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A Hierarchical Bayesian Language Model based on Pitman-Yor Processes (Summary)

by Yee Whye Teh




  • Proposed new hierarchical Bayesian n-gram language model using Pitman-Yor processes
  • Makes use of Pitman-Yor processes, which produce power-law distributions closer to those in natural languages
  • Shows that an approximation to the hierarchical Pitman-Yor language model recovers the exact formulation of interpolated Kneser-Ney (IKN)


  • Previously, Bayesian probabilistic models had poor performance compared to other smoothing methods
  • This paper addresses that issue by proposing a novel hierarchical Pitman-Yor language model
  • Demonstrates that IKN can be interpreted as an approximate inference scheme in the hierarchical Pitman-Yor language model, producing superior results

Key Findings:

  1. Proposed a new hierarchical Bayesian n-gram language model using Pitman-Yor processes
  2. Shows that IKN can be interpreted as an approximate inference scheme in the hierarchical Pitman-Yor language model
  3. Demonstrates superior performance compared to interpolated and modified Kneser-Ney, and the hierarchical Dirichlet language model


  1. Introduces the Pitman-Yor process as a generalization of the Dirichlet distribution
  2. Proposes a hierarchical Pitman-Yor language model where each hidden variable is distributed according to a Pitman-Yor process
  3. Describes an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling scheme for inference
  4. Verifies the correspondence between interpolated Kneser-Ney and the Bayesian approach
  5. Provides experimental comparisons with interpolated, modified Kneser-Ney, and the hierarchical Dirichlet language model

2 Pitman-Yor Process

Pitman-Yor Process

Description: Non-parametric Bayesian model used to estimate probabilities of words in a language model.


  • d: Discount parameter (0 <= d < 1)
  • θ: Strength parameter (theta > -d)
  • G0: Mean vector, usually set uniformly for all words

Prior Distribution: G ~ PY(d, θ, G0)

Distribution over Sequences: Used for language modeling

Generative Procedure:

  1. First word x1 is assigned the value of the first draw y1 from G0
  2. Subsequent words xc+1 are either:
    • Assigned the value of a previous draw yk with probability θ + ck (increment ck)
    • Or assigned the value of a new draw from G0 with probability θ + dt and draw yt
  3. Repeat until sequence of words is generated


  1. Rich-gets-richer clustering: More words assigned to a draw, more likely subsequent words will be assigned to it.
  2. Proportion of rare words increases with number of draws from G0 and d value.
  3. Number of unique words grows as O(θTd) for large T.
  4. For d = 0, distribution is Dirichlet, growth is slower at O(theta log T).
  5. Metaphor: Chinese restaurant process, customers sit at tables (draws from G), each new one may join an existing table or create a new one (draw from G0).

3 Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Language

Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Language Model


  • Describes an n-gram language model based on a hierarchical extension of the Pitman-Yor process
  • Pitman-Yor process used as prior for Gu (probability current word given context)
    • Strength and discount parameters depend on length of context |u|
    • Mean vector is Gπ(u), probabilities of current word given all but earliest word in context

Model Structure:

  • Recursive placement of prior over Gπ(u) using (3) until reaching empty context ∅
  • Global mean vector G∅ has uniform prior, total parameters = 2n
  • Suffix tree structure with nodes representing contexts and children adding words to beginning

4 Hierarchical Chinese Restaurant Processes

Generative Procedure:

  1. Draw words from each Gu using Chinese restaurant process (CRP) based on Pitman-Yor distribution
  2. Recursively draw words from parent distributions Gπ(u) until reaching global mean distribution G0
  3. Equivalent to hierarchical Pitman-Yor language model but with Gu's marginalized out
  4. In next section, tractable inference schemes derived for this model based on seating arrangements from CRP.

