Streamly is a Haskell library/framework providing basic building blocks or combinators to build safe, scalable, modular and high performance software systems. The key features it provides are:
- Speed of C
- Safety of Haskell
- Idiomatic functional programming
- Powerful abstractions
- Declarative concurrency
This guide introduces you to streamly using some practical examples. See Streamly Homepage and Streamly Examples to learn more.
Please see getting started with streamly for instructions on how to use streamly with your Haskell build tool or package manager.
To build your streamly application for best performance see the build and compile options guide.
- Streamly Homepage
- Streamly Examples
- Streaming Benchmarks | Concurrency Benchmarks
- Functional Conf 2019 Video | Functional Conf 2019 Slides
- Guides
Quick overview of basic types for this tutorial:
SerialT IO a
is a serial stream of values of typea
in IO Monad.AsyncT IO a
is a concurrent (async) stream of values of typea
in IO Monad.Unfold IO a b
is a representation of a function that converts a seed value of typea
to a stream of values of typeb
in IO Monad.Fold IO a b
is a representation of a function that converts a stream of typea
to a final accumulator of typeb
in IO Monad.
In this example, we will use folds to count bytes, words and lines in
a file. A Fold
is a composable stream consumer. We will see how
individual folds can be composed together to perform all the three
counts at once with the same performance.
See WordCountModular.hs
for full working code including imports that we may have omitted
here. Note, the Internal
modules imported here are pre-release
modules that have been tested and are ready for use except for some
minor signature changes planned before we release them.
Count bytes in a file.
import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as Fold
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.File as File
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as Stream
wcb :: String -> IO Int
wcb file =
File.toBytes file -- SerialT IO Word8
& Stream.fold Fold.length -- IO Int
If you are wondering about the Internal
module import, see A Note on
Internal Modules section.
Count lines in a file.
-- ASCII character 10 is newline
countl :: Int -> Word8 -> Int
countl n ch = if ch == 10 then n + 1 else n
-- The fold accepts a stream of `Word8` and returns a line count (`Int`).
nlines :: Monad m => Fold m Word8 Int
nlines = Fold.foldl' countl 0
wcl :: String -> IO Int
wcl file =
File.toBytes file -- SerialT IO Word8
& Stream.fold nlines -- IO Int
Count words in a file.
countw :: (Int, Bool) -> Word8 -> (Int, Bool)
countw (n, wasSpace) ch =
if isSpace $ chr $ fromIntegral ch
then (n, True)
else (if wasSpace then n + 1 else n, False)
-- The fold accepts a stream of `Word8` and returns a word count (`Int`)
nwords :: Monad m => Fold m Word8 Int
nwords = fst <$> Fold.foldl' countw (0, True)
wcw :: String -> IO Int
wcw file =
File.toBytes file -- SerialT IO Word8
& Stream.fold nwords -- IO Int
We can compose the three folds together into a single fold using Tee
to do all the three things at once. The applicative instance of Tee
distributes the input to all the folds and combines the outputs using the
supplied function.
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Tee as Tee
-- The fold accepts a stream of `Word8` and returns the three counts
countAll :: Fold IO Word8 (Int, Int, Int)
countAll = Tee.toFold $ (,,) <$> Tee Fold.length <*> Tee nlines <*> Tee nwords
wc :: String -> IO (Int, Int, Int)
wc file =
File.toBytes file -- SerialT IO Word8
& Stream.fold countAll -- IO (Int, Int, Int)
This example demonstrates the simple and concise API of streamly with
excellent modularity. Experienced Haskellers would notice that we have
not used bytestrings, we simply use a stream of Word8
, simplifying the
We compare two equivalent implementations, one using Haskell Streamly and the other using C. The Haskell Streamly word counting implementation:
$ time WordCount-hs gutenberg-500MB.txt
11242220 97050938 574714449 gutenberg-500MB.txt
real 0m1.825s
user 0m1.697s
sys 0m0.128s
Equivalent BSD wc implementation in C:
$ time WordCount-c gutenberg-500MB.txt
11242220 97050938 574714449 gutenberg-500MB.txt
real 0m2.100s
user 0m1.935s
sys 0m0.165s
To count words in parallel we divide the stream into chunks (arrays), count properties in each chunk and then add all the counts. We use the same code as above except that we use an array input instead of using a file input.
See WordCountParallel.hs. for full working code including the imports that we may have omitted below.
Get the line, word, char counts in one chunk.
import qualified Streamly.Data.Array.Foreign as Array
countArray :: Array Word8 -> IO Counts
countArray arr =
Stream.unfold arr -- SerialT IO Word8
& Stream.decodeLatin1 -- SerialT IO Char
& Stream.foldl' count (Counts 0 0 0 True) -- IO Counts
When combining the counts in two contiguous chunks, we would also need
to know whether the first element of the next chunk was a space char or
non-space to know whether the same word is continuing to the next chunk
or if it is a new word. partialCounts
adds a Bool
flag to Counts
returned by countArray
to indicate whether the first character in the
chunk is a space.
partialCounts :: Array Word8 -> IO (Bool, Counts)
partialCounts arr = do
let r = Array.getIndex arr 0
case r of
Just x -> do
counts <- countArray arr
return (isSpace (chr (fromIntegral x)), counts)
Nothing -> return (False, Counts 0 0 0 True)
Combine the counts from two consecutive chunks.
addCounts :: (Bool, Counts) -> (Bool, Counts) -> (Bool, Counts)
addCounts (sp1, Counts l1 w1 c1 ws1) (sp2, Counts l2 w2 c2 ws2) =
let wcount =
if not ws1 && not sp2 -- no space between two chunks
then w1 + w2 - 1
else w1 + w2
in (sp1, Counts (l1 + l2) wcount (c1 + c2) ws2)
Now put it all together, we only need to divide the stream into arrays, apply our counting function to each array and then combine all the counts.
wc :: String -> IO (Bool, Counts)
wc file = do
Stream.unfold File.readChunks file -- AheadT IO (Array Word8)
& Stream.mapM partialCounts -- AheadT IO (Bool, Counts)
& Stream.maxThreads numCapabilities -- AheadT IO (Bool, Counts)
& Stream.fromAhead -- SerialT IO (Bool, Counts)
& Stream.foldl' addCounts (False, Counts 0 0 0 True) -- IO (Bool, Counts)
Note that Stream.fromAhead
is the only difference in a concurrent and
non-concurrent program. If we remove that we still have a perfectly valid,
well performing serial program. Notice, how succinctly and idiomatically
we expressed the concurrent word counting problem.
Benchmarked with 2 CPUs:
$ time WordCount-hs-parallel gutenberg-500MB.txt
11242220 97050938 574714449 gutenberg-500MB.txt
real 0m1.284s
user 0m1.952s
sys 0m0.140s
If you want to get serious about word counting, here is a concurrent wc implementation with UTF-8 decoding. It performs as well as the stock wc in serial benchmarks, and of course in concurrent mode it can use multiple cores so can be much faster.
Streamly provides concurrency facilities similar to OpenMP and Cilk but with a more declarative expression. You can write concurrent loops with ease, with different types of concurrent scheduling.
Slightly more complicated example. A dictionary lookup server, the server
serves word meanings to multiple clients concurrently. It uses the concurrent
See WordServer.hs for full working code including the imports that we may have omitted below.
import qualified Streamly.Network.Inet.TCP as TCP
import qualified Streamly.Unicode.Stream as Unicode
-- Simulate network/db query by adding a delay
fetch :: String -> IO (String, String)
fetch w = threadDelay 1000000 >> return (w,w)
-- Read lines of whitespace separated list of words from a socket, fetch the
-- meanings of each word concurrently and return the meanings separated by
-- newlines, in same order as the words were received. Repeat until the
-- connection is closed.
