- VM
- Chef Extension
- Implemented new option --client-pem for set-chef extension commands
- Implemented changes for set chef extension client_pem option to provide validator less bootstrap support
- Add user-image option for vm creation
- Implemented certificates get command
- Enable boot-diagnostics by default
- Fixed the re-run with the same parameter issue for the set-access command for linux
- Added bootstrap_version option for set-chef command
- Chef Extension
- Websites
- Update kuduscript to v1.0.6
- Implemented DNS export
- Rediscache
- cmds use the AutoRest generated clients
- Added premium sku and other related features option in redis create
- HDInsight
- Implemented Hdinsight Cluster CRUD ARM commands
- KeyVault
- Added challenge parsing for KeyVault to support multiple environments
- Datalake
- Added tests for datalake cmds
- Fixed catalog commands and adding new types to support
- Fixed FileSystem ingress/egress to use direct methods which avoid redirect calls
- Updated all tests to reflect the above changes, which enabled us to remove the "skips" for the previous redirect problem tests.
- Mobile Service
- Synchronized portal & cli behavior for mobile service deletion
- Insights
- Implemented commands for insights diagnostic get/set
- Remove retention from insights diagnostic commands
- Resource Manager
- Added deployment mode param when creating deployment
- Network
- Fixed issue #2262, #2282, #2288, #2289, #2306, #2309, #2317, #2319, #2322
- Made changes to TrafficManager Profile & Endpoints
- Zone Export output file formatting fixed
- Authorization
- Set roleDefinition to take complete object instead of partial updated fields.
- List, show and delete role definition to take scope param
- list and show RoleDefinition to take AtScopeAndBelow param
- Use scoped RoleDefinitions in RoleAssignment commands
- General Improvements
- Fixed #2269, #2275, #2285, #2021, #2268
- Removed useless ._js file before create installer so to shrink the download size
- Authorization
- Fixed json output format for role definition commands
- Fixed roleId in authorization change log command to be a guid
- DataLake Fix casing for "requires()" for DataLake modules, enabling functionality on unix machines. *Fix a bug in catalog item enumeration *Fix a bug in downloading files to support binary files Fix usage bugs for DataLake commands. *Fix output logic for readability of internal arrays *Fix a bug in ADLA account creation where ADLS accounts were not properly associated. *Updated switch parameters to properly be treated as switch parameters that do not take a value
- Authorization
- Add paging support for role assignment list calls
- Modify RoleDefinitionId Display and Input to be a Guid in role and roleassignment commands.
- Added RoleId as a parameter in create and delete role assignment commands.
- Documentation/help text updates and miscellaneous bug fixes
- Resource
- Add resource move command
- Add list deployment operation command
- Add an option to avoid deployment validation
- Network
- Add DNS Zone import commands
- Add Express Route providers list commands
- Fixed issue #2177, #2236
- Storage
- Uses GA version of storage sdk library
- Set the default concurrency to 10
- Add --description in the storage account set command
- Compute
- Enable disk encryption options for VM creation
- Enable BGInfo extension on VM by default
- DataLake commands
- Website
- Updated kudu scripts to v1.0.3
- Login
- Add US Goverment environment
- Fixed Osx login error caused by invalid keychain entries
- Authorization
- Fixed display of role assignments display to add and remove certain fields.
- Added expandPrincipalGroups and includeClassicAdministrators options to role assignment list command
- Updated all role assignment commands to take in a signInName parameter instead of upn and email and renamed the role parameter to roleName
- Added new role assignment changelog list command that gives access change history for a subscription
- Role assignment Get fixes
- Role Assignment Delete fixes
- Compute
- Fixed issue #2119
- Removed support for ASM images in ARM
- Network
- Fixed issue #2143 in azure network vnet list command
- Implemented ARM Load Balancer Inbound NAT Pools commands
- Load Balancer refactoring: constants improved, checking statusCode instead of error message, etc.
- Logging
- Added truncation by default to the silly log capture after 1MB of logs has been captured
- Added a AZURE_CLI_DISABLE_LOG_CAPTURE environment variable which allows silly log capturing to be disabled
- Resource
- Update "azure group template" commands to work with newer gallery service.