5 Inference Schemes

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling Inference Scheme for Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Language Model

Training Data:

  • Consists of number of occurrences cuw of each word w after contexts of length exactly n-1 (context u)
  • Corresponds to observing word w drawn cuw times from Gu


  • Posterior distribution over latent vectors G and parameters Θ given training data D
  • Equivalent to posterior distribution over seating arrangements S and parameters Θ

Predictive Probabilities:

  • Given test word w, probability of word after context u is:
    • p(w|u, S, Θ) = WordProb(u,w) p(S, Θ|D)
  • Approximated using samples from posterior distribution

Word Probability Function:

  • WordProb(u,w): predictive probability under a particular setting of seating arrangements S and parameters Θ
  • Formula (12) in text

Gibbs Sampling:

  • Used to obtain posterior samples for variables S and Θ
  • Variables consist of indexes of draws from each Gu assigned to a word
  • Probabilities given by functions DrawWord(u) and WordProb(u,w)

Sampling Scheme:

  • O(nT) time, O(M) space per iteration for hierarchical Pitman-Yor language model with n-grams
  • O(nI) time during test time to calculate predictive probabilities


  • Gradually growing as a function of n-gram counts
  • Average discount grows slowly as cuw grows
  • Interpolated Kneser-Ney produces the same discounts as hierarchical Pitman-Yor, but with different discount values for tuw

Modified Kneser-Ney:

  • Uses same counts as interpolated Kneser-Ney, but uses different discounts up to a maximum of c(max)
  • Not an approximation of hierarchical Pitman-Yor language model due to differing discounts.

6 Experimental Results

Experimental Results on Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Language Model


  • APNews corpus of approximately 16 million words used for training, validation, and testing
  • Vocabulary size: 17964

Training Set Size and N-grams:

  • Experimented with trigrams (n = 3) on varying training set sizes between 2 million and 14 million words in increments
  • Also experimented with n = 2, 3, and 4 on the full 14 million word training set

Methods Compared:

  • Interpolated Kneser-Ney (IKN): trained using conjugate gradient descent in cross-entropy on validation set, then folded into final probability estimates
  • Modified Kneser-Ney (MKN) with maximum discount cut-off c(max) = 3
  • Hierarchical Dirichlet language model (HDLM)
  • Hierarchical Pitman-Yor language model (HPYLM): posterior distribution over latent variables and parameters inferred using proposed Gibbs sampler

Perplexities on Test Set:

  • HDLM performed worst, while HPYLM outperformed IKN
  • HPYLM slightly underperformed MKN due to not being a perfect language model for optimization of predictive performance
  • Kneser-Ney variants were optimized using cross-validation and had best performance overall

HPYCV Model:

  • A hierarchical Pitman-Yor language model with parameters obtained by fitting in a generalization of IKN using Gibbs sampling
  • Performed better than MKN (except marginally on small problems) and had best performance overall
  • Still not optimized due to the cost of cross-validation using a hierarchical Pitman-Yor language model inferred by Gibbs sampling

Contributions to Cross-Entropies:

  • Differences between methods appeared as differences among rare words, with common words having negligible impact
  • HPYLM performed worse on words occurring only once and better on other words, while HPYCV was reversed and performed better on low-frequency words and worse on more common words.

7 Discussion

Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Process

Benefits of Hierarchical Model:

  • Superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods
  • Interpolated Kneser-Ney (IKN) method can be interpreted as approximate inference in the hierarchical Pitman-Yor language model
  • Fully Bayesian model allows for:
    • Coherent probabilistic model
    • Ease of improvements by building in prior knowledge
    • Integration into more complex models

Comparison with Kneser-Ney Variants:

  • Hierarchical Dirichlet language model was an inspiration, but the use of Dirichlet distribution led to non-competitive results
  • The hierarchical Pitman-Yor process is a generalization that gives state-of-the-art performance
  • The hierarchical Pitman-Yor process is a natural extension of the hierarchical Dirichlet process proposed for clustering

Advantages of Bayesian Nonparametric Processes:

  • Can relax strong assumptions on parametric forms while retaining computational efficiency
  • Handle model selection and structure learning in graphical models elegantly


  • Lee Kuan Yew Endowment Fund for funding
  • Joshua Goodman for insights on IKN, MKN, and smoothing techniques
  • John Blitzer and Yoshua Bengio for dataset support
  • Anoop Sarkar for discussions
  • Hal Daume III, Min Yen Kan, and anonymous reviewers for helpful comments