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The name Dolon comes from a spy in Homer's Iliad.
dolon is a library that interfaces with the mnemic service to trace real time data; requires Python 3.6 or later and talks to the mnemic service that must be running in an accessible host.
dolon's recommended way to install it is to use pip:
pip install dolon
Mnemic refers to the ability to retain memory.
mnemic is the backend that dolon talks to and also exposes the related front end as a web page. The easiest way to install it is using docker.
docker run --name mnemic-db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres123 -p 15432:5432 -d jpazarzis/mnemic-db
docker run --name mnemic-back-end --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway -p 12013:12013/udp -e POSTGRES_CONN_STR='postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:15432/mnemic' -e BACK_END_PORT='12013' -d jpazarzis/mnemic-backend
docker run --name mnemic-front-end -e POSTGRES_CONN_STR='postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:15432/mnemic' -e FRONT_END_PORT='12111' -p 12111:12111 -d jpazarzis/mnemic-front-end
The following picture shows the components that are involved in mnemic:
The backend consists of a service that runs as a docker container. It receives messages from the application to profile and stores then in the database. It also exposes a UI client making the profiling data discoverable and visible by a browser session.
"""Mnemic hello_word program."""
import asyncio
import random
import tracemalloc
import dolon.trace_client as tc
async def tracer():
"""Plain vanilla tracer."""
tracer_name = "hello-world"
host = "localhost"
port = 12013
frequency = 1
await tc.start_tracer(
async def time_and_memory_consuming_func():
"""Allocates some memory for some time!"""
_ = [i for i in range(10000)]
await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.1, 3))
async def main():
"""The main function to profile."""
while 1:
await asyncio.sleep(0.4)
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
After running the above program for several minutes the screen that we will see when accessing the UI from the browser using localhost:12111 will be similar to the following:
If we stop and restart the program then as we can see in the following picture we will see another key in the tree control under the same trace run name (hello-world in our example) which will acculate the new tracing info: