Sample actuator module for a vehicle in the simulation framework.
- computes a DeltaTrajectory from motion_state and the control inputs steering angle and acceleration, based on the single track model, considering a deadtime.
- this package is part of the simulation framework
- see coincarsim_getting_started for installation and more details
- started within the a vehicle launchfile of the simulation_initialization_ros_tool
parameters that need to be passed to the launchfile
vehicle_id: Id of the vehicle, needs to be unique within the framework
vehicle_ns: Namespace of the vehicle, needs to be unique within the framework
objects_ground_truth_topic_with_ns: Topic under which the ground truth states of the objects are received
steering_angle_in_topic: Topic under which the current steering angle is received
acceleration_in_topic: Topic under which the current acceleration is received
desired_motion_topic_with_ns: Topic under which the desired motion of the vehicle is published
vehicle_parameter_file: Path to the file that contains the parameters for the single track model
parameters that can be dynamically reconfigured
- horizon_t: Time horizon for motion calculation [s]
- delay_steering: Steering time delay [s]
- delay_acceleration: Acceleration time delay [s]
- actuator_frequency: Actuator frequency [Hz]
- fork this repo
- implement your own vehicle model
- ensure that
$(arg desired_motion_topic_with_ns)
is published- all internal ROS communication stays within the perception namespace
Nick Engelhardt, Maximilian Naumann, Sascha Wirges
This package is distributed under the 3-Clause BSD License, see LICENSE.