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Alexander Batischev edited this page Apr 18, 2015 · 15 revisions

This document is a draft of our public API. Please refer to issue #4 for general discussion, or to issues #1, #2 and #3 for discussions of specific features provided by the API.

The public API is read-only, so the only HTTP verb supported is GET; everything else results in 400 Bad Request.

Empty fields might be omitted.




Optional parameters:

  • since

    Accepts a date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). Only events that occurred on this or later date will be returned.

  • until

    Accepts a date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). Only events that occurred on this or earlier date will be returned.


200 OK


[ { "subject": "issue"
, "action": "assigned|unassigned|labeled|unlabeled|opened|closed|reopened|commented_on"
, "issue_url": ""
, "issue_title": "An awful lot of the code is still unwritten"
, "user": "Minoru"
, "user_url": ""
, "assignee": "ForNeVeR"
, "assignee_url": ""
, "label": "bug|feature etc."
, "status": "open|closed|reopened"
, "datetime": "2015-04-17T01:23:45Z"

, { "subject": "pull_request"
, "action": "assigned|unassigned|labeled|unlabeled|opened|closed|reopened"
, "pull_request_url": ""
, "pull_request_title": "All the Erlang code ever written, in a nice bundle"
, "user": "Minoru"
, "user_url": ""
, "merged": false
, "datetime": "2015-04-17T01:23:45Z"

, { "subject": "push"
, "user": "Minoru"
, "user_url": ""
, "repo": "world-domination"
, "repo_url": ""
, "branch": "develop"
, "count": "42"
, "datetime": "2015-04-17T01:23:45Z"
} ]


assignee and assignee_url are only present when action is assigned or unassigned.

label is only present when action is labeled or unlabeled.

status is only present when action is opened, closed or reopened.

Pull Requests

merged is only present if action is closed.

204 No content

Body: empty





200 OK

For each user and for each repo, provides average number of commits pushed today, in the last 7 days (week) and last 30 days (month). Please note: this means that the commits are counted toward the day they were pushed on, not the day they were commited on.

{ "repos": [ { "name": "world-domination",
               "url": "",
               "day_average": 15,
               "week_average": 1050,
               "month_average": 100500 } ],
  "users": [ { "name": "Minoru", 
               "url": "",
               "day_average": 15,
               "week_average": 1050,
               "month_average": 100500 } ],

204 No content

Body: empty





200 OK


[ { "user": "Minoru"
  , "user_url": ""
  , "repos_per_language": {
      "haskell": 1
    , "shell": 1
} } ]

204 No content

Body: empty

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