diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/help/help.E.txt
index f74fdd57f..32cb26229 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/help/help.E.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ We have transmitted to your \l;spaceship\u object\base; a program that might hel
 1) A new \l;research program\u object\research; is required for winged bots to be added to the list of bots that can be produced by the factory. This research program will also make the propulsion reactor in your personal survival kit operational.
 2) Produce a \l;winged grabber\u object\botgj; and collect the 4 chunks of \l;titanium ore\u object\titanore;.
-3) Take the \l;winged grabber\u object\botgj; and the \l;wheeled grabber\u object\botgr; along with you and take off. 
+3) Bring the \l;winged grabber\u object\botgj; and the \l;wheeled grabber\u object\botgr; back aboard your \l;spaceship\u object\base;.
 Be careful that your winged bot does not run out of power when you are far from base. If necessary, replace the \l;power cell\u object\power; before leaving the spaceship. You can either do this manually or you can execute the enclosed program provided by Houston \button 53;.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/cs.po
index a7cb83743..26b1b52b4 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/cs.po
@@ -71,12 +71,6 @@ msgstr "Abyste mohli v továrně vyrábět létající roboty, musíte nejprve s
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Vyrobte <a object|botgj>létající rameno</a> a nasbírejte 4 hroudy <a object|titanore>titanové rudy</a>."
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr "Nastupte spolu s <a object|botgj>létajícím ramenem</a> a <a object|botgr>pojízdným ramenem</a> do rakety a odleťte. "
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -212,3 +206,9 @@ msgstr "Okolí můžete prozkoumat raději sami, abyste šetřili baterie. Hrom
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Collect 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a> and bring them back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>. Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off <button 28/>."
 msgstr "Nasbírejte 4 hroudy <a object|titanore>titanové rudy</a> a přivezte je na palubu <a object|base>rakety</a>. Nastupte spolu s <a object|botgj>létajícím ramenem</a> a <a object|botgr>pojízdným ramenem</a> do rakety a odleťte <button 28/>."
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr "Nastupte spolu s <a object|botgj>létajícím ramenem</a> a <a object|botgr>pojízdným ramenem</a> do rakety a odleťte. "
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/de.po
index 999fb04d0..210d18fe2 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/de.po
@@ -70,12 +70,6 @@ msgstr "Ein neues <a object|research>Forschungsprogramm</a> ist notwendig, um Je
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Stellen Sie einen <a object|botgj>Jettransporter</a> her und sammeln Sie 4 Einheiten <a object|titanore>Titanerz</a>."
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr "Nehmen Sie den <a object|botgj>Jettransporter</a> und den <a object|botgr>Radtransporter</a> mit auf das Raumschiff und starten Sie. "
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -211,3 +205,9 @@ msgstr "Es ist sinnvoll, wenn Sie die Gegend selbst erkunden, denn das spart Ene
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Collect 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a> and bring them back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>. Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off <button 28/>."
 msgstr "Sammeln Sie 4 Brocken <a object|titanore>Titanerz</a> und bringen Sie sie an Bord Ihres <a object|base>Raumschiffes</a>. Nehmen Sie den <a object|botgj>Jettransporter</a> und den <a object|botgr>Radtransporter</a> mit, wenn Sie abheben <button 28/>."
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr "Nehmen Sie den <a object|botgj>Jettransporter</a> und den <a object|botgr>Radtransporter</a> mit auf das Raumschiff und starten Sie. "
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/fr.po
index 329aa0a91..4c66cc1a0 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/fr.po
@@ -73,12 +73,6 @@ msgstr "Construisez un <a object|research>centre de recherches</a>. Effectuez la
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Construisez une <a object|factory>usine de robots</a>. Fabriquez un <a object|botgj>robot préhenseur volant</a>. Ramenez 4 unités de <a object|titanore>minerai de titane</a> sur votre <a object|base>vaisseau</a>."
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr "Embarquez le <a object|botgr>robot préhenseur à roues</a> et le <a object|botgj>robot préhenseur volant</a>, car ils seront peut-être utiles dans la mission suivante."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -216,3 +210,9 @@ msgstr "Une fois le <a object|botgj>robot préhenseur volant</a> fabriqué, il e
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Collect 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a> and bring them back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>. Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off <button 28/>."
 msgstr "La pose d'un <a object|flag>drapeau</a> vous permet de retrouver facilement l'endroit."
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr "Embarquez le <a object|botgr>robot préhenseur à roues</a> et le <a object|botgj>robot préhenseur volant</a>, car ils seront peut-être utiles dans la mission suivante."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/pl.po
index 3ce850959..2f161d0d1 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/pl.po
@@ -70,12 +70,6 @@ msgstr "Aby dodać transportery latające do listy robotów, które mogą być p
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|botgj>transporter latający</a> i zbierz 4 kawałki <a object|titanore>rudy tytanu</a>."
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr "Zabierz ze sobą <a object|botgj>transporter latający</a> oraz <a object|botgr>transporter na kołach</a> i odleć. "
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -211,3 +205,9 @@ msgstr "Możesz sam zwiedzać okolicę jeśli chcesz oszczędzać energię. Na d
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Collect 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a> and bring them back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>. Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off <button 28/>."
 msgstr "Zbierz 4 kawałki <a object|titanore>rudy tytanu</a> i dostarcz je na pokład <a object|base>statku kosmicznego</a>. Zabierz ze sobą <a object|botgj>transporter latający</a> oraz <a object|botgr>transporter na kołach</a> i odleć <button 28/>."
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr "Zabierz ze sobą <a object|botgj>transporter latający</a> oraz <a object|botgr>transporter na kołach</a> i odleć. "
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/pt.po
index 8a875d146..ecd78d4ef 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/pt.po
@@ -70,12 +70,6 @@ msgstr "Um novo <a object|research>programa de pesquisa</a> é necessário para
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Produza um <a object|botgj>agarrador alado</a> e colete os 4 pedaços de <a object|titanore>minério de titânio</a>."
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr "Pegue o <a object|botgj>agarrador alado</a> e o <a object|botgr>agarrador com rodas</ a> junto com você e decole."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -211,3 +205,9 @@ msgstr "Pode ser preferível explorar a área você mesmo para economizar energi
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Collect 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a> and bring them back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>. Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off <button 28/>."
 msgstr "Colete 4 pedaços de minério de titânio e traga-os de volta a bordo de sua nave espacial. Pegue o <a object|botgj>agarrador alado</a> e o <a object|botgr>agarrador com rodas</a> junto com você e decole <button 28/>."
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr "Pegue o <a object|botgj>agarrador alado</a> e o <a object|botgr>agarrador com rodas</ a> junto com você e decole."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/ru.po
index bb3fbcb38..e64d7da94 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/ru.po
@@ -70,12 +70,6 @@ msgstr "Для того, чтобы добавить новых крылатых
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Постройте <a object|botgj>летающего сборщика</a> и соберите 4 куска <a object|titanore>титановой руды</a>."
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr "Возьмите <a object|botgj>летающего сборщика</a> и <a object|botgr>колесного сборщика</a> с собой и взлетайте."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -211,3 +205,9 @@ msgstr "Чтобы экономить энергию, оптимальнее б
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Collect 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a> and bring them back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>. Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off <button 28/>."
 msgstr "Соберите 4 куска <a object|titanore>титановой руды</a> и доставьте их на борт своего <a object|base>космического корабля</a>. Возьмите с собой <a object|botgj>крылатого сборщика</a> и <a object|botgr>колесного сборщика</a> и взлетайте <button 28/>."
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr "Возьмите <a object|botgj>летающего сборщика</a> и <a object|botgr>колесного сборщика</a> с собой и взлетайте."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/scene201.pot b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/scene201.pot
index 39139a9a1..6fc203a28 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/scene201.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level001/po/scene201.pot
@@ -70,12 +70,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -203,3 +197,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Collect 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a> and bring them back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>. Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off <button 28/>."
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/help/help.E.txt
index 5d6cfbd9e..0f8d4b37f 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/help/help.E.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ Use these drills to your advantage. Your ability to survive future critical situ
 Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this without causing the engine to overheat. If this appears too difficult, just touch down and let the engine cool off.
+Fly back to the \l;spaceship\u object\base; when you are done.
 You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions.
 It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/cs.po
index 1a8ae8590..ee5a976ed 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/cs.po
@@ -66,31 +66,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr "Co nejrychleji proleťte skrz všechny kontrolní body. Snažte se to stihnout dřív, než se Vám přehřeje tryskový motor. Pokud to nepůjde, prostě na chvíli přistaňte a nechte motor vychladnout."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr "Robota byste měli řídit pomocí šipek na klávesnici, ale jednu ruku nechte na myši. V tomto cvičení nemůžete myší nic ovládat, ale v pozdějších misích ji budete potřebovat."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr "Pokud chcete své reflexy dále zlepšovat, mohli byste si tato cvičení čas od času zopakovat."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Tyto instrukce si můžete kdykoliv znovu přečíst na svém osobním SatKomu <button 63/> klávesou <format key><key help/></format>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Užitečné odkazy"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a> a <a cbot>jazyk CBOT</a>"
@@ -170,3 +170,9 @@ msgstr "Pokud po dokončení cvičení nemůžete odletět, znamená to, že jst
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/de.po
index c3fdf5ca1..243ac080a 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/de.po
@@ -65,31 +65,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr "Fliegen Sie so schnell wie möglich durch alle Ringe. Versuchen Sie, das zu absolvieren ohne dass der Antrieb überhitzt. Wenn es zu eng wird, landen Sie einfach und lassen den Antrieb abkühlen."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr "Benutzen Sie die Pfeiltasten, um den Roboter zu steuern, aber lassen Sie eine Hand auf der Maus. Die Maus ist in dieser Übung zwar überflüssig, wird aber in späteren Missionen lebenswichtig sein."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr "Es wäre ratsam, später noch einmal hierher zurückzukehren um die Übung zu wiederholen und Ihre Reflexe zu trainieren."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Mit <format key><key help/></format> können Sie diese Anweisungen zu jeder Zeit noch einmal auf Ihrem SatCom <button 63/> einsehen."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Siehe auch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a> und die <a cbot>CBOT-Sprache</a>"
@@ -169,3 +169,9 @@ msgstr "Wenn Sie nicht abheben können, nachdem Sie die Übung absolviert haben,
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/fr.po
index bd4f7afbf..0acd3fc19 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/fr.po
@@ -66,31 +66,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr "Passez à travers toutes les cibles, le plus rapidement possible. Essayez de faire le tour sans que le moteur surchauffe; si vous n'y arrivez pas, posez-vous entre deux cibles pour laisser refroidir le réacteur."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr "Prenez l'habitude de jouer avec la main gauche sur les touches flèches du clavier, et la main droite sur la souris. Vous devez diriger le robot et actionner les commandes monter et descendre uniquement avec la main gauche. La main droite n'est pas utile dans cet entraînement, mais elle deviendra indispensable dans des exercices ultérieurs!"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr "Il peut être utile de revenir à ces exercices de temps en temps, si vous souhaitez améliorer vos réflexes."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permet de revoir ces instructions sur votre SatCom."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Voir aussi"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
@@ -170,3 +170,9 @@ msgstr "Si la mission ne se termine pas lorsque vous arrivez sur le vaisseau, ce
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/pl.po
index bd773769d..b975495b9 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/pl.po
@@ -65,31 +65,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr "Przeleć przez wszystkie cele jak najszybciej. Postaraj się to zrobić bez przegrzania silnika. Jeśli to za trudne, po prostu wyląduj na chwilę aby ochłodzić silnik."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr "Do sterowania robotem używaj klawiszy strzałek na klawiaturze, ale jedną rękę trzymaj na myszy. Mysz nie jest potrzebna w tym ćwiczeniu ale będzie istotna w późniejszych misjach."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr "Może być przydatne powrócenie do tego ćwiczenia za jakiś czas, w celu poprawy refleksu."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Naciśnięcie klawisza <format key><key help/></format> pozwala ponownie przejrzeć te instrukcje na Twoim osobistym komunikatorze SatCom <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Zobacz również"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a> i <a cbot>Język CBOT</a>"
@@ -169,3 +169,9 @@ msgstr "Jeśli nie możesz wystartować po wykonaniu ćwiczenia, nie wszystkie c
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/pt.po
index a4837cda5..e71fdb8ec 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/pt.po
@@ -65,31 +65,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr "Voe o mais rápido possível através de cada alvo. Tente realizar isso sem causar superaquecimento do motor. Se isso parecer muito difícil, basta pousar e deixar o motor esfriar."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr "Você deve usar as setas do teclado para pilotar o robô, mas mantenha uma mão no mouse. O mouse é inútil neste exercício, mas será essencial em missões posteriores."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr "Pode ser útil voltar a esses treinos de vez em quando se quiser melhorar ainda mais os seus reflexos."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permite-lhe rever estas instruções a qualquer momento no seu SatCom pessoal <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Veja também"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a> e <a cbot>Linguagem CBOT</a>"
@@ -169,3 +169,9 @@ msgstr "Se você não pode decolar depois de ter concluído o treinamento, isso
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/ru.po
index 0ae75f724..016e4b3ec 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/ru.po
@@ -65,31 +65,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr "Пролетите как можно быстрее через каждую из этих целей. Попробуйте выполнить это задание и не допустить перегрева двигателя. Если это покажется вам слишком сложным, приземлитесь и дайте возможность двигателю остыть."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr "Для пилотирования бота используйте клавиши со стрелками на вашей клавиатуре, но держите одну руку на мышке. Мышь в этом упражнении бесполезна, но она очень вам пригодится в последующих миссиях."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr "Если вы вдруг захотите продолжить развитие своих рефлексов, то можете возвратиться к этим упражнениям потом."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> позволяет вам просмотреть эти инструкции в любое время с помощью вашего личного Саткома <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "См. также"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a> и <a cbot>Язык CBOT</a>"
@@ -169,3 +169,9 @@ msgstr "Если вы не можете взлететь после того, к
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/scene202.pot b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/scene202.pot
index af83bdf1b..c21fc8922 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/scene202.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter002/level002/po/scene202.pot
@@ -65,31 +65,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -161,3 +161,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/help/help.E.txt
index a6f8603a3..fd077de75 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/help/help.E.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ It is our hope that this message will reach you.
 A transmission from the observation satellite a few hours ago informed us that you seemed to be wandering in a frighteningly uncoordinated manner. Your SatCom has ceased broadcasting. Your reactor seems to have suffered some sort of damage and your helmet was spotted at the bottom of a lake. If this is indeed the case, do not try to retrieve it, do not go into the water! Water on Tropica is highly toxic. You would not survive it.
-Get back to your ship as quickly as possible and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it.
+Get back to your ship as quickly as possible, take off and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it.
 There is nothing we can really do to guide you but don't forget that you're following in the footsteps of a previous expedition. If what happened to you is what happened to them, chances are they may have left some clues along the way back to their own spaceship which landed in roughly the same area as yours. Use those clues.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/cs.po
index df80a3f71..c40790757 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/cs.po
@@ -47,12 +47,6 @@ msgstr "Doufáme, že tuto zprávu dostanete."
 msgid "A transmission from the observation satellite a few hours ago informed us that you seemed to be wandering in a frighteningly uncoordinated manner. Your SatCom has ceased broadcasting. Your reactor seems to have suffered some sort of damage and your helmet was spotted at the bottom of a lake. If this is indeed the case, do not try to retrieve it, do not go into the water! Water on Tropica is highly toxic. You would not survive it."
 msgstr "Zpráva z průzkumného satelitu nás před několika hodinami upozornila, že se znepokojivě motáte sem a tam. Váš SatKom přestal vysílat. Tryskový motor na Vašem skafandru se zdá být nějak poškozený a Vaše helma podle všeho leží na dně jezera. Pokud je to opravdu tak, nesnažte se ji vylovit, nechoďte do vody! Voda na Tropice je prudce jedovatá. Okamžitě by Vás zabila."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
-msgstr "Co nejrychleji se vraťte k raketě a pokuste se nám poslat informace o možné příčině této nehody. Informace ze satelitu jsou v tuto chvíli nesrozumitelné. Od okamžiku, kdy se ztratila první výprava, jsme uvažovali o nějakém neznámém vlivu. Zdá se, že jste na něj právě narazili."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -152,3 +146,9 @@ msgstr "Nechte tryskový motor vychladnout a přeleťte malé jezírko. Snažte
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Cross the second lake, get aboard the spaceship, and take off."
 msgstr "Přeleťte druhé jezero, nastupte do rakety a odleťte."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible, take off and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
+msgstr "Co nejrychleji se vraťte k raketě a pokuste se nám poslat informace o možné příčině této nehody. Informace ze satelitu jsou v tuto chvíli nesrozumitelné. Od okamžiku, kdy se ztratila první výprava, jsme uvažovali o nějakém neznámém vlivu. Zdá se, že jste na něj právě narazili."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/de.po
index 499b0d980..070352414 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/de.po
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ msgstr "Wir hoffen, dass diese Nachricht Sie erreichen wird."
 msgid "A transmission from the observation satellite a few hours ago informed us that you seemed to be wandering in a frighteningly uncoordinated manner. Your SatCom has ceased broadcasting. Your reactor seems to have suffered some sort of damage and your helmet was spotted at the bottom of a lake. If this is indeed the case, do not try to retrieve it, do not go into the water! Water on Tropica is highly toxic. You would not survive it."
 msgstr "Eine Übertragung des Beobachtungssatelliten hat uns vor einigen Stunden davon in Kenntnis gesetzt, dass Sie sich beängstigend unkoordiniert durch die Gegend bewegen. Ihr SatCom hat aufgehört zu senden. Ihr Triebwerk scheint eine Beschädigung davon getragen zu haben und Ihr Helm wurde am Grund eines Sees ausgemacht. Falls dies wirklich der Fall ist, versuchen Sie nicht, ihn herauszuholen. Gehen Sie auf keinen Fall in tieferes Wasser, denn es ist hochgradig giftig! Sie würden es nicht überleben."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
-msgstr "Gehen Sie so schnell wie möglich zu Ihrem Schiff zurück, um uns mögliche Gründe für dieses Desaster zu übermitteln. Die Information, die wir vom Satelliten erhalten, bleiben unverständlich. Seit die erste Expedition verloren ging, haben wir über ein unvorhersehbares Phänomen spekuliert, dem Sie nun scheinbar ebenfalls begegnet sind."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -151,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr "Lassen Sie Ihr Jetpack abkühlen und fliegen Sie dann über den kleinen
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Cross the second lake, get aboard the spaceship, and take off."
 msgstr "Überqueren Sie den zweiten See, gehen Sie an Bord und heben Sie ab."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible, take off and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
+msgstr "Gehen Sie so schnell wie möglich zu Ihrem Schiff zurück, um uns mögliche Gründe für dieses Desaster zu übermitteln. Die Information, die wir vom Satelliten erhalten, bleiben unverständlich. Seit die erste Expedition verloren ging, haben wir über ein unvorhersehbares Phänomen spekuliert, dem Sie nun scheinbar ebenfalls begegnet sind."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/fr.po
index 0c36abab7..cbe3536a1 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/fr.po
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ msgstr "Nous sommes très inquiets à votre sujet et espérons que ce message vo
 msgid "A transmission from the observation satellite a few hours ago informed us that you seemed to be wandering in a frighteningly uncoordinated manner. Your SatCom has ceased broadcasting. Your reactor seems to have suffered some sort of damage and your helmet was spotted at the bottom of a lake. If this is indeed the case, do not try to retrieve it, do not go into the water! Water on Tropica is highly toxic. You would not survive it."
 msgstr "Le satellite d'observation nous a transmis que vous erriez depuis plusieurs heures de manière désordonnée. Votre SatCom a cessé d'émettre, votre réacteur semble endommagé, et votre casque a été repéré au fond d'un lac. Si vous avez effectivement perdu votre casque, n'allez pas dans l'eau toxique de Tropica!"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
-msgstr "Rejoignez le vaisseau spatial au plus vite pour pouvoir nous renseigner sur les causes de ce désastre; les informations transmises par le satellite à ce sujet sont difficiles à interpréter. Peut-être s'agit-il du \"facteur X\" qui a causé tellement d'ennuis à la première mission."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -151,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr "Attendez que votre réacteur ait refroidi, puis passez par-dessus le pet
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Cross the second lake, get aboard the spaceship, and take off."
 msgstr "Passez par-dessus le deuxième lac, et vous êtes arrivé au vaisseau. Montez à bord, et décollez."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible, take off and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
+msgstr "Rejoignez le vaisseau spatial au plus vite pour pouvoir nous renseigner sur les causes de ce désastre; les informations transmises par le satellite à ce sujet sont difficiles à interpréter. Peut-être s'agit-il du \"facteur X\" qui a causé tellement d'ennuis à la première mission."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/pl.po
index 021299537..04743deba 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/pl.po
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ msgstr "Mamy nadzieję, że dotrze do Ciebie nasza wiadomość."
 msgid "A transmission from the observation satellite a few hours ago informed us that you seemed to be wandering in a frighteningly uncoordinated manner. Your SatCom has ceased broadcasting. Your reactor seems to have suffered some sort of damage and your helmet was spotted at the bottom of a lake. If this is indeed the case, do not try to retrieve it, do not go into the water! Water on Tropica is highly toxic. You would not survive it."
 msgstr "Transmisja z satelity obserwacyjnego przed kilkoma godzinami powiadomiła nas, że wędrujesz sobie niepokojąco beztrosko. Twój komunikator SatCom zaprzestał nadawania. Twoje reaktory zostały prawdopodobnie uszkodzone a hełm zaginął na dnie jeziora. Jeśli tak jest w rzeczywistości, nie próbuj go odzyskać, nie wchodź do wody! Woda na planecie Tropice jest niezwykle toksyczna. Możesz tego nie przeżyć."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
-msgstr "Wróć na statek najszybciej jak to możliwe i spróbuj przekazać informację o prawdopodobnej przyczynie tej katastrofy. Informacje z satelity nie są możliwe do odszyfrowania. Rozważaliśmy istnienie nieznanego czynnika  już od czasu zaginięcia pierwszej ekspedycji. Wygląda na to, że właśnie się z nim spotkałeś."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -151,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr "Pozwól reaktorowi ochłodzić się, następnie przeleć nad małym jezi
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Cross the second lake, get aboard the spaceship, and take off."
 msgstr "Przekrocz drugie jezioro, wejdź na pokład statku kosmicznego i odleć."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible, take off and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
+msgstr "Wróć na statek najszybciej jak to możliwe i spróbuj przekazać informację o prawdopodobnej przyczynie tej katastrofy. Informacje z satelity nie są możliwe do odszyfrowania. Rozważaliśmy istnienie nieznanego czynnika  już od czasu zaginięcia pierwszej ekspedycji. Wygląda na to, że właśnie się z nim spotkałeś."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/pt.po
index 39f6c418d..5ad2f67b4 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/pt.po
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ msgstr "É nossa esperança que esta mensagem chegue até você."
 msgid "A transmission from the observation satellite a few hours ago informed us that you seemed to be wandering in a frighteningly uncoordinated manner. Your SatCom has ceased broadcasting. Your reactor seems to have suffered some sort of damage and your helmet was spotted at the bottom of a lake. If this is indeed the case, do not try to retrieve it, do not go into the water! Water on Tropica is highly toxic. You would not survive it."
 msgstr "Uma transmissão do satélite de observação algumas horas atrás nos informou que você parecia estar vagando de uma maneira assustadoramente descoordenada. Seu SatCom cessou a transmissão. Seu reator parece ter sofrido algum tipo de dano e seu capacete foi visto no fundo de um lago. Se este é realmente o caso, não tente recuperá-lo, não vá para a água! A água em Tropica é altamente tóxica. Você não sobreviveria."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
-msgstr "Volte a sua espaçonave o mais rápido possível e tente transmitir informações sobre as possíveis causas deste desastre. A informação do satélite permanece indecifrável. Temos especulado sobre um fator-X desde que a primeira expedição se perdeu. Parece que você acabou de encontrá-lo."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -151,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr "Dê ao seu reator tempo suficiente para esfriar e depois vôe pelo peque
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Cross the second lake, get aboard the spaceship, and take off."
 msgstr "Atravesse o segundo lago, suba a bordo da espaçonave e decole."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible, take off and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
+msgstr "Volte a sua espaçonave o mais rápido possível e tente transmitir informações sobre as possíveis causas deste desastre. A informação do satélite permanece indecifrável. Temos especulado sobre um fator-X desde que a primeira expedição se perdeu. Parece que você acabou de encontrá-lo."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/ru.po
index fe47b1172..9ac0b4363 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/ru.po
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ msgstr "Мы надеемся, что вы получите это сообще
 msgid "A transmission from the observation satellite a few hours ago informed us that you seemed to be wandering in a frighteningly uncoordinated manner. Your SatCom has ceased broadcasting. Your reactor seems to have suffered some sort of damage and your helmet was spotted at the bottom of a lake. If this is indeed the case, do not try to retrieve it, do not go into the water! Water on Tropica is highly toxic. You would not survive it."
 msgstr "В передаче с наблюдательного спутника, которую мы получили несколько часов назад, говорится о том, что вы перемещаетесь каким-то странным образом. Ваш Сатком прекратил передачу. Ваш реактор, похоже, получил повреждения, а ваш шлем был обнаружен на дне озера. Если это действительно так, то вы не должны отправляться за ним. Не входите в воду! Вода на Тропике очень ядовита. Вы можете не выйти оттуда живым."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
-msgstr "Как можно быстрее возвращайтесь обратно на корабль и попытайтесь сообщить нам о вероятных причинах этого несчастья. Мы не можем окончательно расшифровать информацию, полученную нами со спутника. Мы размышляли о X-факторе с того момента, как прервалась связь с первой экспедицией. Нам кажется, что вы их встретили."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -151,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr "Позвольте своему реактору остыть, а пос
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Cross the second lake, get aboard the spaceship, and take off."
 msgstr "Переберитесь через второе озеро, садитесь в космический корабль и взлетайте."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible, take off and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
+msgstr "Как можно быстрее возвращайтесь обратно на корабль и попытайтесь сообщить нам о вероятных причинах этого несчастья. Мы не можем окончательно расшифровать информацию, полученную нами со спутника. Мы размышляли о X-факторе с того момента, как прервалась связь с первой экспедицией. Нам кажется, что вы их встретили."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/scene302.pot b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/scene302.pot
index 1109b779e..d4a3403ff 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/scene302.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level002/po/scene302.pot
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "A transmission from the observation satellite a few hours ago informed us that you seemed to be wandering in a frighteningly uncoordinated manner. Your SatCom has ceased broadcasting. Your reactor seems to have suffered some sort of damage and your helmet was spotted at the bottom of a lake. If this is indeed the case, do not try to retrieve it, do not go into the water! Water on Tropica is highly toxic. You would not survive it."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -149,3 +143,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Cross the second lake, get aboard the spaceship, and take off."
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Get back to your ship as quickly as possible, take off and try to transmit information about the possible causes of this disaster. The satellite's information remains undecipherable. We have been speculating about an X-factor ever since the first expedition got lost. It appears you have just encountered it."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/help/help.E.txt
index 02ae23488..0960c8bef 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Terminate all hostile life-form.
+Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.
 Perform the necessary \l;research program\u object\research; in order to develop an offensive weapon system.
 The satellite has detected an energy source, on a spot marked by the previous expedition with a blue flag (blue cross on the mini-map).
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/cs.po
index 273bd5b65..5c1b0f50f 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/cs.po
@@ -35,16 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Vyrobte útočný zbraňový systém a postavte se obřím mravencům."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
-"Zlikvidujte všechny nepřátelské organizmy.\n"
-"Spusťte nezbytný <a object|research>výzkumný program</a> pro vývoj útočného zbraňového systému."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -198,3 +188,13 @@ msgstr "Až zlikvidujete všechny mravence, nastupte do rakety a odleťte."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
+"Zlikvidujte všechny nepřátelské organizmy.\n"
+"Spusťte nezbytný <a object|research>výzkumný program</a> pro vývoj útočného zbraňového systému."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/de.po
index f520e9717..2fb6427de 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/de.po
@@ -34,16 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Entwickeln Sie geeignete Angriffswaffen, um zum Gegenangriff überzugehe
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
-"Eliminieren Sie alle feindlichen Lebensformen.\n"
-"Führen Sie das benötigte <a object|research>Forschungsprogramm</a> aus, um ein Offensivwaffensystem zu entwickeln."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -197,3 +187,13 @@ msgstr "Haben Sie alle Ameisen getötet, gehen Sie an Bord und heben ab."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
+"Eliminieren Sie alle feindlichen Lebensformen.\n"
+"Führen Sie das benötigte <a object|research>Forschungsprogramm</a> aus, um ein Offensivwaffensystem zu entwickeln."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/fr.po
index 5235cb2fd..f8c2a33d6 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/fr.po
@@ -35,16 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Développez un système d'armement offensif pour pouvoir faire face aux
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
-"Eliminez toute présence hostile.\n"
-"Faites les <a object|research>recherches</a> pour construire l'armement nécessaire."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -198,3 +188,13 @@ msgstr "Une fois que vous avez éliminé toutes les fourmis, embarquez et décol
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
+"Eliminez toute présence hostile.\n"
+"Faites les <a object|research>recherches</a> pour construire l'armement nécessaire."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/pl.po
index c0c473868..6c6a6bd0f 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/pl.po
@@ -34,16 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Rozwiń systemy broni ofensywnej i zmierz się z olbrzymimi mrówkami."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
-"Wyeliminuj wszystkie wrogie formy życia.\n"
-"Przeprowadź niezbędne <a object|research>badania</a> w celu rozwinięcia systemu broni ofensywnej."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -197,3 +187,13 @@ msgstr "Gdy zabijesz wszystkie mrówki, wróć na pokład i odleć."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
+"Wyeliminuj wszystkie wrogie formy życia.\n"
+"Przeprowadź niezbędne <a object|research>badania</a> w celu rozwinięcia systemu broni ofensywnej."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/pt.po
index 11f17ca2a..809d011b4 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/pt.po
@@ -34,16 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Desenvolva um sistema de armas ofensivo e enfrente as formigas gigantes.
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
-"Extermine todas as formas de vida hostis. \n"
-"Realize o <a object|research>programa de pesquisa</a> necessário para desenvolver um sistema de armas ofensivo."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -197,3 +187,13 @@ msgstr "Depois de matar todas as formigas, embarque e decole."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
+"Extermine todas as formas de vida hostis. \n"
+"Realize o <a object|research>programa de pesquisa</a> necessário para desenvolver um sistema de armas ofensivo."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/ru.po
index a9d0a25ed..610bfdaae 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/ru.po
@@ -34,16 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Разработайте атакующее оружие и нанеси
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
-"Уничтожьте все враждебные формы жизни.\n"
-"Начните необходимые <a object|research>исследовательские программы</a>, чтобы разработать наступательные системы оружия."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -197,3 +187,13 @@ msgstr "Когда вы перебьете всех муравьев, садит
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
+"Уничтожьте все враждебные формы жизни.\n"
+"Начните необходимые <a object|research>исследовательские программы</a>, чтобы разработать наступательные системы оружия."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/scene303.pot b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/scene303.pot
index 544cd7415..4f07c1c76 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/scene303.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level003/po/scene303.pot
@@ -34,14 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -184,3 +176,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/help/help.E.txt
index 657e0da1d..a601c5898 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
 This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of \l;winged bots\u object\botfj;. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying.
-Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off.
+Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off.
 Use one hand on the keyboard to pilot the bot, and the other hand on the mouse to aim and to shoot (left button).
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/cs.po
index ea966b542..24b4976ed 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/cs.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr "Toto je další výcviková dráha přichystaná Vašimi předchůdci, tentokrát určená pro testování a nácvik bojových schopností <a object|botfj>létajících robotů</a>. Naučte se na ní pilotovat robota a střílet současně."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr "Co nejrychleji proleťte skrz všechny kontrolní body a zničte všech 10 cvičných cílů roztroušených podél trasy. Snažte se úkol splnit bez mezipřistání. Hlídejte si ale teplotu motoru: Když se začne přehřívat, prostě přistaňte a nechte ho vychladnout."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -152,3 +146,9 @@ msgstr "Pokud po dokončení cvičení nemůžete odletět, znamená to, že jst
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr "Co nejrychleji proleťte skrz všechny kontrolní body a zničte všech 10 cvičných cílů roztroušených podél trasy. Snažte se úkol splnit bez mezipřistání. Hlídejte si ale teplotu motoru: Když se začne přehřívat, prostě přistaňte a nechte ho vychladnout."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/de.po
index e0e783ed3..34fdd8e45 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/de.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr "Hier ist ein Trainingskurs der von Ihren Vorgängern gebaut wurde, um die Fähigkeiten von <a object|botfj>fliegenden Robotern</a> beim Schießen zu trainieren und zu testen. Benutzen Sie ihn, damit Sie lernen, gleichzeitig zu schießen und zu fliegen."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr "Fliegen Sie durch alle Ringe und schießen Sie die 10 Sprengkörper, die auf dem Weg verteilt sind, ab. Versuchen Sie, die Übung zu absolvieren ohne aufzusetzen. Achten Sie trotzdem auf Ihr Triebwerk: wenn es überhitzt dann landen Sie einfach und lassen es abkühlen."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -151,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr "Wenn Sie nicht abheben können, nachdem Sie die Übung absolviert haben,
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr "Fliegen Sie durch alle Ringe und schießen Sie die 10 Sprengkörper, die auf dem Weg verteilt sind, ab. Versuchen Sie, die Übung zu absolvieren ohne aufzusetzen. Achten Sie trotzdem auf Ihr Triebwerk: wenn es überhitzt dann landen Sie einfach und lassen es abkühlen."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/fr.po
index 314891d32..7a9b6f7af 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/fr.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr "L'expédition précédente a installé ce dispositif pour tester les programmes de tir des robots volants. Utilisez-les pour vous familiariser avec le tir en vol des <a object|botfj>robots tireur volants</a>. Vos performances lors de la dernière mission nous semblent insuffisantes."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr "Passez à travers toutes les cibles et tirez sur les 10 caisses le plus rapidement possible. Essayez de faire le tour sans que le moteur surchauffe; si vous n'y arrivez pas, posez-vous entre deux cibles pour laisser refroidir le réacteur."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -152,3 +146,9 @@ msgstr "Si le vaisseau refuse de décoller et affiche <code>La mission n'est pas
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr "Passez à travers toutes les cibles et tirez sur les 10 caisses le plus rapidement possible. Essayez de faire le tour sans que le moteur surchauffe; si vous n'y arrivez pas, posez-vous entre deux cibles pour laisser refroidir le réacteur."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/pl.po
index cc762a8b7..6a0b267b9 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/pl.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr "Oto kolejny kurs szkoleniowy przygotowany przez Twoich poprzedników i przeznaczony tym razem do sprawdzenia możliwości strzeleckich <a object|botfj>robotów latających</a>. Dzięki niemu oswoisz się ze strzelaniem podczas latania."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr "Przeleć szybko przez wszystkie cele i zestrzel 10 ładunków wybuchowych rozrzuconych wzdłuż trasy lotu. Spróbuj wykonać to ćwiczenie bez lądowania. Uważaj jednak na reaktor: jeśli się przegrzeje, wystarczy wylądować i poczekać aż ostygnie."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -151,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr "Jeśli nie możesz odlecieć po wykonaniu ćwiczenia, nie wszystkie cele
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr "Przeleć szybko przez wszystkie cele i zestrzel 10 ładunków wybuchowych rozrzuconych wzdłuż trasy lotu. Spróbuj wykonać to ćwiczenie bez lądowania. Uważaj jednak na reaktor: jeśli się przegrzeje, wystarczy wylądować i poczekać aż ostygnie."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/pt.po
index 2eea02e91..1ba9db2fa 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/pt.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr "Este é outro curso de formação criado pelos seus antecessores e destina-se a testar e treinar a capacidade de disparo de <a object|botfj>robôs alados</a>. Use-o para se familiarizar com as duas ações simultâneas de tiro ao voar."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr "Voe rapidamente por todos os alvos e atire nos 10 dispositivos explosivos espalhados pelo caminho. Tente completar o exercício sem tocar o chão. Observe seu reator: se ele superaquecer, basta pousar o robô e deixar esfriar."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -151,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr "Se você não pode decolar depois de completar o treinamento, isso signi
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr "Voe rapidamente por todos os alvos e atire nos 10 dispositivos explosivos espalhados pelo caminho. Tente completar o exercício sem tocar o chão. Observe seu reator: se ele superaquecer, basta pousar o robô e deixar esfriar."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/ru.po
index 4742e531f..221f996c6 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/ru.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr "Это еще один тренировочный курс, разработанный вашими предшественниками. Он предназначен для тестирования и тренировки стрельбы <a object|botfj>крылатых ботов</a>. Используйте его, чтобы ознакомиться с возможностью стрельбы во время полета."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr "Быстро пролетите через все мишени и подорвите все 10 взрывных устройств, разбросанных по пути. Попытайтесь выполнить это задание не приземляясь. Наблюдайте за своим реактором: если он перегреется, просто посадите бота и позвольте ему остыть."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -151,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr "Если вы не можете взлететь после того, к
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr "Быстро пролетите через все мишени и подорвите все 10 взрывных устройств, разбросанных по пути. Попытайтесь выполнить это задание не приземляясь. Наблюдайте за своим реактором: если он перегреется, просто посадите бота и позвольте ему остыть."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/scene304.pot b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/scene304.pot
index e184fb00e..f02ed7415 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/scene304.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level004/po/scene304.pot
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -143,3 +137,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/help/help.E.txt
index d8f30ee65..cbf9037a9 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Locate and retrieve another \l;black box\u object\bbox; from the previous expedition.
+Locate another \l;black box\u object\bbox; from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off.
 The observation satellite seems to have spotted it underwater. Water is harmless to you as long as you wear your helmet but keep in mind that you can't carry objects underwater. A \l;subber\u object\botsub; may come in handy.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/cs.po
index 4e0607e12..1ff9321da 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Prozkoumejte svět pod vodou a hledejte další černou skříňku."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr "Najděte a vyzvedněte další <a object|bbox>černou skříňku</a> po předchozí výpravě."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -202,3 +196,9 @@ msgstr "Továrnu na roboty můžete postavit hned vedle jezírka na jižním bř
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr "Najděte a vyzvedněte další <a object|bbox>černou skříňku</a> po předchozí výpravě."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/de.po
index 609180d17..4ee77c093 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Erforschen Sie die Unterwasserwelt auf der Suche nach einem weiteren Flu
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr "Suchen und bergen Sie einen weiteren <a object|bbox>Flugschreiber</a> von der vorhergehenden Mission."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -201,3 +195,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr "Suchen und bergen Sie einen weiteren <a object|bbox>Flugschreiber</a> von der vorhergehenden Mission."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/fr.po
index 55afcefeb..28190cea6 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Explorez les fonds marins à la recherche d'une boîte noire."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr "Retrouvez et ramenez la <a object|bbox>boîte noire</a> de l'expédition précédente."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -202,3 +196,9 @@ msgstr "Vous pouvez construire une <a object|factory>usine de robots</a> sur la
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr "Retrouvez et ramenez la <a object|bbox>boîte noire</a> de l'expédition précédente."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/pl.po
index f5c4bca8e..b6fd9eb40 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Zbadaj podwodny świat szukając kolejnej czarnej skrzynki."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr "Znajdź i odzyskaj kolejną <a object|bbox>czarną skrzynkę</a> zostawioną przez poprzednią ekspedycję."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -201,3 +195,9 @@ msgstr "Fabrykę robotów możesz zbudować tuż przy jeziorze, na jego południ
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr "Znajdź i odzyskaj kolejną <a object|bbox>czarną skrzynkę</a> zostawioną przez poprzednią ekspedycję."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/pt.po
index 8f0ef2cd8..a362849f9 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Explore o mundo subaquático procurando outra caixa preta."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr "Localize e recupere outra <a object|bbox>caixa preta</a> da expedição anterior."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -201,3 +195,9 @@ msgstr "Você pode construir a fábrica de robôs ao lado do lago, na margem sul
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr "Localize e recupere outra <a object|bbox>caixa preta</a> da expedição anterior."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/ru.po
index 0b5efd600..0d497c0c3 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Исследуйте подводные пространства в по
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr "Найдите и возьмите еще один <a object|bbox>черный ящик</a>, оставленный предыдущей экспедицией."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -201,3 +195,9 @@ msgstr "Вы можете построить фабрику ботов прям
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr "Найдите и возьмите еще один <a object|bbox>черный ящик</a>, оставленный предыдущей экспедицией."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/scene305.pot b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/scene305.pot
index 2b4f0398f..b4ba0e3a5 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/scene305.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter003/level005/po/scene305.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -189,3 +183,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/help/help.E.txt
index 6b4c840bd..74dd9d822 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Build a \l;radar\u object\radar; on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your \l;research center\u object\research; should be able to provide a solution.
+Build a \l;radar\u object\radar; on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your \l;research center\u object\research; should be able to provide a solution.
 It is possible that the organisms detected are in fact the \l;worms\u object\worm; alluded to by the first expedition. If this is indeed the case, don't be excessively alarmed: they seem fairly harmless to living organisms but could cause the programs of bots and buildings to malfunction through the emission of viruses.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/cs.po
index f19ffc5e7..3f9db9662 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Nová hrozba pro všechny Vaše systémy."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr "Postavte <a object|radar>radar</a> na nejvyšším místě v oblasti. Postarejte se, aby radar mohl dál bezpečně fungovat i po Vašem odletu na další planety. <a object|research>Výzkumná stanice</a> by mohla poskytnout řešení."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -204,3 +198,9 @@ msgstr "Po likvidaci všech červů se můžete vrátit do rakety a odletět."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr "Postavte <a object|radar>radar</a> na nejvyšším místě v oblasti. Postarejte se, aby radar mohl dál bezpečně fungovat i po Vašem odletu na další planety. <a object|research>Výzkumná stanice</a> by mohla poskytnout řešení."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/de.po
index 6cce9eb9e..85ffd0b95 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Viren bedrohen Ihre Systeme."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr "Bauen Sie ein <a object|radar>Radar</a> auf der höchsten Stelle in der Umgebung. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Radar nach Ihrem Abflug zu anderen Planeten weiterhin gesichert ist und arbeiten kann. Ihr <a object|research>Forschungszentrum</a> sollte in der Lage sein, eine passende Lösung zu finden."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -203,3 +197,9 @@ msgstr "Sobald alle Würmer zerstört sind, können Sie zu Ihrem Schiff zurückk
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr "Bauen Sie ein <a object|radar>Radar</a> auf der höchsten Stelle in der Umgebung. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Radar nach Ihrem Abflug zu anderen Planeten weiterhin gesichert ist und arbeiten kann. Ihr <a object|research>Forschungszentrum</a> sollte in der Lage sein, eine passende Lösung zu finden."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/fr.po
index af47254a1..f30ed92d6 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Construisez un radar qui fera office de station relais pour les communic
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Objectif transmis par Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr "Construisez un <a object|radar>radar</a> sur le sommet le plus haut. Assurez sa sécurité à l'aide d'une <a object|tower>tour de défense</a> (<a object|research>recherche</a> à faire)."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -207,3 +201,9 @@ msgstr "Rejoignez le <a object|base>vaisseau</a> et décollez."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr "Construisez un <a object|radar>radar</a> sur le sommet le plus haut. Assurez sa sécurité à l'aide d'une <a object|tower>tour de défense</a> (<a object|research>recherche</a> à faire)."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/pl.po
index a7de9609b..1e3ed0a11 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Nowy robal zagroził wszystkim systemom."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|radar>radar</a> na najwyższym punkcie w okolicy. Upewnij się, że działanie radaru nie będzie zagrożone nawet po Twoim opuszczeniu planety. <a object|research>Centrum badawcze</a> powinno pomóc w znalezieniu odpowiedniego rozwiązania."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -203,3 +197,9 @@ msgstr "Gdy zostaną zniszczone wszystkie robale możesz wrócić na statek kosm
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|radar>radar</a> na najwyższym punkcie w okolicy. Upewnij się, że działanie radaru nie będzie zagrożone nawet po Twoim opuszczeniu planety. <a object|research>Centrum badawcze</a> powinno pomóc w znalezieniu odpowiedniego rozwiązania."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/pt.po
index f0c927e89..226c98f24 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Um novo inseto ameaça todos os seus sistemas."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr "Construa um <a object|radar>radar</a> no ponto mais alto da área. Certifique-se de que o radar funcionará com segurança, mesmo após sua partida para outros planetas. Seu <a object|research>centro de pesquisa</a> deve ser capaz de fornecer uma solução."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -203,3 +197,9 @@ msgstr "Quando todos os vermes forem destruídos, você pode voltar para a sua n
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr "Construa um <a object|radar>radar</a> no ponto mais alto da área. Certifique-se de que o radar funcionará com segurança, mesmo após sua partida para outros planetas. Seu <a object|research>centro de pesquisa</a> deve ser capaz de fornecer uma solução."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/ru.po
index 8f4fbadea..3cc320646 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Новые насекомые угрожают всем вашим си
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr "Постройте <a object|radar>радар</a> в самой высокой точке этой местности. Убедитесь в том, что радар будет продолжать нормально работать даже после того, как вы отправитесь на другие планеты. Ваш <a object|research>иследовательский центр</a> должен быть в состоянии это обеспечить."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -203,3 +197,9 @@ msgstr "Когда все черви будут уничтожены, вы мо
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr "Постройте <a object|radar>радар</a> в самой высокой точке этой местности. Убедитесь в том, что радар будет продолжать нормально работать даже после того, как вы отправитесь на другие планеты. Ваш <a object|research>иследовательский центр</a> должен быть в состоянии это обеспечить."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/scene401.pot b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/scene401.pot
index 94f6665b9..ed63f54f4 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/scene401.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level001/po/scene401.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -193,3 +187,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/help/help.E.txt
index b0ceb0673..f829c0e1f 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (\l;defense tower\u object\tower; or \l;winged shooter\u object\botfj;) is up to you.
+Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (\l;defense tower\u object\tower; or \l;winged shooter\u object\botfj;) is up to you.
 The radar seems to be perfectly suited to the detection of worms. Keep in mind though that they only appear when they are on the surface.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/cs.po
index 1074e5a6d..0db0403da 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Využijte zdroje planety k boji proti červům přenášejícím viry."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr "Vyčistěte oblast od všech nepřátelských organizmů. Jak toho dosáhnete (<a object|tower>obrannými věžemi</a> nebo <a object|botfj>létajícími kanóny</a>) je čistě na Vás."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -216,3 +210,9 @@ msgstr "10) Vraťte se do rakety a odleťte."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr "Vyčistěte oblast od všech nepřátelských organizmů. Jak toho dosáhnete (<a object|tower>obrannými věžemi</a> nebo <a object|botfj>létajícími kanóny</a>) je čistě na Vás."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/de.po
index fe8828406..c3b19042a 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Benutzen Sie die Rohstoffe des Planeten um die virenverbreitenden Würme
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr "Säubern Sie die Umgebung von allen feindseligen Lebensformen. Wie Sie das erledigen, (<a object|tower>Geschützturm</a> oder <a object|botfj>Jetshooter</a>) liegt bei Ihnen."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -215,3 +209,9 @@ msgstr "10) Kehren Sie zum Raumschiff zurück und heben Sie ab."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr "Säubern Sie die Umgebung von allen feindseligen Lebensformen. Wie Sie das erledigen, (<a object|tower>Geschützturm</a> oder <a object|botfj>Jetshooter</a>) liegt bei Ihnen."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/fr.po
index 1578615e2..c42c540f5 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Eliminez tous les vers de la région."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr "Eliminez toute présence nuisible de la région. A vous de trouver le moyen le plus efficace (<a object|tower>tour de défense</a> ou <a object|botfj>robot tireur</a>)."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -216,3 +210,9 @@ msgstr "10) Retournez sur le <a object|base>vaisseau</a> et décollez."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr "Eliminez toute présence nuisible de la région. A vous de trouver le moyen le plus efficace (<a object|tower>tour de défense</a> ou <a object|botfj>robot tireur</a>)."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/pl.po
index c8233a034..060fe7277 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Użyj zasobów planety do walki z robalem roznoszącym wirusy."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr "Oczyść teren ze wszystkich wrogich organizmów. Sposób wykonania zadania (<a object|tower>wieża obronna</a> lub <a object|botfj>działo latające</a>) zależy od Ciebie."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -215,3 +209,9 @@ msgstr "10) Wróć na statek i odleć."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr "Oczyść teren ze wszystkich wrogich organizmów. Sposób wykonania zadania (<a object|tower>wieża obronna</a> lub <a object|botfj>działo latające</a>) zależy od Ciebie."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/pt.po
index 0909660b3..5d4063376 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Use os recursos do planeta para combater os vermes propagadores de víru
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr "Limpe a área de todos os organismos hostis. A maneira como você faz isso (<a object|tower>torre de defesa</a> ou <a object|botfj>atirador alado</a>) é com você."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -215,3 +209,9 @@ msgstr "10) Volte para o sua nave e decole."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr "Limpe a área de todos os organismos hostis. A maneira como você faz isso (<a object|tower>torre de defesa</a> ou <a object|botfj>atirador alado</a>) é com você."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/ru.po
index 15e7ae85d..c48bf50d5 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Используйте ресурсы планеты чтобы прот
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr "Очистите зону от всех враждебных организмов. То, как вы это будете делать (<a object|tower>оборонная башня</a> или <a object|botfj>летающий стрелок</a>), зависит только от вас."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -215,3 +209,9 @@ msgstr "10) Возвращайтесь к своему кораблю и взл
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr "Очистите зону от всех враждебных организмов. То, как вы это будете делать (<a object|tower>оборонная башня</a> или <a object|botfj>летающий стрелок</a>), зависит только от вас."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/scene402.pot b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/scene402.pot
index 53eab2357..24e530c6a 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/scene402.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level002/po/scene402.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -205,3 +199,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/help/help.E.txt
index 029ced15b..788619bf0 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/help/help.E.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ We have just received this warning from the observation satellite: a rogue bot f
 We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital importance that you retrieve your black box at once.
+One you have the black box, you can take off.
 \key;\key help;\norm; allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom \button 63;.
 \t;See also
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/cs.po
index 7fe2001f1..15a8d6ccc 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/cs.po
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr "Tento incident budeme dále vyšetřovat, ale teď je naprosto nezbytné získat černou skříňku okamžitě zpět."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Tyto instrukce si můžete kdykoliv znovu přečíst na svém osobním SatKomu <button 63/> klávesou <format key><key help/></format>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Užitečné odkazy"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a> a <a cbot>jazyk CBOT</a>"
@@ -160,3 +160,9 @@ msgstr "Pokud Vám dojde baterie, než černou skříňku stačíte dovézt zpě
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/de.po
index 3e843884f..5c16563aa 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/de.po
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr "Wir werden diesen Zwischenfall untersuchen, für Sie ist es jedenfalls lebenswichtig, dass Sie in der Zwischenzeit Ihren Flugschreiber wiederfinden."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Mit <format key><key help/></format> können Sie diese Anweisungen zu jeder Zeit noch einmal auf Ihrem SatCom <button 63/> einsehen."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Siehe auch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a> und die <a cbot>CBOT-Sprache</a>"
@@ -159,3 +159,9 @@ msgstr "Falls die Energie nicht ausreicht, um den Flugschreiber zurückzubringen
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/fr.po
index d774a3a1b..a15599885 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/fr.po
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr "Ramenez-la à tout prix sur votre vaisseau. Nous allons investiguer sur les causes de cet incident qui peut mettre en danger votre mission."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permet de revoir ces instructions sur votre SatCom."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Voir aussi"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
@@ -160,3 +160,9 @@ msgstr "S'il ne vous reste pas assez d'énergie pour ramener la <a object|bbox>b
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/pl.po
index 26ae0fe60..00e1637f9 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/pl.po
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr "Zamierzamy później zbadać ten incydent, lecz teraz najważniejszą sprawą jest jak najszybsze odzyskanie czarnej skrzynki."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Naciśnięcie klawisza <format key><key help/></format> pozwala ponownie przejrzeć te instrukcje na Twoim osobistym komunikatorze SatCom <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Zobacz również"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a> i <a cbot>Język CBOT</a>"
@@ -159,3 +159,9 @@ msgstr "Jeśli skończy Ci się energia przed odzyskaniem czarnej skrzynki, moż
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/pt.po
index de31f813f..7e51213c8 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/pt.po
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr "Vamos investigar esse incidente ainda mais, mas é de vital importância que você recupere sua caixa preta de uma só vez."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permite-lhe rever estas instruções a qualquer momento no seu SatCom pessoal <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Veja também"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a> e <a cbot>Linguagem CBOT</a>"
@@ -159,3 +159,9 @@ msgstr "Caso a sua energia acabe antes que você possa trazer a caixa preta de v
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/ru.po
index c53abcc7e..a869d05a9 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/ru.po
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr "Мы собираемся тщательно расследовать обстоятельства этого происшествия, но для нас жизненно важно то, что вы должны вернуть этот черный ящик как можно быстрее."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> позволяет вам просмотреть эти инструкции в любое время с помощью вашего личного Саткома <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "См. также"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a> и <a cbot>Язык CBOT</a>"
@@ -159,3 +159,9 @@ msgstr "В случае, если у вас закончится энергия
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/scene403.pot b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/scene403.pot
index 9418e863e..8f1b78c28 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/scene403.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter004/level003/po/scene403.pot
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -147,3 +147,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/help/help.E.txt
index 065eb9313..e7dca6538 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-The observation satellite has detected a chunk of \l;uranium ore\u object\uranore; on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship.
+The observation satellite has detected a chunk of \l;uranium ore\u object\uranore; on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off.
 \key;\key help;\norm; allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom \button 63;.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/cs.po
index 8087ddef3..ee6d28acd 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Pokus získat trochu uranové rudy."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr "Průzkumný satelit objevil na vrcholu nejvyšší hory hroudu <a object|uranore>uranové rudy</a>. Musíte ji naložit do rakety."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -198,3 +192,9 @@ msgstr "Sami nastupte do rakety a odleťte."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr "Průzkumný satelit objevil na vrcholu nejvyšší hory hroudu <a object|uranore>uranové rudy</a>. Musíte ji naložit do rakety."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/de.po
index 3f1cd0585..e6f4b7f50 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Setzen Sie alles daran, auf diesem unwirtlichen Planeten etwas Platinerz
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr "Der Beobachtungssatellit hat eine Einheit <a object|platore>Platinerz</a> auf dem Gipfel des höchsten Berges entdeckt. Sie müssen es zum Raumschiff bringen."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -197,3 +191,9 @@ msgstr "Gehen Sie an Bord und heben Sie ab."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr "Der Beobachtungssatellit hat eine Einheit <a object|platore>Platinerz</a> auf dem Gipfel des höchsten Berges entdeckt. Sie müssen es zum Raumschiff bringen."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/fr.po
index 8c2516afa..b968deda4 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "A la recherche de minerai d'uranium."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr "Ramener sur le <a object|base>vaisseau</a> du <a object|uranore>minerai d'uranium</a> détecté sur le sommet de la montagne par le satellite d'observation."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -198,3 +192,9 @@ msgstr "Posez le minerai d'uranium sur le vaisseau, embarquez et décollez."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr "Ramener sur le <a object|base>vaisseau</a> du <a object|uranore>minerai d'uranium</a> détecté sur le sommet de la montagne par le satellite d'observation."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/pl.po
index 4483a4973..374b59a4d 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Zdobądź próbkę rudy uranu."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr "Satelita obserwacyjny wykrył porcję <a object|uranore>rudy uranu</a> na szczycie głównego wzniesienia. Twoim zadaniem jest dostarczenie jej na statek kosmiczny."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -197,3 +191,9 @@ msgstr "Wróć na pokład statku kosmicznego i odleć."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr "Satelita obserwacyjny wykrył porcję <a object|uranore>rudy uranu</a> na szczycie głównego wzniesienia. Twoim zadaniem jest dostarczenie jej na statek kosmiczny."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/pt.po
index 7f3d622bb..f542d35d5 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Uma tentativa de recuperar algum minério de urânio."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr "O satélite de observação detectou um pedaço do minério de urânio no cume da montanha principal. Você precisa trazê-lo de volta para sua nave espacial."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -197,3 +191,9 @@ msgstr "Suba a bordo da nave e decole."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr "O satélite de observação detectou um pedaço do minério de urânio no cume da montanha principal. Você precisa trazê-lo de volta para sua nave espacial."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/ru.po
index 67a00a967..5dc1749fb 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Попытка получить некоторое количество
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr "Наблюдательный спутник на орбите обнаружил на вершине главной горы залежи <a object|uranore>урановой руды</a>. Вы должны доставить ее на ваш космический корабль."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -197,3 +191,9 @@ msgstr "Садитесь в корабль и взлетайте."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr "Наблюдательный спутник на орбите обнаружил на вершине главной горы залежи <a object|uranore>урановой руды</a>. Вы должны доставить ее на ваш космический корабль."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/scene501.pot b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/scene501.pot
index 46e2b5b79..baef8e1de 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/scene501.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level001/po/scene501.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -181,3 +175,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/help/help.E.txt
index ae22711a0..950cfe048 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Eliminate all hostile presence from the region.
+Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off.
 Your current situation is of utmost concern to us. The satellite has detected an extremely strong enemy presence approaching your spaceship from all directions. Use your best judgment and the quickest, most efficient defense: either \l;towers\u object\tower; or \l;shooters\u object\botfr;.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/cs.po
index 5ced818ff..a052e332c 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Ubraňte se útoku obřích mravenců."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr "Zlikvidujte všechny nepřátelské organizmy v okolí."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -168,3 +162,9 @@ msgstr "Až zlikvidujete celkem asi patnáct útočících <a object|ant>mravenc
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr "Zlikvidujte všechny nepřátelské organizmy v okolí."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/de.po
index 2394c21c1..999630175 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Je nach Region können die Riesenameisen mehr oder weniger aggressiv sei
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr "Vernichten Sie alle feindlichen Lebensformen in der Umgebung."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -167,3 +161,9 @@ msgstr "Sobald die aufeinanderfolgenden Angriffswellen, geführt von etwa fünfz
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr "Vernichten Sie alle feindlichen Lebensformen in der Umgebung."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/fr.po
index 0be86c9f0..2bcda2be6 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Résistez à une invasion de fourmis géantes."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr "Nettoyer la région de toute présence hostile."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -168,3 +162,9 @@ msgstr "Lorsque les vagues d'assaut successives constituées d'une quinzaine de
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr "Nettoyer la région de toute présence hostile."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/pl.po
index 85cb422b9..83540b205 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Odeprzyj inwazję olbrzymich mrówek."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr "Wyeliminuj wszystkich wrogów obecnych w okolicy."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -167,3 +161,9 @@ msgstr "Jak tylko poradzisz sobie z kolejnymi falami ataków około piętnastu <
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr "Wyeliminuj wszystkich wrogów obecnych w okolicy."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/pt.po
index 48067b7ed..6a2321f51 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Segure-se contra uma invasão de formigas gigantes."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr "Elimine toda a presença hostil da região."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -167,3 +161,9 @@ msgstr "Assim que as sucessivas ondas de ataque, formadas por cerca de quinze fo
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr "Elimine toda a presença hostil da região."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/ru.po
index c12ae24ad..bb2ddd633 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Отбейте атаку гигантских муравьев."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr "Уничтожьте в этом регионе все враждебно настроенные существа."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -167,3 +161,9 @@ msgstr "После того, как будут отражены атаки, в 
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr "Уничтожьте в этом регионе все враждебно настроенные существа."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/scene502.pot b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/scene502.pot
index 80dff7fad..c7f3379de 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/scene502.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level002/po/scene502.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -157,3 +151,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/help/help.E.txt
index 2a6b8587c..3ffb68b26 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
 Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a \l;black box\u object\bbox; not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination.
-Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution.
+Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution.
 \key;\key help;\norm; allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom \button 63;.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/cs.po
index f4d544f69..afc850852 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/cs.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr "Váš satelit našel pozůstatky předchozí výpravy. V jejich blízkosti by se měla nacházet další <a object|bbox>černá skříňka</a>. Zjistíte z ní souřadnice další planety."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr "Zlikvidujte několik zbývajících mravenců. Dostali jsme zprávu, že je Vaše neutronová pistole momentálně nefunkční, takže nebudete moci vyrábět nové roboty. Věříme ale, že si díky svým dosavadním zkušenostem dokážete poradit a vymyslíte nějaké řešení."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -164,3 +158,9 @@ msgstr "Pak naložte <a object|bbox>černou skříňku</a> do své rakety. Najde
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr "Zlikvidujte několik zbývajících mravenců. Dostali jsme zprávu, že je Vaše neutronová pistole momentálně nefunkční, takže nebudete moci vyrábět nové roboty. Věříme ale, že si díky svým dosavadním zkušenostem dokážete poradit a vymyslíte nějaké řešení."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/de.po
index af1d7deb0..4be4714bd 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/de.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr "Der Satellit hat die Überreste der letzten Expedition lokalisiert. Sie sollten nicht weit davon einen <a object|bbox>Flugschreiber</a> finden. Er wird Ihnen die Koordinaten für Ihr nächstes Ziel geben."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr "Vernichten Sie die restlichen Ameisen. Wir erhielten die Meldung, dass Ihre Neutronenkanone im Augenblick nicht funktioniert; deswegen sind Sie nicht in der Lage neue Roboter zu bauen. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Sie genug Ideen haben, um eine Lösung zu finden."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -163,3 +157,9 @@ msgstr "Bringen Sie dann den <a object|bbox>Flugschreiber</a> an Bord Ihres Schi
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr "Vernichten Sie die restlichen Ameisen. Wir erhielten die Meldung, dass Ihre Neutronenkanone im Augenblick nicht funktioniert; deswegen sind Sie nicht in der Lage neue Roboter zu bauen. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Sie genug Ideen haben, um eine Lösung zu finden."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/fr.po
index b7e7f4799..d6c3acbff 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/fr.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Instructions transmises par Houston"
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr "Le satellite a découvert les restes de l'expédition précédente. Vous devriez y trouver la <a object|bbox>boîte noire</a> qui vous donnera les coordonnées de la planète suivante."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr "Eliminez les quelques fourmis survivantes. Votre vaisseau nous a transmis que votre constructeur est en panne. Vous ne pourrez donc pas construire de nouveaux robots. Nous sommes pourtant convaincus que vous trouverez une solution ..."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -164,3 +158,9 @@ msgstr "Amenez ensuite la <a object|bbox>boîte noire</a> sur votre <a object|ba
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr "Eliminez les quelques fourmis survivantes. Votre vaisseau nous a transmis que votre constructeur est en panne. Vous ne pourrez donc pas construire de nouveaux robots. Nous sommes pourtant convaincus que vous trouverez une solution ..."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/pl.po
index 1bed5714e..6b30f0618 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/pl.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr "Twój satelita zlokalizował pozostałości poprzedniej ekspedycji. W pobliżu powinna też być <a object|bbox>czarna skrzynka</a> ze współrzędnymi Twojego następnego celu."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr "Zlikwiduj kilka pozostałych mrówek. Zauważyliśmy, że Twoje działo neutronowe przestało działać, wobec czego nie będzie możliwa budowa nowych robotów. Jesteśmy jednak przekonani, że znajdziesz odpowiednie rozwiązanie wykorzystując jedynie posiadane przez Ciebie zasoby."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -163,3 +157,9 @@ msgstr "Następnie przynieś <a object|bbox>czarną skrzynkę</a> na pokład sta
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr "Zlikwiduj kilka pozostałych mrówek. Zauważyliśmy, że Twoje działo neutronowe przestało działać, wobec czego nie będzie możliwa budowa nowych robotów. Jesteśmy jednak przekonani, że znajdziesz odpowiednie rozwiązanie wykorzystując jedynie posiadane przez Ciebie zasoby."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/pt.po
index 379ee0104..5a69fa0d4 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/pt.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr "Seu satélite localizou os restos da expedição anterior. Você deve encontrar uma <a object|bbox>caixa preta</a> não muito longe dali. Ele lhe dará as coordenadas do seu próximo destino."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr "Extermine as poucas formigas restantes. Fomos notificados de que sua arma de nêutrons está fora de ordem, então você não poderá construir novos robôs. Estamos convencidos de que você é engenhoso o suficiente para chegar a uma solução."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -163,3 +157,9 @@ msgstr "Em seguida, traga a <a object|bbox>caixa preta</a> a bordo da sua nave.
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr "Extermine as poucas formigas restantes. Fomos notificados de que sua arma de nêutrons está fora de ordem, então você não poderá construir novos robôs. Estamos convencidos de que você é engenhoso o suficiente para chegar a uma solução."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/ru.po
index 7ddcd251a..e635e904f 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/ru.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr "Ваш спутник обнаружил остатки предыдущей экспедиции. Вы должны наткнуться на <a object|bbox>черный ящик</a>, который должен быть недалеко от этого места. Так вы узнаете координаты места, куда вы должны после этого отправиться."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr "Уничтожьте несколько оставшихся муравьев. Мы заметили, что ваша нейтронная пушка в данный момент не работает, поэтому вы будете не в состоянии создавать новых ботов. Мы убеждены в том, что вы достаточно изобретательны и сможете найти выход из создавшегося положения."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -163,3 +157,9 @@ msgstr "После этого доставьте на борт своего ко
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr "Уничтожьте несколько оставшихся муравьев. Мы заметили, что ваша нейтронная пушка в данный момент не работает, поэтому вы будете не в состоянии создавать новых ботов. Мы убеждены в том, что вы достаточно изобретательны и сможете найти выход из создавшегося положения."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/scene503.pot b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/scene503.pot
index 19786e6a7..bdbce298c 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/scene503.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter005/level003/po/scene503.pot
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -152,3 +146,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/help/help.E.txt
index 0344a8ab5..27f7c31e5 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
 You need to retrieve an \l;explosive device\u object\tnt; that has been spotted in a deep valley next to a lake of boiling lava.
+Once the device is on you ship, you can take off.
 Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with \l;nuclear power cells\u object\atomic;. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from \l;uranium ore\u object\uranore;.
 A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/cs.po
index 1d86e9504..812daca0b 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/cs.po
@@ -42,37 +42,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr "Musíte vyzvednout <a object|tnt>výbušninu</a>, kterou jsme objevili v hlubokém údolí vedle jezera vroucí lávy."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Kvůli vysoké teplotě prostředí přestaly fungovat tryskové motory, tedy nemůžete létat. Dnes Vás čeká dlouhá cesta, takže byste své roboty měli vybavit <a object|atomic>jadernými bateriemi</a>. Jaderné baterie se vyrábí z <a object|uranore>uranové rudy</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr "V příloze této zprávy je efektivnější program pro sběr surovin."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr "Varování: Výbušnina je extrémně nestabilní. Zacházejte s ní velmi opatrně."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Tyto instrukce si můžete kdykoliv znovu přečíst na svém osobním SatKomu <button 63/> klávesou <format key><key help/></format>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Užitečné odkazy"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a> a <a cbot>jazyk CBOT</a>"
@@ -194,3 +194,9 @@ msgstr "Na výpravu byste dále měli poslat i pojízdné rameno. Uvolněte s n
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/de.po
index 8a2836b08..ad53d03b2 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/de.po
@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr "Sie sollen einen <a object|tnt>Sprengstoffkörper</a>, der in einem tiefen Tal in der Nähe eines brodelnden Lavasees geortet wurde, holen."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Wegen den hohen Temperaturen funktionieren die Triebwerke nicht mehr; deswegen ist Fliegen unmöglich. Es ist ein langer Weg dort hin und Sie sollten Ihre Roboter mit <a object|fuelcell>katalytischen Brennstoffzellen</a> ausstatten. Brennstoffzellen werden aus <a object|platore>Platinerz</a> hergestellt."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr "Ein effizienteres Programm zum Sammeln von Rohmaterial wurde mit dieser Nachricht mitgeschickt."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr "Ein Hinweis zur Warnung: der Sprengstoffkörper ist extrem instabil. Seien Sie sehr vorsichtig."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Mit <format key><key help/></format> können Sie diese Anweisungen zu jeder Zeit noch einmal auf Ihrem SatCom <button 63/> einsehen."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Siehe auch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a> und die <a cbot>CBOT-Sprache</a>"
@@ -193,3 +193,9 @@ msgstr "Ein Radtransporter sollte zu Ihrer Ausrüstung gehören. Er wird sowohl
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/fr.po
index a29259846..ce3029f5d 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/fr.po
@@ -42,37 +42,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr "Ramener une <a object|tnt>caisse d'explosifs</a> que le satellite d'observation a localisée au fond d'une vallée encaissée."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr "En raison de la température élevée, les réacteurs ne fonctionnent pas et le vol est impossible. Comme le chemin est long, vous devez équiper les robots de <a object|atomic>piles atomique</a> (recherche à faire) construites à base de <a object|uranore>minerai d'uranium</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr "Nous vous avons envoyé un programme <code>ApporteTitane</code> plus performant (voir la page programme)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr "Attention: La caisse d'explosifs est très fragile. Vous devez vous en approcher avec la plus grande prudence. Au moindre choc, elle explose."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permet de revoir ces instructions sur votre SatCom."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Voir aussi"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
@@ -194,3 +194,9 @@ msgstr "Un <a object|botgr>robot préhenseur</a> équipé d'une pile atomique de
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/pl.po
index 4e72773aa..0e510962a 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/pl.po
@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr "Twoim zadaniem jest odzyskanie <a object|tnt>ładunku wybuchowego</a>, znajdującego się w głębokiej dolinie, w pobliżu jeziora wrzącej lawy."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Z powodu wysokiej temperatury, reaktory przestały działać, wobec czego nie jest możliwe latanie. Masz przed sobą długą drogę, dlatego roboty należy tym razem zaopatrzyć w <a object|atomic>atomowe ogniwa elektryczne</a>. Atomowe ogniwa elektryczne wytwarzane są z <a object|uranore>rudy uranu</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr "Do tej wiadomości został dołączony nieco skuteczniejszy program do zbierania surowców."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: ładunek wybuchowy jest niezwykle czuły. Zachowaj ostrożność."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Naciśnięcie klawisza <format key><key help/></format> pozwala ponownie przejrzeć te instrukcje na Twoim osobistym komunikatorze SatCom <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Zobacz również"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a> i <a cbot>Język CBOT</a>"
@@ -193,3 +193,9 @@ msgstr "Transporter na kołach powinien być częścią ekspedycji. Oczyści on
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/pt.po
index 404f9fe5c..73da07a18 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/pt.po
@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr "Você precisa recuperar um <a object|tnt>dispositivo explosivo</a> que foi visto em um vale profundo próximo a um lago de lava fervente."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Por causa das altas temperaturas, os reatores não funcionam mais, ou seja, voar é impossível. É um longo caminho até lá e você deve equipar seus robôs com <a object|atomic>células de energia nuclear</a>. Células de energia nuclear são fabricadas a partir de <a object|uranore>minério de urânio</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr "Um programa mais eficiente para a coleta de matérias-primas está anexado a esta mensagem."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr "Uma nota de aviso: o dispositivo explosivo é extremamente volátil. Use extrema cautela."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permite-lhe rever estas instruções a qualquer momento no seu SatCom pessoal <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Veja também"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a> e <a cbot>Linguagem CBOT</a>"
@@ -193,3 +193,9 @@ msgstr "Um agarrador com rodas deve fazer parte da expedição. Ele irá limpar
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/ru.po
index d2401b14a..4eac3c91e 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/ru.po
@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr "Вы должны взять <a object|tnt>взрывное устройство</a>, обнаруженное в глубокой долине сразу за озером кипящей лавы."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Из-за высокой температуры реакторы больше не работают, то есть лететь вы не сможете. Дорога туда далекая, поэтому вы должны оснастить своих ботов <a object|atomic>атомными энергетическими батарейками</a>. Атомные энергетические батарейки изготавливаются из <a object|uranore>урановой руды</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr "Вместе с этим сообщением вы получаете более эффективную программу сбора сырья."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr "Внимание: взрывное устройство очень неустойчиво. Будьте предельно внимательны."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> позволяет вам просмотреть эти инструкции в любое время с помощью вашего личного Саткома <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "См. также"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a> и <a cbot>Язык CBOT</a>"
@@ -193,3 +193,9 @@ msgstr "Колесный сборщик должен стать частью э
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/scene601.pot b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/scene601.pot
index 5eb04c20f..12fcb83c0 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/scene601.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level001/po/scene601.pot
@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14 ../help/soluce.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -182,3 +182,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/help/help.E.txt
index a83bb1434..3aeecc535 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/help/help.E.txt
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ This new weapon appears to be yet another practical application of what we've co
 It will most certainly come in handy as you make your way back to your \l;spaceship\u object\base;.
