diff --git a/published-202312-favrot-hierarchical.qmd b/published-202312-favrot-hierarchical.qmd index d360f12..ad404e3 100644 --- a/published-202312-favrot-hierarchical.qmd +++ b/published-202312-favrot-hierarchical.qmd @@ -793,7 +793,9 @@ In case A (@tbl-params-future), the distribution of Z is such that Z is rarely c res_simu_q3_1 = readRDS(file = "results/Simulations/res_simu_q3_1.rds"); res_simu_q3_2 = readRDS(file = "results/Simulations/res_simu_q3_2.rds") -res_simu_q3_1 = res_simu_q3_1 %>% mutate(Type = recode(Type, "100% Y - 100% Z" = "100% Y / 100% Z")) +res_simu_q3_1 = res_simu_q3_1 %>% mutate(Type = recode(Type, + "100% Z" = "0% Y - 100% Z", + "100% Y" = "100% Y - 0% Z")) types = res_simu_q3_1$Type %>% unique col = df_col %>% arrange(type) %>% filter(type %in% types) %>% select(col) %>% as.matrix %>% as.vector