👀 This project is still under development(Beta version). I'm not an experienced carla developer. You are welcome to submit your PR to contribute to the community. See how to contirbute.
CarlaDataCollector is a powerful tool with lightweight and clear structural designed to help users efficiently collect data in the Carla simulation environment. The framework not only provides various data collection functions but also supports exporting data to various formats to meet the diverse needs of users. With its intuitive visualization features, users can easily monitor and analyze the collected data, providing strong support for further research and experimentation.
- ⛳ the latest CARLA 0.9.15 features.
- 🔑 Easily config and run your code to collect data.
- 🏷️ Labels pre-available in multiple formats.
- 🌷 Reasonable interactions and prompts.
- 💎 Provides a variety of data processing functions.
- Export all data format(now only KITTI format).
- Add more data process function and different label class.
- Visualization of 2D/3D bounding boxes around agents in the simulation.
- Visualization of LiDAR point cloud (either "ray_cast or "blickfeld" ) of the world in the simulation.
- CARLA >= 0.9.15
- Other requirement see requirement.txt
KITTI-3D-lidar (Click to expend)
Generate simulation lidar data set in KITTI odometry dataset format based on CARLA Simulator. Use nvidia NKSR method reconstruct mesh by lidar point cloud.
python generator.py --cfg_file ./configs/kitti/3d-lidar.yaml
You can reproduce the result from above image by following command. More details and environment setup, please found from NKSR repository.
python scripts/recon_nksr.py
KITTI-3D-object (Click to expend)
Generate simulation data set in KITTI 2D/3D target detection dataset format based on CARLA Simulator(Reference from Repo).
python generator.py --cfg_file ./configs/kitti/3d-object.yaml
- Clone the repository to your local machine
git clone https://github.com/command-z-z/CARLA-KITTI.git
- Create client and collector customized for your own tasks:
Customized Client (Click to expend)
Inherit the function from BasicClient
and overload the tick
function according to your own data collection requirements.
class Client(BasicClient):
def __init__(self, cfg):
def tick(self):
self.frame = self.world.tick()
ego_vehicle, dataQue = next(iter(self.data["sensor_data"].items()))
# set_spectator
# set overtaking
auto_decide_overtake_direction(ego_vehicle, self.world, self.traffic_manager)
ret = {"actors": None, "sensors_data": {}}
ret["actors"] = self.world.get_actors().filter('*vehicle*')
data = [self._retrieve_data(q) for q in dataQue]
assert all(x.frame == self.frame for x in data)
sensors = self.actors["sensors"][ego_vehicle]
sensor_intrinsic = [get_camera_intrinsic(int(sensor.attributes['image_size_x']), int(sensor.attributes['image_size_y']), int(sensor.attributes['fov'])) for sensor in sensors[:5]]
sensor_extrinsic = [np.mat(sensor.get_transform().get_matrix()) for sensor in sensors]
ret["sensors_data"][ego_vehicle] = {}
ret["sensors_data"][ego_vehicle]["sensor_data"] = data
ret["sensors_data"][ego_vehicle]["intrinsic"] = sensor_intrinsic
ret["sensors_data"][ego_vehicle]["extrinsic_inv"] = sensor_extrinsic
ret["sensors_data"][ego_vehicle]["lidar"] = sensors[5]
return ret
Customized DataCollector (Click to expend)
Inherit the function from BasicDataCollector
and overload the function according to your own data collection requirements.