lookupWords :: Socket -> IO ()
lookupWords sk =
Stream.unfold sk -- SerialT IO Word8
& Unicode.decodeLatin1 -- SerialT IO Char
& Stream.wordsBy isSpace Fold.toList -- SerialT IO String
& Stream.fromSerial -- AheadT IO String
& Stream.mapM fetch -- AheadT IO (String, String)
& Stream.fromAhead -- SerialT IO (String, String)
& show -- SerialT IO String
& Stream.intersperse "\n" -- SerialT IO String
& Unicode.encodeStrings Unicode.encodeLatin1 -- SerialT IO (Array Word8)
& Stream.fold (Socket.writeChunks sk) -- IO ()
serve :: Socket -> IO ()
serve sk = finally (lookupWords sk) (close sk)
-- | Run a server on port 8091. Accept and handle connections concurrently. The
-- connection handler is "serve" (i.e. lookupWords). You can use "telnet" or
-- "nc" as a client to try it out.
main :: IO ()
main =
Stream.unfold TCP.acceptOnPort 8091 -- SerialT IO Socket
& Stream.fromSerial -- AsyncT IO ()
& Stream.mapM serve -- AsyncT IO ()
& Stream.fromAsync -- SerialT IO ()
& Stream.drain -- IO ()
Assume you have logs coming from multiple nodes in your network and
you want to merge all the logs at line boundaries and send the merged
stream to a file or to a network destination. It uses the amazing
combinator to merge multiple streams concurrently.
See MergeServer.hs for full working code including the imports that we may have omitted below.
import qualified Streamly.Data.Unfold as Unfold
import qualified Streamly.Network.Socket as Socket
-- | Read a line stream from a socket. Note, lines are buffered, we could add
-- a limit to the buffering for safety.
readLines :: Socket -> SerialT IO (Array Char)
readLines sk =
Stream.unfold sk -- SerialT IO Word8
& Unicode.decodeLatin1 -- SerialT IO Char
& Stream.splitWithSuffix (== '\n') Array.write -- SerialT IO String
recv :: Socket -> SerialT IO (Array Char)
recv sk = Stream.finally (liftIO $ close sk) (readLines sk)
-- | Starts a server at port 8091 listening for lines with space separated
-- words. Multiple clients can connect to the server and send streams of lines.
-- The server handles all the connections concurrently, merges the incoming
-- streams at line boundaries and writes the merged stream to a file.
server :: Handle -> IO ()
server file =
Stream.unfold TCP.acceptOnPort 8090 -- SerialT IO Socket
& Stream.concatMapWith Stream.parallel recv -- SerialT IO (Array Char)
& Stream.unfoldMany -- SerialT IO Char
& Unicode.encodeLatin1 -- SerialT IO Word8
& Stream.fold (Handle.write file) -- IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = withFile "output.txt" AppendMode server
The following example lists a directory tree recursively, reading multiple directories concurrently.
It uses the wonderful tree traversing combinator
. It maps a stream generator on the Left
(directories in this case) of the input stream, feeds the resulting
'Left' values back to the input, and lets the Right
values (files in
this case) pass through to the output. The Stream.ahead
stream joining
combinator makes it iterate on the directories concurrently.
See ListDir.hs for full working code including the imports that we may have omitted below.
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream (iterateMapLeftsWith)
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as Stream
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Dir as Dir (toEither)
-- Lists a dir as a stream of (Either Dir File)
listDir :: String -> SerialT IO (Either String String)
listDir dir =
Dir.toEither dir -- SerialT IO (Either String String)
& (bimap mkAbs mkAbs) -- SerialT IO (Either String String)
where mkAbs x = dir ++ "/" ++ x
-- | List the current directory recursively using concurrent processing
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
let start = Stream.yield (Left ".")
Stream.iterateMapLeftsWith Stream.ahead listDir start
& Stream.mapM_ print
For bounded concurrent streams, stream yield rate can be specified. For example, to print "tick" once every second you can simply write this:
main :: IO ()
main =
Stream.repeatM (pure "tick") -- AsyncT IO String
& Stream.timestamped -- AsyncT IO (AbsTime, String)
& Stream.avgRate 1 -- AsyncT IO (AbsTime, String)
& Stream.fromAsync -- SerialT IO (AbsTime, String)
& Stream.mapM_ print -- IO ()
See Rate.hs for full working code.