+To complete this mission, return to your spaceship and make sure the orga shooter is with you too.
 \key;\key help;\norm; allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom \button 63;.
 \t;See also
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/cs.po
index 7ac118bb3..9b6fc8c1e 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/cs.po
@@ -54,19 +54,19 @@ msgid "It will most certainly come in handy as you make your way back to your <a
 msgstr "Určitě se Vám bude hodit při cestě zpět k <a object|base>raketě</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Tyto instrukce si můžete kdykoliv znovu přečíst na svém osobním SatKomu <button 63/> klávesou <format key><key help/></format>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Užitečné odkazy"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a> a <a cbot>jazyk CBOT</a>"
@@ -178,3 +178,9 @@ msgstr "Až se dostanete na nějaký bezpečný ostrůvek, můžete si pomocí <
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "To complete this mission, return to your spaceship and make sure the orga shooter is with you too."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/de.po
index ab2abbd7b..67fb19edd 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/de.po
@@ -53,19 +53,19 @@ msgid "It will most certainly come in handy as you make your way back to your <a
 msgstr "Er wird höchstwahrscheinlich nützlich sein, wenn Sie zu Ihrem <a object|base>Raumschiff</a> zurückkehren."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Mit <format key><key help/></format> können Sie diese Anweisungen zu jeder Zeit noch einmal auf Ihrem SatCom <button 63/> einsehen."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Siehe auch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a> und die <a cbot>CBOT-Sprache</a>"
@@ -177,3 +177,9 @@ msgstr "Wenn Sie eine ruhige Insel erreicht haben, können Sie den <a object|bot
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "To complete this mission, return to your spaceship and make sure the orga shooter is with you too."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/fr.po
index a0dbd0e35..cb45012b1 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/fr.po
@@ -54,19 +54,19 @@ msgid "It will most certainly come in handy as you make your way back to your <a
 msgstr "Il va peut-être se révéler utile pour couvrir votre retour sur le <a object|base>vaisseau</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permet de revoir ces instructions en tout temps!"
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Voir aussi"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
@@ -178,3 +178,9 @@ msgstr "Dès que vous avez atteint un piton rocheux tranquille, vous pouvez util
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "To complete this mission, return to your spaceship and make sure the orga shooter is with you too."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/pl.po
index 7f7e9c27b..4e78d56b2 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/pl.po
@@ -53,19 +53,19 @@ msgid "It will most certainly come in handy as you make your way back to your <a
 msgstr "Na pewno będzie ono pomocne podczas Twojego powrotu na <a object|base>statek kosmiczny</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Naciśnięcie klawisza <format key><key help/></format> pozwala ponownie przejrzeć te instrukcje na Twoim osobistym komunikatorze SatCom <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Zobacz również"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a> i <a cbot>Język CBOT</a>"
@@ -177,3 +177,9 @@ msgstr "Po dotarciu do spokojnej wyspy, możesz użyć <a object|botoj>latające
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "To complete this mission, return to your spaceship and make sure the orga shooter is with you too."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/pt.po
index 7a42d8091..698d53d14 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/pt.po
@@ -53,19 +53,19 @@ msgid "It will most certainly come in handy as you make your way back to your <a
 msgstr "Ele certamente será útil quando você voltar para sua <a object|base>espaçonave</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permite-lhe rever estas instruções a qualquer momento no seu SatCom pessoal <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Veja também"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a> e <a cbot>Linguagem CBOT</a>"
@@ -177,3 +177,9 @@ msgstr "Assim que você chegar a uma ilha tranquila, você pode usar o <a object
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "To complete this mission, return to your spaceship and make sure the orga shooter is with you too."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/ru.po
index 60f8dd511..a39166e74 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/ru.po
@@ -53,19 +53,19 @@ msgid "It will most certainly come in handy as you make your way back to your <a
 msgstr "Он может вам пригодиться, когда вы будете пробираться к своему <a object|base>космическому кораблю</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> позволяет вам просмотреть эти инструкции в любое время с помощью вашего личного Саткома <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "См. также"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a> и <a cbot>Язык CBOT</a>"
@@ -177,3 +177,9 @@ msgstr "Как только вы доберетесь до спокойного
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "To complete this mission, return to your spaceship and make sure the orga shooter is with you too."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/scene605.pot b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/scene605.pot
index 8fa437a64..afbf2e7a1 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/scene605.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter006/level005/po/scene605.pot
@@ -53,19 +53,19 @@ msgid "It will most certainly come in handy as you make your way back to your <a
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12 ../help/soluce.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -165,3 +165,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "To complete this mission, return to your spaceship and make sure the orga shooter is with you too."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/help/help.E.txt
index 0bdecf076..b9609b388 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
 Find some more \l;organic matter\u object\bullet; and, given an appropriate research program performed by your \l;autolab\u object\labo;, \l;you\u object\human; should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself.
-Produce a \l;legged orga shooter\u object\botos; and bring it back aboard your \l;spaceship\u object\base;.
+Produce a \l;legged orga shooter\u object\botos;, bring it back aboard your \l;spaceship\u object\base; and take off.
 Please keep in mind that low energy resources are a major concern on this planet.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/cs.po
index c14653342..e22d67893 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/cs.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr "Najděte další vzorek <a object|bullet>organické hmoty</a> a proveďte nezbytný výzkum v <a object|labo>laboratoři</a>, abyste mohli vyrábět nové biokanóny."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr "Vyrobte <a object|botos>chodící biokanón</a> a naložte ho do <a object|base>rakety</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -212,3 +206,9 @@ msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You'll find some useful items in a small valley northeast."
 msgstr "V malém údolí na severovýchodě najdete několik užitečných věcí."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr "Vyrobte <a object|botos>chodící biokanón</a> a naložte ho do <a object|base>rakety</a>."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/de.po
index a6c983113..9683a4de1 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/de.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr "Finden Sie etwas <a object|bullet>Orgastoff</a> und starten Sie das entsprechende Forschungsprogramm in Ihrem <a object|labo>Autolab</a> damit <a object|human>Sie</a> in der Lage sind, Orgashooter herzustellen."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr "Produzieren Sie einen <a object|botos>Krabbelorgashooter</a> und bringen Sie ihn auf Ihr <a object|base>Raumschiff</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -146,12 +140,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Walkthrough"
 msgstr "Schritt für Schritt"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "You'll find some useful items in a small valley northeast."
-msgstr "Sie werden einige nützliche Dinge in einem kleinen Tal im Nordosten finden."
 #. type: Bullet: 'o'
 #: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
 #, no-wrap
@@ -211,3 +199,15 @@ msgstr "Bauen Sie einen <a object|botos>Krabbelorgashooter</a>, schaffen Sie ihn
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "You'll find some useful items in a small valley northeast."
+msgstr "Sie werden einige nützliche Dinge in einem kleinen Tal im Nordosten finden."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr "Produzieren Sie einen <a object|botos>Krabbelorgashooter</a> und bringen Sie ihn auf Ihr <a object|base>Raumschiff</a>."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/fr.po
index f3d1b4c11..ea9a382e6 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/fr.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr "Retrouvez de la <a object|bullet>matière organique</a> pour faire dans votre <a object|labo>laboratoire</a> les recherches nécessaires à la construction des canons organiques, et ainsi pouvoir construire des tireurs organiques."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr "Construisez ensuite un <a object|botos>tireur organique à pattes</a> et amenez-le sur le <a object|base>vaisseau</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -147,12 +141,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Walkthrough"
 msgstr "Solution"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "You'll find some useful items in a small valley northeast."
-msgstr "Dans un creux au nord-est se trouvent plusieurs objets précieux au milieu de ruines:"
 #. type: Bullet: 'o'
 #: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
 #, no-wrap
@@ -212,3 +200,15 @@ msgstr "Lorsque la <a object|bullet>matière organique</a> a été analysée, co
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "You'll find some useful items in a small valley northeast."
+msgstr "Dans un creux au nord-est se trouvent plusieurs objets précieux au milieu de ruines:"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr "Construisez ensuite un <a object|botos>tireur organique à pattes</a> et amenez-le sur le <a object|base>vaisseau</a>."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/pl.po
index c24f1ee30..a74a87f50 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/pl.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr "Znajdź nieco <a object|bullet>materii organicznej</a> i po wykonaniu odpowiedniego programu badawczego w <a object|labo>laboratorium</a>, powinno <a object|human>Ci</a> się udać samodzielnie zbudować działo organiczne."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|botos>działo organiczne na nogach</a> i dostarcz je na <a object|base>statek kosmiczny</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -146,12 +140,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Walkthrough"
 msgstr "Rozwiązanie"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "You'll find some useful items in a small valley northeast."
-msgstr "W małej dolinie na północnym wschodzie znajdziesz kilka przydatnych przedmiotów:"
 #. type: Bullet: 'o'
 #: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
 #, no-wrap
@@ -211,3 +199,15 @@ msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|botos>działo organiczne na nogach</a>, dostarcz je na
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "You'll find some useful items in a small valley northeast."
+msgstr "W małej dolinie na północnym wschodzie znajdziesz kilka przydatnych przedmiotów:"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|botos>działo organiczne na nogach</a> i dostarcz je na <a object|base>statek kosmiczny</a>."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/pt.po
index d57311e50..508edbc43 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/pt.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr "Encontre um pouco mais de <a object|bullet>matéria orgânica</a> e, dado um programa de pesquisa apropriado realizado pelo seu <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>você</a> deve ser capaz de fabricar atiradores orgânicos sozinho."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr "Produza um <a object|botos>atirador orgânico com pernas</a> e traga-o de volta a bordo de sua <a object|base>espaçonave</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -146,12 +140,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Walkthrough"
 msgstr "Passo a passo"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "You'll find some useful items in a small valley northeast."
-msgstr "Você encontrará alguns itens úteis em um pequeno vale a nordeste."
 #. type: Bullet: 'o'
 #: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
 #, no-wrap
@@ -211,3 +199,15 @@ msgstr "Construa um <a object|botos>atirador orgânico com pernas</a>, traga-o a
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "You'll find some useful items in a small valley northeast."
+msgstr "Você encontrará alguns itens úteis em um pequeno vale a nordeste."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr "Produza um <a object|botos>atirador orgânico com pernas</a> e traga-o de volta a bordo de sua <a object|base>espaçonave</a>."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/ru.po
index 856b65337..a73ce6d08 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/ru.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Из Центра управления миссии"
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr "Отыщите еще немного <a object|bullet>органической материи</a> и, получив в свое распоряжение соответствующую исследовательскую программу, проводимую вашей <a object|labo>автолаб</a>, <a object|human>вы</a> должны начать производство орга-стрелков."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr "Изготовьте <a object|botos>шагающего орга-стрелка</a> и доставьте его на свой <a object|base>корабль</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -146,12 +140,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Walkthrough"
 msgstr "Помощь"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "You'll find some useful items in a small valley northeast."
-msgstr "В небольшой долине на северо-востоке отсюда вы найдете несколько полезных предметов."
 #. type: Bullet: 'o'
 #: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
 #, no-wrap
@@ -211,3 +199,15 @@ msgstr "Создайте <a object|botos>шагающего орга стрел
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "You'll find some useful items in a small valley northeast."
+msgstr "В небольшой долине на северо-востоке отсюда вы найдете несколько полезных предметов."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr "Изготовьте <a object|botos>шагающего орга-стрелка</a> и доставьте его на свой <a object|base>корабль</a>."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/scene701.pot b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/scene701.pot
index a0fec86f4..6c08a9ddd 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/scene701.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level001/po/scene701.pot
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -200,3 +194,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You'll find some useful items in a small valley northeast."
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/help/help.E.txt
index 99de1d4f8..9994b3411 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
 It is time for \l;you\u object\human; to improve your shooting skills again. In the following drill, hit all the \l;explosive devices\u object\tnt; but watch out: your \l;orga shooter\u object\botoj; has very little power left in it, barely enough to complete the drill.
+Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off.
 \key;\key help;\norm; allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom \button 63;.
 \t;See also
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/cs.po
index c26775a47..9fb47c9af 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/cs.po
@@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr "Je na čase, abyste si opět procvičili střelbu. V následujícím cvičení zničte všechny <a object|tnt>bedny výbušnin</a>, ale miřte opravdu dobře: Váš <a object|botoj>biokanón</a> má poloprázdnou baterii, což na splnění úkolu stačí jen těsně."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Tyto instrukce si můžete kdykoliv znovu přečíst na svém osobním SatKomu <button 63/> klávesou <format key><key help/></format>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Užitečné odkazy"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a> a <a cbot>jazyk CBOT</a>"
@@ -128,3 +128,9 @@ msgstr "Dojeďte s <a object|botos>chodícím biokanónem</a> na každou značku
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/de.po
index ede15b5eb..ccaa03f0b 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/de.po
@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr "Es ist nun an der Zeit, <a object|human>Ihr</a> Geschick beim Schießen noch einmal zu verbessern. Treffen Sie in der folgenden Übung alle <a object|tnt>Sprengstoffkörper</a>, aber passen Sie auf, denn Ihr <a object|botos>Orgashooter</a> hat nur noch sehr wenig Energie übrig, sie reicht gerade noch um die Übung zu beenden."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Mit <format key><key help/></format> können Sie diese Anweisungen zu jeder Zeit noch einmal auf Ihrem SatCom <button 63/> einsehen."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Siehe auch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a> und die <a cbot>CBOT-Sprache</a>"
@@ -127,3 +127,9 @@ msgstr "Bewegen Sie den <a object|botos>Krabbelorgashooter</a> zu jeder der Flä
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/fr.po
index 2c064fca7..bcdf3e9ba 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/fr.po
@@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr "Il est grand temps d'améliorer vos performances aux commandes de robots équipés de canons. Dans cette mission d'entraînement, vous devez toucher toutes les cibles avec le peu d'énergie qui vous reste. Lorsque toutes les cibles sont détruites, vous pouvez décoller."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permet de revoir ces instructions sur votre SatCom."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Voir aussi"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
@@ -128,3 +128,9 @@ msgstr "Placez le <a object|botos>tireur organique à pattes</a> sur les platefo
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/pl.po
index 49bd2df8b..567479fcd 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/pl.po
@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr "Nadszedł czas na kolejne poprawienie <a object|human>Twoich</a> umiejętności strzeleckich. W tym ćwiczeniu należy zniszczyć wszystkie <a object|tnt>ładunki wybuchowe</a>, ale uwaga: <a object|botoj>działo organiczne</a> ma bardzo mało energii, zaledwie tyle, ile potrzeba na wykonanie tego ćwiczenia."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Naciśnięcie klawisza <format key><key help/></format> pozwala ponownie przejrzeć te instrukcje na Twoim osobistym komunikatorze SatCom <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Zobacz również"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a> i <a cbot>Język CBOT</a>"
@@ -127,3 +127,9 @@ msgstr "Podjedź <a object|botos>działem organicznym na nogach</a> do każdej z
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/pt.po
index fef705068..7b290a96d 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/pt.po
@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr "É hora de <a object|human>você</a> melhorar suas habilidades de tiro novamente. No exercício a seguir, acerte todos os <a object|tnt> dispositivos explosivos</a>, mas cuidado: o <a object|botoj>atirador orgânico</a> possui pouca energia, apenas o suficiente para completar o exercício."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permite-lhe rever estas instruções a qualquer momento no seu SatCom pessoal <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Veja também"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a> e <a cbot>Linguagem CBOT</a>"
@@ -127,3 +127,9 @@ msgstr "Dirija o <a object|botos>atirador orgânico com pernas</a> para cada um
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/ru.po
index 8cb38f3b7..32f2bdb34 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/ru.po
@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr "Пришло время для <a object|human>вас</a> еще раз потренироваться в стрельбе. На предстоящих учениях вы должны были попасть во все <a object|tnt>взрывоопасные устройства</a>, но будьте внимательны: у вашего <a object|botoj>орга-стрелка</a> осталось очень мало энергии, которой едва хватит, чтобы закончить учения."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> позволяет вам просмотреть эти инструкции в любое время с помощью вашего личного Саткома <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "См. также"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a> и <a cbot>Язык CBOT</a>"
@@ -127,3 +127,9 @@ msgstr "Подведите <a object|botos>шагающего орга стре
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/scene702.pot b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/scene702.pot
index 38efe5cbf..513587d03 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/scene702.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level002/po/scene702.pot
@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8 ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -119,3 +119,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/help/help.E.txt
index 48067c8f2..c472d2c8f 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Build a \l;radar\u object\radar; on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after \l;you\u object\human;'re gone.
+Build a \l;radar\u object\radar; on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after \l;you\u object\human;'re gone and take off.
 The destruction of a previous radar set up by the first expedition was probably the cause of a communication breakdown, which led to complete loss of contact.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/cs.po
index 06ae2bc05..ee3f83eca 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Najděte potřebné suroviny, abyste zlikvidovali veškerý život v obl
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr "Na jednom z nejvyšších přístupných míst postavte <a object|radar>radar</a> a postarejte se, aby ho po <a object|human>Vašem</a> odletu žádný organizmus nezničil."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -174,3 +168,9 @@ msgstr "Zlikvidujte veškerý hmyz v oblasti. Na severozápadě se jeden osaměl
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr "Na jednom z nejvyšších přístupných míst postavte <a object|radar>radar</a> a postarejte se, aby ho po <a object|human>Vašem</a> odletu žádný organizmus nezničil."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/de.po
index ca7e4f670..2d185227f 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Säubern Sie die Region von feindlichen Wesen."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr "Bauen Sie auf einer der höchsten erreichbaren Stellen ein <a object|radar>Radar</a> und stellen Sie sicher, dass es von keinem Feind zerstört werden kann wenn <a object|human>Sie</a> weg sind."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -173,3 +167,9 @@ msgstr "Löschen Sie nun alle Ameisen in der Gegend aus. Eine vereinzelte Ameise
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr "Bauen Sie auf einer der höchsten erreichbaren Stellen ein <a object|radar>Radar</a> und stellen Sie sicher, dass es von keinem Feind zerstört werden kann wenn <a object|human>Sie</a> weg sind."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/fr.po
index 8e00ba7da..585c5f942 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "A partir de trois fois rien, débrouillez-vous pour tuer tout ce qui bou
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr "Construisez une <a object|radar>station radar</a> sur un des haut-plateaux, et assurez-vous qu'aucun organisme hostile ne viendra la détruire après votre départ."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -173,3 +167,9 @@ msgstr "Eliminez toute présence hostile. La fourmi dans l'angle nord-ouest de l
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr "Construisez une <a object|radar>station radar</a> sur un des haut-plateaux, et assurez-vous qu'aucun organisme hostile ne viendra la détruire après votre départ."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/pl.po
index 8aa0ad4fb..ea1dbc979 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Znajdź zasoby niezbędne do wytępienia całego życia w regionie."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|radar>radar</a> na najwyższym wzniesieniu i upewnij się, że nie zostanie on zniszczony po opuszczeniu przez <a object|human>Ciebie</a> planety."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -173,3 +167,9 @@ msgstr "Pozbądź się wszystkich owadów w okolicy. Jedna z mrówek ukrywa się
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|radar>radar</a> na najwyższym wzniesieniu i upewnij się, że nie zostanie on zniszczony po opuszczeniu przez <a object|human>Ciebie</a> planety."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/pt.po
index 12981f67e..4d4e5721b 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Encontre os recursos que você precisa para erradicar toda a vida na reg
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr "Construa um <a object|radar>radar</a> em um dos pontos mais altos acessíveis e certifique-se de que nenhum organismo possa destruí-lo depois que <a object|human>você </a> for embora."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -173,3 +167,9 @@ msgstr "Limpe todos os insetos da região. Há uma formiga isolada a noroeste es
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr "Construa um <a object|radar>radar</a> em um dos pontos mais altos acessíveis e certifique-se de que nenhum organismo possa destruí-lo depois que <a object|human>você </a> for embora."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/ru.po
index 78ada3c71..2b67c6acf 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Найдите ресурсы, необходимые вам для ун
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из Центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr "Постройте <a object|radar>радар</a> на одной из самых высоких доступных точек и проследите за тем, чтобы никакому организму не удалось уничтожить ее после того, как <a object|human>вы</a> уйдете."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -173,3 +167,9 @@ msgstr "Уничтожьте всех насекомых, которых вы в
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr "Постройте <a object|radar>радар</a> на одной из самых высоких доступных точек и проследите за тем, чтобы никакому организму не удалось уничтожить ее после того, как <a object|human>вы</a> уйдете."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/scene703.pot b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/scene703.pot
index 2be13f10e..1697f4166 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/scene703.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter007/level003/po/scene703.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -160,3 +154,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/help/help.E.txt
index 7154f14a7..85852b472 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
 It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. 
-Build a radar to relay future transmissions.
+Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off.
 Also... we're very sorry to inform you that you may need to exterminate all hostile organisms.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/cs.po
index ffe4ca58e..3dc3d490f 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/cs.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr "Je celkem jasné, že tato planeta lidstvu neposkytne útočiště. "
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr "Postavte radar pro budoucí přenos komunikace."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -224,3 +218,9 @@ msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "All subsequent buildings should be erected within the <range> <button 41/> covered by the power captor."
 msgstr "Všechny další budovy byste měli stavět uvnitř oblasti <button 41/> chráněné hromosvodem."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr "Postavte radar pro budoucí přenos komunikace."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/de.po
index 3dcc32bee..21d3c1d32 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/de.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr "Es sieht sehr danach aus, als wäre dieser Planet kein passender Zufluchtsort für die Menschheit."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr "Bauen Sie ein Radar für zukunftige Übertragungen."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -158,12 +152,6 @@ msgstr "Schritt für Schritt"
 msgid "Quickly build a <a object|captor>power captor</a> near the blue flag."
 msgstr "Bauen Sie schnell einen <a object|captor>Blitzableiter</a> neben der blauen Markierung."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "All subsequent buildings should be erected within the <range> <button 41/> covered by the power captor."
-msgstr "Alle folgenden Gebäude sollten innerhalb der <Reichweite> <button 41/> des Blitzableiters errichtet werden."
 #. type: Bullet: '2)'
 #: ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -223,3 +211,15 @@ msgstr "10) Kehren Sie zum  <a object|base>Raumschiff</a> zurück und heben Sie
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "All subsequent buildings should be erected within the <range> <button 41/> covered by the power captor."
+msgstr "Alle folgenden Gebäude sollten innerhalb der <Reichweite> <button 41/> des Blitzableiters errichtet werden."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr "Bauen Sie ein Radar für zukunftige Übertragungen."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/fr.po
index a74a62f15..12d1b4396 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/fr.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr "Il est évident que cette planète ne pourra jamais servir de refuge à l'humanité. Cette région servira cependant de poste de ravitaillement pour la migration depuis la terre vers la nouvelle planète."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr "Eliminez donc toute présence hostile de la région (le Congrès n'en apprendra rien)."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -159,12 +153,6 @@ msgstr "Solution"
 msgid "Quickly build a <a object|captor>power captor</a> near the blue flag."
 msgstr "Construisez un <a object|captor>paratonnerre</a> près du drapeau bleu, le plus vite possible. Il vous protège de la foudre."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "All subsequent buildings should be erected within the <range> <button 41/> covered by the power captor."
-msgstr "Le bouton <rayon d'action> <button 41/> montre la zone circulaire à l'intérieur de laquelle vous êtes protégé. Tous les bâtiments suivants doivent être construits dans ce périmètre sécurisé."
 #. type: Bullet: '2)'
 #: ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -224,3 +212,15 @@ msgstr "10) Retournez sur le <a object|base>vaisseau</a> et décollez."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "All subsequent buildings should be erected within the <range> <button 41/> covered by the power captor."
+msgstr "Le bouton <rayon d'action> <button 41/> montre la zone circulaire à l'intérieur de laquelle vous êtes protégé. Tous les bâtiments suivants doivent être construits dans ce périmètre sécurisé."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr "Eliminez donc toute présence hostile de la région (le Congrès n'en apprendra rien)."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/pl.po
index 3a33de712..1f447cb9f 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/pl.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr "Jest już chyba oczywiste, że planeta ta nie będzie rajem dla ludzkości. "
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr "Zbuduj radar, który będzie przekazywał przyszłe transmisje."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -158,12 +152,6 @@ msgstr "Rozwiązanie"
 msgid "Quickly build a <a object|captor>power captor</a> near the blue flag."
 msgstr "Szybko zbuduj <a object|captor>stację odgromnikową</a> w pobliżu niebieskiej flagi."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "All subsequent buildings should be erected within the <range> <button 41/> covered by the power captor."
