This example shows how to manage budgets in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using the CIS Landing Zone Budgets module. The configuration provided by this example omits all optional attributes in the input variable. As a result, the monthly recurring budget starting in the budget create day is created for the tenancy Root compartment.
Rename to <project-name>.auto.tfvars, where <project-name> is any name of your choice.
Within <project-name>.auto.tfvars, provide tenancy connectivity information and adjust the tags_configuration input variable, by making the appropriate substitutions:
- Replace <REPLACE-WITH-BUDGET-AMOUNT> placeholder with the budget amount.
- Replace <REPLACE-WITH-THRESHOLD-VALUE> placeholder with the consumption percentage that triggers the alert rule.
- Replace <REPLACE-WITH-EMAIL-ADDRESS> placeholder with an actual email address to receive the budget alert message. For multiple addresses, separate them with a comma.
In this folder, run the typical Terraform workflow:
terraform init
terraform plan -out plan.out
terraform apply plan.out