Concurrency of the stream is automatically controlled to match the specified rate. Rate control works precisely even at throughputs as high as millions of yields per second. For more sophisticated rate control see the haddock documentation.
Streamly supports reactive and time domain programming inherently because of
declarative concurrency. See the Streamly.Prelude
module for some time
specific combinators like intervalsOf
and folds like takeInterval
. Also see pre-release sampling combinators in
the Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream.Top
module including throttle
and debounce
like operations.
See AcidRain.hs and CirclingSquare.hs.
Many more examples can be found in the streamly-examples repository.
Streamly comes equipped with a very powerful set of abstractions to accomplish any kind of programming tasks that you may want to throw at it. It provides, streams, arrays, file-io, fsnotify, network-io, time domain programming (reactive programming). See the streamly documentation to learn more.
Streamly uses lock-free synchronization for low overhead concurrency. The number of tasks performed concurrently are determined automatically based on the rate at which a consumer is consuming the results. In other words, you do not need to manage thread pools and decide how many threads to use for a particular task. For CPU bound tasks it tries to keep the number of threads close to the number of CPUs available whereas for IO bound tasks more threads can be utilized.
Parallelism can be utilized with little overhead even if
the task size is very small, because it can automatically
switch to serial mode or batch multiple tasks on the
same CPU if that is more efficient. See concurrency
benchmarks for
detailed performance results and a comparison with the async
As you have seen above in the word count example, streamly enables highly modular abstractions with the best possible performance (close to an equivalent C program).
Streamly provides excellent performance even for byte level stream
operations, it is made possible by employing efficient abstractions like
s and terminating Fold
s. Byte level stream operations make
programming simpler because you do not have to deal with chunking and
If you can write a program significantly faster in some other way or with some other language, please let us know and we will improve.
We measured several Haskell streaming implementations on various micro-benchmarks. Please see streaming benchmarks page for detailed comparison of streamly with other streaming libraries.
These results show that streamly is the fastest effectful streaming implementation on almost all the measured micro benchmarks. In many cases it is up to 100x faster and in some cases even 1000x faster. In many composite operation benchmarks streamly turns out to be significantly faster than the Haskell lists implementation.
The goals of streamly from the very beginning have been, (1) simplicity by unifying abstractions, (2) high performance. These are hard to achieve at the same time because they are usually inversely related. We have spent many years trying to get the abstractions right without compromising performance.
is an example of an abstraction that we have created to
achieve high performance when mapping streams on streams. It allows
stream generation to be optimized well by the compiler, employing
stream fusion. Fold
with termination capability is another example
which modularizes stream elimination operations with stream fusion.
Terminating folds can perform many simple parsing tasks that do not
require backtracking. Parser
s in streamly are a natural extension
of terminating Fold
s just adding backtracking capability to folds.
Unification leads to simpler abstractions, lesser cognitive overhead
without compromising performance.
Streamly exploits GHC stream fusion optimizations (case-of-case
and spec-constr
) aggressively to bring C like speed with highly
modular abstractions. It performs very well without any compiler
plugins. However, we have fixed some deficiencies in GHC optimizer
via a compiler plugin.
We hope to bring these optimizations to GHC in future but until
then we recommend that you use the plugin for performance sensitive
You may see some Internal
modules imported in the examples. Those are
not really internal to the library. We can classify streamly modules into
two categories:
- Released Modules: These are the modules that have a stable API, any API changes conform to the package versioning policy.
- Pre-release Modules: These modules are not yet released due to some planned
changes in near future, they will be released soon. These modules reside in
namespace for now.
Pre-release APIs: Some of the APIs that are recently introduced and require some soak time for stability are kept in the internal modules corresponding to the released module (e.g. Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold).
We usually try to change even the unstable APIs in Internal
namespace in a major release version.
The following authors/libraries have influenced or inspired this library in a significant way:
See the credits
directory for full list of contributors, credits and licenses.
Streamly is an open source project available under BSD-3-Clause license.
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- For professional support please contact [email protected]