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Welcome to your CDK Deployment with Go.

The purpose of this deployment is to run an AWS RDS PostgreSQL instance.

  • The cdk.json file tells the CDK toolkit how to execute your app.
  • The config.json Contains the parameters to be initialized to deploy the task :
Config.json :

    SecretName:             Secret name for RDS database access
	DescSecret:	            Description : Secret associated with primary RDS DB instance: DBSonar01
	Instanceclass:          Instance class
	Version:		        Version of PostgreSQL
	DBsize:			        DB size
	Engine:                 postgres
	BackupRetentionPeriod:  1
	DBName:                 dbname instance
	DBPort:                 DB Port
	MasterUsername :        default postgres
	MasterUserPassword:     master password,
	SubnetGroup:            the subnet group to use
	SecretNameSonarqube :   secret name to store access sonarqube
	SonarqubeUserPassword: sonarqube db password
	SonarqubeDescSecret:   Description Secret associated with Access to PostgreSQL databases partner
AWS_ECS_FARGATE_SONARQUBE:/database/> aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --default-only --engine postgres

What does this task do?

  • Create a Subnet Group for RDS instance
  • Create a secret RDS DB instance
  • create a secret for sonarqube database
  • Deploy AWS RDS PostgreSQL instance

✅ Useful commands

  • ./ deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • ./ destroy cleaning up stack

Setup Environment

Run the following command to automatically install all the required modules based on the go.mod and go.sum files:

AWS_ECS_FARGATE_SONARQUBE:/database/> go mod download

✅ Deploying your RDS instance

Let’s deploy a RDS database! When you’re ready, run cdk deploy

AWS_ECS_FARGATE_SONARQUBE:/database/> ./ deploy

✨  Synthesis time: 3.37s

DatabaseStack02:  start: Building 4b12afdaff74ab7e046b151a548bca7f06ddb3b50e3a055d13c2e305ea43e48d:xxxxx-eu-central-1
DatabaseStack02:  success: Built 4b12afdaff74ab7e046b151a548bca7f06ddb3b50e3a055d13c2e305ea43e48d:xxxxx-eu-central-1
DatabaseStack02:  start: Publishing 4b12afdaff74ab7e046b151a548bca7f06ddb3b50e3a055d13c2e305ea43e48d:xxxxx-eu-central-1
DatabaseStack02:  success: Published 4b12afdaff74ab7e046b151a548bca7f06ddb3b50e3a055d13c2e305ea43e48d:xxxxx-eu-central-1
DatabaseStack02: deploying... [1/1]
DatabaseStack02: creating CloudFormation changeset...

 ✅  DatabaseStack02

✨  Deployment time: 418.42s

Stack ARN:

✨  Total time: 421.79s

✅  Secretup02 

✨  Deployment time: 0.52s

Secretup02.RdsEndpoint2 =
Stack ARN:

✨  Total time: 5.74s

On your AWS management console, you can now see your RDS instance (go in RDS console): repo

On your AWS management console ,you can check that the secrets are well created ( go in Secrets Manager console ) repo

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ECS Fargate clusterSonarqube database