The purpose of this deployment is to created a lambda function to create a sonarqube database.
- The
file tells the CDK toolkit how to execute your app. - The
Contains the parameters to be initialized to deploy the lambda function :
config.json :
SecretName: secret name primary RDS DB instance
Endpoint database hosts
Secretmastername Secret master name
PortDB database port
MasterDB master db name : postgres
MasterUser master db user : postgres
LambdaFunctionName Lambda Function Name
SecretNameSonarqube secret name sonarqube db
- And build your lambda function (for linux OS)
:> cd lambda
:> GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o main main.go
Basically the lambda does four things:
- Create a sonarqube_X role
- Create a sonarqube_0X database X : is Index for dbname Index is set in config_crd.json file
"DATABASE_HOST": database hosts
"DATABASE_PORT": database port
"DATABASE_NAME": master db name : postgres
"DATABASE_USERNAME": master db user
"DATABASE_PASSWORD": master db password
"PASS_SONAR": password for sonarqube database user
"DATABASE_PARTNER": index for dbname
./ deploy
deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region./ destroy
cleaning up stack
Run the following command to automatically install all the required modules based on the go.mod and go.sum files:
AWS_ECS_FARGATE_SONARQUBE:/createdb/> go mod download
Let’s deploy a Lambda function! When you’re ready, run deploy
AWS_ECS_FARGATE_SONARQUBE:/createdb/> ./ deploy
Lambdatack02: deploying... [1/1]
Lambdatack02: creating CloudFormation changeset...
✅ Lambdatack02
✨ Deployment time: 181.89s
Stack ARN:
✨ Total time: 195.44s
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Creating AWS RDS instance | Deploy SonarQube |