- Remove "--gallery-template" arguments from "group" and "group deployment" create commands.
- Storage
- Update the storage dependency to 0.6.0 to be compatible with Nodejs 4.x
- Fixed issues #2102, #2103
- KeyVault
- Updated DNS suffix to correct azurechinacloud dns suffix.
- Updated keyvault api version to current GA version ('2015-06-01').
- Usage
- Documented the format of the date parameters and prompted for the dates if they weren't provided
- MFA Login
- Fixed bad error message when the user logs in with an MSA account
- Support Login using non organization id such as MSA account, live ids.
- README updates
- Added Redis Cache in the home page features list
- Added Docker Azure CLI as an installation option
- Redis Cache
- Implemented create, set, show, list, list-keys, renew-key and delete commands
- Resource Provider operations
- Implemented the Resource Provider operations show command
- Compute
- Added support for IAAS diag and Linux diag extensions.
- Fixed compute bugs
- Added test cases for IAAS diagnostics extension.
- Added test cases to address bug fixes
- Updated recordings with minor refactoring
- Implemented Set/Get Diagnostics Profile and Log
- KeyVault
- Added environment parameter for keyvault dns suffix
- Storage
- Improved user experience by checking the source size and ensured it doesn't exceed dest object limitation before data transfer
- Supported AzureChinaCloud environment when the active account is in it
- Switched from azure-storage-legacy to azure-storage
- Authentication
- Enabled 2 factor authentication for org-id user accounts (NOTE: this does not enable Microsoft Service Accounts like @live.com, etc...)
- Network
- Fixed network vnet delete when there is only one network
- Implemented Local Networks Gateways commands
- ASM: network nsg rule create command can now handle asterisk symbols on linux. Fixed issue #2002
- Authorization
- Fixed formatting of role commands
- General Fixes
- Cleaned up test run output by not emitting out errors to the console
- Wired up code coverage npm
- Improved utils.indexOfCaseIgnore() by making it return -1 instead of null when item not found. Fixed issue #2077.
- Added a separate VM testlist for ARM
- Storage
- Update azure-storage to 0.5.0 which supports Azure storage service version 2015-02-21
- Support append blob
- Supports share quota and share usage
- New commands for shared access signatures for shares and files
- azure storage share sas create [options] [share] [permissions] [expiry]
- azure storage file sas create [options] [share] [path] [permissions] [expiry]
- New commands for share ACL
- azure storage share policy create [options] [share] [name]
- azure storage share policy show [options] [share] [name]
- azure storage share policy list [options] [share]
- azure storage share policy set [options] [share] [name]
- azure storage share policy delete [options] [share] [name]
- New commands for file async copy
- azure storage file copy start [options] [sourceUri] [destShare]
- azure storage file copy show [options] [share] [path]
- azure storage file copy stop [options] [share] [path] [copyid]
- New commands for CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
- azure storage cors set [options]
- azure storage cors show [options]
- azure storage cors delete [options]
- Display Outputs section from a template when submitting new deployments
- group delete command will now block until the resource group is deleted
- Support for submitting deployments with v2 version of template parameters
- "azure-arm-resource" package is updated to version 0.10.2
- Added delete deployment command
- Authorization
- Role test fixes and authorization package updated to version 0.10.2
- Added support to display custom roles in role list command
- Added support to create and set role definitions with custom role
- Network
- Fixed CIDR validation issues
- Added support for 'None' next hop type in ARM RouteTable Route
- Fixed the inability to add a nic in address-pool issue #2013
- General command improvement
- Fixed service principal login issue on Mac #1958
- Upgraded adal-node to 0.1.15 to fix '&' in the password issue #1918
- Documentation updates for using Chinal Cloud fix issue #1995
- Fixed issues #1894, #1911, #1923
- Upgraded request library dependency to version 2.52.0
- Added default Visual Studio nodejs project for xplat cli
- General command improvement
- Fix the broken "help" command
- Performance improvement on displaying command help information
- AutoComplete support on commands options
- Login
- Retain default account after login
- Clean up cached tokens of service principal after logout
- Handle group deployment using a template file with BOM
- Usage
- Added command to list Azure resource usage information for a subscription
- VM
- Tags support for VM create.
