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You can prepare your build with |
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That looks like mill will fetch stuff into the out folder. I would be more interested in understanding what I have to fetch from where myself and where to put it so that mill will find it. Or is this kind of info not exposed? Otherwise I would have to execute the |
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In case it helps anyone, I managed to make this work by caching manually some deps using coursier (for a Scala 3 project):
Using Here is a full Nix Flake example including dev env and packaging of backend and frontend webapp: {
description = "myapp";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs }:
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;
millWithJdk11 = pkgs.mill.override { jre = pkgs.jdk11; };
depsDir = ".cache";
millDeps = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "coursier-cache";
nativeBuildInputs = [ millWithJdk11 pkgs.coursier ];
outputHash = "sha256-bhMch0UyqHegXQEfgguGr50z/5QobnNWX5/tGdYeaCk=";
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHashMode = "recursive";
COURSIER_CACHE = "${depsDir}/coursier";
src = ./.;
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
mill __.prepareOffline
mill show webapp.scalaJSToolsClasspath
cs fetch org.scalameta:scalafmt-core_2.13:3.0.0
cs fetch org.scala-lang:scala-reflect:2.13.8
cs fetch com.github.liancheng:organize-imports_2.12:0.6.0
cs fetch org.scala-lang:scala3-compiler_3:3.1.3
cs fetch org.scala-lang:scala3-sbt-bridge:3.1.3
cs fetch com.lihaoyi:mill-scalalib_2.13:0.10.5
cs fetch org.scala-js:scalajs-test-bridge_2.13:1.10.1
cs fetch org.scala-js:scalajs-library_2.13:1.7.1
echo "stripping out comments containing dates"
find ${depsDir} -name '*.properties' -type f -exec sed -i '/^#/d' {} \;
echo "removing non-reproducible accessory files"
find ${depsDir} -name '*.lock' -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 rm -rfv
find ${depsDir} -name '*.log' -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 rm -rfv
# echo "removing runtime jar"
# find ${depsDir} -name rt.jar -delete
echo "removing empty directories"
find ${depsDir} -type d -empty -delete
runHook postBuild
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out
cp -r ${depsDir}/coursier $out
runHook postInstall
yarnDeps = pkgs.fetchYarnDeps {
yarnLock = ./yarn.lock;
sha256 = "sha256-uL3e44tIkeEOWgWczBqRFUroz39CWDfdQfrepVDhie8=";
devShells.x86_64-linux.default = pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
shellHook = ''
set -a
set +a
packages.x86_64-linux.default = self.packages.x86_64-linux.myapp;
packages.x86_64-linux.myapp = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "myapp";
version = "0.0.1";
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
COURSIER_CACHE = "${depsDir}/coursier";
postConfigure = ''
mkdir -p ${depsDir}
cp -r ${millDeps}/coursier ${depsDir}
chmod -R +rwX ${depsDir}
src = ./.;
buildPhase = ''
# Yarn writes temporary files to $HOME.
export HOME=$NIX_BUILD_TOP/yarn_home
# Make yarn install packages from our offline cache, not the registry
yarn config --offline set yarn-offline-mirror ${yarnDeps}
# Fixup "resolved"-entries in yarn.lock to match our offline cache
${pkgs.fixup_yarn_lock}/bin/fixup_yarn_lock yarn.lock
yarn install --offline --frozen-lockfile --ignore-scripts --no-progress --non-interactive
patchShebangs node_modules
mill mill.scalalib.scalafmt.ScalafmtModule/checkFormatAll __.sources
mill __.fix --check
mill all all _.test backend.assembly webapp.fullLinkJS
yarn build:prod --offline
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out
cp out/backend/assembly.dest/out.jar $out/backend.jar
cp -r dist $out/webapp
runHook postInstall
} Credit due to sbt-derivation for understanding how to prefetch the build dependencies. |
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I am using NixOS and the Nix package manager. They enforce deterministic builds by building packages in a sandbox without internet connection.
Is it possible to use mill in an environment without internet? If I can figure out what needs to be downloaded and where to beforehand I can tell the package manager to fetch stuff outside of the sandbox. The nix package manager just wants to track all inputs for the build itself.
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