-msgstr "Wszystkie pozostałe budynki powinny znaleźć się w jej <zasięgu> <button 41/>."
 #. type: Bullet: '2)'
 #: ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -223,3 +211,15 @@ msgstr "10) Wróć na <a object|base>statek kosmiczny</a> i odleć."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "All subsequent buildings should be erected within the <range> <button 41/> covered by the power captor."
+msgstr "Wszystkie pozostałe budynki powinny znaleźć się w jej <zasięgu> <button 41/>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr "Zbuduj radar, który będzie przekazywał przyszłe transmisje."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/pt.po
index 245481000..5ce390fbf 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/pt.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr "Parece óbvio que este planeta não será um refúgio para a humanidade."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr "Construa um radar para transmitir futuras transmissões."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -158,12 +152,6 @@ msgstr "Passo a passo"
 msgid "Quickly build a <a object|captor>power captor</a> near the blue flag."
 msgstr "Construa rapidamente um <a object|captor>captor de energia</a> perto da bandeira azul."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "All subsequent buildings should be erected within the <range> <button 41/> covered by the power captor."
-msgstr "Todos os edifícios subsequentes devem ser erguidos dentro do <alcance> <button 41/> coberto pelo captor de energia."
 #. type: Bullet: '2)'
 #: ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -223,3 +211,15 @@ msgstr "10) Volte para a sua <a object|base>espaçonave</a> e decole."
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "All subsequent buildings should be erected within the <range> <button 41/> covered by the power captor."
+msgstr "Todos os edifícios subsequentes devem ser erguidos dentro do <alcance> <button 41/> coberto pelo captor de energia."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr "Construa um radar para transmitir futuras transmissões."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/ru.po
index bcd93394b..ec94afcda 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/ru.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr "Похоже стало ясно, что эта планета не станет раем для человечества."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr "Постройте радар, чтобы быть в состоянии обмениваться информацией."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -158,12 +152,6 @@ msgstr "Помощь"
 msgid "Quickly build a <a object|captor>power captor</a> near the blue flag."
 msgstr "Быстро постройте <a object|captor>энергетическую ловушку</a> около синего флага."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "All subsequent buildings should be erected within the <range> <button 41/> covered by the power captor."
-msgstr "Все последующие здания должны быть построены в пределах <range> <button 41/> под прикрытием энергетической ловушки."
 #. type: Bullet: '2)'
 #: ../help/soluce.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -223,3 +211,15 @@ msgstr "10) Возвращайтесь на свой <a object|base>космич
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/soluce.E.txt:3
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "All subsequent buildings should be erected within the <range> <button 41/> covered by the power captor."
+msgstr "Все последующие здания должны быть построены в пределах <range> <button 41/> под прикрытием энергетической ловушки."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr "Постройте радар, чтобы быть в состоянии обмениваться информацией."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/scene801.pot b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/scene801.pot
index be0767c19..cc7ee02d5 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/scene801.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level001/po/scene801.pot
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -212,3 +206,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "All subsequent buildings should be erected within the <range> <button 41/> covered by the power captor."
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/help/help.E.txt b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/help/help.E.txt
index 7391a1fca..833ea877f 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Retrieve the black box.
+Retrieve the black box and take off.
 Electromagnetic lightning bolts appear to strike even more frequently now than they did previously. You need to protect your equipment.
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/cs.po b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/cs.po
index 9272cb4b5..1e71e3250 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Vyzvedněte černou skříňku a cestou své roboty chraňte před bouř
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr "Vyzvedněte černou skříňku."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -170,3 +164,9 @@ msgstr "Přivezte černou skříňku zpět na palubu <a object|base>rakety</a> a
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr "Vyzvedněte černou skříňku."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/de.po b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/de.po
index a5a7785a2..118dfa112 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Stellen Sie im Gewitter einen Flugschreiber sicher."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr "Holen Sie den Flugschreiber."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -169,3 +163,9 @@ msgstr "Bringen Sie den Flugschreiber an Bord des <a object|base>Raumschiffes</a
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr "Holen Sie den Flugschreiber."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/fr.po b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/fr.po
index 2c6e18f6e..900917b69 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Cherchez la boîte noire tout en restant à l'abri de la foudre."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr "Ramenez la boîte noire laissée par l'expédition précédente et décollez!"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -170,3 +164,9 @@ msgstr "Ramenez la <a object|bbox>boîte noire</a> sur votre <a object|base>vais
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr "Ramenez la boîte noire laissée par l'expédition précédente et décollez!"
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/pl.po b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/pl.po
index d4b9d4ff4..d1a803ff3 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Zdobądź czarną skrzynkę, chroniąc jednocześnie roboty przed wyład
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr "Odzyskaj czarną skrzynkę."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -169,3 +163,9 @@ msgstr "Dostarcz czarną skrzynkę na pokład <a object|base>statku kosmicznego<
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr "Odzyskaj czarną skrzynkę."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/pt.po b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/pt.po
index 886218efe..6674ee855 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Recupere a caixa preta enquanto protege seus robôs de tempestades elét
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr "Recupere a caixa preta."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -169,3 +163,9 @@ msgstr "Traga a caixa preta de volta a bordo de sua <a object|base>espaçonave</
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr "Recupere a caixa preta."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/ru.po b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/ru.po
index 54ffd5b4c..4aa3ffaac 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Найдите черный ящик когда будете защищ
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr "Найдите черный ящик."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -169,3 +163,9 @@ msgstr "Доставьте черный ящик на борт вашего <a o
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a>"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr "Найдите черный ящик."
diff --git a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/scene802.pot b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/scene802.pot
index 9f22318dd..7dae31bfe 100644
--- a/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/scene802.pot
+++ b/levels/missions/chapter008/level002/po/scene802.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -158,3 +152,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a>"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/help/help.E.txt
index f74fdd57f..32cb26229 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/help/help.E.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ We have transmitted to your \l;spaceship\u object\base; a program that might hel
 1) A new \l;research program\u object\research; is required for winged bots to be added to the list of bots that can be produced by the factory. This research program will also make the propulsion reactor in your personal survival kit operational.
 2) Produce a \l;winged grabber\u object\botgj; and collect the 4 chunks of \l;titanium ore\u object\titanore;.
-3) Take the \l;winged grabber\u object\botgj; and the \l;wheeled grabber\u object\botgr; along with you and take off. 
+3) Bring the \l;winged grabber\u object\botgj; and the \l;wheeled grabber\u object\botgr; back aboard your \l;spaceship\u object\base;.
 Be careful that your winged bot does not run out of power when you are far from base. If necessary, replace the \l;power cell\u object\power; before leaving the spaceship. You can either do this manually or you can execute the enclosed program provided by Houston \button 53;.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/cs.po
index 773c54557..ee05efe28 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/cs.po
@@ -71,12 +71,6 @@ msgstr "Abyste mohli v továrně vyrábět létající roboty, musíte nejprve s
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Vyrobte <a object|botgj>létající rameno</a> a nasbírejte 4 hroudy <a object|titanore>titanové rudy</a>."
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr "Nastupte spolu s <a object|botgj>létajícím ramenem</a> a <a object|botgr>pojízdným ramenem</a> do rakety a odleťte. "
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -170,3 +164,9 @@ msgstr "-> DOPLŇUJÍCÍ INFORMACE<c/>"
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "\\tab;Terrain in places too uneven for wheeled bots."
 msgstr "\\tab;Terén je pro roboty na kolečkách místy nesjízdný."
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr "Nastupte spolu s <a object|botgj>létajícím ramenem</a> a <a object|botgr>pojízdným ramenem</a> do rakety a odleťte. "
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/de.po
index 9a59b8b69..cdb865811 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/de.po
@@ -70,12 +70,6 @@ msgstr "Ein neues <a object|research>Forschungsprogramm</a> ist notwendig, um Je
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Stellen Sie einen <a object|botgj>Jettransporter</a> her und sammeln Sie 4 Einheiten <a object|titanore>Titanerz</a>."
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr "Nehmen Sie den <a object|botgj>Jettransporter</a> und den <a object|botgr>Radtransporter</a> mit auf das Raumschiff und starten Sie. "
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -169,3 +163,9 @@ msgstr "-> Zusätzliche Informationen<c/>"
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "\\tab;Terrain in places too uneven for wheeled bots."
 msgstr "\\tab;Das Gelände ist für Radroboter teilweise zu uneben."
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr "Nehmen Sie den <a object|botgj>Jettransporter</a> und den <a object|botgr>Radtransporter</a> mit auf das Raumschiff und starten Sie. "
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/fr.po
index 84dbdd23a..3d0c42ec3 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/fr.po
@@ -73,12 +73,6 @@ msgstr "Construisez un <a object|research>centre de recherches</a>. Effectuez la
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Construisez une <a object|factory>usine de robots</a>. Fabriquez un <a object|botgj>robot préhenseur volant</a>. Ramenez 4 unités de <a object|titanore>minerai de titane</a> sur votre <a object|base>vaisseau</a>."
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr "Embarquez le <a object|botgr>robot préhenseur à roues</a> et le <a object|botgj>robot préhenseur volant</a>, car ils seront peut-être utiles dans la mission suivante."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -174,3 +168,9 @@ msgid "\\tab;Terrain in places too uneven for wheeled bots."
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Relief:           par endroits trop accidenté\n"
 "\\tab;                  pour les robots à roues"
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr "Embarquez le <a object|botgr>robot préhenseur à roues</a> et le <a object|botgj>robot préhenseur volant</a>, car ils seront peut-être utiles dans la mission suivante."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/pl.po
index abaf73e05..f1a21c67c 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/pl.po
@@ -70,12 +70,6 @@ msgstr "Aby dodać transportery latające do listy robotów, które mogą być p
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|botgj>transporter latający</a> i zbierz 4 kawałki <a object|titanore>rudy tytanu</a>."
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr "Zabierz ze sobą <a object|botgj>transporter latający</a> oraz <a object|botgr>transporter na kołach</a> i odleć. "
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -169,3 +163,9 @@ msgstr "-> DODATKOWE INFORMACJE<c/>"
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "\\tab;Terrain in places too uneven for wheeled bots."
 msgstr "\\tab;W niektórych miejscach teren jest zbyt nierówny dla robotów na kołach."
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr "Zabierz ze sobą <a object|botgj>transporter latający</a> oraz <a object|botgr>transporter na kołach</a> i odleć. "
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/plus201.pot b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/plus201.pot
index a845e86f0..30d43b1b7 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/plus201.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/plus201.pot
@@ -70,12 +70,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -161,3 +155,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "\\tab;Terrain in places too uneven for wheeled bots."
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/pt.po
index 2b9e10fc4..646785ea3 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/pt.po
@@ -70,12 +70,6 @@ msgstr "Um novo <a object|research>programa de pesquisa</a> é necessário para
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Produza um <a object|botgj>agarrador alado</a> e colete os 4 pedaços de <a object|titanore>minério de titânio</a>."
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr "Pegue o <a object|botgj>agarrador alado</a> e o <a object|botgr>agarrador com rodas</ a> junto com você e decole."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -169,3 +163,9 @@ msgstr "-> INFORMAÇÃO ADICIONAL<c/>"
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "\\tab;Terrain in places too uneven for wheeled bots."
 msgstr "\\tab;Terreno em lugares muito desiguais para robôs com rodas."
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr "Pegue o <a object|botgj>agarrador alado</a> e o <a object|botgr>agarrador com rodas</ a> junto com você e decole."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/ru.po
index 5f5855074..78c845b01 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level001/po/ru.po
@@ -70,12 +70,6 @@ msgstr "Для того, чтобы добавить новых крылатых
 msgid "Produce a <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and collect the 4 chunks of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Постройте <a object|botgj>летающего сборщика</a> и соберите 4 куска <a object|titanore>титановой руды</a>."
-#. type: Bullet: '3)'
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Take the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> along with you and take off. "
-msgstr "Возьмите <a object|botgj>летающего сборщика</a> и <a object|botgr>колесного сборщика</a> с собой и взлетайте."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:13
 #, no-wrap
@@ -169,3 +163,9 @@ msgstr "-> ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ<c/>"
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "\\tab;Terrain in places too uneven for wheeled bots."
 msgstr "\\tab;Terrain in places too uneven for wheeled bots."
+#. type: Bullet: '3)'
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Bring the <a object|botgj>winged grabber</a> and the <a object|botgr>wheeled grabber</a> back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
+msgstr "Возьмите <a object|botgj>летающего сборщика</a> и <a object|botgr>колесного сборщика</a> с собой и взлетайте."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/help/help.E.txt
index 5d6cfbd9e..0f8d4b37f 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/help/help.E.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ Use these drills to your advantage. Your ability to survive future critical situ
 Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this without causing the engine to overheat. If this appears too difficult, just touch down and let the engine cool off.
+Fly back to the \l;spaceship\u object\base; when you are done.
 You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions.
 It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/cs.po
index 6d8dce213..ad5e6fdcf 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/cs.po
@@ -66,31 +66,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr "Co nejrychleji proleťte skrz všechny kontrolní body. Snažte se to stihnout dřív, než se Vám přehřeje tryskový motor. Pokud to nepůjde, prostě na chvíli přistaňte a nechte motor vychladnout."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr "Robota byste měli řídit pomocí šipek na klávesnici, ale jednu ruku nechte na myši. V tomto cvičení nemůžete myší nic ovládat, ale v pozdějších misích ji budete potřebovat."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr "Pokud chcete své reflexy dále zlepšovat, mohli byste si tato cvičení čas od času zopakovat."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Tyto instrukce si můžete kdykoliv znovu přečíst na svém osobním SatKomu <button 63/> klávesou <format key><key help/></format>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Užitečné odkazy"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a> a <a cbot>jazyk CBOT</a>"
@@ -146,3 +146,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Zdroj energie:     žádný\n"
 "\\tab;Titanová ruda:     žádná\n"
 "\\tab;Uranová ruda:      žádná"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/de.po
index 0b186548e..31593aa0c 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/de.po
@@ -65,31 +65,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr "Fliegen Sie so schnell wie möglich durch alle Ringe. Versuchen Sie, das zu absolvieren ohne dass der Antrieb überhitzt. Wenn es zu eng wird, landen Sie einfach und lassen den Antrieb abkühlen."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr "Benutzen Sie die Pfeiltasten, um den Roboter zu steuern, aber lassen Sie eine Hand auf der Maus. Die Maus ist in dieser Übung zwar überflüssig, wird aber in späteren Missionen lebenswichtig sein."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr "Es wäre ratsam, später noch einmal hierher zurückzukehren um die Übung zu wiederholen und Ihre Reflexe zu trainieren."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Mit <format key><key help/></format> können Sie diese Anweisungen zu jeder Zeit noch einmal auf Ihrem SatCom <button 63/> einsehen."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Siehe auch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a> und die <a cbot>CBOT-Sprache</a>"
@@ -145,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Energiefelder:  nicht vorhanden\n"
 "\\tab;Titanerz:       nicht vorhanden\n"
 "\\tab;Platinerz:      nicht vorhanden"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/fr.po
index 47eb90955..87946878b 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/fr.po
@@ -66,31 +66,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr "Passez à travers toutes les cibles, le plus rapidement possible. Essayez de faire le tour sans que le moteur surchauffe; si vous n'y arrivez pas, posez-vous entre deux cibles pour laisser refroidir le réacteur."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr "Prenez l'habitude de jouer avec la main gauche sur les touches flèches du clavier, et la main droite sur la souris. Vous devez diriger le robot et actionner les commandes monter et descendre uniquement avec la main gauche. La main droite n'est pas utile dans cet entraînement, mais elle deviendra indispensable dans des exercices ultérieurs!"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr "Il peut être utile de revenir à ces exercices de temps en temps, si vous souhaitez améliorer vos réflexes."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permet de revoir ces instructions sur votre SatCom."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Voir aussi"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
@@ -146,3 +146,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Energie:          aucune\n"
 "\\tab;Minerai de titane:aucun\n"
 "\\tab;Minerai d'uranium:aucun"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/pl.po
index 862b39c38..3f19dc7d0 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/pl.po
@@ -65,31 +65,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr "Przeleć przez wszystkie cele jak najszybciej. Postaraj się to zrobić bez przegrzania silnika. Jeśli to za trudne, po prostu wyląduj na chwilę aby ochłodzić silnik."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr "Do sterowania robotem używaj klawiszy strzałek na klawiaturze, ale jedną rękę trzymaj na myszy. Mysz nie jest potrzebna w tym ćwiczeniu ale będzie istotna w późniejszych misjach."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr "Może być przydatne powrócenie do tego ćwiczenia za jakiś czas, w celu poprawy refleksu."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Naciśnięcie klawisza <format key><key help/></format> pozwala ponownie przejrzeć te instrukcje na Twoim osobistym komunikatorze SatCom <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Zobacz również"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a> i <a cbot>Język CBOT</a>"
@@ -145,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Źródło energii:   brak\n"
 "\\tab;Ruda tytanu:      brak\n"
 "\\tab;Ruda uranu:       brak"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/plus202.pot b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/plus202.pot
index a0f1bfa03..5d5dfa684 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/plus202.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/plus202.pot
@@ -65,31 +65,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -137,3 +137,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;Titanium ore:     none\n"
 "\\tab;Uranium ore:      none"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/pt.po
index fd0dec3f0..3cbd14047 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/pt.po
@@ -65,31 +65,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr "Voe o mais rápido possível através de cada alvo. Tente realizar isso sem causar superaquecimento do motor. Se isso parecer muito difícil, basta pousar e deixar o motor esfriar."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr "Você deve usar as setas do teclado para pilotar o robô, mas mantenha uma mão no mouse. O mouse é inútil neste exercício, mas será essencial em missões posteriores."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr "Pode ser útil voltar a esses treinos de vez em quando se quiser melhorar ainda mais os seus reflexos."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permite-lhe rever estas instruções a qualquer momento no seu SatCom pessoal <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Veja também"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a> e <a cbot>Linguagem CBOT</a>"
@@ -145,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Fontes de energia:    nenhuma\n"
 "\\tab;Minério de titânio:     nenhum\n"
 "\\tab;Minério de urânio:      nenhum"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/ru.po
index 087991584..f9a92cebc 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter002/level002/po/ru.po
@@ -65,31 +65,31 @@ msgid "Fly as quickly as possible through each target. Try to accomplish this wi
 msgstr "Пролетите как можно быстрее через каждую из этих целей. Попробуйте выполнить это задание и не допустить перегрева двигателя. Если это покажется вам слишком сложным, приземлитесь и дайте возможность двигателю остыть."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "You should use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pilot the bot, but keep one hand on the mouse. The mouse is useless in this exercise, but will be essential in later missions."
 msgstr "Для пилотирования бота используйте клавиши со стрелками на вашей клавиатуре, но держите одну руку на мышке. Мышь в этом упражнении бесполезна, но она очень вам пригодится в последующих миссиях."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "It may be useful to come back to these drills once in a while if you wish to improve your reflexes further."
 msgstr "Если вы вдруг захотите продолжить развитие своих рефлексов, то можете возвратиться к этим упражнениям потом."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> позволяет вам просмотреть эти инструкции в любое время с помощью вашего личного Саткома <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:16
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:18
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "См. также"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:17
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:19
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a> и <a cbot>Язык CBOT</a>"
@@ -145,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Источники энергии:    нет\n"
 "\\tab;Титановая руда:     нет\n"
 "\\tab;Урановая руда:      нет"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a> when you are done."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/help/help.E.txt
index 02ae23488..0960c8bef 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Terminate all hostile life-form.
+Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.
 Perform the necessary \l;research program\u object\research; in order to develop an offensive weapon system.
 The satellite has detected an energy source, on a spot marked by the previous expedition with a blue flag (blue cross on the mini-map).
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/cs.po
index 12d1a3e7c..76bb4832b 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/cs.po
@@ -35,16 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Vyrobte útočný zbraňový systém a postavte se obřím mravencům."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
-"Zlikvidujte všechny nepřátelské organizmy.\n"
-"Spusťte nezbytný <a object|research>výzkumný program</a> pro vývoj útočného zbraňového systému."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -156,3 +146,13 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          obří mravenci\n"
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     není bezprostřední\n"
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          recyklovatelné vraky"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
+"Zlikvidujte všechny nepřátelské organizmy.\n"
+"Spusťte nezbytný <a object|research>výzkumný program</a> pro vývoj útočného zbraňového systému."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/de.po
index 412b84173..e2fd1f62b 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/de.po
@@ -34,16 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Entwickeln Sie geeignete Angriffswaffen, um zum Gegenangriff überzugehe
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
-"Eliminieren Sie alle feindlichen Lebensformen.\n"
-"Führen Sie das benötigte <a object|research>Forschungsprogramm</a> aus, um ein Offensivwaffensystem zu entwickeln."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -155,3 +145,13 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       Riesenameisen\n"
 "\\tab;  - Gefahr:     nicht unmittelbar\n"
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       wiederverwertbare Roboterwracks"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
+"Eliminieren Sie alle feindlichen Lebensformen.\n"
+"Führen Sie das benötigte <a object|research>Forschungsprogramm</a> aus, um ein Offensivwaffensystem zu entwickeln."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/fr.po
index bdf1390c7..80020b3f3 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/fr.po
@@ -35,16 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Développez un système d'armement offensif pour pouvoir faire face aux
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
-"Eliminez toute présence hostile.\n"
-"Faites les <a object|research>recherches</a> pour construire l'armement nécessaire."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -156,3 +146,13 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Détecté:          fourmis géantes\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       pas imminent\n"
 "\\tab;Détecté:          épaves utilisables"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
+"Eliminez toute présence hostile.\n"
+"Faites les <a object|research>recherches</a> pour construire l'armement nécessaire."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/pl.po
index 8be91913b..5b159cb80 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/pl.po
@@ -34,16 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Rozwiń systemy broni ofensywnej i zmierz się z olbrzymimi mrówkami."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
-"Wyeliminuj wszystkie wrogie formy życia.\n"
-"Przeprowadź niezbędne <a object|research>badania</a> w celu rozwinięcia systemu broni ofensywnej."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -155,3 +145,13 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          olbrzymie mrówki\n"
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   niebezpośrednie\n"
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          użyteczne pozostałości"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
+"Wyeliminuj wszystkie wrogie formy życia.\n"
+"Przeprowadź niezbędne <a object|research>badania</a> w celu rozwinięcia systemu broni ofensywnej."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/plus301.pot b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/plus301.pot
index 943c9f08e..3ecc72e97 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/plus301.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/plus301.pot
@@ -34,14 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -142,3 +134,11 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       not immediate\n"
 "\\tab;Detected:         reusable derelicts"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/pt.po
index 6e068313e..b3c69a74d 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/pt.po
@@ -34,16 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Desenvolva um sistema de armas ofensivo e enfrente as formigas gigantes.
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
-"Extermine todas as formas de vida hostis. \n"
-"Realize o <a object|research>programa de pesquisa</a> necessário para desenvolver um sistema de armas ofensivo."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -155,3 +145,13 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab; Detectado: formigas gigantes \n"
 "\\tab; - Perigo: não imediato \n"
 "\\tab; Detectado: abandonados reutilizáveis"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
+"Extermine todas as formas de vida hostis. \n"
+"Realize o <a object|research>programa de pesquisa</a> necessário para desenvolver um sistema de armas ofensivo."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/ru.po
index 868b650c9..20cbc2220 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level001/po/ru.po
@@ -34,16 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Разработайте атакующее оружие и нанеси
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"Terminate all hostile life-form.\n"
-"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
-msgstr ""
-"Уничтожьте все враждебные формы жизни.\n"
-"Начните необходимые <a object|research>исследовательские программы</a>, чтобы разработать наступательные системы оружия."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:5
 #, no-wrap
@@ -155,3 +145,13 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Замечено:         гигантские муравьи\n"
 "\\tab;  - Опасность:       непрямая\n"
 "\\tab;Замечено:         многочисленные руины"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Terminate all hostile life-forms and take off.\n"
+"Perform the necessary <a object|research>research program</a> in order to develop an offensive weapon system."
+msgstr ""
+"Уничтожьте все враждебные формы жизни.\n"
+"Начните необходимые <a object|research>исследовательские программы</a>, чтобы разработать наступательные системы оружия."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/help/help.E.txt
index 657e0da1d..a601c5898 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
 This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of \l;winged bots\u object\botfj;. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying.
-Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off.
+Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off.