class DataCollector(BasicDataCollector):
def __init__(self, cfg):
def _generate_path(self):
folders = ['image', 'depth_1', 'depth_2', 'depth_3', 'depth_4', 'velodyne']
for folder in folders:
directory = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_FOLDER, folder)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
self.LIDAR_PATH = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'velodyne/{0:06}.bin')
self.IMAGE_PATH = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'image/{0:06}.png')
self.DEPTH_1_PATH = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'depth_1/{0:06}.png')
self.DEPTH_2_PATH = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'depth_2/{0:06}.png')
self.DEPTH_3_PATH = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'depth_3/{0:06}.png')
self.DEPTH_4_PATH = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'depth_4/{0:06}.png')
self.CALIB_PATH = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'calib.txt')
self.POSE_PATH = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'pose.txt')
self.CAR_PATH = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'ego_vehicle_trajectory.txt')
self.BBOX_PATH = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'bbox.txt')
def save_training_files(self, data):
lidar_fname = self.LIDAR_PATH.format(self.captured_frame_no)
img_fname = self.IMAGE_PATH.format(self.captured_frame_no)
depth_1_fname = self.DEPTH_1_PATH.format(self.captured_frame_no)
depth_2_fname = self.DEPTH_2_PATH.format(self.captured_frame_no)
depth_3_fname = self.DEPTH_3_PATH.format(self.captured_frame_no)
depth_4_fname = self.DEPTH_4_PATH.format(self.captured_frame_no)
calib_fname = self.CALIB_PATH
pose_fname = self.POSE_PATH
car_fname = self.CAR_PATH
bbox_frname = self.BBOX_PATH
ego_vehicle, dt = next(iter(data["sensors_data"].items()))
save_calibration_data(calib_fname, dt["intrinsic"], dt["extrinsic_inv"])
save_image_data(img_fname, dt["sensor_data"][0])
save_depth_data(depth_1_fname, dt["sensor_data"][1])
save_depth_data(depth_2_fname, dt["sensor_data"][2])
save_depth_data(depth_3_fname, dt["sensor_data"][3])
save_depth_data(depth_4_fname, dt["sensor_data"][4])
save_lidar_data(lidar_fname, dt["sensor_data"][5])
save_ego_vehicle_trajectory(car_fname, ego_vehicle)
save_pose_data(pose_fname, dt["lidar"])
save_npc_data(bbox_frname, data["actors"], ego_vehicle)
self.captured_frame_no += 1
- Write your config file and provide the data required for data collection (e.g. sensors, ego_vehicle etc)
You can inherit this basic.yaml by parent_cfg
parameter and then add or modify some parameters you want.The basic configuration file is as follows:
# Base task or scenario type for the simulation
task: base
# Name of the experiment or simulation run
exp_name: '3d-object'
# Map used in the simulation
map: 'Town10HD_Opt'
# Module used for data collection
collector_module: lib.collectors.Basic
# Module for the simulation client
client_module: lib.clients.Basic
# CARLA simulator specific configurations
# Server host address for the CARLA server
host: 'localhost'
# Port number for connecting to the CARLA server
port: 2000
# Weather condition in the simulation
weather: WetNoon
# Time step in seconds for the simulation
fixed_delta_seconds: 0.05
# Number of non-player character vehicles in the simulation
num_of_npc_vehicles: 10
# Number of NPC pedestrians or walkers in the simulation
num_of_npc_walkers: 20
# Configuration for the spectator viewpoint
# Location coordinates of the spectator
location: [0, 0, 20]
# Rotation angles of the spectator camera
rotation: [-90, 0, 0]
# Traffic manager configurations
# Port number for the traffic manager service
port: 8000
# Default distance to maintain from the vehicle ahead for all NPCs
global_distance_to_leading_vehicle: 2.5
# Default percentage variation from the speed limit for all NPCs
global_percentage_speed_difference: 30.0
# Configuration for the player-controlled vehicle
# Specifies the vehicle model, any model from the Lincoln series
blueprint: vehicle.lincoln.*
# Percentage chance of ignoring traffic lights, set to 0%
ignore_lights_percentage: 0.0
# Percentage chance of ignoring traffic signs, set to 0%
ignore_signs_percentage: 0.0
# Percentage chance of ignoring other vehicles, set to 0%
ignore_vehicles_percentage: 0.0
# Percentage chance of ignoring pedestrians, set to 0%
ignore_walkers_percentage: 0.0
# Percentage variation from the speed limit for the player-controlled vehicle
vehicle_percentage_speed_difference: 30.0
# Configuration for sensors attached to the ego vehicle
# Configuration for the RGB camera sensor
# Location coordinates of the camera
location: [0, 0, 1.6]
# Rotation angles of the camera
rotation: [0, 0, 0]
# Specifies the sensor type as an RGB camera
blueprint: sensor.camera.rgb
# The resolution of the camera image
image_size_x: 720
image_size_y: 360
# The field of view of the camera
fov: 90
# Number of frames or iterations to run the simulation
all_frame_iter: 100
Pull requests are welcome.
How to add a new example for CarlaDataCollector:
Create a customized client file in
folder. -
Create a customized collector file in
folder. -
Create a file like
for specific task configuration. -
Add the extension data process or visualization function in
folder. -
Add a description to the Example section of the
to let users know more about it.
For CarlaDataCollector bug reports and feature requests please visit GitHub Issues, and join our Discord community for questions and discussions!