- Handle generation of SSH certs inside 'vm create' and 'vm docker create' commands
- Added --lun option to 'vm disk attach-new' and 'vm disk attach' commands
- Added functionality to set data disk name in 'vm disk attach-new' command
- Network commands
- Route Tables
- Network
- Added commands to manage routes and route table
- Added commands to manage local network
- Added commands to manage application gateway
- Added commands to manage traffic manager
- Added commands to manage virtual network gateway
- Reduced command load time by splitting network commands to separate files
- Compute
- Updated VM endpoint command to support probe interval and timeout
- The endpoint create-multiple command has breaking change due to the accommodation of probe interval and timeout
- Added support to set remote-subnet for an endpoint ACL rule
- Added command to fetch deployment event
- Enhanced docker create vm command to pass certificate CN
- Site
- Fixed streamline precompiler issues with azure site commands
- WebApp
- Added create, delete, show, list, start, stop and restart commands
- ApiApp
- Added create command
- Key Vault
- Commands now use Key Vault REST API v2015-06-01
- WebApp
- site
- Bug fixes for Issues #1666, Added support for PHP version 5.6
- Remove support PHP version 5.3 for web site options
- site
- Fix group deployment create bug. Users should now be able to successfully submit template deployments
- General Fixes
- Performance improvement of general command loading
- Support login with partner tenant
- VM
- Bug fixes for Issues #1726, #1731, #1761
- Network
- Bug fixes for Issues #1763, #1764, #1769, #1770, #1771, #1773, #1775, #1776, #1777, #1780, #1781, #1783
- Monitoring
- Moved events client out of Azure rollup into its own package
- Insights
- Added last Insights autoscale command
- ApiApp
- Added improved UIDefinition constraint validation
- VM
- HDInsight
- Fixed the bug on listCluster command which shows duplicate items
- Fixed parameter description for storageAccountName
- VM
- Bug fixes for Issues #1566, #1600, #1759
- Chef Extension
- Implemented new option --delete-chef-config for set-chef extension commands
- HDInsight
- Network
- Commands to manage DNS Zone and DNS Zone recordset
- Key Vault
- Added commands to manage vaults, keys and secrets (azure keyvault)
- Insights
- Added commands to handle alerts and alert rules, autoscale events and autoscale settings, list metrics and metrics definitions, and list usage metrics
- ApiApp
- Added package create command
- Network
- Virtual machines
- Support for managing virtual machine resource in CRP stack, this includes commands to
- Create VM with options to configure availability set and network resources
- Quick create VM
- Create docker VM
- Delete, start, stop, generalize and capture VM
- Manage VM extensions
- Manage VM data disks
- Manage VM images
- Update VM to add and remove NICs
- VM instance view
- VM show commands which supports --depth option to fetch associated resources
- Reset VM access credentials
- Support for managing virtual machine resource in CRP stack, this includes commands to
- Network
- Support for managing network resources in NRP stack, this includes commands to
- Manage virtual network
- Manage virtual network subnet
- Manage load balancer
- Manage load balancer child resources
- Probes
- VIP configuration
- Address pool
- load balancing rules
- Inbount NAT rules
- Manage NIC
- Manage PublicIP
- Manage traffic manager
- Manage security group
- Support for managing network resources in NRP stack, this includes commands to
- Availability set resource in CRP stack
- Commands to manage availability set
- Insights
- Added commands to retrieve event/operation logs from Event Service *ASM
- VM
- Chef Extension
- Implemented new option --bootstrap-options for set-chef extension commands
- Chef Extension
- Mobile
- Features
- Added support for AAD Tenants
- Added support for proxies / fiddler
- Improved custom domain, certificate, and SSL error handling
- Issues
- Fixed 'log is undefined' bug
- Fixed connection issues with mobile pipeline
- Test Infrastructure
- Updated common mobile test infrastructure
- Refactored mobile tests into separate files
- Optimized mocked test time run for mobile tests
- Features
- Virtual machines
- General Fixes
- Fixed Improper JSON for vm image show #1611
- Fixed account-affinitygroup show command #1633
- Fixed an issue in vm export command #1635, #1514
- Updated kuduscript for website deployment
- Fixed Sql Server deletion issue in mobile service commands
- Updated default docker extension version to 0.6
- Fixed issues in windows and mac installer
- Test Infrastructure Optimization
- Reduced the time to run mocked tests
- Every test can be recorded to its individual test file
- VM
- Feature
- azure vm extension set-chef
- azure vm extension get-chef
- Issue fixes to address the following IAAS related issues
- azure vm endpoint acl-rule create parser error: --description is incorrectly a bool #1500
- azure vm create fails for specialized image: Cannot set property 'mediaLink' of undefined #1516
- Azure vm disk attach properties (such as host-caching) not discoverable #1554
- Can not copy a image blob between storage accounts #1565
- -u is used for username as well as blob-url in the vm create command #1566
- error: undefined is not a function #1575
- Add support for changing cache policy of attached disk #1583
- azure vm endpoint create fails with lb-set option #1594
- Feature
- Issue fixes to address the following IAAS related issues
- network import doesn't pass LocalNetworkSites #1416
- network vnet create destroys subscription's "local network" #1569
- azure network vnet create - Error - Cannot read property #1589
- Issue fixes to address the following IAAS related issues
- General Fixes
- use streamline version 0.10.17 to make it work for node version 0.12.0 upward
- Restricted use of jshint to version <= 2.6.0 due to issues with later versions
- Fixed issues when azure cli is used via proxy
- Used "Microsoft Azure Client Library for node" version 0.10.4
- Added custom domains functionality to mobile service commands
- Storage
- Added support for storage "stored access policy" and update storage SDK
- Added support for creating XIO storage accounts
- Added support for "Premium_LRS" storage account type
- Mobile Service
- Updated restart to only restart service. Add redeploy command to ensure mobile service runtime is using latest.
- Added new required --push parameter to azure mobile create to specify push mode for node services. Options are legacy and nh.
- Updated mobile tests for new gcm string and notification hub errors
- Websites
- Fixed issues in site log set command with storage account option
- VM
- Fixed azure vm create issue because of required storage account type
- General Fixes
- Fixed azure login issues in AzureChinaCloud
- Added location Australia, Australia South East, Japan East, Japan West and East US 2 for resource group
- Moved azure.err file to user's home directory/.azure/azure.err
- Fixed managing two subscriptions with same name issue
- Updated Readme.md with Ubuntu installation instructions
- Upgraded the sites cli to work with latest breaking changes in the Azure Web Sites API.
- Upgraded the storage cli to work with latest breaking changes in the Azure Storage API.