 Use one hand on the keyboard to pilot the bot, and the other hand on the mouse to aim and to shoot (left button).
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/cs.po
index 6c685f916..2e4d8b072 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/cs.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr "Toto je další výcviková dráha přichystaná Vašimi předchůdci, tentokrát určená pro testování a nácvik bojových schopností <a object|botfj>létajících robotů</a>. Naučte se na ní pilotovat robota a střílet současně."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr "Co nejrychleji proleťte skrz všechny kontrolní body a zničte všech 10 cvičných cílů roztroušených podél trasy. Snažte se úkol splnit bez mezipřistání. Hlídejte si ale teplotu motoru: Když se začne přehřívat, prostě přistaňte a nechte ho vychladnout."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -128,3 +122,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Zdroj energie:     žádný\n"
 "\\tab;Titanová ruda:     žádná\n"
 "\\tab;Uranová ruda:      žádná"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr "Co nejrychleji proleťte skrz všechny kontrolní body a zničte všech 10 cvičných cílů roztroušených podél trasy. Snažte se úkol splnit bez mezipřistání. Hlídejte si ale teplotu motoru: Když se začne přehřívat, prostě přistaňte a nechte ho vychladnout."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/de.po
index ffc8b84e3..5a7686877 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/de.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr "Hier ist ein Trainingskurs der von Ihren Vorgängern gebaut wurde, um die Fähigkeiten von <a object|botfj>fliegenden Robotern</a> beim Schießen zu trainieren und zu testen. Benutzen Sie ihn, damit Sie lernen, gleichzeitig zu schießen und zu fliegen."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr "Fliegen Sie durch alle Ringe und schießen Sie die 10 Sprengkörper, die auf dem Weg verteilt sind, ab. Versuchen Sie, die Übung zu absolvieren ohne aufzusetzen. Achten Sie trotzdem auf Ihr Triebwerk: wenn es überhitzt dann landen Sie einfach und lassen es abkühlen."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -127,3 +121,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Energiefelder:  nicht vorhanden\n"
 "\\tab;Titanerz:       nicht vorhanden\n"
 "\\tab;Platinerz:      nicht vorhanden"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr "Fliegen Sie durch alle Ringe und schießen Sie die 10 Sprengkörper, die auf dem Weg verteilt sind, ab. Versuchen Sie, die Übung zu absolvieren ohne aufzusetzen. Achten Sie trotzdem auf Ihr Triebwerk: wenn es überhitzt dann landen Sie einfach und lassen es abkühlen."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/fr.po
index ae4d71115..9cb6f8576 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/fr.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr "L'expédition précédente a installé ce dispositif pour tester les programmes de tir des robots volants. Utilisez-les pour vous familiariser avec le tir en vol des <a object|botfj>robots tireur volants</a>. Vos performances lors de la dernière mission nous semblent insuffisantes."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr "Passez à travers toutes les cibles et tirez sur les 10 caisses le plus rapidement possible. Essayez de faire le tour sans que le moteur surchauffe; si vous n'y arrivez pas, posez-vous entre deux cibles pour laisser refroidir le réacteur."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -128,3 +122,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Energie:          aucune\n"
 "\\tab;Minerai de titane:aucun\n"
 "\\tab;Minerai d'uranium:aucun"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr "Passez à travers toutes les cibles et tirez sur les 10 caisses le plus rapidement possible. Essayez de faire le tour sans que le moteur surchauffe; si vous n'y arrivez pas, posez-vous entre deux cibles pour laisser refroidir le réacteur."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/pl.po
index 163240054..f7bbbeac4 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/pl.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr "Oto kolejny kurs szkoleniowy przygotowany przez Twoich poprzedników i przeznaczony tym razem do sprawdzenia możliwości strzeleckich <a object|botfj>robotów latających</a>. Dzięki niemu oswoisz się ze strzelaniem podczas latania."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr "Przeleć szybko przez wszystkie cele i zestrzel 10 ładunków wybuchowych rozrzuconych wzdłuż trasy lotu. Spróbuj wykonać to ćwiczenie bez lądowania. Uważaj jednak na reaktor: jeśli się przegrzeje, wystarczy wylądować i poczekać aż ostygnie."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -127,3 +121,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Źródło energii:   brak\n"
 "\\tab;Ruda tytanu:      brak\n"
 "\\tab;Ruda uranu:       brak"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr "Przeleć szybko przez wszystkie cele i zestrzel 10 ładunków wybuchowych rozrzuconych wzdłuż trasy lotu. Spróbuj wykonać to ćwiczenie bez lądowania. Uważaj jednak na reaktor: jeśli się przegrzeje, wystarczy wylądować i poczekać aż ostygnie."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/plus302.pot b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/plus302.pot
index d257fd659..34000411b 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/plus302.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/plus302.pot
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -119,3 +113,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;Titanium ore:     none\n"
 "\\tab;Uranium ore:      none"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/pt.po
index f76f921e8..c3faf93c8 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/pt.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr "Este é outro curso de formação criado pelos seus antecessores e destina-se a testar e treinar a capacidade de disparo de <a object|botfj>robôs alados</a>. Use-o para se familiarizar com as duas ações simultâneas de tiro ao voar."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr "Voe rapidamente por todos os alvos e atire nos 10 dispositivos explosivos espalhados pelo caminho. Tente completar o exercício sem tocar o chão. Observe seu reator: se ele superaquecer, basta pousar o robô e deixar esfriar."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -127,3 +121,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab; Fonte de energia: nenhuma \n"
 "\\tab; Minério de titânio: nenhum \n"
 "\\tab; Minério de urânio: nenhum"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr "Voe rapidamente por todos os alvos e atire nos 10 dispositivos explosivos espalhados pelo caminho. Tente completar o exercício sem tocar o chão. Observe seu reator: se ele superaquecer, basta pousar o robô e deixar esfriar."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/ru.po
index 5372d5dc1..8f99980cc 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level002/po/ru.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
 msgid "This is another training course set up by your predecessors and intended this time to test and train the firing capacity of <a object|botfj>winged bots</a>. Use it to familiarize yourself with the two simultaneous actions of shooting while flying."
 msgstr "Это еще один тренировочный курс, разработанный вашими предшественниками. Он предназначен для тестирования и тренировки стрельбы <a object|botfj>крылатых ботов</a>. Используйте его, чтобы ознакомиться с возможностью стрельбы во время полета."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
-msgstr "Быстро пролетите через все мишени и подорвите все 10 взрывных устройств, разбросанных по пути. Попытайтесь выполнить это задание не приземляясь. Наблюдайте за своим реактором: если он перегреется, просто посадите бота и позвольте ему остыть."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -127,3 +121,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Источники энергии:    нет\n"
 "\\tab;Титановая руда:     нет\n"
 "\\tab;Урановая руда:      нет"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Fly quickly through all targets and shoot all 10 explosive devices scattered along the way. Take off once you are done. Try to complete the drill without touching down. Watch your reactor though: if it overheats, just settle the bot and let it cool off."
+msgstr "Быстро пролетите через все мишени и подорвите все 10 взрывных устройств, разбросанных по пути. Попытайтесь выполнить это задание не приземляясь. Наблюдайте за своим реактором: если он перегреется, просто посадите бота и позвольте ему остыть."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/help/help.E.txt
index d8f30ee65..cbf9037a9 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Locate and retrieve another \l;black box\u object\bbox; from the previous expedition.
+Locate another \l;black box\u object\bbox; from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off.
 The observation satellite seems to have spotted it underwater. Water is harmless to you as long as you wear your helmet but keep in mind that you can't carry objects underwater. A \l;subber\u object\botsub; may come in handy.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/cs.po
index dd559acc2..b29c7de0d 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Prozkoumejte svět pod vodou a hledejte další černou skříňku."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr "Najděte a vyzvedněte další <a object|bbox>černou skříňku</a> po předchozí výpravě."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -136,3 +130,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;  - Vyžaduje:      konvertor\n"
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          roztroušené vraky\n"
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          černá skříňka (pod vodou)"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr "Najděte a vyzvedněte další <a object|bbox>černou skříňku</a> po předchozí výpravě."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/de.po
index ec9b3eaf0..df6c0fec0 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Erforschen Sie die Unterwasserwelt auf der Suche nach einem weiteren Flu
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr "Suchen und bergen Sie einen weiteren <a object|bbox>Flugschreiber</a> von der vorhergehenden Mission."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -135,3 +129,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;  - Benötigt:     Titankonverter\n"
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       vereinzelte Roboterwracks\n"
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       Flugschreiber (unter Wasser)"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr "Suchen und bergen Sie einen weiteren <a object|bbox>Flugschreiber</a> von der vorhergehenden Mission."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/fr.po
index c794a104f..ac3e65700 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Explorez les fonds marins à la recherche d'une boîte noire."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr "Retrouvez et ramenez la <a object|bbox>boîte noire</a> de l'expédition précédente."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -136,3 +130,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;  - Solution:     raffinerie (à construire)\n"
 "\\tab;Detected:         épaves éparses\n"
 "\\tab;Détecté:          boîte noire (sous l'eau)"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr "Retrouvez et ramenez la <a object|bbox>boîte noire</a> de l'expédition précédente."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/pl.po
index 553fa4014..99fc15b39 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Zbadaj podwodny świat szukając kolejnej czarnej skrzynki."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr "Znajdź i odzyskaj kolejną <a object|bbox>czarną skrzynkę</a> zostawioną przez poprzednią ekspedycję."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -135,3 +129,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;  - Wymagana:     huta\n"
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          rozproszone pozostałości\n"
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          czarną skrzynkę (pod wodą)"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr "Znajdź i odzyskaj kolejną <a object|bbox>czarną skrzynkę</a> zostawioną przez poprzednią ekspedycję."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/plus303.pot b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/plus303.pot
index e606d0faf..d4f8eedd3 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/plus303.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/plus303.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -123,3 +117,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;Detected:         scattered derelicts\n"
 "\\tab;Detected:         black box (underwater)"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/pt.po
index 9907bcca5..89210094e 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Explore o mundo subaquático procurando outra caixa preta."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr "Localize e recupere outra <a object|bbox>caixa preta</a> da expedição anterior."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -135,3 +129,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab; - Requer: conversor \n"
 "\\tab; Detectado: abandonados dispersos \n"
 "\\tab; Detectado: caixa preta (subaquática)"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr "Localize e recupere outra <a object|bbox>caixa preta</a> da expedição anterior."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/ru.po
index 24d9f7498..919747c21 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter003/level003/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Исследуйте подводные пространства в по
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Locate and retrieve another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition."
-msgstr "Найдите и возьмите еще один <a object|bbox>черный ящик</a>, оставленный предыдущей экспедицией."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -135,3 +129,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;  - Необходим:     преобразователь\n"
 "\\tab;Замечено:         разбросанные руины\n"
 "\\tab;Замечено:         черный ящик (под водой)"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Locate another <a object|bbox>black box</a> from the previous expedition, retrieve it and take off."
+msgstr "Найдите и возьмите еще один <a object|bbox>черный ящик</a>, оставленный предыдущей экспедицией."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/help/help.E.txt
index 6b4c840bd..74dd9d822 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Build a \l;radar\u object\radar; on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your \l;research center\u object\research; should be able to provide a solution.
+Build a \l;radar\u object\radar; on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your \l;research center\u object\research; should be able to provide a solution.
 It is possible that the organisms detected are in fact the \l;worms\u object\worm; alluded to by the first expedition. If this is indeed the case, don't be excessively alarmed: they seem fairly harmless to living organisms but could cause the programs of bots and buildings to malfunction through the emission of viruses.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/cs.po
index e82efd53d..8543e1673 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Nová hrozba pro všechny Vaše systémy."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr "Postavte <a object|radar>radar</a> na nejvyšším místě v oblasti. Postarejte se, aby radar mohl dál bezpečně fungovat i po Vašem odletu na další planety. <a object|research>Výzkumná stanice</a> by mohla poskytnout řešení."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -144,3 +138,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          neidentifikované organizmy\n"
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr "Postavte <a object|radar>radar</a> na nejvyšším místě v oblasti. Postarejte se, aby radar mohl dál bezpečně fungovat i po Vašem odletu na další planety. <a object|research>Výzkumná stanice</a> by mohla poskytnout řešení."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/de.po
index 72ea57090..7dcf8c542 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Viren bedrohen Ihre Systeme."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr "Bauen Sie ein <a object|radar>Radar</a> auf der höchsten Stelle in der Umgebung. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Radar nach Ihrem Abflug zu anderen Planeten weiterhin gesichert ist und arbeiten kann. Ihr <a object|research>Forschungszentrum</a> sollte in der Lage sein, eine passende Lösung zu finden."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -143,3 +137,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       unidentifizierte Lebewesen\n"
 "\\tab;  - Gefahr:     ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr "Bauen Sie ein <a object|radar>Radar</a> auf der höchsten Stelle in der Umgebung. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Radar nach Ihrem Abflug zu anderen Planeten weiterhin gesichert ist und arbeiten kann. Ihr <a object|research>Forschungszentrum</a> sollte in der Lage sein, eine passende Lösung zu finden."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/fr.po
index 52dab4836..2247e93df 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Construisez un radar qui fera office de station relais pour les communic
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Objectif transmis par Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr "Construisez un <a object|radar>radar</a> sur le sommet le plus haut. Assurez sa sécurité à l'aide d'une <a object|tower>tour de défense</a> (<a object|research>recherche</a> à faire)."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -147,3 +141,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;  - Solution:     tour de défense (recherche à faire)\n"
 "\\tab;Non détecté:      énergie en sous-sol\n"
 "\\tab;  - Conséquence:  station de recharge impossible"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr "Construisez un <a object|radar>radar</a> sur le sommet le plus haut. Assurez sa sécurité à l'aide d'une <a object|tower>tour de défense</a> (<a object|research>recherche</a> à faire)."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/pl.po
index 7c6f4177c..41b59ce41 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Nowy robal zagroził wszystkim systemom."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|radar>radar</a> na najwyższym punkcie w okolicy. Upewnij się, że działanie radaru nie będzie zagrożone nawet po Twoim opuszczeniu planety. <a object|research>Centrum badawcze</a> powinno pomóc w znalezieniu odpowiedniego rozwiązania."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -143,3 +137,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          niezidentyfikowane organizmy\n"
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|radar>radar</a> na najwyższym punkcie w okolicy. Upewnij się, że działanie radaru nie będzie zagrożone nawet po Twoim opuszczeniu planety. <a object|research>Centrum badawcze</a> powinno pomóc w znalezieniu odpowiedniego rozwiązania."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/plus401.pot b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/plus401.pot
index 39b2b60f4..9562d22f1 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/plus401.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/plus401.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -133,3 +127,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;Detected:         unidentified organisms\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       ?"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/pt.po
index 10e2d9883..7b3cac806 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Um novo inseto ameaça todos os seus sistemas."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr "Construa um <a object|radar>radar</a> no ponto mais alto da área. Certifique-se de que o radar funcionará com segurança, mesmo após sua partida para outros planetas. Seu <a object|research>centro de pesquisa</a> deve ser capaz de fornecer uma solução."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -143,3 +137,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab; Detectado: organismos não identificados \n"
 "\\tab; - Perigo: ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr "Construa um <a object|radar>radar</a> no ponto mais alto da área. Certifique-se de que o radar funcionará com segurança, mesmo após sua partida para outros planetas. Seu <a object|research>centro de pesquisa</a> deve ser capaz de fornecer uma solução."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/ru.po
index 2706f90f4..4a6b37df1 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level001/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Новые насекомые угрожают всем вашим си
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
-msgstr "Постройте <a object|radar>радар</a> в самой высокой точке этой местности. Убедитесь в том, что радар будет продолжать нормально работать даже после того, как вы отправитесь на другие планеты. Ваш <a object|research>иследовательский центр</a> должен быть в состоянии это обеспечить."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -143,3 +137,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Замечено:         неизвестные организмы\n"
 "\\tab;  - Опасность:       ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on the highest point in the area and take off. Make sure that the radar will work safely even after your departure to other planets. Your <a object|research>research center</a> should be able to provide a solution."
+msgstr "Постройте <a object|radar>радар</a> в самой высокой точке этой местности. Убедитесь в том, что радар будет продолжать нормально работать даже после того, как вы отправитесь на другие планеты. Ваш <a object|research>иследовательский центр</a> должен быть в состоянии это обеспечить."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/help/help.E.txt
index b0ceb0673..f829c0e1f 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (\l;defense tower\u object\tower; or \l;winged shooter\u object\botfj;) is up to you.
+Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (\l;defense tower\u object\tower; or \l;winged shooter\u object\botfj;) is up to you.
 The radar seems to be perfectly suited to the detection of worms. Keep in mind though that they only appear when they are on the surface.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/cs.po
index b6c2fcbc5..873e2df18 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Využijte zdroje planety k boji proti červům přenášejícím viry."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr "Vyčistěte oblast od všech nepřátelských organizmů. Jak toho dosáhnete (<a object|tower>obrannými věžemi</a> nebo <a object|botfj>létajícími kanóny</a>) je čistě na Vás."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -138,3 +132,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          červi\n"
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     žádné"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr "Vyčistěte oblast od všech nepřátelských organizmů. Jak toho dosáhnete (<a object|tower>obrannými věžemi</a> nebo <a object|botfj>létajícími kanóny</a>) je čistě na Vás."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/de.po
index 7be1002dc..5eb255878 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Benutzen Sie die Rohstoffe des Planeten um die virenverbreitenden Würme
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr "Säubern Sie die Umgebung von allen feindseligen Lebensformen. Wie Sie das erledigen, (<a object|tower>Geschützturm</a> oder <a object|botfj>Jetshooter</a>) liegt bei Ihnen."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -137,3 +131,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       Würmer\n"
 "\\tab;  - Gefahr:     nein"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr "Säubern Sie die Umgebung von allen feindseligen Lebensformen. Wie Sie das erledigen, (<a object|tower>Geschützturm</a> oder <a object|botfj>Jetshooter</a>) liegt bei Ihnen."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/fr.po
index 807a0814f..54df9106c 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Eliminez tous les vers de la région."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr "Eliminez toute présence nuisible de la région. A vous de trouver le moyen le plus efficace (<a object|tower>tour de défense</a> ou <a object|botfj>robot tireur</a>)."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -138,3 +132,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Détecté:          vers\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       non"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr "Eliminez toute présence nuisible de la région. A vous de trouver le moyen le plus efficace (<a object|tower>tour de défense</a> ou <a object|botfj>robot tireur</a>)."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/pl.po
index fffbf6d3f..e7972ee76 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Użyj zasobów planety do walki z robalem roznoszącym wirusy."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr "Oczyść teren ze wszystkich wrogich organizmów. Sposób wykonania zadania (<a object|tower>wieża obronna</a> lub <a object|botfj>działo latające</a>) zależy od Ciebie."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -137,3 +131,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          robale\n"
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   nie"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr "Oczyść teren ze wszystkich wrogich organizmów. Sposób wykonania zadania (<a object|tower>wieża obronna</a> lub <a object|botfj>działo latające</a>) zależy od Ciebie."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/plus402.pot b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/plus402.pot
index 357292031..38aced675 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/plus402.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/plus402.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -127,3 +121,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;Detected:         worms\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       no"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/pt.po
index 196191da6..14a116796 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Use os recursos do planeta para combater os vermes propagadores de víru
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr "Limpe a área de todos os organismos hostis. A maneira como você faz isso (<a object|tower>torre de defesa</a> ou <a object|botfj>atirador alado</a>) é com você."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -137,3 +131,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab; Detectado: vermes \n"
 "\\tab; - Perigo: não"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr "Limpe a área de todos os organismos hostis. A maneira como você faz isso (<a object|tower>torre de defesa</a> ou <a object|botfj>atirador alado</a>) é com você."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/ru.po
index dc2d98bf1..16a130766 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level002/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Используйте ресурсы планеты чтобы прот
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
-msgstr "Очистите зону от всех враждебных организмов. То, как вы это будете делать (<a object|tower>оборонная башня</a> или <a object|botfj>летающий стрелок</a>), зависит только от вас."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -137,3 +131,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Замечено:         черви\n"
 "\\tab;  - Опасность:       no"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Cleanse the area of all hostile organisms and take off. The way you accomplish this (<a object|tower>defense tower</a> or <a object|botfj>winged shooter</a>) is up to you."
+msgstr "Очистите зону от всех враждебных организмов. То, как вы это будете делать (<a object|tower>оборонная башня</a> или <a object|botfj>летающий стрелок</a>), зависит только от вас."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/help/help.E.txt
index 029ced15b..788619bf0 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/help/help.E.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ We have just received this warning from the observation satellite: a rogue bot f
 We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital importance that you retrieve your black box at once.
+One you have the black box, you can take off.
 \key;\key help;\norm; allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom \button 63;.
 \t;See also
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/cs.po
index 7b80dd37e..6df09087b 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/cs.po
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr "Tento incident budeme dále vyšetřovat, ale teď je naprosto nezbytné získat černou skříňku okamžitě zpět."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Tyto instrukce si můžete kdykoliv znovu přečíst na svém osobním SatKomu <button 63/> klávesou <format key><key help/></format>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Užitečné odkazy"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a> a <a cbot>jazyk CBOT</a>"
@@ -136,3 +136,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     není bezprostřední\n"
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          neznámé organizmy\n"
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/de.po
index d1c31c7d6..d7555c360 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/de.po
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr "Wir werden diesen Zwischenfall untersuchen, für Sie ist es jedenfalls lebenswichtig, dass Sie in der Zwischenzeit Ihren Flugschreiber wiederfinden."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Mit <format key><key help/></format> können Sie diese Anweisungen zu jeder Zeit noch einmal auf Ihrem SatCom <button 63/> einsehen."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Siehe auch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a> und die <a cbot>CBOT-Sprache</a>"
@@ -135,3 +135,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;  - Gefahr:     nicht unmittelbar\n"
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       unbekannte Lebensformen\n"
 "\\tab;  - Gefahr:     ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/fr.po
index 27191105c..7cb9bffbf 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/fr.po
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr "Ramenez-la à tout prix sur votre vaisseau. Nous allons investiguer sur les causes de cet incident qui peut mettre en danger votre mission."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permet de revoir ces instructions sur votre SatCom."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Voir aussi"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
@@ -136,3 +136,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Détecté:          fourmis géantes\n"
 "\\tab;                  organismes inconnus\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:      ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/pl.po
index e6bbdc845..c9c10551b 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/pl.po
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr "Zamierzamy później zbadać ten incydent, lecz teraz najważniejszą sprawą jest jak najszybsze odzyskanie czarnej skrzynki."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Naciśnięcie klawisza <format key><key help/></format> pozwala ponownie przejrzeć te instrukcje na Twoim osobistym komunikatorze SatCom <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Zobacz również"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a> i <a cbot>Język CBOT</a>"
@@ -135,3 +135,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   niebezpośrednie\n"
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          nieznane organizmy\n"
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/plus403.pot b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/plus403.pot
index 6676e0f79..bcd4f262f 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/plus403.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/plus403.pot
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -123,3 +123,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;Detected:         unknown organisms\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       ?"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/pt.po
index 793ab48e2..6e1d220f5 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/pt.po
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr "Vamos investigar esse incidente ainda mais, mas é de vital importância que você recupere sua caixa preta de uma só vez."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permite-lhe rever estas instruções a qualquer momento no seu SatCom pessoal <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Veja também"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a> e <a cbot>Linguagem CBOT</a>"
@@ -135,3 +135,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab; - Perigo: não imediato \n"
 "\\tab; Detectado: organismos desconhecidos \n"
 "\\tab; - Perigo: ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/ru.po
index 031f654b8..218a5f9c0 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter004/level003/po/ru.po
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgid "We are going to investigate this incident further but it is of vital impo
 msgstr "Мы собираемся тщательно расследовать обстоятельства этого происшествия, но для нас жизненно важно то, что вы должны вернуть этот черный ящик как можно быстрее."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> позволяет вам просмотреть эти инструкции в любое время с помощью вашего личного Саткома <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "См. также"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a> и <a cbot>Язык CBOT</a>"
@@ -135,3 +135,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;  - Опасность:       непрямая\n"
 "\\tab;Замечено:         неизвестные организмы\n"
 "\\tab;  - Опасность:       ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "One you have the black box, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/help/help.E.txt
index 065eb9313..e7dca6538 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-The observation satellite has detected a chunk of \l;uranium ore\u object\uranore; on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship.
+The observation satellite has detected a chunk of \l;uranium ore\u object\uranore; on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off.
 \key;\key help;\norm; allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom \button 63;.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/cs.po
index 076f77f9c..30ef0668c 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Pokus získat trochu uranové rudy."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr "Průzkumný satelit objevil na vrcholu nejvyšší hory hroudu <a object|uranore>uranové rudy</a>. Musíte ji naložit do rakety."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -128,3 +122,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          recyklovatelné vraky\n"
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          obří mravenci\n"
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     není bezprostřední"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr "Průzkumný satelit objevil na vrcholu nejvyšší hory hroudu <a object|uranore>uranové rudy</a>. Musíte ji naložit do rakety."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/de.po
index 8e796b4fc..2c5c25f9b 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Setzen Sie alles daran, auf diesem unwirtlichen Planeten etwas Platinerz
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr "Der Beobachtungssatellit hat eine Einheit <a object|platore>Platinerz</a> auf dem Gipfel des höchsten Berges entdeckt. Sie müssen es zum Raumschiff bringen."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -127,3 +121,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       wiederverwertbare Roboterwracks \n"
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       Riesenameisen\n"
 "\\tab;  - Gefahr:     nicht unmittelbar"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr "Der Beobachtungssatellit hat eine Einheit <a object|platore>Platinerz</a> auf dem Gipfel des höchsten Berges entdeckt. Sie müssen es zum Raumschiff bringen."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/fr.po
index 0e1e9070d..fbccd5bec 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "A la recherche de minerai d'uranium."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr "Ramener sur le <a object|base>vaisseau</a> du <a object|uranore>minerai d'uranium</a> détecté sur le sommet de la montagne par le satellite d'observation."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -128,3 +122,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Détecté:          fourmis géantes\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       oui, pas imminent\n"
 "\\tab;Détecté:          ruines utilisables"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr "Ramener sur le <a object|base>vaisseau</a> du <a object|uranore>minerai d'uranium</a> détecté sur le sommet de la montagne par le satellite d'observation."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/pl.po
index 2b283cd3a..ef6a31e9f 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Zdobądź próbkę rudy uranu."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr "Satelita obserwacyjny wykrył porcję <a object|uranore>rudy uranu</a> na szczycie głównego wzniesienia. Twoim zadaniem jest dostarczenie jej na statek kosmiczny."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -127,3 +121,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          użyteczne pozostałości \n"
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          olbrzymie mrówki\n"
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   niebezpośrednie"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr "Satelita obserwacyjny wykrył porcję <a object|uranore>rudy uranu</a> na szczycie głównego wzniesienia. Twoim zadaniem jest dostarczenie jej na statek kosmiczny."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/plus501.pot b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/plus501.pot
index 7ab22f18d..de8f3a107 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/plus501.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/plus501.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -116,3 +110,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;Detected:         giant ants\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       not immediate"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/pt.po
index 83f0c27e2..3ee86ede8 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Uma tentativa de recuperar algum minério de urânio."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr "O satélite de observação detectou um pedaço do minério de urânio no cume da montanha principal. Você precisa trazê-lo de volta para sua nave espacial."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -127,3 +121,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab; Detectado: abandonados reutilizáveis \n"
 "\\tab; Detectado: formigas gigantes \n"
 "\\tab; - Perigo: não imediato"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr "O satélite de observação detectou um pedaço do minério de urânio no cume da montanha principal. Você precisa trazê-lo de volta para sua nave espacial."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/ru.po
index c748bd517..9a6699715 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level001/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Попытка получить некоторое количество
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship."
-msgstr "Наблюдательный спутник на орбите обнаружил на вершине главной горы залежи <a object|uranore>урановой руды</a>. Вы должны доставить ее на ваш космический корабль."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -127,3 +121,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Замечено:         многочисленные руины\n"
 "\\tab;Замечено:         гигантские муравьи\n"
 "\\tab;  - Опасность:       непрямая"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "The observation satellite has detected a chunk of <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a> on the summit of the main mountain. You need to bring it back to your spaceship and take off."
+msgstr "Наблюдательный спутник на орбите обнаружил на вершине главной горы залежи <a object|uranore>урановой руды</a>. Вы должны доставить ее на ваш космический корабль."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/help/help.E.txt
index ae22711a0..950cfe048 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Eliminate all hostile presence from the region.
+Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off.
 Your current situation is of utmost concern to us. The satellite has detected an extremely strong enemy presence approaching your spaceship from all directions. Use your best judgment and the quickest, most efficient defense: either \l;towers\u object\tower; or \l;shooters\u object\botfr;.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/cs.po
index 1e8ddee45..b67f2e3b8 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Ubraňte se útoku obřích mravenců."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr "Zlikvidujte všechny nepřátelské organizmy v okolí."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -138,3 +132,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          blížící se obří mravenci\n"
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     ano, bezprostřední"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr "Zlikvidujte všechny nepřátelské organizmy v okolí."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/de.po
index a71afd508..c35fee9dc 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Je nach Region können die Riesenameisen mehr oder weniger aggressiv sei
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr "Vernichten Sie alle feindlichen Lebensformen in der Umgebung."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -137,3 +131,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       Riesenameisen kommen näher \n"
 "\\tab;  - Gefahr:     ja, unmittelbar"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr "Vernichten Sie alle feindlichen Lebensformen in der Umgebung."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/fr.po
index fdf7bbf2a..dbe89ceb2 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Résistez à une invasion de fourmis géantes."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr "Nettoyer la région de toute présence hostile."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -138,3 +132,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Détecté:          fourmis géantes à proximité\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       oui, imminent"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr "Nettoyer la région de toute présence hostile."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/pl.po
index 9f5973772..739986cb0 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Odeprzyj inwazję olbrzymich mrówek."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr "Wyeliminuj wszystkich wrogów obecnych w okolicy."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -137,3 +131,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          zbliżające się olbrzymie mrówki \n"
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   tak, bezpośrednie"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr "Wyeliminuj wszystkich wrogów obecnych w okolicy."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/plus502.pot b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/plus502.pot
index 43a4ecaf4..906bd4ebf 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/plus502.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/plus502.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -127,3 +121,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;Detected:         giant ants approaching \n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       yes, immediate"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/pt.po
index 05732ed59..178af57a2 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Segure-se contra uma invasão de formigas gigantes."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr "Elimine toda a presença hostil da região."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -137,3 +131,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab; Detectado: formigas gigantes se aproximando \n"
 "\\tab; - Perigo: sim, imediato"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr "Elimine toda a presença hostil da região."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/ru.po
index 0b77e31a3..b4871e10d 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level002/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Отбейте атаку гигантских муравьев."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region."
-msgstr "Уничтожьте в этом регионе все враждебно настроенные существа."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -137,3 +131,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Замечено:         приближающиеся гигантские муравьи\n"
 "\\tab;  - Опасность:       есть, прямая"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Eliminate all hostile presence from the region and take off."
+msgstr "Уничтожьте в этом регионе все враждебно настроенные существа."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/help/help.E.txt
index 2a6b8587c..3ffb68b26 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
 Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a \l;black box\u object\bbox; not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination.
-Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution.
+Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution.
 \key;\key help;\norm; allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom \button 63;.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/cs.po
index 69a117a61..72ce9b0e4 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/cs.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr "Váš satelit našel pozůstatky předchozí výpravy. V jejich blízkosti by se měla nacházet další <a object|bbox>černá skříňka</a>. Zjistíte z ní souřadnice další planety."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr "Zlikvidujte několik zbývajících mravenců. Dostali jsme zprávu, že je Vaše neutronová pistole momentálně nefunkční, takže nebudete moci vyrábět nové roboty. Věříme ale, že si díky svým dosavadním zkušenostem dokážete poradit a vymyslíte nějaké řešení."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -134,3 +128,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          recyklovatelné vraky\n"
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          obří mravenci\n"
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr "Zlikvidujte několik zbývajících mravenců. Dostali jsme zprávu, že je Vaše neutronová pistole momentálně nefunkční, takže nebudete moci vyrábět nové roboty. Věříme ale, že si díky svým dosavadním zkušenostem dokážete poradit a vymyslíte nějaké řešení."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/de.po
index 6c4f89e78..c7153005b 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/de.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr "Der Satellit hat die Überreste der letzten Expedition lokalisiert. Sie sollten nicht weit davon einen <a object|bbox>Flugschreiber</a> finden. Er wird Ihnen die Koordinaten für Ihr nächstes Ziel geben."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr "Vernichten Sie die restlichen Ameisen. Wir erhielten die Meldung, dass Ihre Neutronenkanone im Augenblick nicht funktioniert; deswegen sind Sie nicht in der Lage neue Roboter zu bauen. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Sie genug Ideen haben, um eine Lösung zu finden."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -133,3 +127,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       wiederverwertbare Roboterwracks \n"
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       Riesenameisen\n"
 "\\tab;  - Gefahr:     ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr "Vernichten Sie die restlichen Ameisen. Wir erhielten die Meldung, dass Ihre Neutronenkanone im Augenblick nicht funktioniert; deswegen sind Sie nicht in der Lage neue Roboter zu bauen. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Sie genug Ideen haben, um eine Lösung zu finden."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/fr.po
index b99bf3052..589238637 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/fr.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Instructions transmises par Houston"
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr "Le satellite a découvert les restes de l'expédition précédente. Vous devriez y trouver la <a object|bbox>boîte noire</a> qui vous donnera les coordonnées de la planète suivante."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr "Eliminez les quelques fourmis survivantes. Votre vaisseau nous a transmis que votre constructeur est en panne. Vous ne pourrez donc pas construire de nouveaux robots. Nous sommes pourtant convaincus que vous trouverez une solution ..."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -134,3 +128,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Détecté:          fourmis géantes\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       non\n"
 "\\tab;Détecté:          ruines utilisables"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr "Eliminez les quelques fourmis survivantes. Votre vaisseau nous a transmis que votre constructeur est en panne. Vous ne pourrez donc pas construire de nouveaux robots. Nous sommes pourtant convaincus que vous trouverez une solution ..."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/pl.po
index 7ef6bf76c..a482b9f23 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/pl.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr "Twój satelita zlokalizował pozostałości poprzedniej ekspedycji. W pobliżu powinna też być <a object|bbox>czarna skrzynka</a> ze współrzędnymi Twojego następnego celu."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr "Zlikwiduj kilka pozostałych mrówek. Zauważyliśmy, że Twoje działo neutronowe przestało działać, wobec czego nie będzie możliwa budowa nowych robotów. Jesteśmy jednak przekonani, że znajdziesz odpowiednie rozwiązanie wykorzystując jedynie posiadane przez Ciebie zasoby."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -133,3 +127,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          użyteczne pozostałości \n"
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          olbrzymie mrówki\n"
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr "Zlikwiduj kilka pozostałych mrówek. Zauważyliśmy, że Twoje działo neutronowe przestało działać, wobec czego nie będzie możliwa budowa nowych robotów. Jesteśmy jednak przekonani, że znajdziesz odpowiednie rozwiązanie wykorzystując jedynie posiadane przez Ciebie zasoby."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/plus503.pot b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/plus503.pot
index 2b82ca5d6..2a8706ff5 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/plus503.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/plus503.pot
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -122,3 +116,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;Detected:         giant ants\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       ?"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/pt.po
index ee0221212..f9f560fa8 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/pt.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr "Seu satélite localizou os restos da expedição anterior. Você deve encontrar uma <a object|bbox>caixa preta</a> não muito longe dali. Ele lhe dará as coordenadas do seu próximo destino."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr "Extermine as poucas formigas restantes. Fomos notificados de que sua arma de nêutrons está fora de ordem, então você não poderá construir novos robôs. Estamos convencidos de que você é engenhoso o suficiente para chegar a uma solução."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -133,3 +127,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab; Detectado: abandonados reutilizáveis \n"
 "\\tab; Detectado: formigas gigantes \n"
 "\\tab; - Perigo: ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr "Extermine as poucas formigas restantes. Fomos notificados de que sua arma de nêutrons está fora de ordem, então você não poderá construir novos robôs. Estamos convencidos de que você é engenhoso o suficiente para chegar a uma solução."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/ru.po
index 8ddea6dfa..def26d149 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter005/level003/po/ru.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
 msgid "Your satellite has located the remains of the previous expedition. You should come across a <a object|bbox>black box</a> not too far from there. It will give you the coordinates of your next destination."
 msgstr "Ваш спутник обнаружил остатки предыдущей экспедиции. Вы должны наткнуться на <a object|bbox>черный ящик</a>, который должен быть недалеко от этого места. Так вы узнаете координаты места, куда вы должны после этого отправиться."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
-msgstr "Уничтожьте несколько оставшихся муравьев. Мы заметили, что ваша нейтронная пушка в данный момент не работает, поэтому вы будете не в состоянии создавать новых ботов. Мы убеждены в том, что вы достаточно изобретательны и сможете найти выход из создавшегося положения."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -133,3 +127,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Замечено:         многочисленные руины\n"
 "\\tab;Замечено:         гигантские муравьи\n"
 "\\tab;  - Опасность:       ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Exterminate the few remaining ants, retrieve the black box and take off. We've been notified that your neutron gun is currently out of order so you will not be able to build new bots. We're convinced that you're resourceful enough at this point to come up with a solution."
+msgstr "Уничтожьте несколько оставшихся муравьев. Мы заметили, что ваша нейтронная пушка в данный момент не работает, поэтому вы будете не в состоянии создавать новых ботов. Мы убеждены в том, что вы достаточно изобретательны и сможете найти выход из создавшегося положения."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/help/help.E.txt
index 0344a8ab5..27f7c31e5 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
 You need to retrieve an \l;explosive device\u object\tnt; that has been spotted in a deep valley next to a lake of boiling lava.
+Once the device is on you ship, you can take off.
 Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with \l;nuclear power cells\u object\atomic;. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from \l;uranium ore\u object\uranore;.
 A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/cs.po
index 16067665c..1abb04588 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/cs.po
@@ -42,37 +42,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr "Musíte vyzvednout <a object|tnt>výbušninu</a>, kterou jsme objevili v hlubokém údolí vedle jezera vroucí lávy."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Kvůli vysoké teplotě prostředí přestaly fungovat tryskové motory, tedy nemůžete létat. Dnes Vás čeká dlouhá cesta, takže byste své roboty měli vybavit <a object|atomic>jadernými bateriemi</a>. Jaderné baterie se vyrábí z <a object|uranore>uranové rudy</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr "V příloze této zprávy je efektivnější program pro sběr surovin."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr "Varování: Výbušnina je extrémně nestabilní. Zacházejte s ní velmi opatrně."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Tyto instrukce si můžete kdykoliv znovu přečíst na svém osobním SatKomu <button 63/> klávesou <format key><key help/></format>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Užitečné odkazy"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a> a <a cbot>jazyk CBOT</a>"
@@ -146,3 +146,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          recyklovatelné vraky\n"
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          neznámé organizmy\n"
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/de.po
index 100306ed2..f049540fb 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/de.po
@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr "Sie sollen einen <a object|tnt>Sprengstoffkörper</a>, der in einem tiefen Tal in der Nähe eines brodelnden Lavasees geortet wurde, holen."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Wegen den hohen Temperaturen funktionieren die Triebwerke nicht mehr; deswegen ist Fliegen unmöglich. Es ist ein langer Weg dort hin und Sie sollten Ihre Roboter mit <a object|fuelcell>katalytischen Brennstoffzellen</a> ausstatten. Brennstoffzellen werden aus <a object|platore>Platinerz</a> hergestellt."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr "Ein effizienteres Programm zum Sammeln von Rohmaterial wurde mit dieser Nachricht mitgeschickt."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr "Ein Hinweis zur Warnung: der Sprengstoffkörper ist extrem instabil. Seien Sie sehr vorsichtig."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Mit <format key><key help/></format> können Sie diese Anweisungen zu jeder Zeit noch einmal auf Ihrem SatCom <button 63/> einsehen."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Siehe auch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a> und die <a cbot>CBOT-Sprache</a>"
@@ -145,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       wiederverwertbare Roboterwracks \n"
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       unbekannte Lebensformen\n"
 "\\tab;  - Gefahr:     ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/fr.po
index fc37a7284..8932e3e1f 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/fr.po
@@ -42,37 +42,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr "Ramener une <a object|tnt>caisse d'explosifs</a> que le satellite d'observation a localisée au fond d'une vallée encaissée."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr "En raison de la température élevée, les réacteurs ne fonctionnent pas et le vol est impossible. Comme le chemin est long, vous devez équiper les robots de <a object|atomic>piles atomique</a> (recherche à faire) construites à base de <a object|uranore>minerai d'uranium</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr "Nous vous avons envoyé un programme <code>ApporteTitane</code> plus performant (voir la page programme)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr "Attention: La caisse d'explosifs est très fragile. Vous devez vous en approcher avec la plus grande prudence. Au moindre choc, elle explose."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permet de revoir ces instructions sur votre SatCom."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Voir aussi"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
@@ -146,3 +146,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Détecté:          ruines utilisables\n"
 "\\tab;Détecté:          organismes inconnus\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/pl.po
index 4a74f4c14..5577290dd 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/pl.po
@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr "Twoim zadaniem jest odzyskanie <a object|tnt>ładunku wybuchowego</a>, znajdującego się w głębokiej dolinie, w pobliżu jeziora wrzącej lawy."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Z powodu wysokiej temperatury, reaktory przestały działać, wobec czego nie jest możliwe latanie. Masz przed sobą długą drogę, dlatego roboty należy tym razem zaopatrzyć w <a object|atomic>atomowe ogniwa elektryczne</a>. Atomowe ogniwa elektryczne wytwarzane są z <a object|uranore>rudy uranu</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr "Do tej wiadomości został dołączony nieco skuteczniejszy program do zbierania surowców."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: ładunek wybuchowy jest niezwykle czuły. Zachowaj ostrożność."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Naciśnięcie klawisza <format key><key help/></format> pozwala ponownie przejrzeć te instrukcje na Twoim osobistym komunikatorze SatCom <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Zobacz również"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a> i <a cbot>Język CBOT</a>"
@@ -145,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          użyteczne pozostałości \n"
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          nieznane organizmy\n"
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/plus601.pot b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/plus601.pot
index 2b33d32f2..cc43830b7 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/plus601.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/plus601.pot
@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -134,3 +134,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;Detected:         unknown organisms\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       ?"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/pt.po
index 3de1b6a99..cd997711d 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/pt.po
@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr "Você precisa recuperar um <a object|tnt>dispositivo explosivo</a> que foi visto em um vale profundo próximo a um lago de lava fervente."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Por causa das altas temperaturas, os reatores não funcionam mais, ou seja, voar é impossível. É um longo caminho até lá e você deve equipar seus robôs com <a object|atomic>células de energia nuclear</a>. Células de energia nuclear são fabricadas a partir de <a object|uranore>minério de urânio</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr "Um programa mais eficiente para a coleta de matérias-primas está anexado a esta mensagem."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr "Uma nota de aviso: o dispositivo explosivo é extremamente volátil. Use extrema cautela."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permite-lhe rever estas instruções a qualquer momento no seu SatCom pessoal <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Veja também"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a> e <a cbot>Linguagem CBOT</a>"
@@ -145,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab; Detectado: abandonados reutilizáveis \n"
 "\\tab; Detectado: organismos desconhecidos \n"
 "\\tab; - Perigo: ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/ru.po
index b01b3b0ff..c44d3e9c7 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level001/po/ru.po
@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@ msgid "You need to retrieve an <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> that has been
 msgstr "Вы должны взять <a object|tnt>взрывное устройство</a>, обнаруженное в глубокой долине сразу за озером кипящей лавы."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Because of the high temperatures, reactors no longer function, i.e. flying is impossible. It is a long way there and you should equip your bots with <a object|atomic>nuclear power cells</a>. Nuclear power cells are manufactured from <a object|uranore>uranium ore</a>."
 msgstr "Из-за высокой температуры реакторы больше не работают, то есть лететь вы не сможете. Дорога туда далекая, поэтому вы должны оснастить своих ботов <a object|atomic>атомными энергетическими батарейками</a>. Атомные энергетические батарейки изготавливаются из <a object|uranore>урановой руды</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A more efficient program for the gathering of raw materials is attached to this message."
 msgstr "Вместе с этим сообщением вы получаете более эффективную программу сбора сырья."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "A note of warning: the explosive device is extremely volatile. Use extreme caution."
 msgstr "Внимание: взрывное устройство очень неустойчиво. Будьте предельно внимательны."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:10
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> позволяет вам просмотреть эти инструкции в любое время с помощью вашего личного Саткома <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:12
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "См. также"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:13
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:15
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a> и <a cbot>Язык CBOT</a>"
@@ -145,3 +145,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Замечено:         многочисленные руины\n"
 "\\tab;Замечено:         неизвестные организмы\n"
 "\\tab;  - Опасность:       ?"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once the device is on you ship, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/help/help.E.txt
index 588dd81aa..aa8ad27ae 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/help/help.E.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ We have determined that the best spot to build a \l;radar\u object\radar; on thi
 Build an \l;autolab\u object\labo; and use it to analyze the \l;explosive device\u object\tnt; you acquired, this will allow your \l;bot factory\u object\factory; to replicate the \l;target bot\u object\bottarg; designed by the previous expedition.
-Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin and build a new radar in its place.
+Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin, build a new radar in its place and take off.
 \key;\key help;\norm; allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom \button 63;.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/cs.po
index 23d98ce7f..1836ab0c7 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/cs.po
@@ -47,12 +47,6 @@ msgstr "Došli jsme k závěru, že nejvhodnější místo pro stavbu <a object|
 msgid "Build an <a object|labo>autolab</a> and use it to analyze the <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> you acquired, this will allow your <a object|factory>bot factory</a> to replicate the <a object|bottarg>target bot</a> designed by the previous expedition."
 msgstr "Postavte <a object|labo>laboratoř</a> a použijte ji k analýze nedávno získané <a object|tnt>výbušniny</a>. To umožní vaší <a object|factory>továrně na roboty</a> vyrábět <a object|bottarg>cvičné cíle</a> navržené předchozí výpravou."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin and build a new radar in its place."
-msgstr "Cvičný cíl pak použijte k demolici trosek a na jejich místě postavte nový radar."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -140,3 +134,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          obří pavouci\n"
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     není bezprostřední\n"
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          recyklovatelné vraky"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin, build a new radar in its place and take off."
+msgstr "Cvičný cíl pak použijte k demolici trosek a na jejich místě postavte nový radar."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/de.po
index 3407aa29c..ed6c6a7fc 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/de.po
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Build an <a object|labo>autolab</a> and use it to analyze the <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> you acquired, this will allow your <a object|factory>bot factory</a> to replicate the <a object|bottarg>target bot</a> designed by the previous expedition."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin and build a new radar in its place."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -128,3 +122,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       not immediate\n"
 "\\tab;Detected:         reusable derelicts"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin, build a new radar in its place and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/fr.po
index d2421aaab..b3c199c2b 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/fr.po
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Build an <a object|labo>autolab</a> and use it to analyze the <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> you acquired, this will allow your <a object|factory>bot factory</a> to replicate the <a object|bottarg>target bot</a> designed by the previous expedition."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin and build a new radar in its place."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -128,3 +122,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       not immediate\n"
 "\\tab;Detected:         reusable derelicts"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin, build a new radar in its place and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/pl.po
index 8458fd7be..5abd552b0 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/pl.po
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ msgstr "Ustaliliśmy, że najlepsze miejsce na zbudowanie <a object|radar>radaru
 msgid "Build an <a object|labo>autolab</a> and use it to analyze the <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> you acquired, this will allow your <a object|factory>bot factory</a> to replicate the <a object|bottarg>target bot</a> designed by the previous expedition."
 msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|labo>laboratorium</a> i użyj go do analizy zdobytego <a object|tnt>ładunku wybuchowego</a>, pozwoli to twojej <a object|factory>fabryce</a> odtworzyć <a object|bottarg>robota-cel</a> zaprojektowanego przez poprzednią ekspedycję."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin and build a new radar in its place."
-msgstr "Użyj robota-cel do zniszczenia ruiny oraz zbuduj nowy radar na jej miejscu."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -139,3 +133,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          pająki\n"
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   niebezpośrednie\n"
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          użyteczne pozostałości"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin, build a new radar in its place and take off."
