, add the changes either briefly or in detail.

ℹ️ Note: You should change the version only if it affects the use of the library in a real project.

If we update Storybook configs, it won't impact projects that install the library from NPM.

If the changes are only for developers, there's no need to bump the version!

Core Component Principles

  • Extensibility and Flexibility: Follow the Open-Closed Principle from SOLID — components should be open for extension but closed for modification.
  • Style Overriding:
    • An external className should override the component’s internal styles.
    • Avoid !important to maintain flexibility for styling.
  • CSS Variables:
    • Use CSS variables (--space-s, --color-gray-100, etc.) as much as possible.
    • Variable names should match those in Figma to simplify maintenance and understanding.
  • External Styles Priority: Ensure the component accepts external styles (className, style) with the highest priority.
  • Forwarding Refs: Support ref forwarding for seamless integration with parent components.
  • HTML Props Override: Allow passing standard HTML attributes (aria-*, style, etc.) that override internal defaults.
  • Examples:
    • Button, Checkbox handle aria-* attributes, style, and other HTML props correctly.

Individual styles

Regarding colors for two or more projects:

  • Colors and general CSS variables are currently stored in src/lib/styles/variables.pcss.
  • However, project-specific styles should be kept separately, namely in public/styles/project/index.css.

If, in the future, different padding or warning colors are required for projects, they should be:

  1. Removed from variables.pcss.
  2. Added individually in the project's style file (public/styles/project/index.css).

Editor Configuration Recommendations

For a smooth development experience with this library, consider using the following VS Code settings: For convenience, you can create a separate settings profile in VSCode

	"files.autoSave": "afterDelay", // Enables automatic saving of files after a short delay, ensuring no work is lost.
	"files.eol": "\n", // Ensures the use of Unix-style line endings for consistency across platforms.
	"emmet.includeLanguages": {
		"postcss": "css" // Configures Emmet to work with PostCSS as if it were CSS, improving productivity with shorthand syntax.
	"editor.formatOnSave": true, // Automatically formats the code every time a file is saved.
	"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode", // Specifies Prettier as the default code formatter for all file types.
	"[javascript]": {
		"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" // Ensures Prettier is used as the formatter specifically for JavaScript files.
	"eslint.useFlatConfig": true, // For support eslint config
	"cssvar.files": ["**/*.css", "**/*.pcss"] // For global css/pcss variables

Recommended extensions: