by Reinhard Kneser and Hermann Ney
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 5. Experimental Results
- Conclusion
- Stochastic language modeling: backing-off is a method to cope with the sparse data problem
- Propose distributions optimized for backing-off
- Theoretical derivations lead to distributions different from usual probability distributions
- Experiments show 10% improvement in terms of perplexity and 5% in word error rate
- Stochastic language model: provides probabilities of a given word sequence through conditional probabilities p(w | h)
- M-gram models: consider histories with equivalent last (M - 1) words as equivalent
- Sparse data problem: too many possible events, less reliable estimates for unseen events
- Smoothing techniques: interpolation and backing-off
- Uses less specific equivalence classes to estimate probabilities more reliably
- Normal probability distribution of coarser model used for backing-off can lead to bias towards heavily conditioned words
- Assume equivalent histories according to specific and general equivalence relations
- Backing-off model:
p(w | h) = { £l'(w | h) if N(h, w) > 0 p(w | h) = f(w | h) if N(h, w) = 0 }
- Optimize parameters of the distribution function for seen and unseen events
- Two approaches lead to similar solutions with no additional computational overhead
Approach to Modeling Marginal Distributions
- Assumes maximum-likelihood estimates for p(w|h) = N(h, w)/N(h) and p(g|h) = N(h, g)/N(h)
- Moves β out of second sum and applies constraint equation (3):
I(h) = 1 - Σ α(w|h)p(w|h) - Σ (β(w|h)p(g|h) g: N(g, w)=0
Smoothing Techniques
- Differ in probability estimate α for seen events
- Turing-Good estimates and linear/absolute discounting methods are examples
- Smoothing distribution kept fixed as β(w|h) = p(w|h)
Proposed Approach
- Leave the parameters of smoothing distribution β free and optimize with others
- Two approaches lead to similar solutions, independent of modeling type
- No additional computational overhead added
First Approximation
- Sum in denominator considered constant with respect to w
- Proportional to numerator: β(w|h) = Σ p(v|h) - Σ p(v|h) v (g: N(g, v)>0)
- Normalization ensures sum of β(w|h) equals unity
α(h) = 1 - d Σ N(h, w) > 0, 0 < d < 1
p(w|h) = Σ [N(g, w) - d] g: N(g, w)>0 or p(w|h) = Σ [N(g, v) - d] v
(using special form of model)
Equation (10)
β(w|h) = N+(·,h,w)
- Obtains distribution different from probability distribution p(w|h)
- Only takes into account if a word was observed in some coarse context and ignores frequency.
Leaving-One-Out Technique for Backing-Off Model Estimation
- Maximum likelihood estimation cannot estimate unseen events directly
- Cross-validation techniques like leaving-one-out technique are used to overcome this issue
- Leaving-one-out technique removes one event from training data and tests model on remaining events
- Sum of log probabilities of removed events serves as optimization criterion
Applying the Leaving-One-Out Technique:
- Remove single unseen events (singletons) from training data
- Train model on remaining data
- Estimate leaving-one-out probability for removed event
- Sum log probabilities of all removed events to obtain leaving-one-out log likelihood
- Use this as optimization criterion
- Final result: relative counts where only singletons are considered
- Solutions of both approaches (Eqs. 13, 20) are similar
- Evaluated on German Verbmobil corpus and Wall Street-Journal task
- Separate test sets used for evaluation in both tasks
- Used trigram language models with non-linear interpolation smoothing
- Standard, 'singleton', and 'marginal constraint' distributions tested
- All models smoothed to avoid zero probabilities
- Consistent improvement of new models over baseline (up to 10% lower perplexity, 5% lower word error rate)
- Recognition results produced for Wall Street-Journal task
- Compact trigram models built without loss of performance
- Experiments show improvement in terms of perplexity and recognition results
- Comparison with ARPA's official model reveals an improvement of about 9% in perplexity
- Special backing-off distributions improve language models by up to 10% in perplexity and 5% in word error rate compared to baseline
- Both theoretically derived solutions do not depend on specific model or add extra computational costs.