- Added an option to delete SB Namepsace in mobile delete command
- VM
- Support for capturing VM as VM image
- Disk host caching while attaching disk
- Support for region wise VNet
- Bug fix: unable to create affinity group as a part of vnet creation
- Bug fix: don't re-throw 404 error from get network config
- Support for internal load balancer
- Fix Mobile CLI Tests and recorded mocks
- Fix for HDInsight commands in Azure China environment
- Storage
- Updated azure-storage dependency to 0.4.0
- Improved the blob downloading and uploading speed
- VM
- VM create command bug fixes
- Skip zero blocks when uploading fixed VHD
- Commands to manage virtual machine endpoint ACL
- Commands to manage virtual machine public IP
- Support for creating virtual machine from VM image
- Credential store bug fixes
- Clean credential store on account clear command
- Remove old credential entries on login
- Storage
- Add new commands to manage Storage logging properties storage logging show [options] storage logging set [options]
- Add new commands to manage Storage metrics properties storage metrics show [options] storage metrics set [options]
- Add SAS token support for blob download/copy
- Documentation and helper commands to enable Fiddler tracing
- VM
- Create and manage VM extensions
- Create and manage reserved IP addresses
- Fixed issues in vm image list command
- Fixed issues in --no-ssh-password parameter handling in vm create command
- Storage
- SAS support azure storage container sas create azure storage blob sas create azure storage table sas create azure storage queue sas create
- Storage unit test fixes
- Moved the GraphRbacManagementClient in a separate module named 'azure-extra' published to npm
- Fixed issues in token caching mechanism and the azure login command
- Fixed issues in npm install azure-cli on Ubuntu OS
- Fixed website tests
- Fixed the test recording infrastructure
- Role-based access control support
- Query role definition Azure role list
- Manage role assignment azure role assignment create azure role assignment list/show azure role assignment delete
- Query Azure AD object azure AD user list/show azure AD group list/show azure AD group member list azure AD SP list/show
- Show user's permissions azure group list/show azure resource list/show
- Active Directory service principal login support in Azure Resource Manager mode azure login --service-principal -tenant
- Storage
- Azure File Service support azure storage share create azure storage share list/show azure storage share delete azure storage directory create azure storage directory delete azure storage file upload azure storage file download azure storage file list azure storage file delete
- Azure Blob Service improvements azure storage blob copy start azure storage blob copy stop azure storage blob copy show
- Azure Table Service support azure storage table create azure storage table list/show azure storage table delete
- Azure Queue Service Support azure storage queue create azure storage queue list/show azure storage queue delete
- Switched storage library to Azure storage module
- Fixed issues with vm commands (vm image, vm docket create)
- Added support for A8, A9 vm sizes in vm create command
- Fixed user logout scenario issues and bumped up the credential size
- Rebranding from Windows Azure to Microsoft Azure
- Test fixes
- Store user credentials in the windows credential store
- Azure Resource Manager Tags (in arm mode)
- azure tag create/list/show/delete
- tags parameter in azure group create/set and azure resource create/set
- tags parameter in azure group list and azure resource list
- Support PHP version 5.5 for web site options
- Active directory authentication support for
- azure vm
- azure vnet
- azure mobile
- Command to create docker VM in azure
- azure vm docker create
- Store active drectory token in key chain on Mac
- Active directory support for AzureChinaCloud
- Bug fixes for AzureChinaCloud endpoints
- Dropped support for Node version 0.6
- Test system improvements
- Bug fixes
- Engineering and infrastructure improvements
- Hotfix to correct issue with azure mobile create command
- Azure Resource Manager commands (preview)
- "azure config" mode to switch mode between service management and resource manager.
- Resource groups
- azure group create/list/show/delete
- azure group log show
- Templates
- azure group template list/show/download/validate
- Deployments
- azure group deployment create/list/show
- Resources
- azure resource create/set/list/show/delete
- Azure Active Directory authentication with Organizational ID
- Log in directly from the command line using Organizational ID (create one for free in your subscription)
- azure login/logout
- Doesn't work with the following commands for now
- azure vm
- azure network
- azure mobile
- Log in directly from the command line using Organizational ID (create one for free in your subscription)
- Added web site slots support
- Added web jobs support
- CloudInit support for Ubuntu VM via "azure vm create -d"
- Multiple bugfixes
- azure site set --web-socket --disable-web-socket to enable/disable WebSocket
- azure site set --remote-debugging --disable-remote-debugging --remote-debugging-version to enable/disable/set remote debugging for .NET application.
- azure site set --managed-pipeline-mode to choose between Classic and Integrated.
- Multiple bugfixes
- #961 - Fixed issue with site connection strings
- #712 - Add support for VM shutdown on stop
- #876 - Improve azure site show appearance
- #966 - Fixed issue with incorrect service endpoint being used from publish settings
- #987 - Fix issue with "azure site download" on windows
- #925 - Making "azure site create" show template based error instead of generic one
- #963 - Update kudu script module to version 0.1.5
- Upgrade to latest SDK (which uses generated website wrappers)
- Supports the new high-memory A5 instance size (2 cores, 14GB RAM)
- Multiple bugfixes
- Added blob storage commands
- azure storage blob list
- azure storage blob show
- azure storage blob upload
- azure storage blob download
- azure storage blob delete
- Added azure account cert export
- Multiple bug fixes
- Added network commands
- Added more site commands
- azure site set
- azure site cert
- azure site connectionstring
- azure site defaultdocument
- azure site domain
- azure site handler
- Improved site list to show locations
- Renamed azure site config (will be removed in a future version) to azure site appsettings
- Renamed azure account storage (will be removed in a future version) to azure storage account
- Reduced CLI generic help
- Added bash auto-complete support for commands and categories
- Fixed generic options (--json and --verbose) to only show up where they work
- Improved and updated setup experience
- Multiple bug fixes and test infrastructure improvement
- Added website diagnostics configuration command
- azure site log set
- Added more storage container commands
- azure storage container show
- azure storage container create
- azure storage container set
- azure storage container delete
- Multiple fixes
- Made module global by default
- Added scenario tests
- HDInsight commands
- Added cucumber tests
- Multiple fixes to support Azure China
- Multiple VM fixes
- New azure site repository sync command to sync the deployment of a website
- New azure mobile recover command to recover of an unhealthy mobile service
- Command to list Microsoft Azure Storage container
- azure storage container list
- Fixed issue with registered resources on account import.
- Fixed jsHint errors.
- Multiple fixes to support different REST endpoints / environments.
- Dinamicaly fetch locations for websites instead of hardcoding them.
- Fixed issues around first website creation to enable this scenario more easily.
- Locked package.json dependencies to patch versions.
- Adding node 0.10 support.
- Fixed issue when importing publishsettings files for a brand new Azure account.
- Switch "azure site repository delete" to use the new api. Old api will be deprecated in 08/13 and users using old SDK will need upgrade.
- Adding support for creating and deleting affinity groups
- Changed the option names to --description and --affinity-group on the storage command
- "azure site scale" - change the scaling mode of websites
- Added constraint to package.json to restrict to node versions < 0.9.
- "azure sql" - manage Azure SQL Server servers, databases and firewall rules
- "azure site log tail" - realtime streaming logs over Microsoft Azure.
- "azure mobile script upload" - now supports shared and scheduler scripts #179
- "azure mobile show" - now displays scale information #139
- "azure mobile scale" - allows managing scale out for your mobile app #139
- "azure mobile job" - allows managing scheduled jobs #78
- "azure mobile data truncate" - allows truncating mobile tables #164
- "azure site deploymentscript" - bunch of fixes
- Fix require issue with unix based systems
- Fix issue with deployment scripts
- "azure portal" - replaces "azure vm portal" and "azure site portal".
- "azure mobile" - Manages Azure Mobile Services
- "azure sb namespace" - Manages Service Bus namespaces
- "azure site deploymentscript" - Generates deployment scripts for customizing your website deployment
- "azure vm create -o" - Create VMs using community/OSS images
- "azure vm endpoint create-multiple" - Create multiple VM endpoints in one shot.
- Initial release of stand alone CLI.
- New commands for managing storage accounts
- Support for new .publishsettings file format
- Several bug fixes for github repos.
========== CLI Split =========
- Adding connection strings support for storage and service bus
- Fixing issue with EMULATED and explicit variables making the later more relevant
- Adding Github support
- Adding website application settings support
- Using fixed version of commander.js to avoid bug in commander.js 1.0.5
- Bugfixing
- Multiple Bugfixes around blob streaming
- Fixing issue with xml2js
- Multiple Bugfixes
- Multiple Bugfixes
- Adding subscription setting and listing functionality.
- Adding CLI tool
- Multiple Bugfixes
- Service Runtime Wrappers
- Multiple Bugfixes
- Unit tests converted to mocha and code coverage made easy through JSCoverage
- Service Bus Wrappers
- Storage Services UT run against a mock server.
- Node.exe version requirement lowered to raise compatibility.
- Multiple Bugfixes
- Multiple bug fixes
- Initial Release