+msgstr "Użyj robota-cel do zniszczenia ruiny oraz zbuduj nowy radar na jej miejscu."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/plus602.pot b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/plus602.pot
index 8c9db4f9c..c77f7519d 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/plus602.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/plus602.pot
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Build an <a object|labo>autolab</a> and use it to analyze the <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> you acquired, this will allow your <a object|factory>bot factory</a> to replicate the <a object|bottarg>target bot</a> designed by the previous expedition."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin and build a new radar in its place."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -128,3 +122,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       not immediate\n"
 "\\tab;Detected:         reusable derelicts"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin, build a new radar in its place and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/pt.po
index f0d374ea0..54778c748 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/pt.po
@@ -47,12 +47,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Build an <a object|labo>autolab</a> and use it to analyze the <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> you acquired, this will allow your <a object|factory>bot factory</a> to replicate the <a object|bottarg>target bot</a> designed by the previous expedition."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin and build a new radar in its place."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -129,3 +123,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       not immediate\n"
 "\\tab;Detected:         reusable derelicts"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin, build a new radar in its place and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/ru.po
index c6d19fa42..f0aea4b25 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter006/level002/po/ru.po
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Build an <a object|labo>autolab</a> and use it to analyze the <a object|tnt>explosive device</a> you acquired, this will allow your <a object|factory>bot factory</a> to replicate the <a object|bottarg>target bot</a> designed by the previous expedition."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin and build a new radar in its place."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
@@ -128,3 +122,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       not immediate\n"
 "\\tab;Detected:         reusable derelicts"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Use the target bot to dispose of the ruin, build a new radar in its place and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/help/help.E.txt
index 0bdecf076..b9609b388 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
 Find some more \l;organic matter\u object\bullet; and, given an appropriate research program performed by your \l;autolab\u object\labo;, \l;you\u object\human; should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself.
-Produce a \l;legged orga shooter\u object\botos; and bring it back aboard your \l;spaceship\u object\base;.
+Produce a \l;legged orga shooter\u object\botos;, bring it back aboard your \l;spaceship\u object\base; and take off.
 Please keep in mind that low energy resources are a major concern on this planet.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/cs.po
index d201c7ad5..624b85549 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/cs.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr "Najděte další vzorek <a object|bullet>organické hmoty</a> a proveďte nezbytný výzkum v <a object|labo>laboratoři</a>, abyste mohli vyrábět nové biokanóny."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr "Vyrobte <a object|botos>chodící biokanón</a> a naložte ho do <a object|base>rakety</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -140,3 +134,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          obří mravenci\n"
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     není bezprostřední\n"
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          recyklovatelné vraky"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr "Vyrobte <a object|botos>chodící biokanón</a> a naložte ho do <a object|base>rakety</a>."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/de.po
index 7c00dea41..4c1036abc 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/de.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr "Finden Sie etwas <a object|bullet>Orgastoff</a> und starten Sie das entsprechende Forschungsprogramm in Ihrem <a object|labo>Autolab</a> damit <a object|human>Sie</a> in der Lage sind, Orgashooter herzustellen."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr "Produzieren Sie einen <a object|botos>Krabbelorgashooter</a> und bringen Sie ihn auf Ihr <a object|base>Raumschiff</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -139,3 +133,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       Riesenameisen\n"
 "\\tab;  - Gefahr:     nicht unmittelbar\n"
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       wiederverwertbare Roboterwracks"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr "Produzieren Sie einen <a object|botos>Krabbelorgashooter</a> und bringen Sie ihn auf Ihr <a object|base>Raumschiff</a>."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/fr.po
index 41e1f73ee..bd27d7209 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/fr.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr "Retrouvez de la <a object|bullet>matière organique</a> pour faire dans votre <a object|labo>laboratoire</a> les recherches nécessaires à la construction des canons organiques, et ainsi pouvoir construire des tireurs organiques."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr "Construisez ensuite un <a object|botos>tireur organique à pattes</a> et amenez-le sur le <a object|base>vaisseau</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -140,3 +134,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Détecté:          fourmis géantes\n"
 "\\tab;                  araignées géantes\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       oui, pas imminent"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr "Construisez ensuite un <a object|botos>tireur organique à pattes</a> et amenez-le sur le <a object|base>vaisseau</a>."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/pl.po
index 640f6a433..eb94b5db9 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/pl.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr "Znajdź nieco <a object|bullet>materii organicznej</a> i po wykonaniu odpowiedniego programu badawczego w <a object|labo>laboratorium</a>, powinno <a object|human>Ci</a> się udać samodzielnie zbudować działo organiczne."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|botos>działo organiczne na nogach</a> i dostarcz je na <a object|base>statek kosmiczny</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -139,3 +133,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          olbrzymie mrówki\n"
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   niebezpośrednie\n"
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          użyteczne pozostałości"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|botos>działo organiczne na nogach</a> i dostarcz je na <a object|base>statek kosmiczny</a>."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/plus701.pot b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/plus701.pot
index 8cf414265..9dd6439f3 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/plus701.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/plus701.pot
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -128,3 +122,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       not immediate\n"
 "\\tab;Detected:         reusable derelicts"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/pt.po
index d28a39f18..3c13d2036 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/pt.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr "Encontre um pouco mais de <a object|bullet>matéria orgânica</a> e, dado um programa de pesquisa apropriado realizado pelo seu <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>você</a> deve ser capaz de fabricar atiradores orgânicos sozinho."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr "Produza um <a object|botos>atirador orgânico com pernas</a> e traga-o de volta a bordo de sua <a object|base>espaçonave</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -139,3 +133,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab; Detectado: formigas gigantes \n"
 "\\tab; - Perigo: não imediato \n"
 "\\tab; Detectado: abandonados reutilizáveis"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr "Produza um <a object|botos>atirador orgânico com pernas</a> e traga-o de volta a bordo de sua <a object|base>espaçonave</a>."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/ru.po
index 765384e05..6fb993fba 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level001/po/ru.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Из Центра управления миссии"
 msgid "Find some more <a object|bullet>organic matter</a> and, given an appropriate research program performed by your <a object|labo>autolab</a>, <a object|human>you</a> should be able to manufacture orga shooters yourself."
 msgstr "Отыщите еще немного <a object|bullet>органической материи</a> и, получив в свое распоряжение соответствующую исследовательскую программу, проводимую вашей <a object|labo>автолаб</a>, <a object|human>вы</a> должны начать производство орга-стрелков."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a> and bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a>."
-msgstr "Изготовьте <a object|botos>шагающего орга-стрелка</a> и доставьте его на свой <a object|base>корабль</a>."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -139,3 +133,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Замечено:         гигантские муравьи\n"
 "\\tab;  - Опасность:       непрямая\n"
 "\\tab;Замечено:         многочисленные руины"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Produce a <a object|botos>legged orga shooter</a>, bring it back aboard your <a object|base>spaceship</a> and take off."
+msgstr "Изготовьте <a object|botos>шагающего орга-стрелка</a> и доставьте его на свой <a object|base>корабль</a>."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/help/help.E.txt
index 99de1d4f8..9994b3411 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
 It is time for \l;you\u object\human; to improve your shooting skills again. In the following drill, hit all the \l;explosive devices\u object\tnt; but watch out: your \l;orga shooter\u object\botoj; has very little power left in it, barely enough to complete the drill.
+Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off.
 \key;\key help;\norm; allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom \button 63;.
 \t;See also
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/cs.po
index 5e5ca34e4..769a5b840 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/cs.po
@@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr "Je na čase, abyste si opět procvičili střelbu. V následujícím cvičení zničte všechny <a object|tnt>bedny výbušnin</a>, ale miřte opravdu dobře: Váš <a object|botoj>biokanón</a> má poloprázdnou baterii, což na splnění úkolu stačí jen těsně."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Tyto instrukce si můžete kdykoliv znovu přečíst na svém osobním SatKomu <button 63/> klávesou <format key><key help/></format>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Užitečné odkazy"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Ovládání</a> a <a cbot>jazyk CBOT</a>"
@@ -110,3 +110,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Zdroj energie:     žádný\n"
 "\\tab;Titanová ruda:     žádná\n"
 "\\tab;Uranová ruda:      žádná"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/de.po
index cc1b027e7..435a833b8 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/de.po
@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr "Es ist nun an der Zeit, <a object|human>Ihr</a> Geschick beim Schießen noch einmal zu verbessern. Treffen Sie in der folgenden Übung alle <a object|tnt>Sprengstoffkörper</a>, aber passen Sie auf, denn Ihr <a object|botos>Orgashooter</a> hat nur noch sehr wenig Energie übrig, sie reicht gerade noch um die Übung zu beenden."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Mit <format key><key help/></format> können Sie diese Anweisungen zu jeder Zeit noch einmal auf Ihrem SatCom <button 63/> einsehen."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Siehe auch"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "Die <a command>Steuerung</a> und die <a cbot>CBOT-Sprache</a>"
@@ -109,3 +109,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Energiefelder:  nicht vorhanden\n"
 "\\tab;Titanerz:       nicht vorhanden\n"
 "\\tab;Platinerz:      nicht vorhanden"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/fr.po
index 40ca9d509..bf69fe279 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/fr.po
@@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr "Il est grand temps d'améliorer vos performances aux commandes de robots équipés de canons. Dans cette mission d'entraînement, vous devez toucher toutes les cibles avec le peu d'énergie qui vous reste. Lorsque toutes les cibles sont détruites, vous pouvez décoller."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permet de revoir ces instructions sur votre SatCom."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Voir aussi"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Commandes</a>."
@@ -110,3 +110,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Energie:          aucune\n"
 "\\tab;Minerai de titane:aucun\n"
 "\\tab;Minerai d'uranium:aucun"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/pl.po
index 9daf83c9b..7d76efe8e 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/pl.po
@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr "Nadszedł czas na kolejne poprawienie <a object|human>Twoich</a> umiejętności strzeleckich. W tym ćwiczeniu należy zniszczyć wszystkie <a object|tnt>ładunki wybuchowe</a>, ale uwaga: <a object|botoj>działo organiczne</a> ma bardzo mało energii, zaledwie tyle, ile potrzeba na wykonanie tego ćwiczenia."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "Naciśnięcie klawisza <format key><key help/></format> pozwala ponownie przejrzeć te instrukcje na Twoim osobistym komunikatorze SatCom <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Zobacz również"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Sterowanie</a> i <a cbot>Język CBOT</a>"
@@ -109,3 +109,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Źródło energii:   brak\n"
 "\\tab;Ruda tytanu:      brak\n"
 "\\tab;Ruda uranu:       brak"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/plus702.pot b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/plus702.pot
index ce306fd6b..e551ea645 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/plus702.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/plus702.pot
@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -101,3 +101,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;Titanium ore:     none\n"
 "\\tab;Uranium ore:      none"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/pt.po
index 12cdfcad8..6b5e984c0 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/pt.po
@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr "É hora de <a object|human>você</a> melhorar suas habilidades de tiro novamente. No exercício a seguir, acerte todos os <a object|tnt> dispositivos explosivos</a>, mas cuidado: o <a object|botoj>atirador orgânico</a> possui pouca energia, apenas o suficiente para completar o exercício."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> permite-lhe rever estas instruções a qualquer momento no seu SatCom pessoal <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "Veja também"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Controles</a> e <a cbot>Linguagem CBOT</a>"
@@ -109,3 +109,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab; Fonte de energia: nenhuma \n"
 "\\tab; Minério de titânio: nenhum \n"
 "\\tab; Minério de urânio: nenhum"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/ru.po
index e4f72eef5..0a7168c17 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level002/po/ru.po
@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ msgid "It is time for <a object|human>you</a> to improve your shooting skills ag
 msgstr "Пришло время для <a object|human>вас</a> еще раз потренироваться в стрельбе. На предстоящих учениях вы должны были попасть во все <a object|tnt>взрывоопасные устройства</a>, но будьте внимательны: у вашего <a object|botoj>орга-стрелка</a> осталось очень мало энергии, которой едва хватит, чтобы закончить учения."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<format key><key help/></format> allows you to review these instructions at all times on your personal SatCom <button 63/>."
 msgstr "<format key><key help/></format> позволяет вам просмотреть эти инструкции в любое время с помощью вашего личного Саткома <button 63/>."
 #. type: \t; header
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:6
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "See also"
 msgstr "См. также"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:7
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:9
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<a command>Controls</a> and <a cbot>CBOT Language</a>"
 msgstr "<a command>Управление</a> и <a cbot>Язык CBOT</a>"
@@ -109,3 +109,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Источники энергии:    нет\n"
 "\\tab;Титановая руда:     нет\n"
 "\\tab;Урановая руда:      нет"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Once all explosive devices have been destroyed, you can take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/help/help.E.txt
index 48067c8f2..c472d2c8f 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Build a \l;radar\u object\radar; on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after \l;you\u object\human;'re gone.
+Build a \l;radar\u object\radar; on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after \l;you\u object\human;'re gone and take off.
 The destruction of a previous radar set up by the first expedition was probably the cause of a communication breakdown, which led to complete loss of contact.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/cs.po
index 462303eae..994fe143d 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Najděte potřebné suroviny, abyste zlikvidovali veškerý život v obl
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr "Na jednom z nejvyšších přístupných míst postavte <a object|radar>radar</a> a postarejte se, aby ho po <a object|human>Vašem</a> odletu žádný organizmus nezničil."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -138,3 +132,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          pavouci\n"
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     není bezprostřední\n"
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          recyklovatelné vraky"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr "Na jednom z nejvyšších přístupných míst postavte <a object|radar>radar</a> a postarejte se, aby ho po <a object|human>Vašem</a> odletu žádný organizmus nezničil."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/de.po
index 90cc122b0..caaae72cc 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Säubern Sie die Region von feindlichen Wesen."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr "Bauen Sie auf einer der höchsten erreichbaren Stellen ein <a object|radar>Radar</a> und stellen Sie sicher, dass es von keinem Feind zerstört werden kann wenn <a object|human>Sie</a> weg sind."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -137,3 +131,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       Spinnen\n"
 "\\tab;  - Gefahr:     nicht unmittelbar\n"
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       wiederverwertbare Roboterwracks"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr "Bauen Sie auf einer der höchsten erreichbaren Stellen ein <a object|radar>Radar</a> und stellen Sie sicher, dass es von keinem Feind zerstört werden kann wenn <a object|human>Sie</a> weg sind."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/fr.po
index ddb768ecb..c67239f88 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "A partir de trois fois rien, débrouillez-vous pour tuer tout ce qui bou
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr "Construisez une <a object|radar>station radar</a> sur un des haut-plateaux, et assurez-vous qu'aucun organisme hostile ne viendra la détruire après votre départ."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -137,3 +131,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;                  araignées géantes\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       oui, pas imminent.\n"
 "\\tab;Détecté:          ruines utilisables"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr "Construisez une <a object|radar>station radar</a> sur un des haut-plateaux, et assurez-vous qu'aucun organisme hostile ne viendra la détruire après votre départ."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/pl.po
index 27be5d3d2..b3ffbfaa0 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Znajdź zasoby niezbędne do wytępienia całego życia w regionie."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|radar>radar</a> na najwyższym wzniesieniu i upewnij się, że nie zostanie on zniszczony po opuszczeniu przez <a object|human>Ciebie</a> planety."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -137,3 +131,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          pająki\n"
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   niebezpośrednie\n"
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          użyteczne pozostałości"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr "Zbuduj <a object|radar>radar</a> na najwyższym wzniesieniu i upewnij się, że nie zostanie on zniszczony po opuszczeniu przez <a object|human>Ciebie</a> planety."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/plus703.pot b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/plus703.pot
index 10f40db24..0d7459f5a 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/plus703.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/plus703.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -124,3 +118,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       not immediate\n"
 "\\tab;Detected:         reusable derelicts"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/pt.po
index ade13ae2d..ab02a26ec 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Encontre os recursos que você precisa para erradicar toda a vida na reg
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr "Construa um <a object|radar>radar</a> em um dos pontos mais altos acessíveis e certifique-se de que nenhum organismo possa destruí-lo depois que <a object|human>você </a> for embora."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -137,3 +131,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab; Detectado: aranhas \n"
 "\\tab; - Perigo: não imediato \n"
 "\\tab; Detectado: abandonados reutilizáveis"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr "Construa um <a object|radar>radar</a> em um dos pontos mais altos acessíveis e certifique-se de que nenhum organismo possa destruí-lo depois que <a object|human>você </a> for embora."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/ru.po
index 2fbbe6fb6..9cc328de4 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter007/level003/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Найдите ресурсы, необходимые вам для ун
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из Центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots and make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone."
-msgstr "Постройте <a object|radar>радар</a> на одной из самых высоких доступных точек и проследите за тем, чтобы никакому организму не удалось уничтожить ее после того, как <a object|human>вы</a> уйдете."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -137,3 +131,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Замечено:         пауки\n"
 "\\tab;  - Опасность:       непрямая\n"
 "\\tab;Замечено:         многочисленные руины"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a <a object|radar>radar</a> on one of the highest accessible spots, make sure that no organism can destroy it after <a object|human>you</a>'re gone and take off."
+msgstr "Постройте <a object|radar>радар</a> на одной из самых высоких доступных точек и проследите за тем, чтобы никакому организму не удалось уничтожить ее после того, как <a object|human>вы</a> уйдете."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/help/help.E.txt
index 7154f14a7..85852b472 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
 It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. 
-Build a radar to relay future transmissions.
+Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off.
 Also... we're very sorry to inform you that you may need to exterminate all hostile organisms.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/cs.po
index d3eb4454b..481c50a50 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/cs.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr "Je celkem jasné, že tato planeta lidstvu neposkytne útočiště. "
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr "Postavte radar pro budoucí přenos komunikace."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -146,3 +140,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          obří mravenci\n"
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     není bezprostřední\n"
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          silné elektromagnetické bouře"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr "Postavte radar pro budoucí přenos komunikace."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/de.po
index c30b3954e..f63ea1dd7 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/de.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr "Es sieht sehr danach aus, als wäre dieser Planet kein passender Zufluchtsort für die Menschheit."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr "Bauen Sie ein Radar für zukunftige Übertragungen."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -145,3 +139,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       Riesenameisen\n"
 "\\tab;  - Gefahr:     nicht unmittelbar\n"
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       starke elektromagnetische Stürme"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr "Bauen Sie ein Radar für zukunftige Übertragungen."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/fr.po
index 7f04ddf7f..4bfce12a0 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/fr.po
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr "Il est évident que cette planète ne pourra jamais servir de refuge à l'humanité. Cette région servira cependant de poste de ravitaillement pour la migration depuis la terre vers la nouvelle planète."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr "Eliminez donc toute présence hostile de la région (le Congrès n'en apprendra rien)."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -146,3 +140,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Détecté:          orages magnétiques violents\n"
 "\\tab;Détecté:          fourmis géantes à proximité\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       oui, pas imminent"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr "Eliminez donc toute présence hostile de la région (le Congrès n'en apprendra rien)."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/pl.po
index 07b0afb60..5b924ae4e 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/pl.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr "Jest już chyba oczywiste, że planeta ta nie będzie rajem dla ludzkości. "
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr "Zbuduj radar, który będzie przekazywał przyszłe transmisje."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -145,3 +139,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          olbrzymie mrówki\n"
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   niebezpośrednie\n"
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          gwałtowne burze elektromagnetyczne"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr "Zbuduj radar, który będzie przekazywał przyszłe transmisje."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/plus801.pot b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/plus801.pot
index 2c505f00d..13a4e5b64 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/plus801.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/plus801.pot
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -134,3 +128,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       not immediate\n"
 "\\tab;Detected:         fierce electromagnetic storms"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/pt.po
index 9cfd3a812..7c6f89964 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/pt.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr "Parece óbvio que este planeta não será um refúgio para a humanidade."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr "Construa um radar para transmitir futuras transmissões."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -145,3 +139,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab; Detectado: formigas gigantes \n"
 "\\tab; - Perigo: não imediato \n"
 "\\tab; Detectado: tempestades eletromagnéticas violentas"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr "Construa um radar para transmitir futuras transmissões."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/ru.po
index 6977c1ff4..ab69caad5 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level001/po/ru.po
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
 msgid "It seems obvious enough that this planet will be no haven for humanity. "
 msgstr "Похоже стало ясно, что эта планета не станет раем для человечества."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions."
-msgstr "Постройте радар, чтобы быть в состоянии обмениваться информацией."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:6
 #, no-wrap
@@ -145,3 +139,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Замечено:         гигантские муравьи\n"
 "\\tab;  - Опасность:       непрямая\n"
 "\\tab;Замечено:         мощные электромагнитные бури"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:4
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Build a radar to relay future transmissions and take off."
+msgstr "Постройте радар, чтобы быть в состоянии обмениваться информацией."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/help/help.E.txt b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/help/help.E.txt
index 7391a1fca..833ea877f 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/help/help.E.txt
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/help/help.E.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 \b;From Mission Control
-Retrieve the black box.
+Retrieve the black box and take off.
 Electromagnetic lightning bolts appear to strike even more frequently now than they did previously. You need to protect your equipment.
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/cs.po b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/cs.po
index 992dfb31f..fe4e83542 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/cs.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/cs.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Vyzvedněte černou skříňku a cestou své roboty chraňte před bouř
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Zpráva z řídícího střediska"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr "Vyzvedněte černou skříňku."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -140,3 +134,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          obří mravenci\n"
 "\\tab;  - Nebezpečí:     není bezprostřední\n"
 "\\tab;Nalezeno:          silné elektromagnetické bouře"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr "Vyzvedněte černou skříňku."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/de.po b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/de.po
index 6f22d3596..5abf84d33 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/de.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/de.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Stellen Sie im Gewitter einen Flugschreiber sicher."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Vom Kontrollzentrum"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr "Holen Sie den Flugschreiber."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -139,3 +133,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       Riesenameisen\n"
 "\\tab;  - Gefahr:     nicht unmittelbar\n"
 "\\tab;Entdeckt:       starke elektromagnetische Stürme"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr "Holen Sie den Flugschreiber."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/fr.po b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/fr.po
index 49d6909b3..1b8eee184 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/fr.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/fr.po
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ msgstr "Cherchez la boîte noire tout en restant à l'abri de la foudre."
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr "Ramenez la boîte noire laissée par l'expédition précédente et décollez!"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -140,3 +134,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Détecté:          orages magnétiques violents\n"
 "\\tab;Détecté:          fourmis géantes à proximité\n"
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       oui, pas imminent"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr "Ramenez la boîte noire laissée par l'expédition précédente et décollez!"
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/pl.po b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/pl.po
index 000ac4168..d5b14348c 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/pl.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/pl.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Zdobądź czarną skrzynkę, chroniąc jednocześnie roboty przed wyład
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Z Centrum Kontroli Misji"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr "Odzyskaj czarną skrzynkę."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -139,3 +133,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          olbrzymie mrówki\n"
 "\\tab;  - Zagrożenie:   niebezpośrednie\n"
 "\\tab;Wykryto:          gwałtowne burze elektromagnetyczne"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr "Odzyskaj czarną skrzynkę."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/plus802.pot b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/plus802.pot
index dc1b5f2f2..e3e11ed2a 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/plus802.pot
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/plus802.pot
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -128,3 +122,9 @@ msgid ""
 "\\tab;  - Danger:       not immediate\n"
 "\\tab;Detected:         fierce electromagnetic storms"
 msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/pt.po b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/pt.po
index 536119620..26c071f75 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/pt.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/pt.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Recupere a caixa preta enquanto protege seus robôs de tempestades elét
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Do Centro de Controle de Missões"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr "Recupere a caixa preta."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -139,3 +133,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab; Detectado: formigas gigantes \n"
 "\\tab; - Perigo: não imediato \n"
 "\\tab; Detectado: tempestades eletromagnéticas violentas"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr "Recupere a caixa preta."
diff --git a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/ru.po b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/ru.po
index 7e693186c..2fd6d3a9b 100644
--- a/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/ru.po
+++ b/levels/plus/chapter008/level002/po/ru.po
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ msgstr "Найдите черный ящик когда будете защищ
 msgid "From Mission Control"
 msgstr "Из центра управления миссии"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Retrieve the black box."
-msgstr "Найдите черный ящик."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: ../help/help.E.txt:4
 #, no-wrap
@@ -139,3 +133,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "\\tab;Замечено:         гигантские муравьи\n"
 "\\tab;  - Опасность:       непрямая\n"
 "\\tab;Замечено:         мощные электромагнитные бури"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../help/help.E.txt:2
+#, no-wrap, fuzzy
+msgid "Retrieve the black box and take off."
+msgstr "Найдите черный ящик."